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NPD Sales Results for February 2011 [Update 4: PS3 Hardware, TONS Of Games]


I would not be surprised if next holiday season MS pushes a bunch of new kinect games and a big ad campaign like before. Casuals gobble it up and cycle repeats.


CcrooK said:
Have we forgot in our days of blowing into the game carts and into the system just to make our games work?

I have my SNES at my mothers and you still have to blow into the carts to get it to work sometimes.

My NES is even worse.


Meijimasha said:
I simply do not see the 360 making it to next holiday season.

Kinect has NOTHING going for it right now other than the novelty, NO GAMES AT ALL.

At least when the Wii was selling record numbers with casual crap there were always at least a COUPLE hardcore games being released every once in a while, and THOSE games are what made the Wii continue to sell until 2010.

Kinect, as far as I can see, doesn't have any of that. It doesn't have a Twilight Princess, a Mario Galaxy, a Metroid Prime, a No More Heroes, a Medal of Honor, or Donky Kong, nothing. I realize I'm naming a lot of first party stuff here, but the fact stands that the Wii had hardcore games to sustain between casual buying periods.

Kinect doesn't.
Sell your Kintect and get a PlayStation Move.


Atomski said:
I would not be surprised if next holiday season MS pushes a bunch of new kinect games and a big ad campaign like before. Casuals gobble it up and cycle repeats.

Sounds about right.


Atomski said:
Wtf were you doin to your consoles? My snes and n64 still work and they went through tons of wear and tear from my teen years.

Edit: you can find atari systems at garage sales that still work..
I think it goes to show that the idea of "you did not need to rebuy a system every couple years cause your warranty ran out and the system overheated/drive died" if anything is more like anecdotal evidence rather than an actual reason.

Noone denies the fact that Xbox 360s (especially launch units) were faulty or the disc-read errors of the PS3; and so on. But we live in a time that people run to their Twitters/Facebook/online forums to complain about problems (or anything), if it just something minimal or common; they describe it as if it's the end of the world.

Imagine if the internet was like it is right now, during the 80s/90s with the quality of ET on 2600, or the cartridge/blowing deal of NES games, or the Square RPGs costing around $80, or the SNES turning yellow-ish. Or the PSone issues with discs, or the PS2 models that didn't read blue discs; and so on. Heck, even the removal of the A/V ports from the original PSone models, or the removal of the expansion bay of the slim PS2s, to not install HDDs, making games like FFXI unplayabale on newer/slims PS2, among other things..didn't get as much coverage as the removal of OtherOS in the PS3.

If anything things are just normal, just get more exposure, even more than usual when many news-outlets and websites make news and headlines based on Twitter posts. So, the growing sales of hardware have no relation to people buying the same consoles all over again. There are no hard/accurate numbers right now, neither there were numbers decades ago.


Fork 'em, Sparky!
Meijimasha is being serious with that crap?

What Holiday season is he talking about? Right now it looks like 360 will still be on top come Holiday 2011. Things might change to where Wii bumps back up, but PS3 definitely isn't taking any crown from anybody.
Meijimasha said:
I simply do not see the 360 making it to next holiday season.

Kinect has NOTHING going for it right now other than the novelty, NO GAMES AT ALL.

At least when the Wii was selling record numbers with casual crap there were always at least a COUPLE hardcore games being released every once in a while, and THOSE games are what made the Wii continue to sell until 2010.

Kinect, as far as I can see, doesn't have any of that. It doesn't have a Twilight Princess, a Mario Galaxy, a Metroid Prime, a No More Heroes, a Medal of Honor, or Donky Kong, nothing. I realize I'm naming a lot of first party stuff here, but the fact stands that the Wii had hardcore games to sustain between casual buying periods.

Kinect doesn't.

The only part of your post I'm going to address is what's bolded because I think it needs to be said....the rest is just....LOL.

And Thank Fucking God! The worst, most uninspired announcement I have heard come out for Kinect so far is Gears of Wars Kinect. I don't want the same franchises and games I have been playing on every other console for the past 10 years.

Keep that crap away from Kinect.


Meijimasha said:
I simply do not see the 360 making it to next holiday season.

Kinect has NOTHING going for it right now other than the novelty, NO GAMES AT ALL.

At least when the Wii was selling record numbers with casual crap there were always at least a COUPLE hardcore games being released every once in a while, and THOSE games are what made the Wii continue to sell until 2010.

Kinect, as far as I can see, doesn't have any of that. It doesn't have a Twilight Princess, a Mario Galaxy, a Metroid Prime, a No More Heroes, a Medal of Honor, or Donky Kong, nothing. I realize I'm naming a lot of first party stuff here, but the fact stands that the Wii had hardcore games to sustain between casual buying periods.

Kinect doesn't.


Watchtower said:
The only part of your post I'm going to address is what's bolded because I think it needs to be said....the rest is just....LOL.

And Thank Fucking God! The worst, most uninspired announcement I have heard come out for Kinect so far is Gears of Wars Kinect. I don't want the same franchises and games I have been playing on every other console for the past 10 years.

Keep that crap away from Kinect.

I'd say the more games the better. Theres kinda a dry season going on right now, and I'm not sure when that is going to end.
BroHuffman said:
I'd say the more games the better. Theres kinda a dry season going on right now, and I'm not sure when that is going to end.

I say the more new games the better. Last thing I would want is for a developer to prove you can take GOW or Call of Duty and slap Kinect controls on it and sell 2 million units. That's going to stifle creativity on Kinect and set a precedent for everyone else to do the same. And presto, you have your shovelware.

The whole reason I'm exciting about Kinect is that it has the potential to introduce brand new games and brand new experiences to gaming.


V_Arnold said:
This data you put together is nice, but you just cant divide it like that by days available. Games ARE mostly front loaded, no matter what legs they might or might not have afterwards. In the first month, the majority of the sales will come from the first shipment's first few days.

Therefore, BF is stronger than KZ3 launch or KZ2 launch, even if it had more days available.

We don't have access to the daily or even weekly sales numbers, so we have to create a baseline somehow out of the numbers available. Is it flawed, sure, but it's not saying that Killzone 2/3 had a bigger launch than another title, and that's because we don't have those numbers.

You can't say that BC2 had a bigger launch than Killzone because we don't have a similar timeframe of comparison. You're trying to read tea leaves to say otherwise.

With some simple math (not even getting daily average sales) I think it's common sense to say that Killzone 2 probably had a better launch window than Bad Company 2 by getting:

70% of the sales that BC2 got in 25 days in the span of 2 days.

Games aren't that, and we can see that by looking at how Killzone 2's second month was almost as much in the second month as it sold in the first 48 hours (296,000). Killzone 2 also beat out Bad Company 2 in it's second month.

Here's Killzone 2's and Bad Company 2's PS3 sales for their first and second month.
[B]Bad Company 2[/B]
Month 1  451.2 
Month 2 <100K 
[B]Killzone 2[/B]
Month 1 323,000
Month 2 296,000

Of course Killzone had an extremely short first month (2 days) and still almost equaled what Bad Company did with nearly an entire month. Argue that BC2 had a full month 1 and 2 for sales to cool and you're pointing out the need for forming some sort of baseline or interpretation of the data.

Watchtower said:
And Thank Fucking God! The worst, most uninspired announcement I have heard come out for Kinect so far is Gears of Wars Kinect. I don't want the same franchises and games I have been playing on every other console for the past 10 years.

Keep that crap away from Kinect.

Oh, they're coming, you can be certain of that, but there's no reason to fear brands themselves. Problems could arise if Microsoft was to shoehorn Kinect-only controls into traditional gameplay of those franchises, but as of now, there's nothing indicating that something like that is going to happen.

What Meijimasha can't seem to grasp - which is funny, because he basically answered his own question before even asking it - is that it's not core franchises that drove Wii's phenomenal success. Apart from Mario Kart and maybe a few more games with wide enough appeal (not Zelda, not Metroid and certainly not No More Heroes), those games were released first and foremost to appease Nintendo's traditional audience and core gamers who've gotten a Wii as their second or third console. Of course, if those people who own Kinect and consider themselves core gamers ever get bored of wide appeal titles such as Dance Central, they can always turn to traditional controller core games which are certainly not in short supply on Xbox 360.
Meijimasha said:
I simply do not see the 360 making it to next holiday season.

Kinect has NOTHING going for it right now other than the novelty, NO GAMES AT ALL.

At least when the Wii was selling record numbers with casual crap there were always at least a COUPLE hardcore games being released every once in a while, and THOSE games are what made the Wii continue to sell until 2010.

Kinect, as far as I can see, doesn't have any of that. It doesn't have a Twilight Princess, a Mario Galaxy, a Metroid Prime, a No More Heroes, a Medal of Honor, or Donky Kong, nothing. I realize I'm naming a lot of first party stuff here, but the fact stands that the Wii had hardcore games to sustain between casual buying periods.

Kinect doesn't.
With this meltdown post, this NPD thread for February 2011 is officially complete.


Of course, if those people who own Kinect and consider themselves core gamers ever get bored of wide appeal titles such as Dance Central, they can always turn to traditional controller core games which are certainly not in short supply on Xbox 360.

Exactly and i keep seeing it used as a point that if you have a Kinect you have no other games to play. Or you must play your Kinect everyday otherwise it's useless. That's the great thing about Kinect it's not the 360's core DNA it's an optional peripheral.

What is a Kinect plugged into thin air?

Or a machine with a very healthy retail and digital library.
Oh, they're coming, you can be certain of that, but there's no reason to fear brands themselves. Problems could arise if Microsoft was to shoehorn Kinect-only controls into traditional gameplay of those franchises, but as of now, there's nothing indicating that something like that is going to happen.

What Meijimasha can't seem to grasp - which is funny, because he basically answered his own question before even asking it - is that it's not core franchises that drove Wii's phenomenal success. Apart from Mario Kart and maybe a few more games with wide enough appeal (not Zelda, not Metroid and certainly not No More Heroes), those games were released first and foremost to appease Nintendo's traditional audience and core gamers who've gotten a Wii as their second or third console. Of course, if those people who own Kinect and consider themselves core gamers ever get bored of wide appeal titles such as Dance Central, they can always turn to traditional controller core games which are certainly not in short supply on Xbox 360.

That's exactly what scared me when they announced GOW Kinect. I know the whole point is to show Kinect will have "core" games. But that's the wrong direction. I don't need you to slap the GOW name on my game to tell me it's for the "core" audience. If the game's deep, fun to play and interesting, I'll be able to figure out on our own whether or not it can be considered a "core" game thank you very much.

They should spend their resources on making the "next" GOW, Halo for Kinect. If anything they should have confidence to do that because they replicated the Halo effect of last generation with GOW, a brand new IP, this current generation.

That's why I was happy to see Dance Central sell so well. That gives me hope. Really, even though the Kinect exclusives aren't that exciting save for Project Draco and some of the Horror games, I like that they are at least not only exclusive and being built from the ground up, but also brand new IP's. I want new IPs.

If they put 10 out there, some are bound to freaking stick and become mainstream. They just want to save on the marketing money and ride the name. Lazy!


You've absolutely dominated this thread Watchtower. And you've replied to every question asked of you by other gaffers.

Very impressive.

Their have been some great new members both on here and Off topic lately.


DevilWillcry said:
I dunno man, I wouldn't necessarily say that the 360 has better online shooters, but rather more popular well-marketed shooters. Sony's shooter offerings are pretty much neck and neck in terms of online quality when you pit Resistance and Killzone against Gears and Halo. However, Sony doesn't market them quite as well as MS does. Then you have the mainstay online shooter of the PS2 (SOCOM) finally getting a sequel on the PS3 within the next month. No, I'd say the main obstacle the PS3 is facing is price at the moment, it's long overdue for a price drop and if Sony is smart they will knock a few dollars off the system this summer to boost hardware and generate interest in franchises like SOCOM, Motorstorm, and InFamous before the onslaught of holiday releases (Uncharted, Resistance, COD, Mass Effect, Elder Scrolls, etc.) hit. From what I've seen at retail the traditional gamers are showing a ton of interest in the PS3 but it's just a little bit too expensive still.

on a singleplayer purchase, i would be inclined to agree, or at least understand that opinion. rfom and killzone 3 are excellent singleplayer games. killzone 2 and resistance 2 were just ok for me. i don't think the quality gap is the issue though. 360 shooters have a more complete package. co-op story, horde, saved films, forge.. these are crucial if you want to reach a larger audience of online gamers imo.

halo reach is a clinic in replayabilty. no shooter on ps3 comes close. imo rfom is still the best singleplayer fps on the ps3. killzone is really good, but they can't seem to put it all together in a cohesive package.
Dabanton said:
You've absolutely dominated this thread Watchtower. And you've replied to every question asked of you by other gaffers.

Very impressive.

Their have been some great new members both on here and Off topic lately.

Thank you. I have no video game console at the moment and a work from home job(NPD & GAF's not good for it) :(

Honestly the way I view gaming, I feel the only two major shifts in the video game industry that actually brought out new experiences in the past 20 years was 2D to 3D and online gaming so Kinect's potential really excites me and got a lot to say about it.


Zen said:
So I've gone through and found all the information I could about the titles sales on the PS3 as well as their days of availability during the reporting period (feel free to correct me when it comes to days on sale).

If we look at it based on taking the total divided through number of days, that would put Killzone 2 and 3 above Bioshock, and Bad Company 2, and probably Medal of Honor, but below Black Ops obviously.
I don't know why you excluded 360 versions from multiplatform examples. The sales are supposed to show franchise power and if people cared about Killzone, they would find a way to play it. Making a multiplatform game isn't much more expensive than making an exclusive game, advertising costs depend on amounts of air time (which KZ3 has had a lot of), not how many platform logos are visible at the end of its commercial. Sony clearly tried to make a big deal out of Killzone and failed. No two ways around it.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing accounting for Sony and they know better how profitable these games are and since they keep greenlighting sequels, it must be commercially feasible. I think though that Sony should think about making more entries in genres were third party publishers have very weak presence. Does it really make sense to release three first person shooters (KZ3, R3 and SOCOM) in a year that also has a new COD, Crysis 2, Brink, Battlefield 3, Rage, Homefront, Duke Nukem Forever, Ghost Recon and possibly a few more I can't think of right now? Do these 3 titles really make much difference for people who do not have a current-gen console yet to choose PS3 over 360?


Meijimasha said:
I simply do not see the 360 making it to next holiday season.

Kinect has NOTHING going for it right now other than the novelty, NO GAMES AT ALL.

At least when the Wii was selling record numbers with casual crap there were always at least a COUPLE hardcore games being released every once in a while, and THOSE games are what made the Wii continue to sell until 2010.

Kinect, as far as I can see, doesn't have any of that. It doesn't have a Twilight Princess, a Mario Galaxy, a Metroid Prime, a No More Heroes, a Medal of Honor, or Donky Kong, nothing. I realize I'm naming a lot of first party stuff here, but the fact stands that the Wii had hardcore games to sustain between casual buying periods.

Kinect doesn't.

jesus christ. go put on your luigi pajamas and snuggle in your gigantic mario kart inspired bed. i'll even get the air pump ready for your princess toadstool blow up doll.


szaromir said:
I don't know why you excluded 360 versions from multiplatform examples. The sales are supposed to show franchise power and if people cared about Killzone, they would find a way to play it. Making a multiplatform game isn't much more expensive than making an exclusive game, advertising costs depend on amounts of air time (which KZ3 has had a lot of), not how many platform logos are visible at the end of its commercial. Sony clearly tried to make a big deal out of Killzone and failed. No two ways around it.

/shrug @ bolded you can apply that to all sorts of franchises from all three companies; they were probably hoping for Uncharted level success, with Halo levels in their wildest dreams.

The point is that Killzone 3 is only available on a single platform, and if you want to look at its performance, it's fair to look at how it performs relative to the other franchises sales on that platform.

We've seen with many 'once exclusive later ported' titles that being on the 360 and PS3 doesn't guarantee x2 sales but we've also seen through the success of titles like Devil May Cry and multiplatform titles in general, that sales generally can't be argued to remain static or decrease by appearing on more than one platform. That's why Mass Effect is going multiplatform, even with some added costs associated. You can say 'that people will find a way to play it' but that ignores barrier to entry effecting sales. People aren't just going to plot down 200-300-400 dollars to play an exclusive on a platform if it will cost them 200-300-400 dollars. That's why getting a game on as many platforms as possible helps sales.

So we can say 'but only looking at the PS3 sales doesn't show the brand strength as a whole':

But what it does show is the brand strength of the demographic of gamers that are PS3 owners. To people that own PS3 and bought those games on their PS3 (with sales ratios going closer to 50/50 these days aside from cases where the franchise didn't start multiplatform like Mass Effect and Bioshock).


szaromir said:
Does it really make sense to release three first person shooters (KZ3, R3 and SOCOM) in a year that also has a new COD, Crysis 2, Brink, Battlefield 3, Rage, Homefront, Duke Nukem Forever, Ghost Recon and possibly a few more I can't think of right now? Do these 3 titles really make much difference for people who do not have a current-gen console yet to choose PS3 over 360?
There's not alternative. Last year had Call of Duty, Halo, Bad Company 2, Medal of Honor, first party one like MAG and a few more FPSs.

Next year, will definitely have it share of "big" FPSs, might as well never release it if it was about not releasing similar games on the same genre. Killzone 3, Socom and Resitance 3 might be first person shooters and all released this year, but they each play quite different from each other too.

Some publishers seem to be more interested in expanding their portfolios, than on the actual sales. Of course, they'd love lots of sales. But to them, they seem to be satisfied with having LittleBigPlanet 2, DC Universe Online, Killzone 3, Move Heroes, Socom, Motorstorm, inFamous 2; in the first half of the year (nearly one game per month);and have more options for people to choose from, on top of the third party offerings; rather than being worried at which one is going to sell and how much.


szaromir said:
Don't get me wrong, I'm not doing accounting for Sony and they know better how profitable these games are and since they keep greenlighting sequels, it must be commercially feasible. I think though that Sony should think about making more entries in genres were third party publishers have very weak presence. Does it really make sense to release three first person shooters (KZ3, R3 and SOCOM) in a year that also has a new COD, Crysis 2, Brink, Battlefield 3, Rage, Homefront, Duke Nukem Forever, Ghost Recon and possibly a few more I can't think of right now? Do these 3 titles really make much difference for people who do not have a current-gen console yet to choose PS3 over 360?

People choosing a current gen console arn't just going to choose because of a new game coming out (well they might if they really like an exclusive, probably new IP rather than a sequel) but the because of the current catalog of games. There are people out there waiting on a price drop, and I would be curious to know how the Socom 4/move/sharpshoot bundle does.

KZ3 and Socom 4 are move friendly and play well with move. Sony needs to sell move. It basically failed with the casual crowd, make it appealing to the shooter crowd. This could be a big point to having both these out this year. And Insomniac probably wants to be done with the R series and move on to there multiplat game. I don't think putting out all these games will hurt Sony, so why keep them for another time when there is the possibility to help them and maybe be the next killer app. I mean shooter.


Zen said:
/shrug @ bolded you can apply that to all sorts of franchises from all three companies; they were probably hoping for Uncharted level success, with Halo levels in their wildest dreams.

The point is that Killzone 3 is only available on a single platform, and if you want to look at its performance, it's fair to look at how it performs relative to the other franchises sales on that platform.

We've seen with many 'once exclusive later ported' titles that being on the 360 and PS3 doesn't guarantee x2 sales but we've also seen through the success of titles like Devil May Cry and multiplatform titles in general, that sales generally can't be argued to remain static or decrease by appearing on more than one platform. That's why Mass Effect is going multiplatform, even with some added costs associated. You can say 'that people will find a way to play it' but that ignores barrier to entry effecting sales. People aren't just going to plot down 200-300-400 dollars to play an exclusive on a platform if it will cost them 200-300-400 dollars.

So we can say 'but only looking at the PS3 sales doesn't show the brand strength as a whole':

But what it does show is the brand strength of the demographic of gamers that own are PS3 owners. To people that own PS3 and bought those games on their PS3 (with sales ratios going closer to 50/50 these days aside from cases where the franchise didn't start multiplatform like Mass Effect and Bioshock).
I'd like to notice at this point that the brand strength of Killzone among PS3 owners is at the best comparable to Battlefield and way below Call of Duty, so there potentially was a lot of room for KZ3 to grow - but that didn't happen.

Being multiplatform certainly helps sales, yes, that's why 3rd party publishers don't fool around with exclusives anymore.

There's not alternative. Last year had Call of Duty, Halo, Bad Company 2, Medal of Honor, first party one like MAG and a few more FPSs.

Next year, will definitely have it share of "big" FPSs, might as well never release it if it was about not releasing similar games on the same genre. Killzone 3, Socom and Resitance 3 might be first person shooters and all released this year, but they each play quite different from each other too.

Some publishers seem to be more interested in expanding their portfolios, than on the actual sales. Of course, they'd love lots of sales. But to them, they seem to be satisfied with having LittleBigPlanet 2, DC Universe Online, Killzone 3, Move Heroes, Socom, Motorstorm, inFamous 2; in the first half of the year (nearly one game per month);and have more options for people to choose from, on top of the third party offerings; rather than being worried at which one is going to sell and how much.
I'm not arguing that Microsoft's way of very sparse release schedule (ie. nothing from January to September) is the right one, especially for a device as new as Kinect, but the titles you listed won't change things much (for system sales), if at all. And I'm pretty sure Sony execs are concerned about performance of individual games.


szaromir said:
I'd like to notice at this point that the brand strength of Killzone among PS3 owners is at the best comparable to Battlefield and way below Call of Duty, so there potentially was a lot of room for KZ3 to grow - but that didn't happen.

Given the numbers it's easily hanging out with Bad Company, if not above it, even (tentatively) considering the lower initial performance of Killzone 3. Since we don't have PS3 numbers for Medal of Honor (And they, frankly, aren't at a level that greatly outstrips either BC2 or KZ2/3 if we assume a generous 50/50 split between platforms), Bad Company is pretty much the cream of the crop before the gaping chasm that is the performance between everything else and BLOPS.

That means that Killzone is shoulder to shoulder with the biggest shooters on the PS3 excluding the phenomenon of Call of Duty. Nothing bad about that, especially when Bad Company 2, Bioshock 1/2, Medal of Honor, are all considered successes and money making franchises.

What you are right about is how it is troubling that they didn't seem to grow the franchise between Killzone 2 and 3. We'll see how the second month numbers pan out.


szaromir said:
I'm not arguing that Microsoft's way of very sparse release schedule (ie. nothing from January to September) is the right one, especially for a device as new as Kinect, but the titles you listed won't change things much (for system sales), if at all. And I'm pretty sure Sony execs are concerned about performance of individual games.

So should Sony just stop putting out FPS? I'm not sure what you would have them do. Maybe one of the games they release becomes a hit or maybe it becomes a cult favorite and has long legs. As long as they break even/small profit, they arn't hurting themselves to try and put out a game that could become big.


Meijimasha said:
I simply do not see the 360 making it to next holiday season.

Kinect has NOTHING going for it right now other than the novelty, NO GAMES AT ALL.

At least when the Wii was selling record numbers with casual crap there were always at least a COUPLE hardcore games being released every once in a while, and THOSE games are what made the Wii continue to sell until 2010.

Kinect, as far as I can see, doesn't have any of that. It doesn't have a Twilight Princess, a Mario Galaxy, a Metroid Prime, a No More Heroes, a Medal of Honor, or Donky Kong, nothing. I realize I'm naming a lot of first party stuff here, but the fact stands that the Wii had hardcore games to sustain between casual buying periods.

Kinect doesn't.

All that watching the Wii and you never noticed how those evergreen wide audience titles tend to sell, for years, and years, and years? Kinect has made its move, and it was a good one. It will sell its software. Lets not try and resurrect the 'gimmick' talk please, it was annoying enough the first time.


szaromir said:
I'm not arguing that Microsoft's way of very sparse release schedule (ie. nothing from January to September) is the right one, especially for a device as new as Kinect, but the titles you listed won't change things much (for system sales), if at all. And I'm pretty sure Sony execs are concerned about performance of individual games.
Yeah, but you questioned why would they release 3 FPSs on a year with so many big ones, when 2010 was the same and 2012 will probably be the same. When would be "the right time" to release those games? If there's no right time, what would be ideal? 1 game per year?

They approved those games (and the respective budgets) knowing that they might release during the same year or close to it, so doubt they are actually worried about other games in the same genre cannibalizing sales from them. If anything, that's why they're not releasing those games the same month of Call of Duty.

And have they actually said they expect those games to "change things"?

Heck, of the 7 games I listed, only 2 are not sequels. Of those 2, one is an MMORPG, based on existing properties and requires a subscription fee; the other one is an adventure/minigame compilation featuring characters from 3 franchises and requires the Move controller (which requires a camera too). So from those 7 games, 5 are technically selling to current owners and 2 are selling to a selection of those current owners.

So unless it's a blind-mega-fanboy the one expecting those games to change things, noone with some common sense would expect that. Heck, SOE already talked about how surprised they were at the sales of DC Universe on PS3 and so did Media Molecule on LBP2, so things may not be as bad as many think; neither the games needed to "change things".


BroHuffman said:
So should Sony just stop putting out FPS? I'm not sure what you would have them do. Maybe one of the games they release becomes a hit or maybe it becomes a cult favorite and has long legs. As long as they break even/small profit, they arn't hurting themselves to try and put out a game that could become big.
Yes, this is precisely my point. FPS genre is very saturated and chances of having the next big thing in it are really really low at this point (especially since their games are steamrolled feature-wise by the competition). They should pack upthe shop (at least part of it) and look for the next big thing elsewhere.
Nothing bad about that, especially when Bad Company 2, Bioshock 2, Medal of Honor, are all considered successes and money making franchises.
You're ignoring the fact that they generate majority of their revenues elsewhere.


szaromir said:
You're ignoring the fact that they generate majority of their revenues elsewhere.

That's neither here nor there, We're talking about brand power, right?

The break even point on titles aren't that outlandish yet; and these numbers are for the American Market only. We can start pulling up quarterly revenue reports and how the PS3 and 360 are largely on equal footing these days for the bigger companies doing cross platform releases.


I'm pretty sure Sony doesn't dream of Killzone as a major fps franchise anymore. As long as it is relatively profitable I guess they're "happy". That wasn't the case when they release KZ2 though, pretty sure they hoped it would become a massive franchise at the time.


Zen said:
That has nothing to do with the conversation. If you want to get into how first party games earn better revenue shares per unit sold than third party titles we can, but I'm just going to assume that you're being negative for the sake of it. The break even point on titles aren't that outlandish yet; and these numbers are for the American Market only. We can start pulling up quarterly revenue reports and how the PS3 and 360 are largely on equal footing these days for the bigger companies doing cross platform releases.
This has everything to do as they're successful/profitable based on their overall sales, not only PS3 or 360 or PC version. Bad Company 2 shipped 7M copies and it's success is judged on this number, not the PS3 sales only. Sony keeping extra $10 for themselves is a big difference, but not big enough to make up for "lost" sales on other platforms.

edit: OK, I'm dropping out of conversation, as we'll start running in circles soon. I think Sony should commit resources elsewhere rather than doing sequels to moderately profitable games, as it won't get them anywhere in the longer run. If you disagree with my view, then great. :)


szaromir said:
This has everything to do as they're successful/profitable based on their overall sales, not only PS3 or 360 or PC version. Bad Company 2 shipped 7M copies and it's success is judged on this number, not the PS3 sales only. Sony keeping extra $10 for themselves is a big difference, but not big enough to make up for "lost" sales on other platforms.

Of course not, but why are you now suddenly saying that measuring Killzone's performance relative to other shooters on the platform means that cross platform titles have to perform as well on one platform as they do across several? Like I said, the budgets aren't that out of control yet, and you can't expect barrier to entry to go away; that's why multiplatform titles exist in the first place. Not only that, but the revenues that third parties are earning between the two platforms aren't that dramatically out of sync as long as their portfolio is balanced.

Alrus said:
I'm pretty sure Sony doesn't dream of Killzone as a major fps franchise anymore. As long as it is relatively profitable I guess they're "happy". That wasn't the case when they release KZ2 though, pretty sure they hoped it would become a massive franchise.

I think it would have behooved them to have delayed Killzone 2 6 more months and taken a hard look at some of the aspects of it (online, controller response, etc). Killzone 2 is a flawed attempt at something special, Killzone 3 feels like a successful attempt at settling for being one in the crowd.


szaromir said:
Yes, this is precisely my point. FPS genre is very saturated and chances of having the next big thing in it are really really low at this point (especially since their games are steamrolled feature-wise by the competition). They should pack up the shop (at least part of it) and look for the next big thing elsewhere.

But if there is no harm, why not take the risk? The already have other studios working on other types of games, but FPS is huge right now. Getting out of the market when you have quality products is not smart.


Zen said:
Of course not, but why are you now suddenly saying that measuring Killzone's brand strength relative to other shooters means that cross platform titles have to perform as well on one platform as they do across several? Like I said, the budgets aren't that out of control yet.
I didn't say that. I only said that Battlefield is considered very successful due to sales on 360+PS3+PC, not only on PS3. If we subtract 360 and PC sales, the PS3 version alone might not bring enough revenues to cover the cost of bringing the game to the market. Thus Battlefield on PS3 only as a measuring stick for Killzone is not adequate.


TeethMummy said:
The insanity of the killzone bomb debate based on 6 days of sales has led me to purchase Killzone 3.
1 day less actually. :p
Game was released on Feb. 22, NPD tracked till February 26. :p


szaromir said:
I didn't say that. I only said that Battlefield is considered very successful due to sales on 360+PS3+PC, not only on PS3. If we subtract 360 and PC sales, the PS3 version alone might not bring enough revenues to cover the cost of bringing the game to the market. Thus Battlefield on PS3 only as a measuring stick for Killzone is not adequate.

Might is the key word.

Successful relative to the performance of other shooters on the platform then. The 'financially successful' was a footnote to the core of my post. Again though, to say that drawing a comparison between PS3 platform versions of BC2 and and KZ isn't adequate means that you're ignoring barrier to entry.

Would Killzone 2/3 have sold more if it also came out on the 360/PC? Absolutely, but that's not the issue.
Glix said:
I'm so fucking tired of this myth.

I had THREE NES's as a kid, as they would stop reading the carts, and the spring that controlled the cartridge thingy would stop working properly.

TWO Genesis, TWO SNES.

Only Game Boy was an indestructible system. The home consoles would not fail 2 months out of the box like the current-gen trash, but lets not pretend they were invincible systems that would never break.

Gamecube also. Gamecube and Game Boy. They are the only invincible systems.

My anecdotal evidence cancels out yours, sorry. I have gone through several NES, SNES and Genesis consoles, not because they stopped working, but because I gave them to my nephews and nieces and other kids. I still have two of each that work, and there are so many millions working available for sale that they're dirt cheap to this day. They're invincible systems that never break. Let's see how it stands for the 360 in 30 years, shall we?

On the other hand, a "working" NES system is usually a struggle to power up thanks the the infinitely stupid design of the cartridge interface. Power up - nope - power down - click, click - power up - nope - power down - click, click...it's a unique problem, but so widespread that it's hard to find one without it unless it's a top-loader.
JJConrad said:
Is there any particular reason why all hardware is up so much besides the obvious, "NPD is full of __it."?

The American government is buying up consoles and shipping them overseas in exchange for cocaine and heroine that they are then selling to Americans in various forms in order to finance the upheaval in middle east, as well as other covert operations.

Call of Duty Black Ops, indeed.
JJConrad said:
Is there any particular reason why all hardware is up so much besides the obvious, "NPD is full of __it."?

I can only think of the fact that tax season is here and economy improving. People are spending money again. We tend to forget this generation was launched in recession and has been in a recession period the entire time.

While it may have not seemed like it affected video games as much, it had to have affected it to some degree, and this might be what the game industry may have looked like if it wasn't the case.

That's just speculation though. We'll get a better idea next month. I guess now that a lot of people lost their homes and had to downgrade, which sucks, also means the fact they're not paying $1500 gives them more monthly spending cash.
Killzone is just a AA game, not AAA. Like Infamous. It will sell ok, make a small profit, but enough to perhaps warrant a sequel. It's a lukewarm sales and nothing more. What else is there to say.
jvm said:
My own data:

PS3 = 15.95 million
Xbox 360 = 26.34 million
Wii = 34.98 million

On the other hand, Nintendo says they've broken 35 million (which is certainly true now, two weeks into March) and I've seen one legitimate source stating NPD has the Xbox 360 at 27 million (after rounding to the nearest million).

For completeness:

PSP = 18.64 million
NDS = 48.02 million

Again, these are just my own data points collected from public releases, etc. They are not official from NPD.
Thanks for the data.

I think those are healthy numbers for all 3. Though nintendo and microsoft numbers do make that PS3 total look bad.

Even though theres a 10million hardware gap between the 3, i guess each console has a large enough user base in america that it's pretty much irrelevant at this point? As in developers don't have worry if a game will sell on whichever system?

Meijimasha said:
I simply do not see the 360 making it to next holiday season. Kinect has NOTHING going for it right now other than the novelty, NO GAMES AT ALL. At least when the Wii was selling record numbers with casual crap there were always at least a COUPLE hardcore games being released every once in a while, and THOSE games are what made the Wii continue to sell until 2010. Kinect, as far as I can see, doesn't have any of that. It doesn't have a Twilight Princess, a Mario Galaxy, a Metroid Prime, a No More Heroes, a Medal of Honor, or Donky Kong, nothing. I realize I'm naming a lot of first party stuff here, but the fact stands that the Wii had hardcore games to sustain between casual buying periods. Kinect doesn't.
You shouldn't post like this as a new born. Your setting yourself up for a bad future. =p

Im a PS3 guy but even i don't see this happening. MS handled kinect perfectly. Look how many people are buying it. I don't care for it personally but it is a success.

And it kinda rubs me the wrong way that MS has no problem selling a $400 system but sony did. =/

What the frack.
Kung Fu Grip said:
Thanks for the data.

I think those are healthy numbers for all 3. Though nintendo and microsoft numbers do make that PS3 total look bad.

Even though theres a 10million hardware gap between the 3, i guess each console has a large enough user base in america that it's pretty much irrelevant at this point? As in developers don't have worry if a game will sell on whichever system?

You shouldn't post like this as a new born. Your setting yourself up for a bad future. =p

Im a PS3 guy but even i don't see this happening. MS handled kinect perfectly. Look how many people are buying it. I don't care for it personally but it is a success.

And it kinda rubs me the wrong way that MS has no problem selling a $400 system but sony did. =/

What the frack.
I think it has a lot to do with the value proposition. I would say that (arguably) MS is offering more for $400 than Sony ever was.


Arpharmd B said:
Killzone is just a AA game, not AAA. Like Infamous. It will sell ok, make a small profit, but enough to perhaps warrant a sequel. It's a lukewarm sales and nothing more. What else is there to say.

What the hell does this even mean?

As far as I know, the "AAA status" for a game denotes a game that had a large budget and has little to do with the quality or sales of the game. Is this wrong?
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