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New EGM Scores (Halo 2 = GTA:SA > MGS3 > MP 2)


TekunoRobby said:
You guys are insane, I've experienced bouts of TERRIBLE slowdown in San Andreas but the best part is I didn't care! The game's enjoyment totally squashed any of my misgivings about the graphics/framerate within 10 minutes. What the game is under 30 fps? Watch me care as I pull the coolest stunt off Mt. Chiliad in a fucking 747.




Mrbob said:
It isn't going to happen. Mark M. already posted in this thread saying that they can't elaborate at all on the game because they don't want to trump pending online reviews.
Well, skip also said that if someone had the mag they could quote it a little bit.


Tag of Excellence
Razoric said:

And seriously most of the game runs at a perfect ~25 fps clip. Sure it sometimes climbs down to 20 (rarely happens) and I even encountered a few random ~10 fps places but IT REALLY DOESN'T MATTER. The graphics whore in me is eager to notice and point out those flaws in my mind but the logical and gamer part of me is saying "fucking hell this game is great, let me get a shotgun so we can quell that bitch and have fun pimping dem hoes."


D'ultimate said:
Obviously the reviewers really liked the game. So much so that they could ignore the faults and give it 10's. Many posters here can understand and so they tend to agree.

The problem arises because some people could not ignore these obvious (not just technical) faults and rate the game a 10 since they feel that these faults detract from the fun.

I tend to think that if a game has glaring faults that will cause others, not just yourself to enjoy it then, it should not be given a ten. In the case of Halo, the minor slowdown (except for the last level) would be overlooked by MOST. GT:SA, according to many, has MAJOR slowdown all over the place, on very level. This can't be overlooked by anybody, detracts from the experience of the game by everyone, and therefore should be a knock against the game, even if it's .5!

Sounds surprisingly similar to "I liked Paper Mario a lot, but I didn't think the general public would, so I scored it lower." People were howling over that, so why suggest that you should take it into account on GTA:SA?

If a game works, it works. If it works so well that you'd be compelled to deal with slowdown that "makes you want to put the game down" and continue playing for 25+ hours, I'd say the game deserves a super-high score.
Kiriku said:
The ads are affected by the content of the page they are on. Since someone mentioned cola, there's a chance such an ad will appear.

sex drive.
enlarge penis
Enlarge breasts.
Totally natural.

It's over, sell your GameCubes.

I'd like to know why the game scored less than perfect. Still great scores, it's just the fact that it's placed side by side with other, better games that takes away the glory of getting 2 9s and a 10.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
You people are all missing the point. The arrival of the Wonka pwnvatar means that the point of this thread has been pwned. By the Wonka pwnvatar. Greatest Gif evar.

Buggy Loop

I'll be playing all 4 of them (already playing GTA), i dont care if there's a missing .5 or 1 score away from 10, they're different reviewers with different tastes, all i know is they're all "must own", its so good to be a multiplatform gamer :D

I do wonder if retro had scrapped the multiplayer portion if it would of had an higher score? If a feature in a game is not "perfect" or lacks something that a competitor does such as online, it might be dragged down, even though the single player is AAA. Its ok though, since they're reviewing the whole package, but i wonder if retro had stayed entirely single player if reviewers would have finished playing MP2 with a better taste in their mouth, rather than go play the multiplayer which is just a nice feature but not exactly what MP is all about.

Oh and im shocked at the MGS3 score, i thought kojima would have let us down again, glad it doesnt seem to be the case, MGS2 had huge scores aswell though, so i'll remain on guard for any fucked up story twists :p


Gold Member
Bacon said:
Matt Cassarole will score Prime 2 high. I am sure of this.

He's our only hope...

Atleast he is more ubiased than the other IGN editors. He already said that he will score what is deserves, and not after hype.


Tag of Excellence
Buggy Loop said:
I do wonder if retro had scrapped the multiplayer portion if it would of had an higher score?
Rogue Squadron III.

Many journalists said they would have scored it higher if the game were missing the dreaded on-foot sections.


SantaCruZer said:
Atleast he is more ubiased than the other IGN editors. He already said that he will score what is deserves, and not after hype.
Sorry but that's just...



TekunoRobby said:
Rogue Squadron III.

Many journalists said they would have scored it higher if the game were missing the dreaded on-foot sections.

Yeah, but you had to play through those.

MP2 multiplayer is entirely separate and you don't have to touch it if you don't want to.

Buggy Loop

Redbeard said:
Yeah, but you had to play through those.

MP2 multiplayer is entirely separate and you don't have to touch it if you don't want to.

I dont think i'll ever touch it, but a reviewer has to go throught it, no?
PS2 KID said:
Bah. It's sad no one mentioned Rachet and Clank: UYA in this thread. :(

I did . TWICE. its easier to ignore cause its already out and the reviews been talked about a bit.

Matt Cassamina will turn his rage @ the RE4 + bail ship Nintendo into a horror MP2E score. I predict 8.8


SantaCruZer said:
If you haven't noticed solid, Matt goes on a rant against Nintendo a little now and then. Do you see the other editors do that?

If MS and Sony were making so many mistakes this gen im sure the editors would. Matt is the ultimate fanboy, he's also a huge metriod fanboy. Its like sending Efralope to review starwars films
SantaCruZer said:
Matt goes on a rant against Nintendo a little now and then. Do you see the other editors do that?

Only because he is blind and sad that Nintendo isn't making a big turn with the Cube anymore. He is still the guy, who'd give a 10% ready Zelda Reborn build a review score of 15 or something.


Gold Member
Prine said:
If MS and Sony were making so many mistakes this gen im sure the editors would. Matt is the ultimate fanboy, he's also a huge metriod fanboy. Its like sending Efralope to review starwars films

Fran = bigger metroid fanboy than Matt.


Gold Member
Guns N' Poops said:
Only because he is blind and sad that Nintendo isn't making a big turn with the Cube anymore. He is still the guy, who'd give a 10% ready Zelda Reborn build a review score of 15 or something.

"OK" And we know that Halo 2 is already a lock for 10.0 on IGN. Didn't Fable score 9.3? Then Halo 2 must be 20 or something.

Musashi Wins!

These Metroid scores should not be cause for such displeasure. Jeezus. Cubers am crying...again.

Looks like Mario Tennis went the Mario Golf route.

And that I'll have to give in and get MGS!
SantaCruZer said:
"OK" And we know that Halo 2 is already a lock for 10.0 on IGN. Didn't Fable score 9.3? Then Halo 2 must be 20 or something.

Geez, that was exxagerated. Stop being such an offensive Nintendo tool. It`s a friggin fact that Matt C. was hyping the new Zelda like it was the next coming of Christ, while it doesn't offer anything stunning so far.


Unconfirmed Member
olimario said:
If the current Lord of the Rings movies had B rate costumes and used claymation instead of the best CG possible, it wouldn't be the best it could be. Those 'technical flaws' would detract from the overall experience.
sorry but that just doesn't stack up. Poor costumes and animation would make LoTR cease to feel alive.

GTA on the other hand, while being far from "realistic," never stops feeling like a living world, despite slowdown, hands with no fingers, poor targeting etc.

I rarely give games with control as poor as GTA:SA the time of day, I just don't have the time, but the game is fun as shit, and I keep playing it so they did something right. I am a notorious play control freak. Some things can just be overlooked. oh and the framerate is pretty acceptable

No excuse me while I don't give a fuck and enjoy MP2, GTA:SA, MGS 3, PoP:WW and every other "good despite fanboy assertations" that is coming out this year.

I have no clue why I picked this out of the morass here. Just enjoy the games people, 9,9,10 is not a bad score.


Gold Member
Guns N' Poops said:
Geez, that was exxagerated. Stop being such an offensive Nintendo tool. It`s a friggin fact that Matt C. was hyping the new Zelda like it was the next coming of Christ, while it doesn't offer anything stunning so far.

wow can you say hypocrite? The new Halo has been hyped like it's the next incarnation of god even though it doesn't offer anything revolutionary. It's more of the same, just better and more polished than the last game. I am not saying it's a bad thing.

Zelda has always been about quality, and the new footage was amazing. It's his job to hype that, and deservingly so.

Why do you think it's wrong to hype the new zelda but not halo 2?


TheGreenGiant said:
a) I don't think you have played MP2E. Good one. If someone said GTASA or Halo 2. I can believe that. Unless you're a reviewer. You're lying; its 2 more weeks before regular folks gets their hands on it. (nice one junior) good thing about this forum is post history

b) we'll see. (about the scores).

No, I'm not a reviewer, but there are a few demos of the game floating around, one of which I was able to score from a friend at EB. That, combined with impressions, and videos I've seen I've yet to see any significant or profound changes in the game from the original MP. MP however was a superb game, so that is in no way a bad thing, but in comparision to the rest of "The Big 4" the leap is considerably small.
Nameless said:
No, I'm not a reviewer, but there are a few demos of the game floating around, one of which I was able to score from a friend at EB. That, combined with impressions, and videos I've seen I've yet to see any significant or profound changes in the game from the original MP. MP however was a superb game, so that is in no way a bad thing, but in comparision to the rest of "The Big 4" the leap is considerably small.

urgh. JESUS weeps
Mrbob said:
We might have hit an all new time low in the whining of Nfaithful complaining about two 9s and a 10.

Gotta cut them some slack. They did just lose their last big 3rd party exclusive after being promised it wouldn't go to any other system (specifically the PS2).
The fact is, Vice City is just an update of GTA3 which i finished and liked it a lot, but while this got triple 10's, MP2 for some reason didnt. Halo is the same thing, the original got triple 10s and it was a good FPS nothing special, yet HALO 2 got the same score..........i see a trend here.....
I mean besides i dont think i can trust an American score regarding anything after the Bush getting re-elected.....:p.......ill just wait for EDGE......


Gold Member
SolidSnakex said:
Gotta cut them some slack. They did just lose their last big 3rd party exclusive after being promised it wouldn't go to any other system (specifically the PS2).

Thank you. I agree it's ridicilous to complain about these scores, but things have gone down the shitter for Nintendo latley, and I really wanted MP2:E to be on par with GTA:SA and Halo2.

It's just frustration.


I've never played a R&C game. Is part 3 better than Mario Sushine? (I havent played many platformers this gen, but Mario Sunshine is my favourite)

I have no plans to go online though


SantaCruZer said:
Thank you. I agree it's ridicilous to complain about these scores, but things have gone down the shitter for Nintendo latley, and I really wanted MP2:E to be on par with GTA:SA and Halo2.

It's just frustration.

Uh, considering the high marks MP2 received it is on par with Halo 2 and GTA:SA. So you're frustration stems from the fact the biggest Xmas GC title didn't score the same as the biggest Xbox and biggest PS2 title? Making it the weakest of all three big Xmas titles? Is this what you are saying? Are you calling MP2 weak compared to Halo 2 and GTA:SA?


Bluemercury said:
The fact is, Vice City is just an update of GTA3 which i finished and liked it a lot, but while this got triple 10's, MP2 for some reason didnt. Halo is the same thing, the original got triple 10s and it was a good FPS nothing special, yet HALO 2 got the same score..........i see a trend here.....
I mean besides i dont think i can trust an American score regarding anything after the Bush getting re-elected.....:p.......ill just wait for EDGE......

And if Edge game the game a "low" score of 9 or *gasp* 8, then would you shut the fuck up?


Bluemercury said:
I mean besides i dont think i can trust an American score regarding anything after the Bush getting re-elected.....:p.......ill just wait for EDGE......
EDGE gave Halo a 10 as well, so why should you "trust" them if you think the game is overrated?


Prine said:
I've never played a R&C game. Is part 3 better than Mario Sushine? (I havent played many platformers this gen, but Mario Sunshine is my favourite)

I have no plans to go online though

Part two is better than Mario Sunshine. And Up Your Arsenal > Going Commando, supposedly.

I'd buy GC first if I were you (it's only $20), and go from there. UYA is only $40 new.
border said:
EDGE gave Halo a 10 as well, so why should you "trust" them if you think the game is overrated?

They sure as hell didnt gave 10 to either gta3 or VC or even Metroid Prime for that matter.......and regarding HALO yes i disagree with them, it deservers more of an 8 from their score system, but regarding San Andreas and Halo 2 i havent played them so i wont comment on those yet.
If you can delude yourself that Metroid Prime 2's controls and visor/scanning shit are fun, then you should be able to pull the wool over your own eyes and pretend it's the greatest game of all time regardless of what EGM thinks.



SantaCruZer said:
wow can you say hypocrite? The new Halo has been hyped like it's the next incarnation of god even though it doesn't offer anything revolutionary. It's more of the same, just better and more polished than the last game. I am not saying it's a bad thing.

Zelda has always been about quality, and the new footage was amazing. It's his job to hype that, and deservingly so.

Why do you think it's wrong to hype the new zelda but not halo 2?

I agree with this. About as much was known about Halo 2 at the beginning of the year as Zelda is now, and people were ready to call it Game of the Year/Generation/Decade/Century/Millenium.
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