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Nintendo Switch paid online coming 2018 ($19.99 a year, Dr Mario w/ online play)

I'm assuming there's an actual service for buying games separately and that this thing for subscribers is just about old games with online multiplayer accessibility. I think there absolutely will be GB/GBC, N64, GBA, DS, and maybe Gamecube eventually games available, but not as part of this service.

They're not gonna stagnate the whole rotational array of games with just those two console lines. Obviously the longer it goes on, the more robust the library has to be, so they will have to add in more consoles into the service.


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
They gave up the idea of "keep the monthly "given" games only for a month"?
By letting titles be downloaded and played offline it becomes incredibly likely that there is rotating access. The only way to control a system like this is to curate what titles the player has access to on a regular basis.
Added online support is pretty fucking cool. Hope this doesn't mean the virtual console isn't coming until 2018, though. I need portable SNES games ASAP.
$20 is cheaper than expected, and I like that it's multiple classic games that they will likely add to over time. All in all not a horrible proposition, though voice chat through the phone instead of the console is still stupid


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
Need to know if it works across profiles on the same Switch. Like if I pay once am I good for all the profiles on my system.


Probably buy a month every now and then, but will never keep an active sub for this. Doesn't offer anywhere near enough and I don't think you can go half with someone and cover 2 consoles for it, like you can wiith Plus & Gold.


Can't say I'm feeling great about this, but if they really make it useful and substantive, I'll be convinced.


Sony never paid me for all my threads about their games and they've been charging $50 for online for years. Heck, I even liked Puppeteer! Doesn't make me optimistic about Nintendo paying me. :(

They're probably saving up for one lump sum.

Puppeteer was a cool ass game. I'm ashamed to say I only played it because I got it for free on PS+. :(


By letting titles be downloaded and played offline it becomes incredibly likely that there is rotating access. The only way to control a system like this is to curate what titles the player has access to on a regular basis.

But on PS+ and Gold you can play the games as long as you are registered, and you can play offline too. It detects when your subscribtion is over, whether you're online or not.


One of the perks of having a Nintendo consoles was the free online service.

To be honest in this day and age it's hard to justify to pay for something like this especially as a PC gamer, the severs don't cost as much as the old days and honestly Nintendo never shined by their online offering.

I don't have a switch yet but when I do I will not be paying for the online.

They really needed to offer something that was compelling.

If the online service paid for official mods (example being Nintendo revised Super Mario 3 to play in the Super Mario 2 setting or allowed 2 player coop in Megaman 3) and mod tools so the community can make their own mods to existing games that would be compelling.

Nintendo charging for online multiplayer of their games would've been fine but they shouldn't be charging for multiplayer of 3rd parties unless they disclose an explicit deal that makes sense for us consumers.
" "Our new dedicated smart device app will connect to Nintendo Switch and let you invite friends to play online, set play appointments, and chat with friends during online matches in compatible games─all from your smart device.:"

So not only does it require your smart phone, this makes it seem like they won't even have party chat?

oh shit wait does this also imply you won't be able to use voice chat in games unless the people are on your friends list?


Wireless chatting on the PS4 doesn't use Bluetooth at all. You have to buy proprietary headsets or go wired via the jack on the Dual Shock 4.
The proprietary headsets are actually Bluetooth but Sony locked the connectivity. I would be ok if Switch used that instead of this current insanity which does not work for any people who use headsets vs speakers at home. My wife won't like me blasting Xenoblade 2 from the basement vs using headsets like in any other PC/Console.


Price isn't terrible, I think it's the most they can ask for it but Nintendo hasn't earned the benefit of the doubt and I just assume it will be very poor.
no if anything, this reads like the Virtual Console as you think it, is no more.

That would be insane. It's Nintendo, so I won't say it's impossible. But, I really fucking doubt they aren't going to let people pay to own classic games. You'll just need the service to play them online.

I hope.
What are the chances that the shit storm over the headset caused them jump on this? And the delay? I'm betting their looking for another way, why not just Bluetooth? When are you gonna use a Bluetooth headset with 8 other joycons on the same switch? Seems asanine. What are the chances both of these things dropped the same day? This is reactionary. Hopefully for the better


Puppeteer was a cool ass game. I'm ashamed to say I only played it because I got it for free on PS+. :(
(I really do like Puppeteer, vocal GAF critics be darned. But having replayed it recently, it's a tad wordier than I remembered... Kind of like revisiting some of my own threads, lol.)
Price is good.

Instant library will be interesting to see. There's a couple of routes they can go but for the price they have a chance to deliver.

Splitting the chat and party stuff onto a separate device is madness. It might be genius. I look forward to seeing what their app can do.

Will games like Mario Kart 8, Splatoon 2 and Arms require the subscription for online play and be patched to support the app? Who knows. It's a crazy time.


Glad to hear about the delay, at least I'll have until the end of this year to try out some Switch games online.

Classic Game Selection is interesting, at least you get something for subscribing. But I hope this doesn't mean the end of regular VC. :(


Hold up! I can't voice chat outside of games, and I need to pay to use voice chat too?

Hmmm... the price isn't bad, but I'm not feeling it right now.


So it's confirmed that it's an expanding library that you have full access to


So is it safe to assume that they backtracked on taking VC games away after a month?

I suspect that was lost in translation, and it was more that a different game would be available every month - That is to say, if you didn't get the game while it was free, you would have to pay for it, if you wanted it. So, similar to what you have on PS+. There was so much reactionary drivel over that, when there was nothing to indicate that you wouldn't still have the game after a month, and when that hasn't happened with free Nintendo downloads historically. But it's a Nintendo discussion on here, so, it's not a surprise that wilful obtuseness prevails at all costs.
"Sorry we are delaying charging you for what you are enjoying right now for free! Don't worry we will take your money soon!"

This whole thing is so bad.

Ah I see the change with the classic library, at least that's ok.
Luckily we'll get to see just how good/bad the Voice chat service is during the trial period this summer - at least they're gathering feedback and letting people make the decision with proper hands on.
Whats incredible about it?

That you need another device not sold by Nintendo to use it.

Pretty sure it's a technical choice.

A large chunk of system resources on the xb1/ps4 are dedicated to the OS (only 5GB of the 8GB of RAM is actually available to games, for instance, due to OS bloat)

By farming off functionality to an external device and having an extremely minimalist OS they're able to save as much of the system's processing power as possible for games. I believe only .75GB of RAM is used for switch's OS, for example.

I'm not going to pretend to understand the technical aspects, but I'm pretty sure I played DS games that had online with voice chat.


So they are charging 20 because they can and it's cheaper than the competitors, so it seems to be a good deal when in reality they are charging for, basically, nothing in return.


(I really do like Puppeteer, vocal GAF critics be darned. But having replayed it recently, it's a tad wordier than I remembered... Kind of like revisiting some of my own threads, lol.)

I remember making a LTTP thread for it too where I mentioned I think the same thing. The game has really fun bits but is bogged down by a story which doesn't really matter as much as they thought it does. The best part is the variety of the worlds and the art direction.

/end derail


Kotaku confirmed with Nintendo that it is indeed a Netflix model


"UPDATE (9:50pm): Nintendo confirmed that this monthly plan has indeed changed, telling Kotaku: “Nintendo Switch Online subscribers will have ongoing access to a library of classic games with added online play. Users can play as many of the games as they want, as often as they like, as long as they have an active subscription.”"

There you go, Colour me surprised.
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