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NPD Sales Results for February 2011 [Update 4: PS3 Hardware, TONS Of Games]

Megadragon15 said:
"Without further price cuts, we expect hardware sales to be down in 2011, and we think that the console manufacturers will position cuts around the E3 Expo in early June."
Dedication Through Light said:
I wonder why they keep claiming that the companies will do a price cut. Consumers seem to, still be buying these units at the high cost (and for Microsoft's case, pricey bundles) and for the PS3, its high cost compared to others.

I think this puts even more pressure on Sony. . . analysts say price cuts expected, Sony barely make a profit on PS3's and software isn't selling like the 360. So when consumers start expecting a price cut and hold off a purchase that isn't forthcoming that doesn't end well.

Sony is guaranteed 3rd place in the U.S. anyway. At this point I don't think they care too much. It's always entertaining seeing people expecting a rocky-esque comeback though.

WrikaWrek said:
You don't need PS3 numbers. All you need to know is that the PS3 ecosystem is alive and marching forward, and that demand for 3D and motion gaming keeps moving.

Keep fighting the good fight. . .

You forgot to add "heres our list of upcoming games as part of our sales report". heh/
Nirolak said:
Yeah, whether or not de Blob 2 is successful won't be decided in the first month.

If it's still in the gutter at the end of the year though, we will probably see some major changes at the studio.

Do you think there are any chances we are going to get psp/ ogre numbers?


Nirolak said:
Sorry I was out of town for a few days.

I'm updating the OP.

You should switch around Black ops and Marvel vs Capcom 3.It's somewhat silly to see Black ops as the #1 selling game for the month and then we see numbers.775 000 for Blop versus 790 000 for Marvel vs Capcom 3.


kitzkozan said:
You should switch around Black ops and Marvel vs Capcom 3.It's somewhat silly to see Black ops as the #1 selling game for the month and then we see numbers.775 000 for Blop versus 790 000 for Marvel vs Capcom 3.
The 775K does not include PC sales. So the chart as given is correct.
BladeoftheImmortal said:
Anyone know the split on MVC3? My guess is PS3 2:1 of the 360 version.
360 version sold better in the UK, probably did the same here. And I thought the platform listings indicated sku sales order?


BladeoftheImmortal said:
Anyone know the split on MVC3? My guess is PS3 2:1 of the 360 version.

According to platform listing order, 360 > PS3 in US also. 2:1 is not happening in pretty much anything right now, especially not in the favor of PS3 in a multiplatform title. And 360 version is ever so slightly superior, so it is not a case of a bad port, like with FFXIII.
Sony is guaranteed 3rd place in the U.S. anyway. At this point I don't think they care too much. It's always entertaining seeing people expecting a rocky-esque comeback though.

It's been like that for a while, the real story is WW. No one being reasonable assumes that the PS3 will suddenly be #1 in the U.S.

Worldwide, I believe it's still on track to outsell the 360.


TeethMummy said:
The insanity of the killzone bomb debate based on 6 days of sales has led me to purchase Killzone 3.

Reminds me of the GT5 bomba posts before they got bitch slapped with reality.
Boombloxer said:
It's been like that for a while, the real story is WW. No one being reasonable assumes that the PS3 will suddenly be #1 in the U.S.

Worldwide, I believe it's still on track to outsell the 360.

Not with Kinect.

It was on track to maybe catch up in like 2 years. Now with Kinect, it's next to impossible. The US numbers now easily make up for the difference in Japan, and the rest of the world is even or slightly favoring 360.


Arpharmd B said:
Not with Kinect.

It was on track to maybe catch up in like 2 years. Now with Kinect, it's next to impossible. The US numbers now easily make up for the difference in Japan, and the rest of the world is even or slightly favoring 360.

Doesn't the PS3 outsell 360 everywhere except the U.S and U.K? At the end of last year, PS3 was only 2M behind 360 and that's with the 1 year head start that 360 had.
I cant imagine what the NPD data will be for November and December 2011 for the 360? Its gonna be a ton, who knows we might even get a price drop, but its looking as if this generation is going to last alot longer than we expected because of the revolutionary Kinect. Look at how long the Wii has been winning because of an innovative gaming idea with SD graphics? Now Kinect has changed the game, and for that this has put Microsoft in a very strong position for the rest of this generation. Expect big big numbers from Microsoft the rest of the way, Sesame Street once upon a monster will probably sell 4 million and outpace Uncharted 3. Realtalk.


So everything did well.

Being NPD only, it only spells good thing for PS3.
30SomethingGamer said:
I cant imagine what the NPD data will be for November and December 2011 for the 360? Its gonna be a ton, who knows we might even get a price drop, but its looking as if this generation is going to last alot longer than we expected because of the revolutionary Kinect. Look at how long the Wii has been winning because of an innovative gaming idea with SD graphics? Now Kinect has changed the game, and for that this has put Microsoft in a very strong position for the rest of this generation. Expect big big numbers from Microsoft the rest of the way, Sesame Street once upon a monster will probably sell 4 million and outpace Uncharted 3. Realtalk.
Nothing revolutionary about the Kinect. The Justin Biebers and Oprahs made it sell.


y'all should be ashamed
30SomethingGamer said:
Expect big big numbers from Microsoft the rest of the way, Sesame Street once upon a monster will probably sell 4 million and outpace Uncharted 3. Realtalk.
There is no way that's happening...has there even been any Kinect titles to land the top ten outside of Dance Central? I do see Kinect hardware itself steamrolling the competition from here on out though.


chubigans said:
There is no way that's happening...has there even been any Kinect titles to land the top ten outside of Dance Central? I do see Kinect hardware itself steamrolling the competition from here on out though.

There also hasn't ever been Kinect software with a big franchise targetted at kids yet. The Sesame Street name could easily pull in millions in sales.
30SomethingGamer said:
I cant imagine what the NPD data will be for November and December 2011 for the 360? Its gonna be a ton, who knows we might even get a price drop, but its looking as if this generation is going to last alot longer than we expected because of the revolutionary Kinect. Look at how long the Wii has been winning because of an innovative gaming idea with SD graphics? Now Kinect has changed the game, and for that this has put Microsoft in a very strong position for the rest of this generation. Expect big big numbers from Microsoft the rest of the way, Sesame Street once upon a monster will probably sell 4 million and outpace Uncharted 3. Realtalk.




y'all should be ashamed
Zzoram said:
There also hasn't ever been Kinect software with a big franchise targetted at kids yet. The Sesame Street name could easily pull in millions in sales.
What about Kinectimals? Easily the biggest Kinect game targeted towards kids with MS ad support, but I don't remember seeing it in the top ten. I'm sure it sold well and Im sure the Sesame Street game will sell well too, but in the four million range?
JWong said:
So everything did well.

Being NPD only, it only spells good thing for PS3.

Nothing revolutionary about the Kinect. The Justin Biebers and Oprahs made it sell.

yeah ok I think if it wasnt that good of a product that by now people would have caught on, it still is selling like hotcakes, to the dismay of people who hate on the product.
chubigans said:
What about Kinectimals? Easily the biggest Kinect game targeted towards kids with MS ad support, but I don't remember seeing it in the top ten. I'm sure it sold well and Im sure the Sesame Street game will sell well too, but in the four million range?

kinect sports sold 2 million already, the sesame street game is going to sell a TON.
chubigans said:
There is no way that's happening...has there even been any Kinect titles to land the top ten outside of Dance Central? I do see Kinect hardware itself steamrolling the competition from here on out though.

you do realize with that Kinect Sports and Dance Central sold about 2 million each and thats with about 8 million Kinects out there, expect there to be about 15 kinects out by teh time sesame street comes out and expect that game to be marketed very well. Expect it to be good as well as the devs are very good. I wouldnt be so sure after all the advertising that Killzone 3 got and the lackluster sales that it is seeing that you could say "there is no Way it is happening". Its real my friend, kinect real.
Gravijah said:

if anything sesame street game makes the Kinect even more marketable. Its crazy how the Kinect is on fire, its going to extend the life of the 360 for a long time and puts them in a great postion to counter PS4 if they decide to come out with it
chubigans said:
What about Kinectimals? Easily the biggest Kinect game targeted towards kids with MS ad support, but I don't remember seeing it in the top ten. I'm sure it sold well and Im sure the Sesame Street game will sell well too, but in the four million range?

according to ******** kinectimals has sold 870,000 to 820,000 to Killzone 3, they wont let me post the links

this kinda doesnt support your argument, kinectimals has sold more than Killzone 3. Consider the fact that the userbase for kinectimals is about 5 times less than Killzone 3's.

ok well my point is secured but now i know the guidelines and I wont repeat.


30SomethingGamer said:
according to ******** kinectimals has sold 870,000 to 820,000 to Killzone 3, they wont let me post the links

Ah that's just what we needed in this thread, that ioi chartz site


30SomethingGamer said:
you do realize with that Kinect Sports and Dance Central sold about 2 million each and thats with about 8 million Kinects out there, expect there to be about 15 kinects out by teh time sesame street comes out and expect that game to be marketed very well. Expect it to be good as well as the devs are very good. I wouldnt be so sure after all the advertising that Killzone 3 got and the lackluster sales that it is seeing that you could say "there is no Way it is happening". Its real my friend, kinect real.
Kinectimals didn't even hit a million. What makes you think Sesame Street will?

And are you some kind of Microsoft PR? With statement like these (Fire Pro Wrestling thread)
30SomethingGamer said:
i wanna get this, another reason why Xbox RULES!!!
Really makes me wonder.
Xilium said:
Doesn't the PS3 outsell 360 everywhere except the U.S and U.K? At the end of last year, PS3 was only 2M behind 360 and that's with the 1 year head start that 360 had.

The US and UK are the two biggest single markets in the world.

I'm not sure what the exact difference is. I think it's like 3 million.

Basically the PS3 is 4 million ahead in Japan. The 360 is 10 million ahead in the states and growing. It's ahead in the UK by however much. The rest of the world, which is basically Europe, PS3 used to be doing slightly better. Now with Kinect, it's probably evened out. Going forward, the consoles are either selling the same or slightly in favor on 360 WW.

Kinect has evened things out. Before, when PS3 was selling better WW, it was on track to maybe get ahead of 360 in a year or two. Now, that's simply not going to happen. It wouldn't surprise me if the 360 extends it's lead WW a couple more million WW. If a pricecut happens, I'd expect that to be the case. It's rumored for June.


Do we know the ratio of Kinect sales between stand-alone units and 360 bundles?

I can only go by what I hear and see here in stores but it seems most people are just getting the Kinect simply cause 2 of the currently 4 available sku's happen to have a Kinect in it and the bundles are definitely being pushed much harder. Those that get the bundle will sometimes pick up Kinect sports as well (if someone sells them on it) but most of the Kinect game sales I see are going to those that pick up the Kinnect stand-alone accessory.

It just seems to me that many people are being lead to believe that Kinect is some integral part of the 360 as opposed to being the accessory that it is. In other words, they are getting Kinect, not because they want it, but because they think they need it.
Stephen Colbert said:
If kinect set the 360 on fire, why did it only outsell the ps3 500k to 400k in the us this month? Both systems are selling well.

The 360 has always outsold the ps3 in the us. Its the rest of the world where the PS3 sells well ahead of the 360. As of a few months ago, worldwide the PS3 was only 2 million behind the 360 despite a one year slower launch, a ludicrous $699 launch price, and the number of rrod 360s out there that were replaced with new ones. It's likely that by this summer the PS3 will be beating the 360 in worldwide sales. In terms of working PS3s out in the market, I'm pretty much certain the PS3 is already beating the 360.

My point is both systems are selling gangbusters. Neither one is losing or dying or needs a pricedrop or a failure. They're pretty as close to tying as any two consoles have ever been.
you probably shouldn't mimic your idol quite so closely. people are going to think this crazy talk is meant seriously.
30SomethingGamer said:
kinect sports sold 2 million already, the sesame street game is going to sell a TON.

I didn't know Kinect Sports sold that well (though, it makes sense). Can you point me to a link or something? Thanks
Plagarize, excuse me, so you don't think that for all intents and purposes both the 360 and the PS3 are pretty much tied in terms of sales and market penetration worldwide? Are you that out of touch with reality. Numbers don't lie. And worldwide sales put them both neck and neck.
Stephen Colbert said:
Plagarize, excuse me, so you don't think that for all intents and purposes both the 360 and the PS3 are pretty much tied in terms of sales and market penetration worldwide? Are you that out of touch with reality. Numbers don't lie. And worldwide sales put them both neck and neck.
i don't think you are being serious and i don't feel like getting drawn into a stupid debate right now.
Stephen Colbert said:
Plagarize, excuse me, so you don't think that for all intents and purposes both the 360 and the PS3 are pretty much tied in terms of sales and market penetration worldwide? Are you that out of touch with reality. Numbers don't lie. And a a 3-4% difference in overall numbers is not significant.

Tied in Europe, but in the US the 360 is way ahead. PS3 is up in Japan, but down in the UK. Both significantly smaller markets.

All things considered, the 360 is definitely much more healthy overall, and is selling the most software. People often forget about things like online, where MS is really killing it. MS beat Sony a while ago, they are moving on to going after Nintendo at this point. Whether or not Kinect will get them there is up for debate. Though they'll never catch the userbase of the Wii.

Also I wanted to point out, you mentioned RROD replacements. This has been touched upon many times before, but if you don't believe that the rate of people rebuying 360's is about the same as PS3, than that would mean the 360 has an absolutely insane attach rate.
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