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Next-gen is a failure if a single title launches at 30fps


Suffers from extreme PDS
Beginning November, every single game launched on PS5 and Xbox needs to hit a bare minimum of 60fps for it to be a true generational leap. With the amount of money these consoles will cost with all the flops, anything less than 60fps is unacceptable. Anything less than 60fps will be the result of lazy devs trying to push their game out as fast as possible and Microsoft, as well as Sony should mandate a 60fps minimum when launching a title on their platform.


Beginning November, every single game launched on PS5 and Xbox needs to hit a bare minimum of 60fps for it to be a true generational leap. With the amount of money these consoles will cost with all the flops, anything less than 60fps is unacceptable. Anything less than 60fps will be the result of lazy devs trying to push their game out as fast as possible and Microsoft, as well as Sony should mandate a 60fps minimum when launching a title on their platform.

Thats retarded, next gen is not only for you. Some like framerate, some like graphical fidelity. Some genres dont even need 60fps.


I would like to see a Performance Mode option in any 30hz games on next, where you can down res until 60hz is achievable. I don’t think that’s unreasonable considering the CPUs we’ll have this time around shouldn’t doom us to 30hz when otherwise the GPUs would support a 60hz option.

But I also want to see the hardware pushed as hard as possible, so be prepared for 30hz to still be common, OP. And/or dynamic resolution or checkerboarding, etc.
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TIL PC gaming is a failure

Can you explain that somehow? Pc's have always had the high refresh rates. Even monitors have 144hz, 244hz, and even 360hz refresh rates for pc. Consoles on the other hand....

Ehhh, with the right settings and a decent entry level or higher gaming pc, you can get pretty much any game to run 60+

consoles are the ones where framerate is often locked at 30fps for better eye candy

Amen to that. The guy you quoted has no clue apparently
Well, get ready for disappoint

60 FPS just isn't a concern for many. They played titles like God of War without feeling let down. 30 FPS isn't a thing gamers go "man... if only my hardware was more powerful".

Me personally, I am on PC playing many titles that I could on my PS4. But I rather play at 1440p on High with 100+ FPS. But that isn't how most are chasing.


Lol pack it up then.

price doesnt mean shit when it comes to preference, the ps3 was $600 and it still had a huge library of 30fps titles, and other like oblivion barely went passed 24fps
Wouldn't necessarily consider ps3 strong by any means of the imagination.
Cell is just 2006's blast processing tom foolery.


That is not how game development works. When you start producing a game the team sets a goal, thinking about what target to hit in terms of visuals and richness of game features and the scope of the game world. In some games like red dead redemption, 60 FPS is something that is nice to have, but developers also want to push the graphics to such an extend that its visually stunning. Thus you have to decide, do I let this game run at 30 FPS with higher graphical fidelity or do I push for 60 FPS. Cross Generation Games will most definitely run @60fps minimum. True next gen titles on the other hand where 60 FPS is not needed, like e.g. open world story games could very well again run @30 FPS, to push technology as far as possible. Also for as long as I have been in the industry, what I was taught is that games are always developed for the weakest systems, sure the next gen consoles are very strong right now, but in a couple of years they are again going to be mid range. By then in order to further push games 30 FPS could again be the norm. But we shall see, for now it all looks very promising and the next gen consoles are stronger then ever.



Nobody puts a gun to their head to work those hours. 18 hour days, 7 day working weeks are illegal. So?

Not illegal in the US, though I agree no one is forcing them to work those hours, you can easily quit and take a job for 10 or 20 grand less and work 50 hours a week instead. The economy is booming, I literally saw a guy with no relevant work experience and 7/8ths of a bachelor degree get hired two weeks ago as a dev because there are more jobs than applicants right now.
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I think you will be very dissapointed when next gen arrives. :)
High resolution, high polygon counts, etc will win every time against high framerate.
To be honest, I hate that consoles dictate the shift from generation to generation in regards to games. But on pc you can control frame rate, resolution, quality, and so forth. But we're left with basic, corridor games... Nothing that AMAZING. Hopefully next gen consoles have some big balls and won't hold pc back as bad as current gen
I am fine with 30 fps. I understand if people prefer higher, though.

To be honest, I hate that consoles dictate the shift from generation to generation in regards to games. But on pc you can control frame rate, resolution, quality, and so forth. But we're left with basic, corridor games... Nothing that AMAZING. Hopefully next gen consoles have some big balls and won't hold pc back as bad as current gen
This is why I don't bother w PC anymore. Prettier versions of the same constrained levels, the same small groups of dumb-as-a-rock enemies, the same chokepoints to compensate for slow loading/disc speeds. The market of games designed for PC power is tiny.

AAA development needs cash, and very few companies can design their games around PC hardware without getting that cash from consoles.

Codes 208

Gold Member
Wouldn't necessarily consider ps3 strong by any means of the imagination.
Cell is just 2006's blast processing tom foolery.
Im not referring to power, im referring to OP’s “if we spend this much on new systems...” which, the ps3 launched back in 2006 as the most expensive system (even more expensive by today’s standards if you include inflation) and despite this leap in price, plenty of games were still 30fps.

nothing will change here, plenty of developers will choose 30fps for better eye candy to associate their game with “its worth the next gen leap guys!”


You’re forgetting about graphics escalation though, OP. Many Devs will prioritise pretty things that sell games to the masses. Need I remind you games have been 60fps for years, right?
What we really need is customisation like the X has (maybe Pro too, though I don’t have that). Let the user choose between pretty and FPS.
I am fine with 30 fps. I understand if people prefer higher, though.

This is why I don't bother w PC anymore. Prettier versions of the same constrained levels, the same small groups of dumb-as-a-rock enemies, the same chokepoints to compensate for slow loading/disc speeds. The market of games designed for PC power is tiny.

AAA development needs cash, and very few companies can design their games around PC hardware without getting that cash from consoles.
Only problem with that is... I'll be left with lesser quality visual, framerate, resolution, etc.... But at least I can Alt+Tab to Neogaf after getting killed for the 15th time in dark souls 3, and complain about how this level or boss is complete shit. I can even make a video about it, post it to YouTube, etc. When I'm not gaming, I can browse the web, update my resume, etc. I get that some ppl like the spoon fed experience on consoles, but some people like driving manual cars and being able to control their experience.


Invest in a PC. 60 FPS, 120 FPS, nothing is off the table.

Consoles will continue to be fixed platforms, that year by year age and have to run ever-more demanding games. 30 FPS is an inevitability, if not right at launch, with some developers choosing to utilize this finite level of power for the best image possible.

Series X packing some stunning specs will do nothing to change any of this.
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Only problem with that is... I'll be left with lesser quality visual, framerate, resolution, etc.... But at least I can Alt+Tab to Neogaf after getting killed for the 15th time in dark souls 3, and complain about how this level or boss is complete shit. I can even make a video about it, post it to YouTube, etc. When I'm not gaming, I can browse the web, update my resume, etc. I get that some ppl like the spoon fed experience on consoles, but some people like driving manual cars and being able to control their experience.
Played PC for decades (there was a gap between the NES and the Dreamcast where I didn't own a console) so I'm well aware of the advantages. Still not worth it to me. I pick my games carefully and if the performance is such a downer, I don't buy the game.

PC suffers from other issues as well, but thankfully we live in a time where hardware isn't a big deal. Emulation, third-party aftermarket consoles, MiSTER-type clones, etc etc means there are plenty of options.


Developers better give the option for a rock-solid 60fps experience or it’ll be a no buy for me next-gen.
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