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Ni No Kuni Collector's Edition for EU/NA [failure level well beyond critical mass]


Just bought on thehut.com for 60£ woot woot They have a 2,50£ instant discount and was able to add a promo code for 5£ less. Those details and finishing in that book seem to be worth the total price.
Ive played both the ds title and the ps3 title and I can say you guys are in for a treat
would you mind explaining the battlesystem of the PS3 Version?

With realtime movement and command based attacks inside the battle encounters, it seems like an interesting battlesystem. Battles seem a bit slow, though.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
would you mind explaining the battlesystem of the PS3 Version?

With realtime movement and command based attacks inside the battle encounters, it seems like an interesting battlesystem. Battles seem a bit slow, though.

Battle in the PS3 version is real time. You switch between your summon creature or to the player character. You can multiple summons ready since they all run on a summon timer. When that runs out they need to go back and recharge, where you can summon a different monster or use the main character.

Using the main character they also come with skills of their own which can be used in battle or as support.

It might look slow, but some of the fights can be faster paced depending on what your play style is.

Overall its real well done and pretty easy to get into. But its a bit like rock paper scissors with the different element / damage types and what works better against what. So its not just make one uber monster to plow through everything. Having a balanced party of monsters is important. If not makes fights a lot harder.

Sounds pretty interesting, I have already placed my pre order. Glad to hear you just can not make one uber monster to plow through the entire game.
Battle in the PS3 version is real time. You switch between your summon creature or to the player character. You can multiple summons ready since they all run on a summon timer. When that runs out they need to go back and recharge, where you can summon a different monster or use the main character.

Using the main character they also come with skills of their own which can be used in battle or as support.

It might look slow, but some of the fights can be faster paced depending on what your play style is.

Overall its real well done and pretty easy to get into. But its a bit like rock paper scissors with the different element / damage types and what works better against what. So its not just make one uber monster to plow through everything. Having a balanced party of monsters is important. If not makes fights a lot harder.
can you comment on the rumors that the PS3 version is too hard? what difficulty did you play on and how was it?


I am actually glad the battles are slower. When hearing about the game originally, I actually hoped they would go completely turn-based (like the DS version), as that is my preferential combat system. However, I am by no means turned off by it and I am looking quite forward to the game.


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
can you comment on the rumors that the PS3 version is too hard? what difficulty did you play on and how was it?

I wouldnt say the game is too difficult, but you do need to pay attention to what you are fighting and try to always have the correct element match up. If not it does make the fights harder, since your damage output is less and damage taken is higher.
Personally I feel it to be about right. Its challenging but not unfair. As with any game it is recommended to level up before going to new areas.

Its quite the enjoyable game though plus a TON of monsters to capture and use.

For anyone who loves JRPGs this game has EVERYTHING that made the genre great. Spoilers below, but if you are curious as to what kind of mechanics am talking about. Not hardcore spoilers, but for those who want to experience everything fresh dont roll over the spoilers.

1: World map to travel
2: Travel by sea on a boat
3: Travel by air on a dragon
4: Hidden treasure all around the world map
5: Hidden treasures in towns / dungeons
6: Item combination (similar to the alchemy pot from DQ8)

I am actually glad the battles are slower. When hearing about the game originally, I actually hoped they would go completely turn-based (like the DS version), as that is my preferential combat system. However, I am by no means turned off by it and I am looking quite forward to the game.

The battle system is quite good and I think it fits the game perfectly. Works real well considering there are so many monster types. Makes them all feel more alive with the unique animations each monster type has.
would you mind explaining the battlesystem of the PS3 Version?

With realtime movement and command based attacks inside the battle encounters, it seems like an interesting battlesystem. Battles seem a bit slow, though.

The battle system is a mix of grandia, tales, final fantasy.....its an action rpgish kind of turn based menu game

The gameplay is reminiscent of pokemon, and some form of strategy hybrid because you need to pick your team of monsters carefully if you want to succeed later in the game.

Its quite fun I must say


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
You are constantly issuing new commands each time the "command action" timer runs out. And its all done in real time.
Anyways while typing out everything is nice try and just watch this video. Since seeing is believing and all that lol.

Not really any spoilers, since its just a random encounter battle in the desert region.

This could be considered a spoiler for those who want to see the game first hand fresh. So click at own discretion.

Overall this is literally a personal GOTY for 2011. Just due to how much content and quality was packed into this title. Beautiful does not even begin to say what this game is.
You are constantly issuing new commands each time the "command action" timer runs out. And its all done in real time.
Anyways while typing out everything is nice try and just watch this video. Since seeing is believing and all that lol.

Not really any spoilers, since its just a random encounter battle in the desert region.

This could be considered a spoiler for those who want to see the game first hand fresh. So click at own discretion.

Overall this is literally a personal GOTY for 2011. Just due to how much content and quality was packed into this title. Beautiful does not even begin to say what this game is.
I really like the battle theme.. from the few tracks I heard, I guess the entire OST will be enjoyable.


Thanks for the video, that does look like fun to play.

And I like what I see in the (spoiler) list of things that will be in the game, especially the
world map
. That is something that is lacking at lot in more current RPGs.

About how long would you say the game is? Would you say it is quite epic in length and story?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Thanks for the video, that does look like fun to play.

And I like what I see in the (spoiler) list of things that will be in the game, especially the
world map
. That is something that is lacking at lot in more current RPGs.

About how long would you say the game is? Would you say it is quite epic in length and story?

Id say the game is pretty damned long. Plus lots of things to do and see. Really do enjoy the story and characters you meet.

I really like the battle theme.. from the few tracks I heard, I guess the entire OST will be enjoyable.

Overall Id say the game has an EXCELLENT soundtrack. Really do dig it a lot and am sure those who love RPGs in general will also. The various music fits the settings well.


As with pokemon you will get attached to certain monsters just due to their looks so kinda just use them and slug it out to victory with em lol. Its what Ive been doing with one monster type in particular. Though it really does benefit yourself to level up a nice spread of different monsters with various skills.

Once again for PS3 owners who love RPGs. This is one of the MUST HAVE games to add to your collection.

My biggest concern for you guys with the English language version would be how much TLC is being put into the VA work for the game itself. Since that will really make or break a lot of things I think.
Just bought on thehut.com for 60£ woot woot They have a 2,50£ instant discount and was able to add a promo code for 5£ less. Those details and finishing in that book seem to be worth the total price.

Ugh, I hate you! I only managed to get it for £64.35 :(

My biggest concern for you guys with the English language version would be how much TLC is being put into the VA work for the game itself. Since that will really make or break a lot of things I think.

Doesn't the English (well European version at least) come with the Japanese language track + subtitles?


No one wants a throne you've been sitting on!
Doesn't the English (well European version at least) come with the Japanese language track + subtitles?

Not sure on that one. If it does though more power to you guys! Truthfully I dont look up that much info in regards to Western releases of Japanese titles, which is why am not certain about the voice track stuff. :( Wish I could be of more help with that.
Since do think the voices is what will really make the game. Hell it really makes any game that uses voices. Poor voices = instant turn the game right off and potentially sell for me. Regardless of it being western or japanese.
Not sure on that one. If it does though more power to you guys! Truthfully I dont look up that much info in regards to Western releases of Japanese titles, which is why am not certain about the voice track stuff. :( Wish I could be of more help with that.
Since do think the voices is what will really make the game. Hell it really makes any game that uses voices. Poor voices = instant turn the game right off and potentially sell for me. Regardless of it being western or japanese.
The game will have dual language support..


The game will have dual language support; you’ll be able to switch between the English and Japanese voice over with English subtitles. It’ll have subtitles for English, French, German, Spanish and Italian.
Yay I thought it did!
Man, I'm so hyped now. I think I've finally gotten over my disappointment of never getting the DS version.
Are there a lot of animated cutscenes? I'd imagine the majority are using in-game graphics?


Maturity, bitches.
I don't even have a PS3 yet but I may be tempted to preorder this since the DS version seems to be dead.


My biggest concern for you guys with the English language version would be how much TLC is being put into the VA work for the game itself. Since that will really make or break a lot of things I think.
The Japanese voice track is universally reviled as being terribly acted, so they're unlikely to do worse with the English. Plus, the videos we've seen so far show that the English voice work is fine.


Good or bad, I'm glad they include the original VA. I wish there was a dub in my language as well though.
I don't understand it either, and I can tell that it's bad. It's probably even worse if you understand what is said.

Well to me there's nothing more jarring than seeing anime characters speaking with American accents. It's a massive pet peeve and I try to avoid Western dubs at all costs. However bad the Japanese VO is, I'm sure I'll hardly notice.

Buy with ShopTo, get a day before release. Buy with TheHut, get it a week after release.

I've never shopped with TheHut before, are they bad when it comes to delivery?
People obviously haven't heard the Welsh accent in the English dub.
No matter how bad the JPN track, I doubt it can be worse.

I've never shopped with TheHut before, are they bad when it comes to delivery?

I have had pre-orders arrive on release day, though I have also had stuff turn up 2-5 days late so I guess it depends.....
I don't mind waiting a few days to save a tenner personally.
People obviously haven't heard the Welsh accent in the English dub.
No matter how bad the JPN track, I doubt it can be worse.

Lol, yeah exactly. Not sure I could tolerate that accent over the course of an entire JRPG.

I have had pre-orders arrive on release day, though I have also had stuff turn up 2-5 days late so I guess it depends.....
I don't mind waiting a few days to save a tenner personally.

Thanks for sharing your experience with them. I agree, if it arrives a few days late then no matter; it's still worth saving near a tenner.


Japanese VO is something I really could care less on as I like to understand what they are saying. I haven’t had much issues with bad dubs in my games except for a select few. But then I don’t think I am as critical as some are.

However, I don’t have an issue with Japanese VO being in the game as long as they do not have to take out/change anything to fit it in.


Just saw the preview on Gamespot, apparently Namco is doing a Comic-con exclusive where if you pre-order the CE at their booth you get a cape and an extra plush doll...
Still no way to buy in NA and get delivery to Canada?

People who got the full price taken out of their account from Namco NA store, did you get a refund yet or it looks like they keep the entire price of the game as pre-order money?



Uh. Hm...

Namco Bandai has announced a unique promotion to expand the Wizard’s Edition of Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. Through a new program called Ninostarter, Namco will track the number of pre-orders for the game in North America on Club Namco. As more pre-orders are placed, fans will unlock additional items to be added to the package, all for the same price.

“As the Wizard’s Edition pre-order numbers rise, additional Wizard’s Edition items will be unlocked when pre-established levels of pre-orders are reached,” Namco explained in a statement. Pre-orders will be accepted on Club Namco until August 31st, at which point the program will end.


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