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Nintendo Switch HD Rumble


Knowledge is power, guard it well
I honestly feel like they sunk way too much of the budget into the controller tech.

It's very cool, but I expected them to learn from the mistake of the Wii U's controller inflating the price of the package.
Starting at 1:35, this company seems to demo the tech used for HD Rumble. Seems like the cost of the Joy-Cons is largely due to this patent being licensed to Nintendo?

That looks like very impressive tech, and if that's the one (or similar) used in the joycons then Nintendo should have picked much better examples than ice cubes to show it off in the presentation.
This is the feature I'm most interested to test out in person. It sounds like one of those "you have to try it to understand" things and I'm excited to see how well it works.

That looks like very impressive tech, and if that's the one (or similar) used in the joycons then Nintendo should have picked much better examples than ice cubes to show it off in the presentation.

Just watched that video and yeah it looks pretty incredible. I hope to hear more impressions soon.
I'm hoping that the HD Rumble is used effectively in games like Zelda and Mario. I'd love the weight of, say, a boulder Link is carrying to be felt in the controller.


I honestly think it will be a feature we won't think about much but will actually improve immersion in a lot of games. Plus there will be the games that focus on it like 1 2 Switch.


If I had a dollar and you made me bet it, I'd guess it was just haptic feedback. It has been a great feature for the steam controller, I know that.
People are going to cast it aside but just like the original rumble, wireless, gyro, it'll become a staple in future consoles from all companies I.e Sony and Microsoft and we'll just accept it as standard going forward. It's the natural progression of rumble tech so it's only fitting it goes that way.


That looks like very impressive tech, and if that's the one (or similar) used in the joycons then Nintendo should have picked much better examples than ice cubes to show it off in the presentation.
...they were "cater to Japan crowd and being through-and-through about it" mode during that moment, weren't they?

Bah, still, if they gave their history of rumble to help tag along the crowd about why they should care about something that has been a standard for so long, reactions would have been better, even by concluding it with ice water.
This sounds like a really nice improvement. I love the idea of haptic feedback. I can't wait to try it out, these impressions are impressive.

I'm hoping it will by like my New 3DS moment were I tried the eye tracking. I was blown away how it actually worked so well.


I earned 100 Gamerscore™ for collecting 300 widgets and thereby created Trump's America
Sounds like this is what's needed to really 'understand' 1 2 Switch. The Milk game looks ridiculous in a bad way but, if it really feels like you're stroking cow tit, I can't wait to see people's reactions when they try it the first time. I think I'll get guests high, not tell them about it, then wait for the look on their face when they start to question what's real.

For the love of god, please pack in 1 2 Switch! Or heavily discount it. Please please. It gets so much hate for its price.


Starting at 1:35, this company seems to demo the tech used for HD Rumble. Seems like the cost of the Joy-Cons is largely due to this patent being licensed to Nintendo?

Good link. I wonder how this feels compared to the feedback in the steam or vive controllers. I hope this gets put to good use. Too bad it's unlikely used on the touchscreen, that would have been cool


i first played it months ago and it really works. i think the next logical step for switch is to do something like gear vr where the screen becomes a key part of a vr component. with the joycons, it would really feel like another level.


Didn't they sue Nintendo as well at some point? OR at least try. Not sure but that rings a bell.

Don't think so, I believe Nintendo had patents covering a single motor which is what they had used up until now but Sony and MS adopted 2 motor versions that were covered by Immersion's patents.


Interesting so in a gun game you can feel how much bullets you have left.

How do you figure? Bullets in a gun aren't really rolling around to "feel" it like the ice cube example and it's not like haptics can make the controller feel heavier or lighter. At best I would expect something like a slightly more intense vibration when you fire the last bullet in the magazine.

People hyped this shit up with the Steam controller too, and while it's useful, it's not really something to get carried away about. At least in my experience.


Don't think so, I believe Nintendo had patents covering a single motor which is what they had used up until now but Sony and MS adopted 2 motor versions that were covered by Immersion's patents.

Google told me that what I was remembering was just a rumor from a dubious source that was posted here as a short-lived thread ten years ago.

I remember the most useless shit lmao


How do you figure? Bullets in a gun aren't really rolling around to "feel" it like the ice cube example and it's not like haptics can make the controller feel heavier or lighter. At best I would expect something like a slightly more intense vibration when you fire the last bullet in the magazine.

People hyped this shit up with the Steam controller too, and while it's useful, it's not really something to get carried away about. At least in my experience.
I thought about this myself last night like "oh this is too cute. How can the controller magically get lighter and heavier?"


So, any hands on impressions of this feature yet?

I'm surprised more people on gaf haven't weighed in on what it feels like.

I've never experienced a rumble like this one before.as I said,there's a certain guessing mini game in 1,2,switch that is completely mind-bliwing,using only the rumble.it's so precise, I couldn't believe it.


i do see it as a feature that should be implemented on every next controller.
It's like if you don't have it, it's a step back in evolution.

I mean this isn't something that only apply for few games, this can be implemented in a good way for Every Game.

I'm sure sony & ms will implement it in their next gen console like always.


The impressions from the HD rumble seem to be pretty positive, especially with 1 2 Switch as its proof of concept. I love to see this concept get implemented much more in later games. Imagine if a game like ARMS have a certain heavy feel in the Joycons when getting staggered or different guns in shooting games have a different feel when firing and reloading them. While those can be done now with regular rumble, HD rumble could add a more distinctive, more realistic feel to it.


I do think Nintendo missed a trick by not putting out a Wii Sports reboot on this at launch. Two-player tennis out of the box would have been a great selling point.

This i agree. They had so much better change by bringing a new Sport game than this 1-2 game. I mean with the accurate motions, included this rumble feature, this would be amazing update.


May I have a cookie?
JC from the Treehouse mentions how you can feel the arm extending in ARMS with the HD Rumble.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qadzCB3CLlI 53:08

Ash from Gamexplain said the HD rumble was noticeable while playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe since he could feel the road which felt like a different sensation than the regular rumble.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SsvZXLwnEY 14:23

Interesting. Feeling the road was one of the examples given in that Japanese startup demo video.


Rumble seems like one of the most obvious spaces console makers are slacking off on. Its basically been the same since PS1.

Rumble triggers in XB1 where a neat start to improving things. I hope this continues here and maybe next gen things really get shaken up
I agree. Especially after experiencing things like the "Taptic" feedback on the iPhone 7 or newer MacBook trackpads that are able to nearly perfectly replicate the sensation of clicking a button, it's clear that there is room to grow in this direction if somebody takes the initiative


There is a cow milking (?) minigame in "1, 2, Switch", where you, well, milk a cow.

And supposedly the haptics on that feel very realistic, Laura Kate Dale said it felt like actually jerking someone off, lol.
.. and as a follow-up, she said that you can feel the milk moving from the top to the bottom as you milk, so that sounds pretty interesting.

Could be a nice addition to FPS and action games (like feeling the arrow actually leaving the bow in Zelda and stuff like that).

Tweets by Laura Dale on the topic:

haha, that's great.
This was the one tiny feature that really surprised me.
Could turn out really fun if it actually works.
So glad the pro controller includes it as well.

JC from the Treehouse mentions how you can feel the arm extending in ARMS with the HD Rumble.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qadzCB3CLlI 53:08

Ash from Gamexplain said the HD rumble was noticeable while playing Mario Kart 8 Deluxe since he could feel the road which felt like a different sensation than the regular rumble.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2SsvZXLwnEY 14:23

Woah. :D
Further hands-on impressions from a fellow GAFer:

The demo that blew my mind was the marble box.

Imagine you are holding a small wooden box, with x amount of marbles inside. As you move the box, you can feel them move and clack against each other.

The Joy-con can emulate this feeling incredibly well, I was able clearly feel three separate marbles rolling down the side of the Joy-con and then each hitting each other as they got to the bottom.

The 1-2-Switch marble box mini game asks you to guess how many marbles are in your joycon by moving it. Pretty much every time I could guess, even when there were 6-7 in there.

That was special, it even gave a false sense of weight due to the rumbles. I really like the tech.

The ice cube thing is legit.

More on the marble thing. At one point I had a single marble in the Joy-con, I was able to slowly roll.it around inside and clearly feel it in every area.

It was a strange sensation to hold the marble dead in the center, with a lot of balance! You'd could even feel the marble gain momentum as you tilted the Joy-con.

Only think missing is the clack sound because no speaker, but you really can feel it.

Genuine mind blown. I played that demo a lot.


i first played it months ago and it really works. i think the next logical step for switch is to do something like gear vr where the screen becomes a key part of a vr component. with the joycons, it would really feel like another level.

Not the current screen, not at 720p.

But I agree that at some point it would be the way to go if VR takes off.
Further hands-on impressions from a fellow GAFer:
I was starting to get a little down yesterday, but the more I hear like this, the more I'm glad I kept my preorder. Still unhappy about the price though

EDIT: Also, this rumble tech calls for the return of Super Monkey Ball (and Marble Madness).
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