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NPD Hardware Sales Results for February 2007


Sorry if you are to sensitive to read me write what most people that aren't nintendo fans think, those games you just mentioned...are games for kids.

Except uh, that's false.

You're saying Trauma Center, Excite Truck, and Smash Bros are "games for kids". They're games for everyone, yes, but you're specifically saying they are made only for little kids.

And the fact that you consider Trauma Center one of those is amazing.

You're wrong. They're not "for kids". You're being incredibly ignorant and yes, trolling, by mouthing off such random GameFaqs-esque crap.

So instead of just saying random crap, how about you use your next reply to explain exactly WHY Trauma Center, Smash Bros, Mario Galaxy, and Excite Truck are "for kids".

Let me guess, Smash Bros. and Galaxy are cartoony and Trauma Center.. well, you perform surgeries on people so I'm really excited to hear your reasoning behind that.

Dave Long

omg rite said:
How are you not banned for being such a blatant troll yet?

You don't actually believe Mario, Excite Truck, Smash Bros, and Trauma Center are "kiddy" or "for 12 year olds". No one is REALLY that ignorantly stupid.
Yeah, that guy's still here, but someone banned me because I was making long, well-reasoned posts on why PlayStation Home wasn't a big deal. It's all in who you disagree with sometimes...


speculawyer said:
NHL 2K7 says "Hi!"


Quick question, is it feasible to think NHL 2K8 will feature stick control, like EA's game? I know EA's game isn't as deep, but I'm really scared to move away from it because I'm so damn good with the skill stick.

Speaking of which, anyone with NHL 07 for the 360, add me to your friends list (GT: redsniper7000).


Boilerbird said:
Read my post above. The problem is that "next-gen" graphics have gotten too expensive for the average consumer. They'll buy into full HD when it doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

Everyone who's willing to pay $600 for ultra-realistic sweat on their NBA Live players will just have to deal.

Or they can do the same thing at $400, or soon $300.

This is why I don't understand the big issue here. Because most of these next gen multiplatform games are being built with X360 in mind, and the 360 premium system will be half the price of the 60GB soon.
Boilerbird said:
Read my post above. The problem is that "next-gen" graphics have gotten too expensive for the average consumer. They'll buy into full HD when it doesn't cost an arm and a leg.

Everyone who's willing to pay $600 for ultra-realistic sweat on their NBA Live players will just have to deal.

what about ppl who want responsive controls?


dark10x said:
Ah, but Sony can and IS working on such games. Many of my favorite quirky, unique titles of last generation were products of SCE. :)

But don't agree that last gen we had, say, at the very least couple of dozen third party titles which were not meant to be prestige projects. They developed they because they actually hoped to make money. Don't you care about disappearance of those?


The way i see it is that people are ready to move on to something really new and fresh, instead of more of the same with better technology. The traditional market does still exist and is alive if you look at the 360 but the Wii is just something that people cant resist to buy. Its very entertaining for lots of people. Anybody who has a Wii can probably share the same story about how all of there gaming, non gaming and casual friend love the Wii the moment they hit a ball in Wii tennis. I witnessed it so many times that its really not surprising that the Wii is selling, and it will probably lead this generation because Nintendo knows what software is needed to keep up the momentum and im pretty sure its not something we expect.


sonycowboy said:
My take

DS: I'm am still stunned by the DS performance. Almost 500k units in February. I know there were shortages, but DAMN! Given that the PS2 is still selling well in the US and Europe after 6 1/2 years, it probably won't have the longevity to pass the PS2. But, it's certainly had the best 2 year performace ever.

Interesting take overall, but what's your reasoning behind the DS falling out of steam ? Considering there are a good number of extremely high profile releases to come both into the "game" (DQ9, Zelda PH...) and the "non-game" (BT2 still hasn't been released in the States and EU) categories, it looks like the momentum is still strong with the DS. And I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to release another HW iteration down the line. And the Pokebomb has yet to hit in EU and US. Also, the DS has yet to drop to $99/€99 (DSLite is still selling strongly in EU at $149).

I'm not saying it will pass the PS2, or the GB, just curious why its momentum should slow down after 2 years.


Andokuky said:
Isn't the PS3 ahead of the 360's pace in the US at this point? Either way, they need a price drop like right now. PS3 is a great machine but right now it's not even worth half of that $600 imho.

Only because of the supply constraints of the 360 when it did its global launch. With the way things are trending though, even this comparison is not going to hold up for long. Sony is heading in the wrong direction.


You know what the funny thing about it all is? Is that left to the hardcore everything would turn into something akin to the fighting genre - too stale and complex even for hardcore. Gaming is getting a huge injection of new blood with the Wii. This new consumers and their willingness to be seduced by the old genres can have incredibly positive effects on the stuff even the stereotypical hardcore cares about.
its really telling that the best game on the Wii is a GC port (that plays just as well if not better with the GC controller) and the next most anticipated game SSB: Brawl also uses the GC controller. Simply put the control scheme just doesnt warrent the graphical sacrifice.

Luke was right it should have just been a Wiimote add on. (thinking from a Gamer perspective not Sales perspective)

what exactly does the Wii do better than a controller? its not more responsive thats for sure. It makes Golf and bowling a bit more interactive. but everything else is just as good if not better with a regular controller.
omg rite said:
Except uh, that's false.

You're saying Trauma Center, Excite Truck, and Smash Bros are "games for kids". They're games for everyone, yes, but you're specifically saying they are made only for little kids.

And the fact that you consider Trauma Center one of those is amazing.

You're wrong. They're not "for kids". You're being incredibly ignorant and yes, trolling, by mouthing off such random GameFaqs-esque crap.

So instead of just saying random crap, how about you use your next reply to explain exactly WHY Trauma Center, Smash Bros, Mario Galaxy, and Excite Truck are "for kids".

Let me guess, Smash Bros. and Galaxy are cartoony and Trauma Center.. well, you perform surgeries on people so I'm really excited to hear your reasoning behind that.

I can't, you are totally and utterly right. How can i explain that i wouldn't expect a grown up man spending his own time alone playing a game about making surgeries. I can't explain how he wouldn't be interested in fighting princess peach in SMb. I've said before it think Mario galaxy looks awesome. But i can't tell you why i wouldn't expect a grown up to want to play Pokemon, or Wii fitness....

I guess i'm not able to answer that. Because i can't tell you why i wouldn't expect a grown up to walk into a theatre to watch Cars on his own.

I can't, and you got me there. I can't.


Kabuki touched an interest point. For example...how am i suppose to find my football experience any better on the wii and not actually worse? The controller won't do anything for my world cup performance, free kicks won't be more interactive...

How am i supposed to do my combos in my ninja gaiden? How am i supposed to play Virtua fighter 5?

I'll leave it at that and say, i bought my Wii thinking about how people would make some sweet new kinda of quircky games that would allow me to have fun with the rest of my family and how great of a party sistem it would be, i mean it's perfect. Wii is a new kind of console, i could see my mother playing wii sports. But i will never be able to see a game on the dimension of Halo 3 on it.

I really don't have anything more to add to this discussion. Sorry for the rant.


Kabuki Waq said:
its really telling that the best game on the Wii is a GC port (that plays just as well if not better with the GC controller)

Wii sport is a GC port?
i didn't know that!

or maybe ur tastes =\= of mine?!
Arsenal said:
Only because of the supply constraints of the 360 when it did its global launch. With the way things are trending though, even this comparison is not going to hold up for long. Sony is heading in the wrong direction.
i'll keep on saying it until people get it.

the same was true of the xbox vs the ps2 at this stage. heck... the xbox was trending higher than the PS2 for it's first five months.


look where that got it.

you have to outsell your competition in the same month.


CorwinB said:
Interesting take overall, but what's your reasoning behind the DS falling out of steam ? Considering there are a good number of extremely high profile releases to come both into the "game" (DQ9, Zelda PH...) and the "non-game" (BT2 still hasn't been released in the States and EU) categories, it looks like the momentum is still strong with the DS. And I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to release another HW iteration down the line. And the Pokebomb has yet to hit in EU and US. Also, the DS has yet to drop to $99/€99 (DSLite is still selling strongly in EU at $149).

I'm not saying it will pass the PS2, or the GB, just curious why its momentum should slow down after 2 years.

I think the DS's problem was that it started out pretty slow. I'm not sure if that will change things in the long run, though.
sonycowboy said:
My take

DS: I'm am still stunned by the DS performance. Almost 500k units in February. I know there were shortages, but DAMN! Given that the PS2 is still selling well in the US and Europe after 6 1/2 years, it probably won't have the longevity to pass the PS2. But, it's certainly had the best 2 year performace ever.

Wii: The Wii is still supply constrained and right now, looks like the system to beat in all 3 regions. It's clearly #1 in Japan and Europe and I don't doubt once it gets past it's shortages in the US that it will still have high demand and be ahead of the 360, at least until a price drop.

PS2: Still great numbers and still not at $99. This system will end up selling 130M units by the time this generation is over.

360: A good showing. The number in and of itself isn't great, but it is February and these system has been @ $400 for 16 months now, it's doing quite well.

PSP: Good HW numbers, given it's now at 2 years with no real price drop, but as we all know SW numbers are horrible. At this point, I see no reason for publishers to do anything with the system. There's absolutely no reward and significant risk.

GBA: Slowing down, but still putting money in Nintendo's pockets.

PS3: Worse than anyone could have imagined months ago. I felt it would be bad, but still bumped up my prediction to 160k. I was going to go with 150k. Motorstorm, F1, & Oblivion will likely severely underperform as they aren't going to sell systems and from what I've heard, March sales are just as bad as February's to this point. Only a price drop might help, but a) I don't know if Sony can afford it and b) I don't know how much still having a $500 system is going to help as the premium is what folks think they want.

IMO, the DS and the Wii are the next-gen leaders by a fairly large margin. 360 may have the installed base, but the Wii has ALL of the momentum and could pass the 360 by the end of the year easily. Things can change, but I don't see how Sony being able to significantly better their competitive issues in 2007 and just hope they can stay in the Wii & 360's rear view mirror.

I agree 100%! you were right about the PS3 FEB predictions too when the Jan NDP came out. Sonycowboy you are a true PRODIGY
CorwinB said:
Interesting take overall, but what's your reasoning behind the DS falling out of steam ? Considering there are a good number of extremely high profile releases to come both into the "game" (DQ9, Zelda PH...) and the "non-game" (BT2 still hasn't been released in the States and EU) categories, it looks like the momentum is still strong with the DS. And I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to release another HW iteration down the line. And the Pokebomb has yet to hit in EU and US. Also, the DS has yet to drop to $99/€99 (DSLite is still selling strongly in EU at $149).

I'm not saying it will pass the PS2, or the GB, just curious why its momentum should slow down after 2 years.

I don't think he means it will start to slow down in the near future - just that it will probably start to slow down before it reaches the PS2's 6 1/2 years on market.
Kabuki Waq said:
its really telling that the best game on the Wii is a GC port (that plays just as well if not better with the GC controller) and the next most anticipated game SSB: Brawl also uses the GC controller. Simply put the control scheme just doesnt warrent the graphical sacrifice.

Luke was right it should have just been a Wiimote add on. (thinking from a Gamer perspective not Sales perspective)

what exactly does the Wii do better than a controller? its not more responsive thats for sure. It makes Golf and bowling a bit more interactive. but everything else is just as good if not better with a regular controller.

The Wii's an incremental graphics/performance bump from an X-Box, at a price consumers are willing to pay. That's what it does better. The controller is just frosting.
CorwinB said:
Interesting take overall, but what's your reasoning behind the DS falling out of steam ? Considering there are a good number of extremely high profile releases to come both into the "game" (DQ9, Zelda PH...) and the "non-game" (BT2 still hasn't been released in the States and EU) categories, it looks like the momentum is still strong with the DS. And I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to release another HW iteration down the line. And the Pokebomb has yet to hit in EU and US. Also, the DS has yet to drop to $99/€99 (DSLite is still selling strongly in EU at $149).

I'm not saying it will pass the PS2, or the GB, just curious why its momentum should slow down after 2 years.
I don't see him saying the momentum is slowing down, more that the system won't last for another 4.5 years, I think it will most likely be replaced by then.


Mononofu said:
I'm not rich but I don't understand why price is an issue, it will come down.

I Just want AAA+ content before I take the plunge.
You don't understand the problem with a $600 gaming system? Seriously?
Kabuki Waq said:
NES then?

Still no game support.

I'm talking about present day, dude. (Never owned a NES, though. Hey, that's what the Virtual Console's for. WHOOO)

What are you suggesting? :lol

Nah, there was this Sony fan back in the day called Monorojo. And man, his arguments in favour of the PSP were inane.

Just a little joke. :D

I don't see him saying the momentum is slowing down, more that the system won't last for another 4.5 years, I think it will most likely be replaced by then.

The only reason Nintendo released the GBC, the GBA, and the DS was to directly respond to a new challenger to the handheld throne. Otherwise, we saw how they milked the Gameboy.

PSP just got beat down - who else would be foolhardy enough to try and take on Nintendo in the portable realm now?
Kabuki Waq said:
the only problem i have with Nintendo in the lead is i dont want future machines to go for the weakhardware + gimmicky/novelty factor.

**** that shit. Wiimote has not demonstrated that the control scheme is so revolutionary that it makes up for last gen graphics. In I find the Wiimote to be pretty unresponsive with a lot of games.

Soooo... you're predicting Guitar Hero 2 360 bomba?


CorwinB said:
Interesting take overall, but what's your reasoning behind the DS falling out of steam ? Considering there are a good number of extremely high profile releases to come both into the "game" (DQ9, Zelda PH...) and the "non-game" (BT2 still hasn't been released in the States and EU) categories, it looks like the momentum is still strong with the DS. And I wouldn't put it past Nintendo to release another HW iteration down the line. And the Pokebomb has yet to hit in EU and US. Also, the DS has yet to drop to $99/€99 (DSLite is still selling strongly in EU at $149).

I'm not saying it will pass the PS2, or the GB, just curious why its momentum should slow down after 2 years.
Well, 6-1/2 years is extraordinary even for market leaders and we shouldn't expect ANYthing to match it. It could continue to dominate for another three years, get retired in favor of the DS2/Game Boy Awesome/whatever, and still be significantly behind the PS2.

But to answer your question more directly: DS probably won't last as long as PS2's lifespan because Nintendo will replace it with a competent successor.


Merovingian said:
I can't, you are totally and utterly right. How can i explain that i wouldn't expect a grown up man spending his own time alone playing a game about making surgeries. I can't explain how he wouldn't be interested in fighting princess peach in SMb. I've said before it think Mario galaxy looks awesome. But i can't tell you why i wouldn't expect a grown up to want to play Pokemon, or Wii fitness....

I guess i'm not able to answer that. Because i can't tell you why i wouldn't expect a grown up to walk into a theatre to watch Cars on his own.

I can't, and you got me there. I can't.

I think it's just about the pride in some people.

"Damn I can't let them catch me watch donald duck! not at this age!" even though he know he'll have some fun.

but there are other people too, of course.


Boilerbird said:
The Wii's an incremental graphics/performance bump from an X-Box, at a price consumers are willing to pay. That's what it does better. The controller is just frosting.

You have got to be kidding.

These types of threads just brings them out of the wood works I guess.


Junior Member
TheGreatDave said:
I had more fun with Toki on my Commodore 64 than I did with Dead Rising. Commodore superiority CONFIRMED.

I would probably have more fun chewing on a chalkboard then playing Dead Rising again. That does not really prove much though.


Kabuki Waq said:
its really telling that the best game on the Wii is a GC port (that plays just as well if not better with the GC controller) and the next most anticipated game SSB: Brawl also uses the GC controller. Simply put the control scheme just doesnt warrent the graphical sacrifice.

Luke was right it should have just been a Wiimote add on. (thinking from a Gamer perspective not Sales perspective)

No, it shouldn't have because the GameCube's brand was tainted from years of publishers dismissing it, the standard controller not exactly being ideal for games not designed by Miyamoto and general insecurities of people that having a little purple cube in their home theater setup would make their girlfriends leave, wives divorce them and introduce just enough estrogen into their system that they'd grow breasts.

Also, and I swear I sometimes want to ****ing tattoo it onto some foreheads around here: the Wii's got a tad more kick than a GameCube, and without releasing an entirely new system they couldn't have had WiFi, Virtual Console, Miis, SD card-reading and internal storage without releasing a parade of peripherals so moronic that Sega would blush.
MrNyarlathotep said:
Soooo... you're predicting Guitar Hero 2 360 bomba?

huh? when did i say that. The guitar controller is ONLY used for one game. Atleast one type of game....its not trying to **** up other Genres with its controller.


sonycowboy said:
PS3: Worse than anyone could have imagined months ago. I felt it would be bad, but still bumped up my prediction to 160k. I was going to go with 150k. Motorstorm, F1, & Oblivion will likely severely underperform as they aren't going to sell systems and from what I've heard, March sales are just as bad as February's to this point. Only a price drop might help, but a) I don't know if Sony can afford it and b) I don't know how much still having a $500 system is going to help as the premium is what folks think they want.

IMO, the DS and the Wii are the next-gen leaders by a fairly large margin. 360 may have the installed base, but the Wii has ALL of the momentum and could pass the 360 by the end of the year easily. Things can change, but I don't see how Sony being able to significantly better their competitive issues in 2007 and just hope they can stay in the Wii & 360's rear view mirror.

I have a question about that. People keep talking about how low Sony can afford to go or not. But I honestly don't see what it's buying them. When they lose over $300 on selling a 20 gig system in Japan is this consumer worth the $300? Selling marginally more PS3 would do very little in the war between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray. And they know they lost Japan. Why the hell keep losing that kind of money? To a lesser extend the same thing applies to the US. Now in Europe, they are gonna be selling at a price which does not make them bleed. But Japan and US - why would a price increase or at least a constraint in supply once the units that are already out are sold such a crazy strategy?


sonycowboy said:
My take

DS: I'm am still stunned by the DS performance. Almost 500k units in February. I know there were shortages, but DAMN! Given that the PS2 is still selling well in the US and Europe after 6 1/2 years, it probably won't have the longevity to pass the PS2. But, it's certainly had the best 2 year performace ever.

Wii: The Wii is still supply constrained and right now, looks like the system to beat in all 3 regions. It's clearly #1 in Japan and Europe and I don't doubt once it gets past it's shortages in the US that it will still have high demand and be ahead of the 360, at least until a price drop.

PS2: Still great numbers and still not at $99. This system will end up selling 130M units by the time this generation is over.

360: A good showing. The number in and of itself isn't great, but it is February and these system has been @ $400 for 16 months now, it's doing quite well.

PSP: Good HW numbers, given it's now at 2 years with no real price drop, but as we all know SW numbers are horrible. At this point, I see no reason for publishers to do anything with the system. There's absolutely no reward and significant risk.

GBA: Slowing down, but still putting money in Nintendo's pockets.

PS3: Worse than anyone could have imagined months ago. I felt it would be bad, but still bumped up my prediction to 160k. I was going to go with 150k. Motorstorm, F1, & Oblivion will likely severely underperform as they aren't going to sell systems and from what I've heard, March sales are just as bad as February's to this point. Only a price drop might help, but a) I don't know if Sony can afford it and b) I don't know how much still having a $500 system is going to help as the premium is what folks think they want.

IMO, the DS and the Wii are the next-gen leaders by a fairly large margin. 360 may have the installed base, but the Wii has ALL of the momentum and could pass the 360 by the end of the year easily. Things can change, but I don't see how Sony being able to significantly better their competitive issues in 2007 and just hope they can stay in the Wii & 360's rear view mirror.

World-wide or in the US? WW, definately. US, probably not. It outsold the 360 by 100k - it's going to take a long time for it to catch up at that rate, and we know the 360 will drop in price soon.
The Sphinx said:
Well, 6-1/2 years is extraordinary even for market leaders and we shouldn't expect ANYthing to match it. It could continue to dominate for another three years, get retired in favor of the DS2/Game Boy Awesome/whatever, and still be significantly behind the PS2.

But to answer your question more directly: DS probably won't last as long as PS2's lifespan because Nintendo will replace it with a competent successor.

me said:
The only reason Nintendo released the GBC, the GBA, and the DS was to directly respond to a new challenger to the handheld throne. Otherwise, we saw how they milked the Gameboy.

PSP just got beat down - who else would be foolhardy enough to try and take on Nintendo in the portable realm now?

firefoxsux said:
This is not spin.

Playstation = iPod

Playstation have ps1, ps2, ps3, psp
iPod have 1G 2G 3G mini shuffle nano

It is a happy family. ps3 will soar in 2007-2008. iPod launch was expensive and sold less to Creative.

who won the ruler of mp3? :)

But you forget why ipod became the ruler. It wasn't because of a product lineup. They won because it had the best ease of use and design. There are many tech heads, myself included, that did not buy an ipod because it didn't offer things like gapless playback, digital audio out, color, etc. We bought our irivers and cowons but had to suffer with poor UI and firmware. (Thank god for RockBox.) Which system is differentiating itself from the others with it's intuitive controller and slim design? Not Sony.
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