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Nintendo Switch is Nintendo's fastest selling game system (US, 906K), Zelda over 100%

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Makes me wonder how well this thing would have done without Zelda. The insane hype and reception of it overwhelmingly nullifies all the problems with the Switch.
They wouldn't of launched it as is without Zelda. Maybe with Mario in its place since there were rumors that they were planning something along those lines.
As a (small) shareholder as well as a gamer, this makes me happy. Hope it continues. I still haven't picked one up but I plan to, and this would be the first Nintendo console I get since the N64!


What's crazy is that Breath of the Wild sold 460,000 units on WiiU.

The biggest software launch for WiiU in NA is Smash WiiU at 710k sold (retail and digital) during November 2014. For Breath of the Wild to hit at 460k on WiiU while still moving over 900k on Switch suggests that there is still a large portion of Nintendo faithful/hardcore gamers owning a WiiU that don't yet own a Switch.



Walruses, camels, bears, rabbits, tigers and badgers.
Makes me wonder how well this thing would have done without Zelda. The insane hype and reception of it overwhelmingly nullifies all the problems with the Switch.

I believe that the Switch would have had a similar launch to the 3DS without Breath of the Wild. I imagine MK8 Deluxe would have been moved up to take Zelda's place, but I don't think that would have been nearly enough on the software front to lead to the success that the Switch is experiencing right now.


Unconfirmed Member
Makes me wonder how well this thing would have done without Zelda. The insane hype and reception of it overwhelmingly nullifies all the problems with the Switch.

It would have been a lot worse. Software definitely matters, and picking Zelda to focus on at launch was the right call
That's really impressive, let's see if they can keep the momentum going. I'm still not convinced this will be a Wii level success, but it definitely shouldnt be a slouch.


I believe the breakdown of the numbers for Zelda that we so far know are:

France >100K (launch week Switch only)
UK < 80K (launch week Switch only)
Spain < 60K (not entire month of March)
Germany > 200K(Month of March combined totals)
US = 1385K (Month of March combined totals)
Japan = 450K(March + April)

Total > 2.2 mil
They literally just came off of a failed console and a about 7 years of poor hardware sales. The Wii was dead by 2011 and Wii U was a bust. Additionally, Switch was hyped sure and had an amazing Breath of the Wild launch, but that was a game 6 years in development and a Wii U title. Nintendo Switch needs more games and soon. You're crazy if you don't think waiting for another Nintendo game while games like Destiny 2 and Red Dead Redemption 2 release and avoid Nintendo's console won't affect them. Nintendo is still in a precarious situation where games are taking longer and harder for them to make and hardware is not massively subsidizing software as much. It is why they are doing more ports or remasters. Not a new Mario Kart but just a Wii U port with a few new characters and battle mode etc.

Well, the 3DS has sold most of any console this gen so far... I guess poor compared to previous gen for Nintendo, but they did manage to sell almost 80 million consoles since 2011 and whatever the Wii added in that timeframe. Far below expectations but still..


Makes me wonder how well this thing would have done without Zelda. The insane hype and reception of it overwhelmingly nullifies all the problems with the Switch.

Yeah Zelda feels like one of the most hyped/desired launch games for any system since Mario 64. If Zelda had come out say a year ago for Wii U I'm sure Nintendo would of had some other big game ready for launch other than 1, 2 Switch though who knows how it would of affected sales/desirability of the system.


The Chuck Norris of Peace
This makes me so happy, glad to see innovation and thinking outside of the box is valued by consumers. Still need to pick up my own machine, but am probably doing it this summer!


Launch sales are great. Zelda is fan-fucking-tastic and deserves its success. Its way better than anything else Nintendo has ever done and one of my favourite games ever.

That said I've got no reason to believe its success to this point is due to any demand from the general public or even larger gaming audience as opposed to fans of Nintendo and Zelda. Its far too early to weigh in on that, but we have (IMO crazy) people talking about sellouts thru the holidays and into 2018 in some threads.


Twilight Princess. Majora's Mask 3D. Breath of the Wild. Zelda may not be Nintendo's strongest franchise, but damn it's good at launching hardware.
This is great but as we've all seen launches mean nothing. The real test will be how it's going to do throughout this year and if it can keep this momentum going or will it fall off. Wii U also sold extremely well during its first month. Too early to celebrate anything.
Launch sales are great. Zelda is fan-fucking-tastic and deserves its success. Its way better than anything else Nintendo has ever done and one of my favourite games ever.

That said I've got no reason to believe its success to this point is due to any demand from the general public or even larger gaming audience as opposed to fans of Nintendo and Zelda. Its far too early to weigh in on that, but we have (IMO crazy) people talking about sellouts thru the holidays and into 2018 in some threads.

Those numbers are way too high to just be solely Nintendo fans in the span of a month. It's the best launch month for a Nintendo system and the fastest selling Zelda game. It's hard to attribute that to "just" Nintendo fans and Zelda.


This is great but as we've all seen launches mean nothing. The real test will be how it's going to do throughout this year and if it can keep this momentum going or will it fall off. Wii U also sold extremely well during its first month. Too early to celebrate anything.

This "Wii U sold extremely well at first" talking point has already been addressed and basically dismissed. It needs to stop being used to try and downplay the Switch's launch numbers.


I believe the breakdown of the numbers for Zelda that we so far know are:

France >100K (launch week Switch only)
UK < 80K (launch week Switch only)
Spain < 60K (not entire month of March)
Germany > 200K(Month of March combined totals)
US = 1.385K (Month of March combined totals)
Japan = 450K(March + April)

Total > 2.2 mil


Well there we go, they beat their forecast which is important when presenting to their shareholders at the end of April.

Oh wait this is for Zelda. That means they beat the 2 million sales needed to break even.
Might be people who bought a copy afraid that it might be sold out when they finally find a Switch. Or just to reserve it.

Not that crazy did the same as a kid had Twilght Princess before i had a Wii.

My wife's friend bought Zelda for Switch at launch. Still has not found an actual Switch.
Very awesome, hopefully they are able to keep it up. I imagine April will be high again, but we might have a bad dip in May and a boost again in June.


Throw Doom 64 on that compilation and I'd pay $40.

The vacuum left by larger third parties is a great thing for indies at least. It seems like most of the Switch's eShop releases are performing over expectations.

I agree, the Switch could see good results for the small and medium projects on consoles. When you don't have the AAA western third party games to promote, and Nintendo themselves spaces the big launches one to two months one from another, there's a lot of room for marketing those smaller titles.

Good news for the console. We bought a Special Edition of BOTW fearing they were going to sold out, but we still don't have a Switch, so we contributed to the ridiculous attach rate!


Most normal people buy consoles in order to play games so...
And it's also not a scenario where you're buying in knowing it would have basically every major third party game either, so it's Nintendo's software that has to do the heavy lifting, and in this case it really did a lot of lifting.


I think the Attach rate in Japan is around 60% only.

Can't recall actually

Around 60% is correct but Japan also has more interest in 1,2 Switch which is sitting at 166K sales currently.

Really interested how Switch titles outside of Zelda performed World Wide - especially smaller titles like Bomberman, Fast RMX, Snipperclips, Shovel Knight.


Very awesome, hopefully they are able to keep it up. I imagine April will be high again, but we might have a bad dip in May and a boost again in June.

I think you're more likely to see a dip in June than May. Mario Kart releases at the end of April and it will probably push sales for a bit. Plus we may still have supply issues in some territories even into May that will result in solid sales as the stock continues to become available for people still looking. June probably won't see that bad of a dip either though to be honest, especially if ARMS is good.
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