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- Nintendont - | Yes, you CAN play GameCube games on your Wii U!


I'm trying to use cheat codes on Nintendont (With Paper Mario: TTYD, specifically), but every time I attempt to boot the game, the console hard-locks on a black screen. I have kenobiwii in the /sneek/ folder and I made sure the game folder (and actual GCT file) is named with the game ID (G8ME01). Only thing I can think might be doing it would be the code format.
Some codes only works when applied separately, otherwise they hardlock the console, try apply code one by one.

If i play fire emblem path of radiant with nintendont,is there any way to transfer the save to the wiiu so i can use it with radiant dawn?
(I also have a wii with GC memory card slot)
Yes, dump your GC memory card on Wii through GCMM+
Manage that dump in dolphin (emulator), convert it to nintendont mc format.


I dunno, seems a bit dangerous to use, especially since how competent Nintendo is regarding 3DS piracy, and me wanting to play new games on the system without having to force an update.


From what I read at GBAtemp, it sounds like a browser exploit, and it works on the current firmware. I've taken their advice and blocked the Nintendo servers on my Wii U via opendns for the time being though...can still play online safely, which is nice.

The possibility of Retroarch and native GameCube games on the gamepad...awwww yeeeaaahh

retroarch with more ram for bigger compatibility with arcade emulation is delicious


I dunno, seems a bit dangerous to use, especially since how competent Nintendo is regarding 3DS piracy, and me wanting to play new games on the system without having to force an update.

Nintendo hasn't updated anything in Wii mode since near launch.
i have homebrew on vWii and have updated the Wii U every time a new update comes out and have never had any issues.
they just don't care anymore.
btw, to be safe, i just installed the most basic stuff to run Nintendont (HBC alone suffices. no need of weird forwarders and other convoluted stuff)

regarding Wii U mode, i don't think i'll be worth it to hack that side for a long time after an exploit is out. too much baggage atm for little return (especially since GC/Wii games run natively and i doubt the console can play those games in Wii U mode without making the machine turn into a Wii/GC)


regarding Wii U mode, i don't think i'll be worth it to hack that side for a long time after an exploit is out. too much baggage atm for little return (especially since GC/Wii games run natively and i doubt the console can play those games in Wii U mode without making the machine turn into a Wii/GC)

I agree as much as I want region free, a USB loader, native Wii U side Nintendont and RetroArch, I would rather wait a couple of years for Wii U support to dry up and not have to worry about the hacker/Nintendo game of cat and mouse by having to keep my Wii U offline or get a second Wii U.


Yeah, I always wait until end-of-life for these kinds of things, Nintendont and USBLoader GX aside. (I predicted Nintendo wouldn't touch vWii at all to ensure backwards compatibility stayed intact.)

Some codes only works when applied separately, otherwise they hardlock the console, try apply code one by one.

Alrighty, thanks. I imagine the badge codes are probably causing some kind of conflict.


Use HID device

any idea why this is missing from my nintendont menu guys? i have downloaded the latest nintendont and controllers.zip from the settings menu, it wasnt there before the update nor after.
i cant actually play gc games at the moment
Use HID device

any idea why this is missing from my nintendont menu guys? i have downloaded the latest nintendont and controllers.zip from the settings menu, it wasnt there before the update nor after.
i cant actually play gc games at the moment
What controller are you trying to use?
I bought Indiana Jones. So do I just follow the instructions as if I were hacking a Wii? Or is there some nuance to it?

Also I'm going to trade the game in ASAP, the hack will stay unless I delete it directly?


I bought Indiana Jones. So do I just follow the instructions as if I were hacking a Wii? Or is there some nuance to it?

Also I'm going to trade the game in ASAP, the hack will stay unless I delete it directly?

Hack will stay forever

Procedure is the same but different if you are installing a USB loader and not just Nintendont. Just install the homebrew channel.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Wow, I just installed this on my WiiU. This an amazing app and I'm blown away by how good Gamecube games look on my TV.

FZero GX is... awesome.
Whenever I try to make a virtual memory card Nintendont crashes and doesn't launch the game?

But if I just forget about virtual memorycard it works fine.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Whenever I try to make a virtual memory card Nintendont crashes and doesn't launch the game?

But if I just forget about virtual memorycard it works fine.

The same thing happened to me the first time. Are you pressing B to go to options before starting the game? You have to turn ON the memory card.
The same thing happened to me the first time. Are you pressing B to go to options before starting the game? You have to turn ON the memory card.

Yes. That's what I mean. When I turn it on, the game doesn't boot. When I have it off, the game boots.

Also unrelated, MGS Twin Snakes is terrible lol.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Yes. That's what I mean. When I turn it on, the game doesn't boot. When I have it off, the game boots.

Also unrelated, MGS Twin Snakes is terrible lol.

Have you tested booting the game up with other options toggled to confirm that's what's making it crash? The same thing was happening to me. It turned out to be the Widescreen that was making my game crash.

What's terrible about Twin Snakes? It's not that much different than the original. FPV makes the game easier to aim, that's about it.
What's terrible about Twin Snakes? It's not that much different than the original. FPV makes the game easier to aim, that's about it.

The game and environments were not built with FPV in mind, so the addition completely breaks the game and its difficulty.

Also the cutscenes are excessively over the top. MGS is stylized and the cutscenes kept to a style and tone, but the scenes in Twin Snakes are just...dumb. Things like running along a missile in barefoot and Liquid doing a somersault mid-sentence are not cool or impressive. They're just stupid and distracting, and scream of "bored interns with not enough supervision".

The game is better if you view it as a ribbing spoof of Metal Gear rather than a remake.

But very off-topic. This one's the most recent and covers the pros and cons to exhausting detail. Necro bump that if there's something interesting to add.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
The game and environments were not built with FPV in mind, so the addition completely breaks the game and its difficulty.

Also the cutscenes are excessively over the top. MGS is stylized and the cutscenes kept to a style and tone, but the scenes in Twin Snakes are just...dumb. Things like running along a missile in barefoot and Liquid doing a somersault mid-sentence are not cool or impressive. They're just stupid and distracting, and scream of "bored interns with not enough supervision".

The game is better if you view it as a ribbing spoof of Metal Gear rather than a remake.

But very off-topic. This one's the most recent and covers the pros and cons to exhausting detail. Necro bump that if there's something interesting to add.

I understand all those points. My thing is the MGS series is "silly" anyway, I didn't ruin the game for me to have this over the top silly scenes.


Twin Snakes is great. The game might be designed around the old controls but I enjoyed the added conveniences. The OTT cut-scenes are fun too and they fit the direction the series took.

If a MGS2 remake had come out last generation with MGS4 controls and camera I would prefer that to the original too.


I do what Nintendont!

I can't believe how easy it was to set this up on my WiiU. Bought a cheap hackable game from GS, hacked the virtual Wii, returned the game, put some files on my SD card, plugged in my gamecube controller adapter, and done. Shit just works. Aside from a kickass computer running dolphin, I say this is the best way to play GC games.


This may not be the right place to ask this, but it's more active than the Wii u home brew thread.
So a while ago I managed to totally fuck my Wii mode by installing a forwarder channel wad. Is there anyway to undo that or am I just stick with an unusable Wii mode forever?


One more option in this app would make it perfect: force anisotropic filter

Swiss enabled this on GameCube so WiiU should have more than enough overhead.


I'm getting a wii u soon and would like to know if you can use the actual gamepad to play? I don't see that said anywhere lol

No, because for now nintendon't only works on wii mode and wii mode don't allow for gamepad support.

Every other wiiu controler works with nintendon't

Deleted member 126221

Unconfirmed Member
I'm getting a wii u soon and would like to know if you can use the actual gamepad to play? I don't see that said anywhere lol

The image is on the gamepad, but you can't actually use the buttons (you need to use a Pro Controller, GC controller, etc.).


I finally got around to switching out to a 32GB SD card and putting some more of my GC games on it. Here's my reaction starting F-zero for the first time since I played a couple races a decade or so ago.

"Wow this game looks pretty good still, and that title screen music is pretty great. So I hear story mode is hard, let's just try Ruby Cup on Novice... FUCK THIS GAME IS FUCKING FAST. HOLY SHIT THE CONTROL STICK IS SO SENSITIVE I'M FLYING ALL OVER THE TRACK"

I had seen speedruns at 30fps max and was impressed. I was not ready for playing it at 60fps.
haha I have the first post in this thread and can't remember the reference I'm making

I seem to recall there being another thread where someone was asking if you could play Gamecube games on the Wii U, and someone was adamant about there being no way you could, leading to a flood of people proving him wrong.


I seem to recall there being another thread where someone was asking if you could play Gamecube games on the Wii U, and someone was adamant about there being no way you could, leading to a flood of people proving him wrong.

IIRC another thread about Nintendont had a typo in the title like, "Now you can't play GC games on your Wii U!"

Also I think my eyeballs dried up from staring at the screen so intently playing F-Zero.


I recommend anyone with a decent HD panel to try setting the WiiU to 480p when using Nintendont. I did this and it turns out my TV does a better job of upscaling than the WiiU. Not that the WiiU scaling is bad, but some TVs are just that much better.


I recommend anyone with a decent HD panel to try setting the WiiU to 480p when using Nintendont. I did this and it turns out my TV does a better job of upscaling than the WiiU. Not that the WiiU scaling is bad, but some TVs are just that much better.

That's why i prefer using a wii for nintendont...


I finally got around to switching out to a 32GB SD card and putting some more of my GC games on it. Here's my reaction starting F-zero for the first time since I played a couple races a decade or so ago.

"Wow this game looks pretty good still, and that title screen music is pretty great. So I hear story mode is hard, let's just try Ruby Cup on Novice... FUCK THIS GAME IS FUCKING FAST. HOLY SHIT THE CONTROL STICK IS SO SENSITIVE I'M FLYING ALL OVER THE TRACK"

I had seen speedruns at 30fps max and was impressed. I was not ready for playing it at 60fps.

Yeah the controls are so sensitive. I suck at the game, but I noticed a big difference between playing it with the Pro Controller and the original Gamecube controller. The Pro is way to sensitive for me and I suck even worse, with the GC controller I can manage to finish in the top 5 for the first bunch of tracks.

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Yeah the controls are so sensitive. I suck at the game, but I noticed a big difference between playing it with the Pro Controller and the original Gamecube controller. The Pro is way to sensitive for me and I suck even worse, with the GC controller I can manage to finish in the top 5 for the first bunch of tracks.

I wondered how I would feel about FZGX after playing 200cc in MK8... well at least I can have fun in Mario Kart. I still suck so hard at FZGX and I can't figure how to get better. I just crash into walls, I think like you said - the controls are too sensitive, or the ship that I'm using is too sensitive. I love the game's speed, but it's not fun for me since I don't know how to play properly.

I tried playing with a Wii classic controller (the small dogbone one) with the analog triggers, and I don't know if it helped. I seriously need tutorials on how to properly play the game lol, I suck too much and I can't figure out how to be better. I'm thinking it is realated to the controls, they're so sensitive.


That's up to you, but the WiiU has superior video and audio signal in the end. It upscales even better on my TV.

It really depends on whether your particular HDTV handles the 480p upscale better via component or HDMI. I suspect mine handles the former better from what I've seen.

HDTV manufacturers aren't expecting you to send 480p signals through an HDMI port in this day and age so there's a good chance many of them don't handle the upscale as cleanly via that input.


I wondered how I would feel about FZGX after playing 200cc in MK8... well at least I can have fun in Mario Kart. I still suck so hard at FZGX and I can't figure how to get better. I just crash into walls, I think like you said - the controls are too sensitive, or the ship that I'm using is too sensitive. I love the game's speed, but it's not fun for me since I don't know how to play properly.

I tried playing with a Wii classic controller (the small dogbone one) with the analog triggers, and I don't know if it helped. I seriously need tutorials on how to properly play the game lol, I suck too much and I can't figure out how to be better. I'm thinking it is realated to the controls, they're so sensitive.

You have to "tap" the accelerator button during hairpin turns. Knowing when to let go of the accelerator is key in every F-Zero game. Develop a touch for that tapping and you'll feel really in-tune with the game in a very satisfying way.

By the way, The OP didn't have this info, so sorry if this has already been mentioned. Does the GCN adapter work for Nintendon't? Are the analogue triggers fully functional if so?

Adam Prime

hates soccer, is Mexican
Do you use the brake button in GX? Or is it all about the air brakes and letting off A ?

To answer your question, yes I think the Adapter does work in Nintendont.


Do you use the brake button in GX? Or is it all about the air brakes and letting off A ?

To answer your question, yes I think the Adapter does work in Nintendont.

Nope, I never use the break button and I've beaten some cups on the highest difficulty level.

Here's a RTTP thread I made for F-Zero GX recently. There's a lot of sage advice in there from people far better than me.


It really depends on whether your particular HDTV handles the 480p upscale better via component or HDMI. I suspect mine handles the former better from what I've seen.

HDTV manufacturers aren't expecting you to send 480p signals through an HDMI port in this day and age so there's a good chance many of them don't handle the upscale as cleanly via that input.

I don't think that's likely to be the norm. You got anything to support that TV manufacturers aren't expecting 480p through HDMI AND that it leads to worse scaling performance?

As for the signal itself, that's removed from HDTV quality. A digital 480p signal via HDMI is a clean signal. It's absent of noise. Component from a console is an analog conversion from a digital source. As such it's already inferior, and in the Wii's case it's not even as good as the GameCube's. So that's already 2 issues you don't have with HDMI... So if an HDTV can mess that up... It seems like an especially out of the way bad thing to fumble.
You have to "tap" the accelerator button during hairpin turns. Knowing when to let go of the accelerator is key in every F-Zero game. Develop a touch for that tapping and you'll feel really in-tune with the game in a very satisfying way.

By the way, The OP didn't have this info, so sorry if this has already been mentioned. Does the GCN adapter work for Nintendon't? Are the analogue triggers fully functional if so?

So the adapter is compatible, but I am wondering about the trigger support too. Anyone?


So the adapter is compatible, but I am wondering about the trigger support too. Anyone?

Yes. Full 100% compatibility for all buttons, full analog trigger range and rumble.

They work exactly the same as on an actual GameCube. Played Mario Sunshine with no issues


Do the knock-off adapters work as well as the official ultra-rare edition nintendo brand? ie: Mayflash, Kelux, NEXiLUX, Ortz and all the other $20 adapters on Amazon/eBay?

To add to the Mayflash one, I'm using the unbranded one that looks exactly like the official one. I think it actually is the Kelux or Nexilux... It even comes in similar packaging, and it works perfectly.


Anyone had problems with the memory card emulation on WiiU ?

I can't for life make Twilight Princess recognize any memory card ... it always says that the memory card is full =/

I am trying with multi memory card emulation start with the smaller blocks....
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