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Next-gen is a failure if a single title launches at 30fps


The nicest person on this forum
Well based on history for most developers more powerful system means, bigger open world, higher resolution, higher quality models and more extras like ray tracing other crap.

So chances are developers might choose 30FPS in order to add higher quality graphics.

I would like developers give us option lower the resolution in order to get smoother FPS.
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I died when you called developers lazy.
But yeah, it's already failed. There's no question in my mind that you'll have 30fps games within the first year.


Every generation brings a leap in power, and every time, it's a developers choice how to use it.

I expect to see a lot of 60fps games and even several dozens above it, but if a developer wants to use 33.3ms frame updates for applying twice as much GPU and CPU work to more impressive scenes with far more simulation? Hey, I'd be curious to see it.


In as much as I'm an advocate for 60-120fps next gen......I think there will still be 30fps games and they will be impressive.....I do believe we will see much less games at 30 or sub 30fps compared to this gen...….The majority of the games will be stable 30fps or stable 60.....


I think xbox x series will have 60fps option in every game imo. this is what i'm looking forward to most and load times.

Framerate is not dependent on the hardware, it's dependent on the software.

Super Nintendo games ran at 60 FPS. Every game since could run at 60 FPS or higher, if that was the focus. Even XSeX and PS5 could have games that struggle for a consistent 30, if it isn't a priority by the game developer.


Fighting games, racing games, shooters, action games, and anything else requiring fast reactions should be 60 fps minimum.

Anything else can be 30fps and it's fine.


I'd be fine if they were 30 fps. Anyone who preaches otherwise is a fool.

Let's be honest, 60 or more fps is just a stupid, smarmy, whitty, thing to preach about online to strangers so you sound sophisticated. Its like a high school kid giving some pedestrian interpretation of catcher in the rye to some middle schoolers so he sound savvy.

40 something fps is the optimal fps a human eye can full process. Anything beyond that begins to drastically become less noticeable. 35 to 45 is the optimal range. 99.5% of all movies are shot at 35fps and it's just fine for everyone because that is the speed at which the majority of people can see.

Any simple research into the biology of the human eye will tell you that. But reality gets trumped by what's cool to say.

So no we don't need more fps, what we really need is reliable fps, not more.
Framerate is not dependent on the hardware, it's dependent on the software.

Super Nintendo games ran at 60 FPS. Every game since could run at 60 FPS or higher, if that was the focus. Even XSeX and PS5 could have games that struggle for a consistent 30, if it isn't a priority by the game developer.

Microsoft seem to be heavily marketing higher frame rates. so they might push developers to give options like PC, and if they do have a 4 teraflop xbox then every game should run 60fps on x series.
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Agreed. If at any moment I see the fps drop below 60 on a next gen game, I'm done. I'll unplug my PS5, maul it with a sledgehammer, and ship its shattered remains straight back to Sony with a strongly worded letter. Then I'm going on strike until a law is passed that states all forms of interactive media must reach a minimum of 60fps or else the developers will go on public trial where they will be individually sentenced for their crimes. I mean really, it's 2020, I demand to be respected as a human being in the modern age. We can go to the moon but we can't have 60fps?

I dare you Sony/Microsoft/Nintendo. ONE game. ONE moment. You will feel my wrath.
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Beginning November, every single game launched on PS5 and Xbox needs to hit a bare minimum of 60fps for it to be a true generational leap. With the amount of money these consoles will cost with all the flops, anything less than 60fps is unacceptable. Anything less than 60fps will be the result of lazy devs trying to push their game out as fast as possible and Microsoft, as well as Sony should mandate a 60fps minimum when launching a title on their platform.
As long as devs develop on static hardware, there will be 30fps games. It's a choice between performance vs. fidelity, it's that simple.


Nobody puts a gun to their head to work those hours. 18 hour days, 7 day working weeks are illegal. So?
Well it doesn't make them lazy that's for sure.
I am fine with 30 fps. I understand if people prefer higher, though.

This is why I don't bother w PC anymore. Prettier versions of the same constrained levels, the same small groups of dumb-as-a-rock enemies, the same chokepoints to compensate for slow loading/disc speeds. The market of games designed for PC power is tiny.

AAA development needs cash, and very few companies can design their games around PC hardware without getting that cash from consoles.

I'd miss the mods and the customizability.


I cry about SonyGaf from my chair in Redmond, WA
You mean the modern PC gaming where AAA publishers still treat you like second class citizens?

I have a PC with a Ryzen 3600 and a 2060 Super. I'm well versed in the modern mustard race of gaming

Your problem is you have amd. That's like choosing to have problems.


Beginning November, every single game launched on PS5 and Xbox needs to hit a bare minimum of 60fps for it to be a true generational leap. With the amount of money these consoles will cost with all the flops, anything less than 60fps is unacceptable. Anything less than 60fps will be the result of lazy devs trying to push their game out as fast as possible and Microsoft, as well as Sony should mandate a 60fps minimum when launching a title on their platform.


You're not wrong.


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
You mean the modern PC gaming where AAA publishers still treat you like second class citizens?

I have a PC with a Ryzen 3600 and a 2060 Super. I'm well versed in the modern mustard race of gaming
Meh, that's really tame build, not sure how that holds up in year or two. But for now it's probably good enough. I have R9 3900X & RTX2070 and on 21:9 (3440x1400) sceen many games needs some sacrifice, to run in good FPS.


I think there will always be a place for developers who want to push the boundaries of graphics and aesthetics and a 30fps framerate on consoles would be justified.
Meh, that's really tame build, not sure how that holds up in year or two. But for now it's probably good enough. I have R9 3900X & RTX2070 and on 21:9 (3440x1400) sceen many games needs some sacrifice, to run in good FPS.

Calm your nipples champ. We're not here to flex how nerdy you are


Currently Gif and Meme Champion
I'm experiencing the underwhelming power of raytracing

That's about as modern as you get without going deeper in the Nvidia chump rabbit hole
I've tried Control which I got with GPU and you have to cut a lot of settings, to just be playable. So I went back to x1X and somewhat it felt better, that the game "is how it is" and I can't do anything about it : D I have PC mainly for work.

I am suffering from this:

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Beginning November, every single game launched on PS5 and Xbox needs to hit a bare minimum of 60fps for it to be a true generational leap. With the amount of money these consoles will cost with all the flops, anything less than 60fps is unacceptable. Anything less than 60fps will be the result of lazy devs trying to push their game out as fast as possible and Microsoft, as well as Sony should mandate a 60fps minimum when launching a title on their platform.
Agreed completely.

By now, 60fps should be the universal minimum for games, as well as for movies, videos, TV and so on.

Captain Hero

The Spoiler Soldier
It's so good to have a 60fps game with 4k .. but instead you may get a breathtaking game with 30fps that really depends on Devs .. still that doesn't mean a failure!

A real failure is when you see too many remasters and cross gen


Gold Member
A good portion of games are 60 fps now.

The key culprits of making 30 fps gaming forever seem to be Sony, Rockstar, UBI and Bethesda where the majority of their games are 30.

In the current gen, virtually all games that are: racers, fighting, shooters, indies are 60. And probably half the action games are 60.

Here's hoping the cpu, ram an gpu boosts can turn those SP games into 60 fps games.
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Beginning November, every single game launched on PS5 and Xbox needs to hit a bare minimum of 60fps for it to be a true generational leap. With the amount of money these consoles will cost with all the flops, anything less than 60fps is unacceptable. Anything less than 60fps will be the result of lazy devs trying to push their game out as fast as possible and Microsoft, as well as Sony should mandate a 60fps minimum when launching a title on their platform.

I actually don't want to buy a game if it plays at sixty frames per second. I consider that a waste of resources. All I care about is the best possible graphics at thirty frames per second and 1080P. I've been watching television all my life at 30FPS. My hope is that there will be some developers who realize that with the power of the PS5 they can make almost photorealistic games if they don't waste the power on framerate and resolution.
A good portion of games are 60 fps now.

The key culprits of making 30 fps gaming forever seem to be Sony, Rockstar, UBI and Bethesda where the majority of their games are 30.

That makes them heroes. I believe we should strive to make truly photorealistic games at lower resolutions before wasting power to go for high frame rate and high resolution.


Here's a little hint:

You can make a 120 TFs console and it STILL will have games running at 30fps.

You can have a 0.000000001 TF console and it can STILL be able to have games run at 60fps.
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Im not referring to power, im referring to OP’s “if we spend this much on new systems...” which, the ps3 launched back in 2006 as the most expensive system (even more expensive by today’s standards if you include inflation) and despite this leap in price, plenty of games were still 30fps.

nothing will change here, plenty of developers will choose 30fps for better eye candy to associate their game with “its worth the next gen leap guys!”
To push that hard they're gonna need to budget for that with a ton of development time.

They have a shitload of overhead to work with this time.

Also with this much power it's impossible to NOT offer a 60fps performance option.


Maybe I’m old but 30 FPS games look and feel pretty smooth and good to me. The caveat is that it looks like shit when there’s frame rate dips (e.g., Witcher 3 Novgorod).

If next gen runs games at 30 FPS with zero dips below ever, at 4K, no load times, and smoothly with tons of NPCs I’d be pretty happy. Of course, I just play single player rpgs and walking simulators (and maybe a little From Software) so I doubt I speak for most NEOGafers.


And who the fuck are you again to demand anything from those multi-billion dollar companies, their investors, CEOs, employees?
A good portion of games are 60 fps now.

The key culprits of making 30 fps gaming forever seem to be Sony, Rockstar, UBI and Bethesda where the majority of their games are 30.

In the current gen, virtually all games that are: racers, fighting, shooters, indies are 60. And probably half the action games are 60.

Here's hoping the cpu, ram an gpu boosts can turn those SP games into 60 fps games.

Most ambitious open world games on consoles are 30fps. zelda, monster hunter, dark souls, sekiro and witcher 3.

Codes 208

Gold Member
To push that hard they're gonna need to budget for that with a ton of development time.

They have a shitload of overhead to work with this time.

Also with this much power it's impossible to NOT offer a 60fps performance option.
They had a shitload of overhead coming into this gen and we still got plenty of 30fps. Again, this isnt new. Developers will push for what they want their game to be, whether its performance or graphics.

there are of course plenty of devs now pushing for 60fps as a standard and i commend those devs, but suggesting next gen requires 60fps to be successful is downright childish.
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The nicest person on this forum
but suggesting next gen requires 60fps to be successful is downright childish
I like 60FPS as much as the next guy but if people expecting me skip a game because it doesn't run at 60FPS are out of their mind.


That's what people thought when they changed their 60fps SNES for their 12fps Goldeneye 64.

It doesn't work like that, graphics will be better and they will compensate the performance leap.
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