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NES/Famicom Appreciation Thread


Im fine with changing the system somewhat. But what if we always decide two months in advance, so say we now vote and decide for october, then when its time for the september vote, we decide for november etc. That should help improve things, and keep the voting process (which is fun in its own right) a monthly thing.

Yeah, I'd be into a two month delay there, makes sense.

I wish I could participate! I love the monthly Genesis club, but I'm still waiting on my Famicom...

EDIT: Top of the page. Ummmm, anyone play R.E.S.C.U.E. back in the day? I loved that game. Fund little arcade-esque game with multiple gameplay styles. I always felt like a badass when I could get all three of my SWAT team members in position.
Neat, thanks. I'll try that, hopefully it works. If it does I'll just need to buy a replacement door for the unit (no idea how I lost it) and I'll have two worming frontloaders. Maybe I'll RGB mod the one.

Is there a specific cutting tool you'd recommend for the lockout chip?

If you just press on it with something with a fine point.. Maybe tweezers, bend it back and forth until it just falls off.

I watched a youtube video when I did it. It's veerry tiny, so just make sure to isolate the one you want before you go stabbing around.


Gold Member
Im fine with changing the system somewhat. But what if we always decide two months in advance, so say we now vote and decide for october, then when its time for the september vote, we decide for november etc. That should help improve things, and keep the voting process (which is fun in its own right) a monthly thing.

Yeah that would help with being able to choose cheaper shipping.


Gold Member
EDIT: Top of the page. Ummmm, anyone play R.E.S.C.U.E. back in the day? I loved that game. Fund little arcade-esque game with multiple gameplay styles. I always felt like a badass when I could get all three of my SWAT team members in position.

Damn that game. I had saved 300FIM for a new game back in the day, I was maybe 10 years old. Took for ages. I had a few options, including RESCUE and Snake Rattle & Roll. The screenshots and cover art of RESCUE looked awesome and bad ass, so I got it. When I got home and finished the game a whole 5 minutes later I realised I had made a huge mistake. Last year I finally bought SR&R, amazing game.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Damn that game. I had saved 300FIM for a new game back in the day, I was maybe 10 years old. Took for ages. I had a few options, including RESCUE and Snake Rattle & Roll. The screenshots and cover art of RESCUE looked awesome and bad ass, so I got it. When I got home and finished the game a whole 5 minutes later I realised I had made a huge mistake. Last year I finally bought SR&R, amazing game.

I feel bad for you :( I was lucky/unlucky enough that i never had my own money, so i couldnt do something like this. So i always waited for birthdays/christmas for games. This meant my library was pretty small, but i was lucky enough to only get quality games from my parents. Zelda 2 in particular was a game that lasted me years.


Damn that game. I had saved 300FIM for a new game back in the day, I was maybe 10 years old. Took for ages. I had a few options, including RESCUE and Snake Rattle & Roll. The screenshots and cover art of RESCUE looked awesome and bad ass, so I got it. When I got home and finished the game a whole 5 minutes later I realised I had made a huge mistake. Last year I finally bought SR&R, amazing game.

Man, that would suck. I just rented it when I was younger, and I think I bought it for $5 bucks around the end of the Super Nintendo's lifespan. Having saved up my own money for months to purchase it would've been disappointing for sure.

Also, I love the dichotomy of RESCUE vs Snake Rattle and Roll. One game too easy, the other almost impossible.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
Man, that would suck. I just rented it when I was younger, and I think I bought it for $5 bucks around the end of the Super Nintendo's lifespan. Having saved up my own money for months to purchase it would've been disappointing for sure.

Also, I love the dichotomy of RESCUE vs Snake Rattle and Roll. One game too easy, the other almost impossible.

This is the truth.


Gold Member
Also, I love the dichotomy of RESCUE vs Snake Rattle and Roll. One game too easy, the other almost impossible.

SR&R is pretty damn hard. Still haven't figured out how to do that long jump in the end of 4th or 5th stage. Might have to read a guide


Snake Rattle n Roll is nigh impossible. I was able to get toward the end as a kid. Could not kill the final boss. Just could not do it no matter how much I hit it.

It did not age well either.


Snake Rattle n Roll is nigh impossible. I was able to get toward the end as a kid. Could not kill the final boss. Just could not do it no matter how much I hit it.

It did not age well either.

I think I remember reading that the final boss has regenerating health, basically your attacks are just quick enough to combat the regeneration. Basically you have to attack without mercy for 2-3 minutes, without missing more than a couple times, or else the boss will get too much health back.


My friend is purging a lot of his collection. Mostly he's selling duplicates as well as boxes and manuals, and just keeping carts. He mostly has PAL stuff so I'm not really interested in buying any new games from him myself, but I did pick these boxes up to complete my own copies:


Blaster Master, Puzznic And Rush 'n Attack included the manuals as well!
It's frustrating when you see huge lots of NES carts on Craigslist but the pictures are so low resolution that you can't make out more than a handful of end labels.

Is he selling that as a lot? Looks like he's just announcing himself as a seller.

This guys selling a single NES and Super Mario cart for over a hundred bucks. Seems like a waste of time, but you should just ask him for a list of games for the heck of it.

I once bought a 200 dollar lot of Genesis games and misc crap because one of his blurry cellphone pics made it look like he had an exceedingly rare Japanese game.

Rushed to buy it, but discovered too late it was a crappy repro. So I ended up with dozens of shitty sports games (but some decent stuff too) In the end, I kept at least a dozen or more games, got a working Playstation and some controllers, and sold the rest to get my money back. But the living room was completely cluttered with Genesis games for days, and I had to pull my sunken heart out of my chest and get down to business selling that stuff.


Is he selling that as a lot? Looks like he's just announcing himself as a seller.

This guys selling a single NES and Super Mario cart for over a hundred bucks. Seems like a waste of time, but you should just ask him for a list of games for the heck of it.

Maybe I used the wrong terminology, what I mean to say is that he has all this stuff for sale and I can't make out anything to request a purchase.
I think one of the requirements when posting on Craigslist is to take your photos with Vaseline smeared over a low res pay as you go phone camera.


I have an unusual request that I am hoping someone here can do me a kindness on, and that it is more or less OK for me to ask. I've owned 8bit music power since it was released, and I haven't been able to try it even once thanks to its disaster of a build quality. My only real hope at this stage is to get a copy that I can run off my Everdrive instead.

If anyone out here has this and something like a Retron 5 or any other means to dump it, or hell, the ROM image itself already and could share that with me, I would be more grateful than I can say. I'm tired of staring at this cart. I feel like it owes me its contents after all that I've been through to get nowhere.

Proof that I do in fact own this:




It's a damn shame because I really wanted that cartridge but knowing now that there was a 50/50 chance I would get a working on makes me feel better for not dropping almost $100 for it on eBay.


You handwriting is way neater than mine

Haha, thanks!

It's a damn shame because I really wanted that cartridge but knowing now that there was a 50/50 chance I would get a working on makes me feel better for not dropping almost $100 for it on eBay.

It's really bitter, and has completely soured me on their next release. It looks like an interesting effort, but after this they've lost me. No way.


I have an unusual request that I am hoping someone here can do me a kindness on, and that it is more or less OK for me to ask. I've owned 8bit music power since it was released, and I haven't been able to try it even once thanks to its disaster of a build quality. My only real hope at this stage is to get a copy that I can run off my Everdrive instead.

If anyone out here has this and something like a Retron 5 or any other means to dump it, or hell, the ROM image itself already and could share that with me, I would be more grateful than I can say. I'm tired of staring at this cart. I feel like it owes me its contents after all that I've been through to get nowhere.

Proof that I do in fact own this:


I also own this and am too scared to play it due to build quality. I would also like a rip of it I could load up on my PowerPak.


Yeah same here. Couldn't get it running on neither my FC nor my NES. Sometimes it would boot up the intro for a second and then crash.

I tried it on my friend's retron 5 and it worked fine there. Are you saying it's possible to dump the rom on a retron 5 and get a .NES file out somehow? If so I could try dumping my copy if no one else has a ROM file to share. Dunno when I'd be able to do that though. I can ask my friend if he can bring the retron next time I see him.


I tried it on my friend's retron 5 and it worked fine there. Are you saying it's possible to dump the rom on a retron 5 and get a .NES file out somehow? If so I could try dumping my copy if no one else has a ROM file to share. Dunno when I'd be able to do that though. I can ask my friend if he can bring the retron next time I see him.

You know what, this option appears to be much more complicated than I thought it was. Doesn't look possible on a stock Retron5, but there is at least one mod than enables doing something like this.

I'm kind of surprised the image for this cart isn't widespread online, given all the issues.
Made some 72-pin soup and pulled a nasty tooth and now I've got two perfectly working frontloaders.

Also, can't believe how much fucking plastic Nintendo wasted with the NES carts.
Made some 72-pin soup and pulled a nasty tooth and now I've got two perfectly working frontloaders.

Also, can't believe how much fucking plastic Nintendo wasted with the NES carts.

Huzzah! I can' believe how well that trick works.

I went ahead and splurged... I did it. I just went ahead and bought two games at the top of my list, that I've been waiting for a good price for, for years. After checking in on the prices and seeing them considerably higher than they were 2 years ago, I knew I needed to get them now, or never.

Kiwi Kraze and Battletoads and Double Dragon.. Found ones with good looking labels on ebay and just went all in, before they get even pricier.

My old strategy was to pick up games as I found decent deals.... well these days, the deals are fewer and further between.. In the end, I've collected a bunch of games that aren't that important to me (I got a bunch of great games though to be fair), and skipped out on the ones I really wanted the most. Should have bought years ago when they were 30-40% cheaper.
Huzzah! I can' believe how well that trick works.

I went ahead and splurged... I did it. I just went ahead and bought two games at the top of my list, that I've been waiting for a good price for, for years. After checking in on the prices and seeing them considerably higher than they were 2 years ago, I knew I needed to get them now, or never.

Kiwi Kraze and Battletoads and Double Dragon.. Found ones with good looking labels on ebay and just went all in, before they get even pricier.

My old strategy was to pick up games as I found decent deals.... well these days, the deals are fewer and further between.. In the end, I've collected a bunch of games that aren't that important to me (I got a bunch of great games though to be fair), and skipped out on the ones I really wanted the most. Should have bought years ago when they were 30-40% cheaper.


B&DD is one of the very few vintage carts I've sold in the last 10 or 15 years. In fact I don't even recall selling it. I know I owned it at one point but couldn't find it when I got seriously back into collecting a couple years ago. I must have sold it because I recall not liking it much and I remember that it was one of my more valuable carts ... it was like $15 or $20 at the time. Would love to know what you think of it today.


I cant bring myself to want the NES version since i've already got the SNES version. I'd like to play it to see/hear the differences one day though.

Also Adventure Island is tougher than Contra.


Gold Member

Amazing haul, I believe PAL Puzznic is fairly rare, and those other games are not easy to come by in good condition either.

Never realised the Rush'n'Attack guy is wearing an Apple Watch :O

That reminds me, the other game choice I had saved for as a kid before the unlucky RESCUE / Snake Rattle & Roll pairing I failed miserably on was Rush'n'Attack / Super Mario Bros 2. Both had amazing screenshots in a Nintendo brochure. Luckily I chose right that time.


Amazing haul, I believe PAL Puzznic is fairly rare, and those other games are not easy to come by in good condition either.

Never realised the Rush'n'Attack guy is wearing an Apple Watch :O

That reminds me, the other game choice I had saved for as a kid before the unlucky RESCUE / Snake Rattle & Roll pairing I failed miserably on was Rush'n'Attack / Super Mario Bros 2. Both had amazing screenshots in a Nintendo brochure. Luckily I chose right that time.

Cheers! Didn't know that about Puzznic. I've had the cart for a long time now. It's true though that I don't see it show up very often. And hey, Rush n attack is a pretty good game too! Although yeah, choosing that over SMB2 would've been a bummer haha.


Alrighty. So I started playing Blaster Master seriously for the first time. Played until the end of stage 3, where you get the hover. Took me ages to find out that
you need to manually go back to the very beginning of the game
. But while doing that, I ran out of hover power. Trying to refuel, I went back and forth to harvest some H icons. Then, my game crashed. I'm not sure if I want to play it again :<


Won a few Famicom auctions last night but lost out on the one I wanted the most - Salamander. Bah. Oh well, it seems readily available without the box so beggars won't be choosers.

Wow, great post. I bookmarked that thread. Nice summary there.

I would love to see some kind of Top 25 or Top 50 voted on by the regulars in this thread sometime.

EDIT: Just read all of that thread (only two pages) and I wish I would have been on GAF and searching for retro info sooner. I was only GAF just two years after this thread was made but wasn't looking for retro info here at the time... There's talk on about how Metal Storm is highly undervalued and usually just goes for a few dollars at that time .... Bah.
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