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NPD Sales Results for January 2009


On BluRay: Whether or not the PS3 made the difference for BluRay, it was still obviously a dumb idea. Sony could have just as easily released something like the Wii while taking a $300 loss per BluRay player. They would have lost less money and sold more BluRay players to people that were definitely going to buy movies for them. Hell, they probably could have just given away some large number of BluRay players, lost less money than they've lost on the PS3, and sold more movies and more game consoles.

But at this point, while you might be able to claim that subsidizing BluRay players somehow was a justifiable plan, it's obvious that it wouldn't have made much difference.


donny2112 said:

I think it's better without the yellow line. That just made me confused at first glance. Otherwise it's quite the interesting perspective.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
markatisu said:
The situation in Japan is just as bad with the system about 5m behind the Wii

it's pretty much universal levels of sad worldwide

Who cares about the Wii ?, the 'fight' was lost against the Wii a long time ago, I'm talking 360 vs PS3 userbase outside of NA.

why did hoffman have to get himself banned :-(


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
donny2112 said:

You should change it so that it says: "PS3 vs. Wii (Balance board)".


djblackice said:
I always thought NPD threads were interesting. I think this picture sums up all of the types of individuals that can be found in them. Which one are you?


I'm 3, 5, 12, 19, and 21.
Orlics said:
Stop bringing that /v/ shit in here. Wrong fucking forum.

Holy crap, you are angry.

And honestly, I didn't even know the origin of it until someone mentioned 4chan and then I looked it up.

Sorry, my internet knowledge isn't as vast as others. If it's banned here, I'll edit my original post.
PS3 is doing quite well despite being in the worst possible situation. One can only wonder how well it will do with another $100 price drop.


Dragonflyg1 said:
PS3 is doing quite well despite being in the worst possible situation. One can only wonder how well it will do with another $100 price drop.

Isn't PS3 basically a tad too late for pricedropping, just like the Gamecube was in 2003?


Excellent sales for Nintendo, good for Microsoft and disappointing figures for Sony considering that last year they were able to beat MS in these early months with more sales, which is probably representative of a rejection of the PS3 in a recessionary marketplace at its current pricepoint and the reputation it has as an expensive machine.

A question for those who have been following sales longer than I have, how long in a console's life does one have to trend for it to show when the market has generally lost interest and confidence in said machine and that there is no turning the ship around?


Zhuk said:
A question for those who have been following sales longer than I have, how long in a console's life does one have to trend for it to show when the market has generally lost interest and confidence in said machine and that there is no turning the ship around?
Usually about 10-12 months in.

But keep in mind that lots of factors differ each generation and it's tough to say with so few historic precedents anyway.
Zhuk said:
A question for those who have been following sales longer than I have, how long in a console's life does one have to trend for it to show when the market has generally lost interest and confidence in said machine and that there is no turning the ship around?
We've hit that point for this generation. The three consoles are all firmly in their 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place slots. The only console that I've known to really break that is the PSP, and it wasn't because of it's software sales, and even then it wasn't really a complete turnaround.

Edit: An 8 minute gap in posts in the NPD thread on NPD day? What is NeoGAF coming to?


LEFT 4 DEAD (360) 243K
Oh yes.

djblackice said:
I always thought NPD threads were interesting. I think this picture sums up all of the types of individuals that can be found in them. Which one are you?

The editing is an utter failure. Not because it's poorly done (though it is), but the censorship itself is hilariously bad. It's like scolding a kid who broke the rules to get attention.


Gaborn said:
It was also profitable from the beginning so Nintendo could afford to drop the price.

I think his point was that price wasn't what was holding the gamecube back. I mean, here we are in year 3 of the PS3's life and it's still 100 dollars more than the initial launch price of it's predecessors, that's crazy


Fetishing muscular manly men in skintight hosery
bmf said:
Edit: An 8 minute gap in posts in the NPD thread on NPD day? What is NeoGAF coming to?

I figure most are simply conserving their energy for the greater battles that lie ahead. Kinda like the green ranger after his candle burned out in that one episode of Power Rangers.


Nirolak said:
I think it's better without the yellow line. That just made me confused at first glance.

The Japanese graph I did for the same comparison had it, but it doesn't hurt to take it off. :)

Zhuk said:
A question for those who have been following sales longer than I have, how long in a console's life does one have to trend for it to show when the market has generally lost interest and confidence in said machine and that there is no turning the ship around?

Probably a year or so after all the competitors are on the market.


Wow at L4Dead. Bravo 360 users for buying this. Sorry if I missed it but what is the LTD for L4D on 360?

What ever happened to GoW 2 sales? Did the game drop off or what?


Junior Member
outunderthestars said:
it's not packaged with a peripheral. Wii owner's only seem to buy games that come with something else in the box.
How many 360 or PS3 games do you think outsold Galaxy?

Strike said:
Most thier party titles (Save for RB and GH) do better than it Wii counterparts (with less than half the userbase).
:lol :lol :lol


on hddvd/bluray: if ps3 was NOT the deciding factor, Sony sacrificed their console without any benefit coming from it. thats not the case, though. Its true that more studios sided with the bluray consortium, but hddvd had enough support to take on the "fight". ps3 got bluray-drives into millions of households and thus outperformed hddvd. That made them lose the console "war", though, because it made the system much more expensive AND keeps the ps3 from getting price drops, as sony cant sell the ps3 for less than a standalone player, which would anger blurayplayer producers.


I say it now: I dont care for their game, BUT if ps3-sales remain the same, the next Team ICO-game wont be released on PS3. It makes absolutely no sense to release a niche-game, that only knowledgable gamers hype, on a, well, fading system. Sony better use it was a launch game for the ps4, that way both the game and the fans proft...well, not those who wanted it this gen.

wayward archer said:
You might as well be comparing kitchenaid mixer sales to ps3.

The majority of people spending money on these two products are about as different as two consumer groups can be.

meltdowns incoming
wayward archer said:
You might as well be comparing kitchenaid mixer sales to ps3.

The majority of people spending money on these two products are about as different as two consumer groups can be.

I still am in shock over the market that nintendo has been able to convince to buy a wii. I was helping
my next door neighbor(who is like a 72 year old women) connect a wireless router and below her tv
was wii fit. I asked her if she liked it and she got this huge smile and said "Its wonderful and I love tennis!"
Just boggles my mind.


wayward archer said:
You might as well be comparing kitchenaid mixer sales to ps3.

The majority of people spending money on these two products are about as different as two consumer groups can be.

I'd say it's a useful graph, if only because it's highly unusual for a game to outsell a console in the long run, regardless of what type of game it is.


djblackice said:
Holy crap, you are angry.

And honestly, I didn't even know the origin of it until someone mentioned 4chan and then I looked it up.

Sorry, my internet knowledge isn't as vast as others. If it's banned here, I'll edit my original post.

I don't blame you then - I just dislike that site very, very much. Don't worry it's not banned. :lol


wayward archer said:
You might as well be comparing kitchenaid mixer sales to ps3.

The majority of people spending money on these two products are about as different as two consumer groups can be.
The demand side might be different, but the supply side isn't...
BruceLeeRoy said:
I still am in shock over the market that nintendo has been able to convince to buy a wii. I was helping
my next door neighbor(who is like a 72 year old women) connect a wireless router and below her tv
was wii fit. I asked her if she liked it and she got this huge smile and said "Its wonderful and I love tennis!"
Just boggles my mind.
I know dude I just can't
why these
people buy


bigfurb said:
I think his point was that price wasn't what was holding the gamecube back. I mean, here we are in year 3 of the PS3's life and it's still 100 dollars more than the initial launch price of it's predecessors, that's crazy

Sure, but the fact that price is holding back the PS3 is a secondary problem from Sony's perspective. The real problem is that their gaming division isn't profitable enough to justify dropping the price like they would need to for any hope of competitiveness.


MS on the month;

Microsoft: January Xbox Live's Biggest Month Yet

Microsoft's Xbox Live online service had a record month in January, the company announced, driven by strong interest in its Netflix partnership and exclusive downloadable game content.

Following today's industry financial results courtesy of NPD, Microsoft announced it has reached 17 million Xbox Live users, and also trumpeted its 33 percent year-over-year hardware sales growth as the company claims "holiday momentum carries into 2009."

More than a million users have taken advantage of the movie service that allows Netflix members to stream content via Xbox 360 consoles, and Microsoft says 16 movies have been watched on average per household since the feature launched in November.

The demo for upcoming RTS Halo Wars, from effectively-defunct Ensemble Studios, set a one-day Xbox Live demo download record and reached 2 million downloads in a week, the company states.

As usual, Microsoft's post-NPD release focused heavily on its system's games' high Metacritic average and on Xbox Live's success -- Live as a service gained more users than it had in any previous single month, which Microsoft pins on the Netflix deal as well as recent and upcoming DLC for games like Fable II, Grand Theft Auto IV, and Fallout 3.

The company also continued to boast about its high game attach rate among its user base, with an average of 8.1 games sold per console.



wayward archer said:
You might as well be comparing kitchenaid mixer sales to ps3.

The majority of people spending money on these two products are about as different as two consumer groups can be.

The line of thinking from the Media-Create threads was that if a publisher is looking at userbase to decide what platform to develop for, at some point they could reach more people by developing a Balance Board title than a PS3-exclusive game. In Japan this had more meaning, as the PS3 was in second place before being passed by the Balance Board.

Bananakin said:
I'd say it's a useful graph, if only because it's highly unusual for a game to outsell a console in the long run, regardless of what type of game it is.

It is very important to notice that the graph is comparing the Balance Board to the PS3. It is not comparing Wii Fit to the PS3. It just so happens that the only current way to get the Balance Board is through a purchase of Wii Fit.


Might as well get this out of the way now:

How much of a difference will the fact that Killzone 2 only gets two days of slaes make in next months NPD?


bmf said:
Did MS just completely ignore the NPD numbers in that release? I mean - completely?

Seems like there usual PR. Sales up for the month, increasing Live gold members, and attach rate info. Yup, par for the course. Are you thinking they are going to acknowledge Nintendo at this point (hint, have they for the last 6 months or so)? I don't think so, heh.


lawblob said:
He was given to a nice family on a farm. They have PS3s as big as tractors out there, and a Sony Bravia with picture so clear you can see it from the space shuttle.
:lol :lol :lol


Ezduo said:
Might as well get this out of the way now:

How much of a difference will the fact that Killzone 2 only gets two days of slaes make in next months NPD?

No matter how well or poorly KZ2 does next month those 2 days of "slaes" will be mentioned frequently. If it does fantastically people will say "SEE? and that was only 2 days! Look for the momentum to continue in March NPD! The year of the PS3 has begun!" If it doesn't do very well (say if it's below the top 5) then people are going to say "But it was only two days! wait until march to see how it REALLY did"
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