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Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 Thread: Joy-Conference

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The Birthday Skeleton
Really happy they added a share button at least. The relative lack of games probably just means there will be more at E3.

With video sharing launching sometimes in future, ffs. Again an OS that is not finished at launch.

Watch video sharing being the new TVii.


Just finished watching. That has to be one of the strangest press conferances I have ever seen. Props to them for coming out and being upfront with everything but man between the poor software and translations I was pretty bored....


I really don't understand what was the reasoning behind blocking the developers from announcing Switch games until today?

So we can see some people standing on stage and talking about Nintendo and the middle name of their kid? Not even showing a small teaser or something? This is beyond my comprehension.

We still haven't seen that NBA 2k and only a couple of seconds from Ubisoft.

When they say "We have 80+ titles in development" that caught me by surprise in the best way.

However we barely saw anything from those titles. I'm really hoping we see a blowout showing at E3 this year that takes the lid off of the third-party games and shows us what's really down the road for first-party games.

The fact that we saw nothing of Smash, Animal Crossing or Pokemon makes me wonder what they have under wraps for E3. Something tells me they didn't reveal their full hand today.

I mean, by Christmas it'll have been 5 years since New Leaf.



Wow, this looks really bad (just referring the tech). But I suppose bad graphics is the least of its problems.

Everything in that conference looked 2005 bad.
When they say "We have 80+ titles in development" that caught me by surprise in the best way.

However we barely saw anything from those titles. I'm really hoping we see a blowout showing at E3 this year that takes the lid off of the third-party games and shows us what's really down the road for first-party games.

The fact that we saw nothing of Smash, Animal Crossing or Pokemon makes me wonder what they have under wraps for E3. Something tells me they didn't reveal their full hand today.

I mean, by Christmas it'll have been 5 years since New Leaf.

Didn't they say that there are 80 titles in development, not that Nintendo were making them?
When they say "We have 80+ titles in development" that caught me by surprise in the best way.

However we barely saw anything from those titles. I'm really hoping we see a blowout showing at E3 this year that takes the lid off of the third-party games and shows us what's really down the road for first-party games.

The fact that we saw nothing of Smash, Animal Crossing or Pokemon makes me wonder what they have under wraps for E3. Something tells me they didn't reveal their full hand today.

I mean, by Christmas it'll have been 5 years since New Leaf.

A lot of those "80 titles in development" are probably ports and retreads. Think about it, this was supposed to be the big blowout and the best they could muster was Skyrim, Fifa and stuff like Street Fighter 2? If they had bigger guns they were stupid to now show them now.


Regarding the Nintendo developed titles, do we know which teams are developing which games yet? Super Mario Odyssey seems to be EPD Tokyo, but what about the new IP like Arms?



Fucking great.

Switch = AU$470
Pro controller = AU$100
Zelda = AU$90

$660.... $660 fucking hell Nintendo.

Even without the Pro controller this thing would cost me AU$560.

I don't even know how this console operates, UI, friends list, social media sharing, OS speed and features etc etc.



I just looked a summary of the conference this morning.

All I can do is sigh. They had it in the bag, but you can always count on Nintendo to make every possible mistake.

I'll probably wait until the Switch is a reasonable price before I get one. Should be a nice back catalogue of games by then.


Dude. I was so ready to preorder the hell out of this thing.
It just needed to be an average presentation with some decent launch title details.

I couldn't agree more.

I should have been an easy sell. I'm easy to please when it comes to Nintendo, but this looks dire. I will buy it eventually, but likely not for a while.

Truthfully, I don't know how this targets customers beyond the small audience that already bought a Wii U. Who looked at the Wii U and decided it was not for them, then watched this conference and felt any different about the Switch? The portability seems to be the only distinguishing factor but that's hampered by its poor battery life.


The Birthday Skeleton
When they say "We have 80+ titles in development" that caught me by surprise in the best way.

However we barely saw anything from those titles. I'm really hoping we see a blowout showing at E3 this year that takes the lid off of the third-party games and shows us what's really down the road for first-party games.

The fact that we saw nothing of Smash, Animal Crossing or Pokemon makes me wonder what they have under wraps for E3. Something tells me they didn't reveal their full hand today.

I mean, by Christmas it'll have been 5 years since New Leaf.

I guess they keep the launch games also to be shown at E3. /s


I was so underwhelmed by this conference. Ugh! Not that I had high expectations. Nintendo lost me a long time ago. But I was somewhat hoping Nintendo could pull me back in. This conference made me far less excited for the system in an hour and that's saying something.

Mr T.

I'm starting to think people here haven't purchased a console at launch before, cause their launch line up has a definitive first party console seller and decent smaller titles. We also know there will be some solid games throughout the year with another console seller in time for the holiday season. Just thinking back on my consoles at their launches (every Nintendo device from N64+/Xbox console) and this line up is probably one of the best.


Gold Member
- Joycon ideas are great, imagine playing Skyrim with realistic bow and arrow movements or sword play!

C'mon man. This same tired gimmick has been trotted out since the original Wii. Hey, remember when Sony made their own version of the Wii and specifically gave us an archery mini games? Remember how bad it sucked and how amazingly inaccurate it was? Remember how horribly inaccurate the swordplay was in Skyward Sword which REQUIRED the Motion Plus? This notion of "realistic [insert motion control gimmick here]" has been promised for a decade now and hasn't amounted to anything more than a faint whiff of a fart.

- Joycon allows Wii backwards compatibility

It may well offer this but since the unit has no optical drive Nintendo will be all too happy to charge you ridiculous VC fees for each and every one of those Wii games you may want (or whatever they choose to offer).


A lot of those "80 titles in development" are probably ports and retreads. Think about it, this was supposed to be the big blowout and the best they could muster was Skyrim, Fifa and stuff like Street Fighter 2? If they had bigger guns they were stupid to now show them now.

i don't know mulder, i'd say that smt v and the dragon quest games have more of an impact than street fighter 2 and skyrim


I guess I see where you guys are coming from with the price. But the software looked amazing.

I mean we are got Mario, Zelda, Xenoblade, Splatoon, and that whacky ass Arms game. I thought it was solid.

The joy cons seem like heaven though ;_;

Is it? Only have one system to worry about for the future and this is the lineup they have to show.


The Birthday Skeleton
I'm starting to think people here haven't purchased a console at launch before, cause their launch line up has a definitive first party console seller and decent smaller titles. We also know there will be some solid games throughout the year with another console seller in time for the holiday season. Just thinking back on my consoles at their launches (every Nintendo device from N64+/Xbox console) and this line up is probably one of the best.

I bought a Wii U at launch and honestly it had a much better launch line-up than Switch has.

Ashe Nei

I have no problem with a 330€ (yeah, european...) or underwhelmining graphics (though pretty good for a portable) neither with a paltry line-up, expensive accesories, limited internal memory (expandible with SD), low battery life or on-line fee (though this one hurts no matter what), but everything at the same time!!!??

Heck, i'm sure that i will eventually get it, because it seems to be THE Nintendo platform where every Nintendo game &Nintendo exclusive will be released but as of now is the most unappealing console/handheld/hybrid-whatever that i've seen in a lot of time... and it hurts me because i want it to succeed, because a console where i could enjoy EVERY Nintendo game for the next 5-6 years is A DREAM COME TRUE to me!!! But...not like this Nintendo, NOT-LIKE-THIS...

See you in like...a year or two. That should be long enough for Nintendo to drop the price of the console (and hopefully the controllers too) and get a more consistent lineup
i don't know mulder, i'd say that smt v and the dragon quest games have more of an impact than street fighter 2 and skyrim

I was leaning more towards western focused games. Nintendo hasn't changed much in that regard. There were actually people thinking they'd get Red Dead 2 a couple months ago.


What time is it?
  • While the launch line-up is disappointing aside from Zelda, having both Zelda & Mario on Day 1 would have eaten into one another's sales.

I wish it had something unique at launch as it is hard to to justify upgrading from a Wii U.

That was an awful conference. The presentation was so drab. The pricing, paid-for online and lackluster launch lineup make me want to take a wait and see approach. I love the concept and am a sucker, so I probably will not.


Is it? Only have one system to worry about for the future and this is the lineup they have to show.

the supposed 2017 switch lineup:

mario kart
xenoblade 2 (where the supposed part comes in)
splatoon 2
1 2 switch

i have a feeling there's more they're saving for later, for whatever reason, smash bros., pokemon, and maybe mario maker are the likeliest culprits. perhaps due to the nature of this show, they wanted to highlight new stuff, which would make sense why mario kart 8 wasn't there.


C'mon man. This same tired gimmick has been trotted out since the original Wii. Hey, remember when Sony made their own version of the Wii and specifically gave us an archery mini games? Remember how bad it sucked and how amazingly inaccurate it was? Remember how horribly inaccurate the swordplay was in Skyward Sword which REQUIRED the Motion Plus? This notion of "realistic [insert motion control gimmick here]" has been promised for a decade now and hasn't amounted to anything more than a faint whiff of a fart.

I remember how I liked the archery minigame in Wii Sports Resort and the sword play in Twilight Princess. Maybe I'm S.P.E.C.I.A.L. But son and I had a lot of fun with it.
But I don't have my hopes up for any Switch-related features on Skyrim ..

It may well offer this but since the unit has no optical drive Nintendo will be all too happy to charge you ridiculous VC fees for each and every one of those Wii games you may want (or whatever they choose to offer).

and people will happily pay the fee, as they've been doing for a long time with poorly remastered HD-versions .. We haven't had any VC related informations yet, so let's wait and see.

Apart from the high price tag I'm pretty optimistic. One of us has to be with all this negativity here. ;)


The only thing really making me buy the console right now is No More Heroes 3 and to play Zelda on the go. That's not many reasons honestly, especially when No More Heroes 3 doesn't even have a legit title.


I was leaning more towards western focused games. Nintendo hasn't changed much in that regard. There were actually people thinking they'd get Red Dead 2 a couple months ago.

well i never thought it would get a western focus outside of family titles. i guess my expectations were a lot more in line with reality. what we're seeing here with a bunch of japanese games feels more in tune with the 3ds, and that was what i had expected.


I think the biggest problem more than anything (at least for me) is that they sold me on maybe getting this console in the future, but not now. A lot of the games they showed looked like a good polished games that I would expect from Nintendo. But they did an horrendous job selling me on why I should get it in March or even this year (unless a bunch of games come out in 2017) besides Zelda of course. I'm seeing old games and ports being used as selling points. I'm not buying a $300 console just for old games like Street Fighter 2 and old 3rd party games I already own and beat.


I was leaning more towards western focused games. Nintendo hasn't changed much in that regard. There were actually people thinking they'd get Red Dead 2 a couple months ago.

I didn't think Western support would be great but I am surprised MW: Remastered isn't even on the cards.

Danny Dudekisser

I paid good money for this Dynex!
I'm really, really excited for this thing... just not necessarily at launch. I'll buy it for Zelda, and I know I'll have a great time with that, but I would've liked more. But hey -- the 3DS started out horribly and ended up being one of the best systems of all time, in my mind, so... whatever? So many of the games shown in the conference make me think this system is made for me.
I'm starting to think people here haven't purchased a console at launch before, cause their launch line up has a definitive first party console seller and decent smaller titles. We also know there will be some solid games throughout the year with another console seller in time for the holiday season. Just thinking back on my consoles at their launches (every Nintendo device from N64+/Xbox console) and this line up is probably one of the best.

Nope, I've gotten plenty of consoles at launch and this ain't a good one, sorry.


Just finished watching it:

Hmm not that happy. Seems to expensive for what they showed: I expected more games at launch. And the presentation was nowhere near as slick as the reveal advert.


DOA in the west.

Seriously, I was expecting a $249 price with a free (beefed up) Splatoon port bundled in.
$299 in the US and €329-€349 in europe is hilarious.

Launch lineup is underwhelming, paid online for Nintendo (!), expensive as fuck peripherals, ..... nah man. Will buy when it's 199 $/€.

WiiU Zelda for me.
Jesus, what are they thinking.....?
Is it? Only have one system to worry about for the future and this is the lineup they have to show.

This is the lineup they're showing now. Launch is in 7 weeks and then E3 is only 3 months after that. You figure launch quantities are going to be sold out to the die hards no matter what the system releases with, so why would they release all of the big guns before they have the consoles in peoples hands? They need to ramp up production in time for the holidays and release games every month until then, which it looks like they are, even without taking E3 into account.

The Wii U didn't have sustained game releases post launch window. It had nothing to do with what they did or didn't have at launch. There's games that they didn't even announce today that were said to be already finished (Pikmin 4). Let's see how this shapes up by E3 before we all start freaking out.


If they wouldn't insist that this thing is a console with a portability feature but instead claimed that it was a portable device with TV connectivity, I think the reactions could've been more positive. Other than the price and the freaking backwards online system with voice chat through a smartphone of course.


I thought it was fantastic. Charming and full of character. Nintendo stilll knows how to have fun. Unlike the very corporate and serious presentations we get from Sony. I'm glad now that Nintendo are going in a different direction than Sony and Microsoft, I can now see where they fit in and why they dare to be different.

Mario Oddysey looks really hot - it was a total surprise for me - the new sandbox and visiting the real world. The new Zelda trailer was awesome, I wasn't looking forward to Zelda before, but it looks like they have new ideas now and have changed the formula enough now. And it has both voice acting, live music and deeper characters now! Zelda will be a day one purchase for me! As a whole the new style of Nintendo games seem to full of new creativity, the success of Splatoon seems to rubbed off onto Nintendo as an entity as a whole now. The style and attitude of Splatoon seems to be influencing a lot of their new games. They're not going for realism but have a really cool art direction.


330€? Not even a 1:1 conversion as usual? It was already a hard sell at 300€, but at 330€ it's straight up no fucking way, this will bomb hard in europe.
A lot of those "80 titles in development" are probably ports and retreads. Think about it, this was supposed to be the big blowout and the best they could muster was Skyrim, Fifa and stuff like Street Fighter 2? If they had bigger guns they were stupid to now show them now.

SF 2 is goat. With effort, new characters and such it could have been really great. With these newly added features though.. not so much but still cool. A lot b
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