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Nintendo Paid Online Services Include Free NES/SNES Game Every Month (for that month)


Still holding out hope that the whole app nonsense is an option rather than the only way to have voice chat and lobbies.
I can't believe this is actually something that I'm worrying about in 2017. Christ.


Yes, and its possible you have to pay for the mobile app as well since there seems to be a free version and a paid version of the app, but its unclear what the difference is.

"Our new dedicated smart device app will connect to Nintendo Switch and let you invite friends to play online, set play appointments, and chat with friends during online matches in compatible games─all from your smart device.

A free, limited version of this app will be available for download in summer 2017."

No. Nope, I refuse to believe it.

Not even Nintendo is this tone-deaf.

Give me the blue pill.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
After combing for reveal impressions on GAF and a few other spots on the net.. then eventually watching the cringeultimate reveal itself. I am left agast.

I really wanted to buy the Switch at launch at a $250.00 price tag, I'd have overlooked the mounting cost of the complete package and abysmal launch line-up.
Now, I plan to wait to see how the library build up and how this fucking mess that only Nintendo could conjure up, to clear out so I can get a better impression of the console.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Even the most critical gamers would give Nintendo a bit of slack going into this generation for it to be the one they really need to take the time to build an online network. Look how shite the PS3 was when it launched with the browser store.

However, all this time and Nintendo cannot offer basic voice chat on the system and then also ask us to pay and pull this with the games offered? They're stepping outside of the realm of "oh it's just that they need some time" and stepping into lunacy/greed.

Step inside the Treehouse and see the usual Nintendo madness with games/peripherals, and okay, "fun", but the business side has to give a shit about the console being as close to on par with the PS4/XB1 as possible.

edit: See gif below...

Nah. People have been waiting since the DS for Nintendo to get their shit together for online services. DS, Wii, 3DS, WiiU, Switch. This is their 6th system with online services. No excuses any more.
Yup, this is garbage. A paid subscription service to temporarily have access to 20-30+ year old ROMs, half of which we all have owned in some way or another at least twice. Absolutely insane. Even just looking at the Games With Gold games I don't even want to play this is still waaaay worse. They're so damn stingy they can't even let me keep "Golf" for more than a month. Ridiculous.

And then what the ever loving hell is going on with this phone-based party and voice chat system?

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
Nah. People have been waiting since the DS for Nintendo to get their shit together for online services. DS, Wii, 3DS, WiiU, Switch. This is their 6th system with online services. No excuses any more.

I'll be you a Kimishima Amiibo that the reason is they are too stubborn to build out the infrastructure properly. Maybe the Sony hack scared the possibility right out of their asses and perhaps they don't want to even risk something like that happening to them.

Or maybe... they're just too lazy and, or stingy with cash to want to build out proper.


Can we say Nintendo is in the same situation as X1 when it was announced?

Im so dissapointed, hard to describe.

- price is just insane for the tech.
- controllers are so damn expensieve
- pay for online? Hmmm not that strange but what you get is meh.
- launch games or rather lack of them

Permanently A

Junior Member

  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per platform monthly playable as long as you are subscribed
  • $60 a year

Games with Gold

  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per month per platform, many 360 titles playable on XBone with BC, playable even if you are not subscribed
  • $60 a year

Switch Online

  • Voice chat via smart device app (possibly paid)
  • "Special offers for subscribers may include discounts on select digital games and content."
  • monthly rental of 1 SNES or NES game
  • ??? a year

I just don't know anymore.


Nah. People have been waiting since the DS for Nintendo to get their shit together for online services. DS, Wii, 3DS, WiiU, Switch. This is their 6th system with online services. No excuses any more.

You're not wrong, but I more so meant if at this Switch unveil they had been humble and honest about the work and effort they needed to do for online and how important it was going to be. You know, appear to give a shit and set out a plan. Then some fledgeling steps for launch like some basic voice chat (on the fucking console OS) and okay, a paid service to help them, but at least one with games on par with XBL/PSN+. I said in another topic we have to accept they don't have the 3rd party library to draw on like Sony/MS, so okay lets accept SNES/NES for now, but then they uppercut us with this shitty 30 day trials nonsense...

At that point, people would cut them a bit of slack and expect the next 6/12/18 months to be iterative, improvement following improvement. Kind of like how Sony had to work to keep plugging all the major differences between PSN and Live.

But no, Nintendo




  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per platform monthly playable as long as you are subscribed
  • $60 a year

Games with Gold

  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per month per platform, many 360 titles playable on XBone with BC, playable even if you are not subscribed
  • $60 a year

Switch Online

  • monthly rental of SNES and NES games
  • ??? a year

I just don't know anymore.

I guess you can add in fucking voice chat in the feature list.

Because that's not a given in 2017.
It's actually a great idea, it encourages players to buy and play new games instead, GWG and PS+ are a death sentence to new games sales.

And using your phone for voice chat saves switch battery. It pretty genius.

If this isn't satire then your blood is pure kool aid and you don't even realize it.

Please be satire.
These revelations make the Wii U reveal awesome in comparison.

What a shit show.

Zelda, Splatoon, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, new IPs, probably Xenoblade 2 etc. within the first 9 month. Yes, yes really bad, worst Nintendo console ever ;)

Someone forgot how barebone WiiU, or XOne/PS4 first year was.



  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per platform monthly playable as long as you are subscribed
  • $60 a year

Games with Gold

  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per month per platform, many 360 titles playable on XBone with BC, playable even if you are not subscribed
  • $60 a year

Switch Online

  • monthly rental of SNES and NES games
  • ??? a year

I just don't know anymore.

You also get digital discounts on the Switch. So the only thing Nintendo does not provide is the proper amount of games, it seems? Well, if that's the case, I guess they'll just throw in a second or third one and everyone should be happy, right? :D

What I can imagine, though, is the game which is being offered for free to be discounted heavily at around 50% or so. So it's more of a monthly full demo of the game which is okay-ish for the start.

Permanently A

Junior Member
You also get digital discounts on the Switch. So the only thing Nintendo does not provide is the proper amount of games, it seems? Well, if that's the case, I guess they'll just throw in a second or third one and everyone should be happy, right? :D

What I can imagine, though, is the game which is being offered for free to be discounted heavily at around 50% or so. So it's more of a monthly full demo of the game which is okay-ish for the start.

No, cause they're still rentals instead of actually being able to keep the games.


You also get digital discounts on the Switch. So the only thing Nintendo does not provide is the proper amount of games, it seems? Well, if that's the case, I guess they'll just throw in a second or third one and everyone should be happy, right? :D

What I can imagine, though, is the game which is being offered for free to be discounted heavily at around 50% or so. So it's more of a monthly full demo of the game which is okay-ish for the start.

Considering Nintendo and their "we're going to keep this game at $60 for 12 years" I doubt anyone is going to be seeing the likes of PSN flash sales, or some of the PSN+ discounts which can reach 30/40/50% off. Same goes for Gold which does some damn good sales.

Again no one would be asking Nintendo for Steam like sales, but you can bet your ass they will tow their line of not even bothering to try and match up with PSN/XBL.

Xaero Gravity

Zelda, Splatoon, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, new IPs, probably Xenoblade 2 etc. within the first 9 month. Yes, yes really bad, worst Nintendo console ever ;)

Someone forgot how barebone WiiU, or XOne/PS4 first year was.
Is Xenoblade confirmed for this year? Because outside of Zelda and XB2, that list does nothing for me unfortunately.

  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per platform monthly playable as long as you are subscribed
  • $60 a year

Games with Gold

  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per month per platform, many 360 titles playable on XBone with BC, playable even if you are not subscribed
  • $60 a year

Switch Online

  • Voice chat via smart device app (possibly paid)
  • monthly rental of 1 SNES or NES game
  • ??? a year

I just don't know anymore.

Nintendo's online service also provides digital discounts.
Zelda, Splatoon, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, new IPs, probably Xenoblade 2 etc. within the first 9 month. Yes, yes really bad, worst Nintendo console ever ;)

Someone forgot how barebone WiiU, or XOne/PS4 first year was.

The first nine months:

Zelda: Available on the previous generation hardware.
Splatoon 2: Literally just more of a game that already exists. Could easily have been DLC.
Mario: This one's legit.
Mario Kart: A deluxe version of a WiiU game.
New IPs: In the first nine months of release? The landmark titles are a motion game and a minigame collection.
Xenoblade 2: Another legit one -- if it does indeed release this year. That was a very early teaser.


Zelda: Available on the previous generation hardware.
Splatoon 2: Literally just more of a game that already exists. Could easily have been DLC.
Mario: This one's legit.
Mario Kart: A deluxe version of a WiiU game.
New IPs: In the first nine months of release? The landmark titles are a motion game and a minigame collection.
Xenoblade 2: Another legit one -- if it does indeed release this year. That was a very early teaser.

No More Heroes: Legit. Definitely, 2018 though at best. Maybe even 2019. Very early on.
We all know Nintendo is tone-deaf, but my question is, why? What is it about their culture that makes their vision so myopic with respect to consumer perception? It's really not difficult to gauge what the public want; what the competition is doing and to offer something at least similar, or much better. I honestly don't get it –– it honestly feels like they're just doing this on purpose, but I'd be giving them too much credit for them to make such a conscious decision it seems.


If this isn't satire then your blood is pure kool aid and you don't even realize it.

Please be satire.

You may disagree with his assessment, but he is right in that people are just collecting games and expecting stuff to be dirt cheap or free now because we're conditioned to expect it.

I dunno about the voice chat being an app that you pay for, but the first part makes sense. When people are bitching that Wild Guns is too expensive at $30 it's gotten out of control.

We don't even know the pricing on this thing yet. It provides almost the same services are the other two consoles. People just expecting shit to be free all the time is what kills developers and lesser known games. Sure indies will make up for it because the barrier of entry is almost non-existent, but I'd rather have games exist than not exist.

Permanently A

Junior Member
Nintendo's online service also provides digital discounts.

I added it after the above poster pointed out.

I think overall the two big sticking points are the phone requirement for voice chat and the 1 game being a rental. I would expect the annual cost for switch online to be $30-$40 to reflect that, but given how brazen Nintendo is being with the prices $40-$50 would be my guess.

If they go $60 they just don't give a single fuck.
I'd pay a monthly fee to have unlimited access to all VC anytime. That would be the smarter idea but I can't see this current method being that successful.

I thought that eventually, a company would try to do what you said:

"pay a monthly fee to have access to our legacy library from the past 25 years. Pay an extra of XX$ to have access to a select library of our current games and get a discount for digital versions of our new releases (a la EA access)".

But no... "let's just rent them a game for a month"

boiled goose

good with gravy
I'll be you a Kimishima Amiibo that the reason is they are too stubborn to build out the infrastructure properly. Maybe the Sony hack scared the possibility right out of their asses and perhaps they don't want to even risk something like that happening to them.

Or maybe... they're just too lazy and, or stingy with cash to want to build out proper.

At this point the reasons are irrelevant.

This shit is TOXIC for Nintendo. It generates ton of bad press, bad will, lack of confidence in Nintendo as a platform holder, risk in every digital purchase. It is costing them a ton of sales and alienating even their biggest fans.

How is it that Sony can get their fans to excitedly buy hardware with barely any games at launch meanwhile Nintendo fans have to swallow horrible platform practices to just play the Nintendo games they really want to play? Who is Nintendo gaining in terms of audience by fucking over their base? How much more money are they making?

With 10 WiiU sales, the answer is clearly noone. That is basically as bad as you can do for a video game console. At this point, it is just bad business.
Can we say Nintendo is in the same situation as X1 when it was announced?

Im so dissapointed, hard to describe.

- price is just insane for the tech.
- controllers are so damn expensieve
- pay for online? Hmmm not that strange but what you get is meh.
- launch games or rather lack of them

No, because the console itself is fine. That's a solid foundation to build something up.

Online Service and games library can and will be improved, the price hopefully reduced over time.

That said, if we look at both content and status of the online service, it's kinda crazy that they thought it is a good idea to launch the Switch as soon as BOTW is ready. Which apparently is exactly what happened.

Both content and online service need another year to hatch, at the very least.

  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per platform monthly playable as long as you are subscribed
  • $60 a year

Games with Gold

  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per month per platform, many 360 titles playable on XBone with BC, playable even if you are not subscribed
  • $60 a year

Switch Online

  • Voice chat via smart device app (possibly paid)
  • "Special offers for subscribers may include discounts on select digital games and content."
  • monthly rental of 1 SNES or NES game
  • ??? a year

I just don't know anymore.

With PS+ it's often more than two games per month (at least on the PS4) thanks to cross-buy. For example, this month the official PS4 games were Day of The Tentacle Remastered and This War of Mine, but we also got The Swindle and Titan Souls.


A better model would be the paid service gives you access to all VC games.

I thought that eventually, a company would try to do what you said:

"pay a monthly fee to have access to our legacy library from the past 25 years. Pay an extra of XX$ to have access to a select library of our current games and get a discount for digital versions of our new releases (a la EA access)".

But no... "let's just rent them a game for a month"

Absolutely zero chance. 0. Check the prices Nintendo ask for SNES, NES and GBA VC releases. Check how generous and often there are deep sales on said content as well... /s I think PS4 PS2 game prices are whack, but more often than not 50% off shortly after release. I guess you could argue there is some emulation benefits and trophy support as well, but still RRP on PS2 games is too high.

It's precisely because of that attitude we have them saying you'll get 30 day trials, and then buy those games outright after 30 days, and be happy.

  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per platform monthly playable as long as you are subscribed
  • $60 a year

Games with Gold

  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per month per platform, many 360 titles playable on XBone with BC, playable even if you are not subscribed
  • $60 a year

Switch Online

  • Voice chat via smart device app (possibly paid)
  • "Special offers for subscribers may include discounts on select digital games and content."
  • monthly rental of 1 SNES or NES game
  • ??? a year

I just don't know anymore.

Isn't voice chat free on PS4?


No, cause they're still rentals instead of actually being able to keep the games.

I would be OK with having a 50%+ discount on the showcased game and then to be *really* able to keep it after the month if I buy it for that price. You don't get to keep the PS+/XBL-titles without a subscription, either.

But: there is just not enough information to go around. It's just like the assumption that Nintendo's online service will be "shitty" - how would you know? They didn't even showcase the interface or anything. It could be good, it could be bad, but we really don't know.

However, I understand that the console's launch is just 7 weeks away. So they should showcase every feature until then.

boiled goose

good with gravy
Nintendo's online service also provides digital discounts.

Digital discounts to games not properly tied to a real account system? No thanks. Still no official details here, but call me skeptical.

A better model would be the paid service gives you access to all VC games.

Sure, there are tons of ways to properly monetize the VC. This is one of them.

I would be OK with having a 50%+ discount on the showcased game and then to be *really* able to keep it after the month if I buy it for that price. You don't get to keep the PS+/XBL-titles without a subscription, either.

But: there is just not enough information to go around. It's just like the assumption that Nintendo's online service will be "shitty" - how would you know? They didn't even showcase the interface or anything. It could be good, it could be bad, but we really don't know.

However, I understand that the console's launch is just 7 weeks away. So they should showcase every feature until then.

Past and current practices are very clear hints of what it will be like. Nothing in the presentation made it seem like Nintendo finally "gets it" and will have a modern digital content management system and integrated online gaming platform.


Junior Member
Thank god the service doesn't kick in until the Fall so I can get my Splatoon 2 fix in before it goes live. No way in hell I'm subscribing to this nonsense.

Dirk Benedict

Gold Member
At this point the reasons are irrelevant.

This shit is TOXIC for Nintendo. It generates ton of bad press, bad will, lack of confidence in Nintendo as a platform holder, risk in every digital purchase. It is costing them a ton of sales and alienating even their biggest fans.

How is it that Sony can get their fans to excitedly buy hardware with barely any games at launch meanwhile Nintendo fans have to swallow horrible platform practices to just play the Nintendo games they really want to play? Who is Nintendo gaining in terms of audience by fucking over their base? How much more money are they making?

With 10 WiiU sales, the answer is clearly noone. That is basically as bad as you can do for a video game console. At this point, it is just bad business.

I'm curious as to what the mainstream will say. They propelled the Wii to untouchable heights, maybe they can save the Switch from being a monumental failure.

As it stands, I am seeing even the most hardcore fans hurl fiery insults at their once beloved, while the other half of those people are hurling insults with the intention of buying anyway. I kind of don't like saying this, but I find the reactions from the hardcore fans amusing and interesting because of how divisive this has been.

Also, 180's aren't exclusive to MS. Maybe NIntendo can turn it around. We still have a couple of months to go.

Xiao Hu

Can we say Nintendo is in the same situation as X1 when it was announced?

Im so dissapointed, hard to describe.

- price is just insane for the tech.
- controllers are so damn expensieve
- pay for online? Hmmm not that strange but what you get is meh.
- launch games or rather lack of them

Except for there is little chance Nintendo will change shit despite such negative uproar. Damn company leadership is too stubborn and self-absorbed at this point
Zelda, Splatoon, 3D Mario, Mario Kart, new IPs, probably Xenoblade 2 etc. within the first 9 month. Yes, yes really bad, worst Nintendo console ever ;)

Someone forgot how barebone WiiU, or XOne/PS4 first year was.

Nintendo don't really get the benefit of the doubt for giving them time to build the library considering they pulled the plug on their last system after about two and a half years.


The value is just so unbelievably bad. One single month of access to one single game at a time, all from literally over 20 years ago.... I mean PS+ isn't exactly handing out AAA titles left and right or anything but this is just something else entirely.

Xaero Gravity


  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per platform monthly playable as long as you are subscribed
  • $60 a year

Games with Gold

  • Voice chat
  • Digital discounts
  • 2 games per month per platform, many 360 titles playable on XBone with BC, playable even if you are not subscribed
  • $60 a year

Switch Online

  • Voice chat via smart device app (possibly paid)
  • "Special offers for subscribers may include discounts on select digital games and content."
  • monthly rental of 1 SNES or NES game
  • ??? a year

I just don't know anymore.
It's worth noting that the 360 games that are a part of GwG are playable on XB1 so that's technically four games.

The PS4 can get more than two as well due to cross buy.
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