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Nintendo Switch is Nintendo's fastest selling game system (US, 906K), Zelda over 100%

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It would be absurd if the switch was able to sell 10 million in 12 months. It would eclipse the Wii U in roughly 14 months at that rate lol. Very unlikely.
It would be absurd if the switch was able to sell 10 million in 12 months. It would eclipse the Wii U in roughly 14 months at that rate lol. Very unlikely.
What if the Wii U was just a historic failure, though?

It'll be really interesting to see how much momentum Zelda is able to maintain for the Switch.


They can't afford to coast if they aren't going to have major third party support throughout the year. This Saturday is going to be a big moment as we'll find out if Battlefront 2 is going to be released on the Switch. And CoD:WWII should be announced some time this month or next month.

I'd think that EA is still waiting on FIFA for Switch to be a success before they decide to throw any more breadcrumbs.


I don't think anyone is buying a Switch just for MK8.

I bought one because I never bought a Wii or Wii U, and wanted Zelda/MK8/Odyssey and whatever else. MK8 is a new game to me since I never touched the Wii versions.

I bought mine principally for it. Zelda hype tipped me into buying at launch rather than at the end of the month. That and Super Mario Odyssey.

To be fair I hadn't even really looked into MK8 on Wii U, I literally had no interest in ever owning that console. The Switch is a million times better as a console and getting these games on this new system (improved graphics and all) is a no brainier for me. Finally a Nintendo console that is modern and sleek and of course portable too versus the clunky cheap feeling Wii U.


In hindsight I still can't believe Nintendo made the conscious decision to use their entire E3 of last year on Zelda and little else. And it worked like a charm.


Gaf's analysts lied to me.

Yeah, at this rate, I wonder if Pachter reverse predictions came true. If yes, the GAF apocalypse is upon us :S. Nintendo deserves all the praise it gets after GAF, analysts, and even 3rd party publishers thought Nintendos hardware division will soon cease to exist
Didnt the Wii u had good numbers at the start too? That said, they did ship alot more consoles early this time.

I just saw somewhere that the Wii U sold between 800,000-900,000 in its first six weeks and it launched during the holiday season. So the Switch is definitely a more impressive launch. Might be early to call it a runaway success, but when Monster Hunter, Pokemon, and Mario Odyssey all hit the system then I'd imagine sales will still be pretty good. There's also the fact that the Switch is distinguishable from its predecessors to the casual consumer. Casual folks still think the Wii U is just a tablet add-on and, when I worked retail at least, I'd hear them call the 3DS the "DS3" or the "DS3D". They were under the impression that it was the same as a DS, just with 3D capability. So I think the fact that the Switch is clearly a different product will work in Nintendo's favor as well.


The 'H' stands for hentai.
I'd think that EA is still waiting on FIFA for Switch to be a success before they decide to throw any more breadcrumbs.

Just going out on a limb here, but FIFA switch will probably sell better than EA expected because of the portability factor.

I know way too many people who want that game just because they can bring it along with them and play it when they have free time.


They can't afford to coast if they aren't going to have major third party support throughout the year. This Saturday is going to be a big moment as we'll find out if Battlefront 2 is going to be released on the Switch. And CoD:WWII should be announced some time this month or next month.

You seriously think Battlefront has any sliver of a chance of appearing on Switch? That's hilarious.


I just saw somewhere that the Wii U sold between 800,000-900,000 in its first six weeks and it launched during the holiday season. So the Switch is definitely a more impressive launch. Might be early to call it a runaway success, but when Monster Hunter, Pokemon, and Mario Odyssey all hit the system then I'd imagine sales will still be pretty good. There's also the fact that the Switch is distinguishable from its predecessors to the casual consumer. Casual folks still think the Wii U is just a tablet add-on and, when I worked retail at least, I'd hear them call the 3DS the "DS3" or the "DS3D". They were under the impression that it was the same as a DS, just with 3D capability. So I think the fact that the Switch is clearly a different product will work in Nintendo's favor as well.

It can't be understated how hard they worked on Switch's branding. The name and logo in particular are striking and absurdly effective.

Going back to the colour red is what really did it, though.

I recall Mario 64 also had a attach rate over 100% for a little while.

I think in Japan?

Indeed it did.

Fantastic piece of hardware but in desperate need of software.

Wake up third parties.

Don't worry they'll see this thread.
In hindsight I still can't believe Nintendo made the conscious decision to use their entire E3 of last year on Zelda and little else. And it worked like a charm.

Yeah, they bet really hard on Zelda. The game totally delivered, but that doesn't change the fact that it was a pretty risky move. It seems especially risky since the game is such a big departure from past Nintendo design philosophy. What if it hadn't been received well? They must have had incredible internal confidence in the game.
In hindsight I still can't believe Nintendo made the conscious decision to use their entire E3 of last year on Zelda and little else. And it worked like a charm.

That's pretty much all they could do though, as it was all they had for WiiU. They couldn't exactly announce 1 2 switch.

Ivan 3414

Sorry guys, but the Switch sales will soon plummet, and all will be right with gaming. After all, Wii sales are an anomaly, so there's no way Nintendo can ever pull off those sales ever again. And that's coming from GAF, so that's that. Discussion over.
Just going out on a limb here, but FIFA switch will probably sell better than EA expected because of the portability factor.

I know way too many people who want that game just because they can bring it along with them and play it when they have free time.

As long as it isn't a terrible port I'll buy it over the PS4 version. Unfortunately, I'm fully expecting it to be a terrible port :/


Daniel Ahmad (ZhugeEX) put one up on twitter:

This is a bit skewed though right? Like Wii and WiiU first month was a half month. Same with PS4 for that matter.
Not sure if someone brought this up on GAF already, but it would be interesting if one of the reasons why they chose to discontinue NES Classic Edition is because they're planning on releasing a software version of it on Switch to help boost sales.
It might not topple the 3DS in lifetime sales but it's definitely no failure. I kinda figured it would be OK when my lapsed gamer friends in their mid-30s picked them up after ignoring Nintendo for 10 years.


You don't need to be empathetic towards me.
I still don't know anyone who has a switch or actually wants one.

Unlike when the Wii came out and it was all the talk and everyone I knew had one or wanted one.

I still can't see it selling more than the N64 or GameCube. Hopefully it sells well though.


Kudos to Nintendo. First system of theirs I've owned since the N64 and it's a cool device.

That being said, this is 90% due to Zelda. That's the only reason I bought the console.

Me neither too. i own Zelda Wii U and bought the Swith version just for collectors reasons. The Switch didn't sell only cuz of Zelda, rhey have a great lineup coming up and soon more indies too. Hybrid gaming is the future.


It would be absurd if the switch was able to sell 10 million in 12 months. It would eclipse the Wii U in roughly 14 months at that rate lol. Very unlikely.

The wii pulled off that feat and the 3ds to if I recall. I wouldn't be surprised if the switch eclipsed the WiiU LTD in like 14 months.
I still don't know anyone who has a switch or actually wants one.

Unlike when the Wii came out and it was all the talk and everyone I knew had one or wanted one.

I still can't see it selling more than the N64 or GameCube. Hopefully it sells well though.

You can't see it selling more than 22m worldwide?

So between 13 and 22m is the range?

Below GameCube could never be called "selling well".


Believes Dragon Quest is a franchise managed by Sony
Good news. Its up to Nintendo to keep momentum going now.

I should add that i don't think a remaster of a years old Mario Kart game is going to do that.
I bought one of each BotW SKU (Wii U, Switch standard, special and master)

I am part of the problem. Proud to contribute as I think it is one of the best games ever made


It would be absurd if the switch was able to sell 10 million in 12 months. It would eclipse the Wii U in roughly 14 months at that rate lol. Very unlikely.

I think not.

3DS hardware sales in 2011:

It took a price cut and Mario Kart 7 and Super Mario 3D Land which released near the end of the year to generate that 15 million in hardware sales.

The Switch although more expensive, has a lot more big hitting software coming out throughout the whole year with Legend of Zelda BotW, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe, Minecraft (Digital version) and Splatoon 2 being big titles to name that are out for the first 4 months.

This isn't counting 3rd party support, Super Mario Odyssey, whether ARMS could be a success and not knowing if more titles for release this year will be announced at E3 since Smash Bros and Pokémon are still the only unknowns to be released this year due to rumours.

Switch could easily surpass 10 million hardware units by the end of the year.
Are you serious? Yes.
But its been a whole month of better than wii u sales in some regions!
If thats not a proof of long lasting success then i dunno what is

I don't wanna poop on someone's party but some people here genuinely believe these numbers are indications of wii tier sales.
Ps4 sold 1 million in the same territory in ONE day and the ps3 was a lot less starved and ps4 had nothing even remotely close to a zelda tier game. And not even that is touching wii numbers ever.
People buy launch stuff, its hype, nothing more, nothing less.
Congratulations to nintendo. Hope this one has momentum


Saint Titanfall
I still don't know anyone who has a switch or actually wants one.

Unlike when the Wii came out and it was all the talk and everyone I knew had one or wanted one.

I still can't see it selling more than the N64 or GameCube. Hopefully it sells well though.
That's a bit ridiculous the 3DS sold more than those and this is selling far better than the 3ED currently.


i got both the Switch and Wii U versions of Zelda. i needed that LE but Wii U got dusted in that department.
I still don't know anyone who has a switch or actually wants one.

Unlike when the Wii came out and it was all the talk and everyone I knew had one or wanted one.

I still can't see it selling more than the N64 or GameCube. Hopefully it sells well though.

Those are the only 2 real possibilities. 100 million or 20 million.
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