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Next-gen Racing Graphics Face-off | (Next-gen means current-gen)


Solid framerate isn't really GT's thing anymore for some silly reason, but it's possible that GTS running at sub-4K on the Pro suggests that they're actually trying this time.
1080p performance on Pro during Beta was exceptional...at the very least...Lets see how tomorrow goes...


Pretty embarrassing how much the people who post the most in here will do anything to shine a negative light on Forza.

I'm sorry you've waited 4 years for a game with no content guys, it's fine to make yourself feel better by saying yours looks the best.
DAT salt.

It will be fun if GTS receive better critic than Forza 7... not hard to happen.


1080p performance on Pro during Beta was exceptional...at the very least...Lets see how tomorrow goes...

How was it exceptional? It even had drops sometimes.
But it has to be 60 for VR, right? But then again, VR mode is limited to one opponent so tht way are already cutting corners.


Exceptional = perfect?

What means exceptional for you? In comparison to what? There is nothing exceptional for a racing game that aims for 60fps to achieve that, especially when it's still dropping.
It's just a strange word to choose given the context.



That's simply not going to happen, even if the game is more polished, the lack of content will be hard to cover.
I don’t think content is summarized by the number of cars in a game but the quality and variety of them... pCARs 2 launched with 197 cars.

I can be wrong thought...


What means exceptional for you? In comparison to what? There is nothing exceptional for a racing game that aims for 60fps to achieve that, especially when it's still dropping.
It's just a strange word to choose given the context.

Exceptional to means its sticks super close to the target framerate...Which it does. Only in replays things got ...sticky. The demo has capped the replays at 30fps.


Exceptional to means its sticks super close to the target framerate...Which it does. Only in replays things got ...sticky. The demo has capped the replays at 30fps.

So it's exceptional when a game achieved what it wants to achieve. Also the guy from DF said that there drops on pro in 1080p during gameplay. Of course less than PS4 amateur, the drops were way worse there.
I hope DF tests the demo, too.


A Sheep
What means exceptional for you? In comparison to what? There is nothing exceptional for a racing game that aims for 60fps to achieve that, especially when it's still dropping.
It's just a strange word to choose given the context.

Someone is pretty picky about a awesome game that I would guess couldn’t program the graphics for a lugnut..


I never had a preorder of GTS in the first place for many reasons besides framerate :p

Of course 8) But still, 58 fps ...lowest figure recorded it's fair to say thats "exceptional" and not even noticable IMO. And that was 3/4 months ago. Someone saying it drops frames without giving details is rather...peculiar when said rate was only 2 frames off...


Just seems like your hating on the game for little nitpicky things that you know will be fixed with updates that will happen constantly. This series has always been high-quality.

Well, we also dont know what will and won't be fixed. Looking at the demo material, there's not much to fix 8)


Just seems like your hating on the game for little nitpicky things that you know will be fixed with updates that will happen constantly. This series has always been high-quality.

I am not hating at all. Criticism and stating facts is not hate but I get that this is complicated nowadays as the word is used inflationary.
Then, nobody knows what will be fixed, especially considering performance of GT5 and GT6.
TBF it's not him who mentioned the frame rate...

Thanks, but even though it wasn't me I do actually make a big deal out of framerate. GT nowadays gets upwards of 4 years of dev time, I'm not sure what their excuse for not having a solid framerate is at this point. PS2 gen was fine, PS3 gen they blamed the weird architecture, and now they've been singing the praises of the x86-based PS4, while not being able to get back to the locked rates they used to be famous for.

Even if it's a drop of 1-2 frames, there's a noticeable judder. There was quite a big hustle about Mario Kart 8 having some kind of 59FPS issue, I'd argue in a game that strives to be a simulator that having a solid 60 is even more important than in MK.

EDIT: Also, isn't this the performance/1080p mode we're talking about on Pro? If that's what's dropping to 58FPS then we can only assume that quality/4K/normal PS4 are going to run worse than that. If the 58FPS is on base PS4 then my bad, but still it shouldn't be dropping after such a long dev cycle.


Thanks, but even though it wasn't me I do actually make a big deal out of framerate. GT nowadays gets upwards of 4 years of dev time, I'm not sure what their excuse for not having a solid framerate is at this point. PS2 gen was fine, PS3 gen they blamed the weird architecture, and now they've been singing the praises of the x86-based PS4, while not being able to get back to the locked rates they used to be famous for.

Even if it's a drop of 1-2 frames, there's a noticeable judder. There was quite a big hustle about Mario Kart 8 having some kind of 59FPS issue, I'd argue in a game that strives to be a simulator that having a solid 60 is even more important than in MK.

Im sure that 59fps thing was because it actually skipped the 60th frame...


A Sheep
I am not hating at all. Criticism and stating facts is not hate but I get that this is complicated nowadays as the word is used inflationary.
Then, nobody knows what will be fixed, especially considering performance of GT5 and GT6.

Fair enough. I’m sure in the end we all just want the best game possible.
Still, a single frame can make quite a difference in a fast paced game.

Depends how sensitive to framerate you are. I never noticed the Mario Kart issue and thought it was fine until Digital Foundry pointed it out but even then, I never noticed it while playing.

Framerate never stopped me loving the old GT games, also the GT Sport Beta felt fine to me (on Pro) and hopefully they've improved performance since the Beta, for people that are bothered by framerate.


I know that, what I meant was that 1-2 dropped frames still makes a big difference to me in a game.
Depends how frequent they are. One or two dropped frames here and there is not a problem imo but the constant frame pacing issues where 1 frame is dropped every second is super annoying.

Btw, I said earlier that FM7 dropped to 30fps at one occasion on the original XB1 with the chase cam on in the rain. Well after playing another 5 hours or so it hasn't happen one single time after that. Pretty impressive. Not sure if there has been an update since then but I just wanted to say that Turn10 is redeemed from my point of view, the optimisation is seriously good considering the hardware.


Well, if Sony racers are what that's pushing that then yes, if MS then yes, If Nintendo? same applies.....

Sorry about that DP, I swear there was another post already...

You know no one believes you when you make posts like this, right? How is it less "pushing" when one studio produces a large number of high quality tracks and cars, adds ToD and weather, and all in a 2 year development cycle. How do you gauge what is "pushing" and what isn't? I know how, it all depends on what company and on what system for you.

DAT salt.

It will be fun if GTS receive better critic than Forza 7... not hard to happen.

Why will it be fun? Are you eager to brag or lower to the level of other console warriors? Will your pre-determined opinions be justified then and you'll sleep better at night?

It's like some here can't grasp or accept the concept of there being more than one high quality exclusive racer being on the market. There can only be one and the rest are rubbish as a result.


GT Sport looks great. It isn't without flaws though. The pop-in on some tracks (nurburgring) is pretty apparent in gameplay I've seen, and some of the texture work is flat. The trackside grass looks flat in comparison to PCars or Forza.
Do GTS and F7 have improved visuals in replays? It's been a while since I played it, but I think DC looked the same in replay and gameplay, though I could be remembering wrong.
Drive club was 30fps in gameplay and replays, so they didnt have any room to improve, compared to Forza and GT that are 60fps gameplay and 30fps replay.
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