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Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017 Thread: Joy-Conference

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The one thing I appreciated tonight was the laughs.


I seem to have the opposite opinion of everybody here (this happens far too often)
I thought Nintendo were showing a confidence and swagger that I had never seen from them before and that the presentation was a great success. The joycons seem great and Zelda at launch is brilliant, I'm not sure what else people were expecting. We even got teases for a new no more heroes, xenoblade and smt game. Maybe the launch won't be the strongest (even though zelda is goty and at least 40 hours long) but it won't be long after that we'll have titles like Arms, Splatoon and Mario Kart. The price is a little more than I would have liked but all in all this seems like a great system.

We also have 3 more livestreams to look forward over the weekend. Might get some more announcements there.
Yeah I'm pumped for the Switch after today. Gaf/the internet can be pretty damn negative sometimes. I'm not making any predictions on the success of the Switch, the doom and gloom may be founded, but for me personally it's almost like a dream Nintendo console tbh.

I've never watched modern IGN Nintendo before but I decided to check out their post-conference talk. Was good to see people actually talk optimistically and be excited after coming from this thread. They mostly had views that mirrored mine.


Yeah, it was obviously gonna be $299. Don't know why people are surprised by it. The 3DS is still $199 and the WiiU is still $299. This thing being both and more powerful than both, it wasn't gonna be $249.

Mostly because people were assuming they would learn from the colossal fuck up that was the WiiU. They didn't.
It's a $300 home console that doubles as a portable system.

In a world where the "New" 3DS XL and the PS Vita are $200, and are both far underpowered compared to the Switch?

$300 seems like a fair price to me.

It isn't just that it's $300. That would be fine.

It's that it doesn't come with a game. Even that ridiculous tech demo game where you don't even look at the screen, which is apparently $50

The controllers are insanely expensive. Even the pro is $70

an extra dock is $90

You have to pay to play online now. For Nintendo games, which will likely have small to nonexistent communities.

You have to pay to use an app on your cell phone to chat with your friends.

And the free games you get a month are VC only that apparently are just rentals

When you stack everything the pricing and scheming of switch is complete and total bullshit. This is nickel and diming to such a ridiculous level that I can't even begin to comprehend how they thought it would be received well.
Yeah, it was obviously gonna be $299. Don't know why people are surprised by it. The 3DS is still $199 and the WiiU is still $299. This thing being both and more powerful than both, it wasn't gonna be $249.
You might notice that those things aren't selling like they used to. Maybe because of their prices.

But who knows, maybe consumers are just too stupid to recognize quality products and Nintendo's everlasting genius.


What were they thinking by announcing that online functionality is now paid without in the same breathe mentioning it comes with discounts and (temporary) VC games to soften the blow? That was an awful messaging choice.


I liked what I saw, and honestly most of the leaks from today ended up being true. I have no idea what people were expecting being the vast majority of what was showed were the same leaks people were freaking over about 4 hours ago.

Pros: March 3rd release, Zelda, Mario, Mario Kart, Splatoon 2.

Cons: Price is $50 more then expected, paid online subscription.

My only complaint is 1-2 Switch/Arms feels like they should have been a pack-in-title. Day 1 purchase for Zelda for me.

I dunno. Arms look pretty good to me. I don't have that much time for games nowadays and $50 doesn't really make a difference, so Zelda and Splatoon is good enough for me.


Oh dear, this thing is probably going to be $500 here.

Meanwhile you can buy a 1TB PS4 for $450.

And a smartphone app for online communication? Are you fucking kidding me?
Average presentation.

I like the idea of the console, and its uses. But the portable lasting 3-6 hours...

Regional free, but paying for online now...

One of its biggest games can be played on the Wii U (Zelda)...

Weak teasers for future games other than Mario (personally).

The good graphics, where were they?

There was no big game, nothing that made me want to buy this right now.


If it was a pack in I'd actually be excited for all these wacky motion/rumble games. They seem fun and creative, but clearly they wouldn't have a lot of staying power after the initial laughs. I'm really intrigued by the "HD Rumble" and look forward to trying it out myself.


Junior Member
This is Nintendo for this conference.

Nintendo: "Allright guys we fucked up the Wii U, people didn't know what it was. So we are going to spend 30 minutes of the Conference showing them every fucking detail of this thing, making sure that a grandma can use this thing after watching it."

Appreintence: "A sir what do we do for the rest of the confence"

Nintendo: "Fuck, well lets show them games about the controllers so they can see the gimmicks. How far away is Mario, damn allright give it a quick trailer. Then people love Zelda so even tho we gave it a whole E3, let's spend like 10% of the conference on it, and to make it really special will end with it. They'll never see it. O almost forgot splatton throw that in their somewhere.

Appreintece: "sir that's only 5 games."

Nintendo: "damn your right let's get ports everyone loves ports that feel up the launch line up and this idiots will eat it all up. Also call square they'll show games that don't even have names yet so they can show some trailers."

Overall my thoughts on the conference is very weak. Splatoon looked awsome and never playing the first this one looks really cool. Also I love that they added ults, errr I mean super weapons ;). Never played a Zelda before so this will be my first one and it looks really good. Then there is Mario which I don't know how I feel about. I'm not a big fan of open world collect a thons, but some of the courses you saw at the end looked really cool. I just wish they could have had a better presentation. Just look at Sony and even tho gaf doesn't like them Microsoft lately. They put on phenomal conferences that gets anyone watching hyped. This one was just meh, felt like the pro concerne and you don't want that :(


Should be put to work in a coal mine.
Can somebody make a thread about which insider was right or bullshitting all along?

Would be really interesting.


About 2-3x more powerful when docked if I recall correctly, at least according to Eurogamer's leaked clock speeds.

Honestly I'm starting to second guess even that low ball assessment. There is a post in another thread saying that one of the reps mentioned that Zelda is only 900p native when docked. Pretty concerning considering it's only a WiiU title. I mean maybe I wasn't paying attention but the visual improvements appeared to be pretty minimal.


It's a $300 home console that doubles as a portable system.

In a world where the "New" 3DS XL and the PS Vita are $200, and are both far underpowered compared to the Switch?

$300 seems like a fair price to me.

Yeah, I mean Vita launched with a $250 SKU and a $300 SKU. PS4 launched at $400, and Xbox One launched at $500.

Even if you think of it as just a handheld the Switch costs only $50 more for a far more capable system that comes with a lot more stuff, and Vita required you to buy a separate memory card in order to save games ($20 for the cheapest memory card, so Vita essentially cost $270 at launch).

Now, perhaps it isn't a good sign that I'm comparing Switch to a handheld that bombed horribly, but I don't remember anyone complaining about the Vita's price back when it launched.
Pretty sure I called this thing being a portable Wii-U in power. And I got shit on.

Let's please make a thread to do the same to these "insiders". I'd like a crow eating contest.


You're comparing a new product to old ones released against different hardware.

This isn't a handheld product. It's a hybrid. It is not only competing against mobile/tablets (against which its tech is lacking), it's also competing against consoles (against which its price point AND tech are lacking).

If Nintendo expects to recapture their handheld market AND grab the core gamer, they've lost their damn minds.

Is Nintendo really looking to "recapture" the handheld market? As far as dedicated handheld gaming goes, they're still on top, with 60m+ lifetime 3DS sales. Phones could easily outpace what the 3DS could do, but they still sold.

As far as I'm concerned, I'm getting more bang for my buck out of this machine than a PS4/X1, on hardware alone. No longer will I need to purchase a separate handheld. The games will come, as always. Even the PS4 launch lineup was fairly lackluster on exclusive games.

This appears to be a good strategy, and this "core" gamer is likely to buy in.


Man I really think Nintendo's got another Wii U except in Japan where I think it'll do well.

I think it's just as bad a situation in Japan. The WiiU bombed there, and the 3DS struggled until the price drop, and a slew of big releases. Even then it wasn't exactly a success story. Now we have an even more expensive device to further alienate their dwindling handheld base...


It isn't just that it's $300. That would be fine.

It's that it doesn't come with a game. Even that ridiculous tech demo game where you don't even look at the screen, which is apparently $50

The controllers are insanely expensive. Even the pro is $70

an extra dock is $90

You have to pay to play online now. For Nintendo games, which will likely have small to nonexistent communities.

You have to pay to use an app on your cell phone to chat with your friends.

And the free games you get a month are VC only that apparently are just rentals

When you stack everything the pricing and scheming of switch is complete and total bullshit. This is nickel and diming to such a ridiculous level that I can't even begin to comprehend how they thought it would be received well.

My thoughts exactly. Thank you for doing the typing for me :D. The bolded part is one of my biggest complaints. A PAID app just for party chat? Come the fuck on!


Well, won't be buying this soon.

I'll never give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt again. The software lineup is a wasteland.
Having devs I don't care about talk for minutes about their plans without having anything to show? Skyrim?

No thanks, Nintendo. Where did all your resources go? You should've gone all out. What did all the devs do during the 1-2 years of Wii U software drought? Handheld and console developers finally combined?

Ridiculous showing. I will play Zelda on Wii U. But hey, watch it being delayed till summer, too.


Nvidia CEO said you will be blown away.

I was blown away alright.

And didn't Kimishima or someone say after the last reveal trailer there were more surprises for the presentation? Was that it? I expected much more detailed info and I got absolutely nothing. All the talk was on the joycons, reminded me of the wii-motion controllers all over again.

Oh yes, I remember they showed us the social media screen shot button? How about showing us HOW. Show us an example for the love of God.

I'm so mad right now I'm better off not posting.


Nintendo should have avoid the hypotetical third party support: "Hey guys, we are developing something really cool for the Switch, we don't have anything to show for now, not even a pic, but it'll will be cool, wait and see!"

That EA guy, Jesus, he was so out of place...
Got mine preordered. That being said, i'm still unpacking the amount of disappointment I had from this event, and just how off it seemed to be.

The first thing I wanna say is I love a lot about the Switch. Again, I have it preordered; I think it has the potential to provide some incredible game experiences. I'll be getting Zelda day 1, but thats more because 'what the fuck else would I get at launch', but I do wish I had more options. Seeing all the tech in the Joy-con, and seeing them being put to use in 1 2 Switch & Arms, really pulled me in better than I thought they would. That SMO trailer solidified my purchase.

However, I just couldn't help but get this feeling watching this presentation, that the Switch was being rushed to market. We've all heard talk that this device couldn't miss the current FY Nintendo is in, that it had to launch this year no matter what, and that they delayed it into March because they wanted it to launch in a period where it had more games to show. But, clearly, the Switch just isn't in that position yet.

It feels like i'm purchasing an early access console, and no other announcement sunk that feeling in more than the paid online service would be available sometime in the late-summer/fall. They didn't even have a revenue stream service that they are clearly investing in & planning on turning into a profitable revenue stream for them to be ready by launch of the system. And does that mean that some of the features they briefly touched on for that service, like parties & voice chat, will not be available until the paid service goes online?

The other 'gut punch' for me at this presentation was just seeing so many games get announced & them not be March 3rd games. Wasn't the whole point of the Switch to consolidate development behind 1 platform for Nintendo? Wasn't the delay into March meant to be so the Switch head a healthy lineup of titles going forward from its launch date?

The device itself seems amazing, but the 'platform' it is meant to be just has me disappointed, not because the games they did announce look bad (they all looked excellent), but that I expected more games to be available around the time it launch.


I like that they show you that you can accomplish the same thing as that game by putting some balls in a box instead of spending $360 on the console + game.
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