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Nikkei: Nintendo's NX platform will use an Android OS


Following the idea of Vita or Ouya, they can make a console or portable using mobile hardware, which today is pretty much PC-like hardware.

In 2017-2018 high-end mobile tech (not the one available, but the one announced that Nintendo may get before mobile or tablets like Vita did) will be able to move numbers similar to XBO without needing to spend on R&D.

Being based on Android and using mobile tech, would be really easy to be supported by Unity and Unreal Engine 4.

This would grant them multiplatform games from main console 3rd parties and mobile developers from mobile, and at the same time indies (both from mobile and PC/console). All inside their own always online closed platform so they can control piracy and who publishes games there.

If I was them I'd make a Vita-like device featuring touchscreen with pad that can be connected to the TV, if possible using wireless HDMI.

Hell, if they want they don't even need to make hardware, they can make their own Android App that would feature inside shop and games. Optionally subscription based, just get any bluetooth pad (like WiiU Pro Controller) and play in any Android smarthphone, tablet or TV with certain HW specs (Nintendo may sell a Chromecast-like TV USB dongle if you don't have an Android tv).


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
What will be mind blowing is when I see Nintendo start making comments to the kernel. Not that a ton of major companies don't already, but still.
My bet.

*A controller like the Gamepad of the Wii U with a Mobile Chip to play Android Game on the run.

*A AMD APU on the Console with HBM memory to play heavy consoles games. (Local Only) also can play Mobile Android games on TV.

This can be a Win win formula. I really like this idea.


Phone reception is more important to me than human rights
Ppl concerned about it being hacked day one....it can be made harder based on some things. The 360 and some Android phones use eFuses that makes it alot harder to hack, mod vs say the Wii, Wii U.

This has come up in topics recently....its ironic it has and them getting linked with Android.

Just before anybody freaks out, an android-derived OS doesn't imply that it's a tiny 69 dollar android box or something.

Yup. Android can be put in all types of hardware. And just because its Android based doesn't = easily hacked. Key words here are Android...based...derived...

I was just about to post a reply yesterday in another thread about Android -based doesnt equal Android as many of us know it when someone said its absurd if its based on Android. Even tho its hackable, Amazon and Nokia used forked versions of Android. On the mobile phone said Motorola went very locked down with their Verizon Android phones after the Droid 1. And thats more the version of Android we all know. (the Xbox 360 and Motorola phones use eFuses.They can make things very complicated for modding) They arent as easy to root, mod as other phones.

And with MS basically putting Windows 10, with an x86 architecture, on the XBO...I think Nintendo will be fine if they use Android. As easy as the Wii and Wii U are for modding....especially the Wii.....I dont get the hacking, modding complaints for them using Android. If they had to choose an existing OS to use...Android seems like the most logical choice. Maybe they will use what they have already. But looking at that NX pic with the circles....that screams Android. Or they risk trying to emulate Apple. If they do...they better damn well know how to market NX....or its not gonna be pretty. Going the Apple way might seem better, but the Android was IMO is safer, less of a risk. (closed off vs more open)
My bet.

*A controller like the Gamepad of the Wii U with a Mobile Chip to play Android Game on the run.

*A AMD APU on the Console with HBM memory to play heavy consoles games. (Local Only) also can play Mobile Android games on TV.

This can be a Win win formula. I really like this idea.

So basically a gamepad that works on it's own and a console to play big games? This is the only hybrid idea I can get behind.


My bet.

*A controller like the Gamepad of the Wii U with a Mobile Chip to play Android Game on the run.

*A AMD APU on the Console with HBM memory to play heavy consoles games. (Local Only) also can play Mobile Android games on TV.

This can be a Win win formula. I really like this idea.



Guys, I'm very familiar with the difference between hardware and software ;)
I thought you wouldn't take my words that literally.

Sure Android games can be in 1080p, even Ouya has some 1080p games, but all of them look like Hi-res N64 games. To date I haven't seen any Android games that match the visual quality of 360/PS3/Wii U no matter if 720p or 1080p.

So to be more precise I wonder if Android currently offers the APIs and graphics drivers to allow visuals comparable to 7th/8th gen of home consoles.

That has nothing to do with Android, though. Android has never been adopted to a powerful Home Console architecture before. Games haven't matched 360/PS3/Wii U because the hardware hasn't been there for that, plus Android was being used for multipurpose devices, not solely a gaming device. Even when it was just gaming, it was the Ouya, and products like that aren't exactly powerful.

If Nintendo released something more powerful than the ps4 (not blowing it out of the water, mind you) running Android, all those graphic API's would easily adopt. Android is a very flexible platform - you bet it can run UE4, etc. Androids problem has never been what it can't do, it's been the stigma of being connected to mobile devices to compete with iOS. Nintendo can easily turn it into a strong home console platform as it's just using the base architecture. They will customize it like crazy to suite a dedicated gaming platform's needs.


That could be a really interesting move in my opinion, I wonder to which extent the compatibility will go, or if will be just a re-skin (which I doubt).
Guys, I'm very familiar with the difference between hardware and software ;)
I thought you wouldn't take my words that literally.

Sure Android games can be in 1080p, even Ouya has some 1080p games, but all of them look like Hi-res N64 games. To date I haven't seen any Android games that match the visual quality of 360/PS3/Wii U no matter if 720p or 1080p.

So to be more precise I wonder if Android currently offers the APIs and graphics drivers to allow visuals comparable to 7th/8th gen of home consoles.

The OS is literally a nonfactor here, also Google nvidia shield console when you get the chance.


Junior Member
I'm calling it now: the Nintendo NX is going to be Nintendo's next hand held platform.

I have no clue what the next console is going to be based on.


I wouldn't be surprised if Nintendo is going for an AOSP-based environment so that it can pump out yearly hardware refreshes with backwards compatibility, similar to iOS. If Nintendo locks down their ecosystem, they could make a lot of money selling new hardware in different form factors every year.
There are three reason why I predicted backwards compatibility for the next Nintendo home console:

1. Allowing access to the Wii U back catalogue will bolster the software available for the new console, a lot of which – despite being widely considered as the highest level of quality ever achieved by the company – has fallen under the radar due to the Wii U's failings.

The last thing that Nintendo would want to do is risk having less software available for their next console than there is for the Wii U.

2. Nintendo may want to push this next console out for an early release, such as in late 2016 or during 2017. Wii U owners will inevitably feel "betrayed" by Nintendo abandoning the platform entirely, but backwards compatibility will provide some relief from this.

3. This is consistent with Nintendo's last decade of home consoles, and the company's entire history of portable consoles.

Remember, Nintendo considers its software to be "evergreen," and is still selling copies of its legacy Wii and Nintendo DS software. You can walk into almost any Japanese retailer and buy a factory fresh copy of New Super Mario Bros. Wii, Animal Crossing: Wild World, and an abundance of other titles.

This also gives Nintendo an opportunity to re-package its Wii U software and sell it to a new audience under the "[new console name]" brand.

As for the next portable console, it is almost guaranteed that it supports 3DS software since, again, their entire history of portable consoles has supported its predecessor's releases.

As with the original thread, it is nothing but speculation. But it is speculation that I have tried to ground in today and tomorrow's reality.
Two recently released projects in which AMD invested time and money are: SPIR and VISC. SPIR combined with Vulcan can support Cross GPU and emulation. VISC can support cross CPU/ISA and emulation. So going forward game developers can support both ARM (CPU and GPUs) and AMD X-86 (CPU and GPUs) AS WELL AS A IBM CPU with essentially the same Intermediate Code. I'm guessing that VISC and SPIR will be integrated into and become HSA's Intermediate Language =HSAIL in 2016 when APUs become SoCs and use HBM.

VISC is designed to increase CPU IPC (Instruction Per Cycle) using multiple CPUs and a side benefit is it can emulate CPUs. SPIR is designed to allow easy GPU driver support for Vulcan but as a side benefit it can support multiple GPUs (Low and High power) of different architecture in the same SoC or GPU emulation.

The Nintendo NX could be ARM or AMD, same for a handheld but optimally AMD GPUs and CPUs are still more powerful but less energy efficient than ARM. It still makes sense to use ARM for handhelds and AMD for Consoles. With SPIR and VISC they can do both.


That has nothing to do with Android, though. Android has never been adopted to a powerful Home Console architecture before. Games haven't matched 360/PS3/Wii U because the hardware hasn't been there for that, plus Android was being used for multipurpose devices, not solely a gaming device. Even when it was just gaming, it was the Ouya, and products like that aren't exactly powerful.



Unified development environment (games are the same), two different SKUs (one portable, one for home), Android compatibility to get indirect third party support also considering that major japanese publishers are all going mobile anyway and Nintendo is greatly influenced by what happens in Japan.
Fans might not like it because it would mean the end of the era of traditional consoles and gaming business for Nintendo, but in their situation and in the current market conditions it makes a LOT of sense.


I took so much shit for this when I proposed it back in March.

All of you guys in the original thread had better pay up by eating a hell of a lot of crow if it turns out to be true.

Original thread: Nintendo's next platform will run Android. Here's why.

I never replied to your post, but I still won't eat crow on it because once again

1) You assume that the NX will replace the Wii U
2) You used no sources outside of speculation
3) You still are screaming to the high heavens how this HAS to replace the Wii U

So no, I still completely disagree with your original post. From my opinion, I think the NX is trying to be a "between" system from their home consoles and their portable consoles. But feel free the scream about crow and being all vindictive.


Yeah, I'm thinking abut the potential software backward compatibility, where every game is not depedant on a specific hardware architecture but software enviorement :)

Not just backward compatibility, but forward compatibility, which I think is the real game changer. Hardware can be refreshed as frequently (or infrequently) as they feel is right, without having to ever worry about synchronizing a hardware launch with some huge software push and without invalidating anyone's hardware purchase, and it completely avoids the issues that crop up with releasing very late-gen or very early-gen software, because 'generations' become kind of a fluid, naturally occurring idea instead of some rigid, discrete overnight shift.


He is not saying Android can provide console -level quality games, but that the hardware they typically run on cant

No he's saying Android has never been adopted to ps360-level hardware which is not really true, we have ps360-level games running on Android.


I never replied to your post, but I still won't eat crow on it because once again

1) You assume that the NX will replace the Wii U
2) You used no sources outside of speculation
3) You still are screaming to the high heavens how this HAS to replace the Wii U

So no, I still completely disagree with your original post. From my opinion, I think the NX is trying to be a "between" system from their home consoles and their portable consoles. But feel free the scream about crow and being all vindictive.

Hmm. So what's different? Last time Nintendo try to create 3rd pillars called DS ended up being the replacement for Gameboy.

And now it is even more universal, which means it could be replacement for both WiiU and 3DS , which might be one of the reason why Nintendo started to merge both console and handheld development team. Videogame industry can no longer maintain 2 markets.


Hmm. So what's different? Last time Nintendo try to create 3rd pillars called DS ended up being the replacement for Gameboy.

And now it is even more universal, which means it could be replacement for both WiiU and 3DS , which might be one of the reason why Nintendo started to merge both console and handheld development team. Videogame industry can no longer maintain 2 markets.

But we don't know anything about the NX. We are, once again, talking about things out of vague speculation and rumors from (alright decent) unconfirmed sources. And if the videogame industry cannot maintain 2 markets, then why would Nintendo chase the "hardcore" console crowd when they get so much more drive on handheld consoles? Once again, a strong westernized thinking and a strong hatred to any other culture is driving the narrative to what people want.


Nintendo may want to push this next console out for an early release, such as in late 2016 or during 2017. Wii U owners will inevitably feel "betrayed" by Nintendo abandoning the platform entirely, but backwards compatibility will provide some relief from this.

No it won't! So Nintendo's new console can run all the games I have bought for my Wii U, but I have to shell out for a new console to play new games. If the Wii U doesn't last a "normal" length of time, Nintendo can go *&$£45$%%$%^$ and &$£%&$ themselves if they think I would put up with that (feel free to fill in your own expletives). I, for one, would never ever buy anything from Nintendo ever again.

However, to be fair, Iwata has said that they would stick by the loyal fans who bought a Wii U, so your scenario should not happen (if you can trust what Iwata said and it wasn't just PR bullshit).


If the Wii U doesn't last a "normal" length of time, Nintendo can go *&$£45$%%$%^$ and &$£%&$ themselves if they think I would put up with that (feel free to fill in your own expletives). I, for one, would never ever buy anything from Nintendo ever again.
Don't forget people here keep links to threads for years - you can be quoted on this when you talk about your new Nintendo console in Q4 2017.

(although being released in 2012, that would give the console a 5 year lifespan)


I dont know why some peoples think OS=Graphics...

Seriously. Nintendo makes good software, and people know that well. It's a lackluster comparison but, the Wii hardly had even a skeleton of an OS and it got us the Mario Galaxy games. They'll be able to do a lot with this.


Wow, NX threads have always been a zone of over speculation, but this thread is just some flat out goddamn nonsense with some of the leaps people are taking.


Well, if this is really the case this could turn out to be something rather interesting.

This makes me think that NX will be a hybrid between home-console and an handheld with the most high-end mobile hardware available and a heavily modified Android OS. It will be accompanied with an hdmi-charger dock + separate controllers for that couch gaming goodness. Going somewhere? Grab it right out of the dock ready and charged to go and continue gaming wherever.

I Wanna Be The Guy

U-S-A! U-S-A! U-S-A!
Brilliant if true. Nintendo's next handheld just might be worth looking in to after all. Portable San Andreas with good buillt in controls on day 1? I WANT IT!
Can't wait for the NX to come out and we get an onslaught of NINTENDOOM articles about the platform with people missing that its not going to be a replacement for Wii U or 3DS but a new platform altogether.

I can see them potentially running with a tablet sort of controller (like Wii U's) and having some way for the tablet to interact with real life smartphones. Perhaps allowing you to sign in with your various app stores and such and downloading games you may have purchased over there.
No it won't! So Nintendo's new console can run all the games I have bought for my Wii U, but I have to shell out for a new console to play new games. If the Wii U doesn't last a "normal" length of time, Nintendo can go *&$£45$%%$%^$ and &$£%&$ themselves if they think I would put up with that (feel free to fill in your own expletives). I, for one, would never ever buy anything from Nintendo ever again.

However, to be fair, Iwata has said that they would stick by the loyal fans who bought a Wii U, so your scenario should not happen (if you can trust what Iwata said and it wasn't just PR bullshit).

Define "normal". Whatever is releasing probably isn't releasing next year, and we don't even know what it is. 5 years (2012-2017) seems pretty normal to me. I don't think Iwata's words were mere PR - it's not really in their best interest to betray the consumer confidence they still have if they want their next thing to be successful.


No he's saying Android has never been adopted to ps360-level hardware which is not really true, we have ps360-level games running on Android.

Oops I meant "not saying Android cant provide console -level quality games"

Because as you and others pointed out (and I alluded to), when it has the necessary hardware power, It certainly can
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