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NPD Sales Results for March 2016


I'm ranked at like 280,000th in SF5 despite being awful and only winning about one match. I'm guessing it sold like 400-500k tops.
I was ranked 360k last month with 0FP... there were way lower ranking than mine.

Just the know sales put it over that number.

NPD Feb: ~205k
PC: ~160k
JP: ~70k
UK: ~30k

> 450k

Except PC all numbers are outdated (late Feb or mid March).

There are a lot of WW countries to count yet.

I believe the game is close to 1 million WW at end of March.

Yup, but I think they will baaarely make it :)
They are close to 1 million sold thought... shipment will be over 1 million.

Shpeshal Nick

aka Collingwood
So is Minecraft just being given away to people in the street?

I only personally know like 2 people that bought it of the group of 10 or so friends/family who game. How many people are left to buy this damn game on consoles?


But it's shocking really.

PS4 is slaying worldwide and SFV was very anticipated.

Sure, the game lacks content, but the same can be said for Splatoon, Pokken and many other games that came out recently.

Something else went wrong here, and I wonder how this is going to affect some of the third-party PS4 exclusives, especially coming from Capcom.

Sony clearly didn't do their marketing job right, they also paid for the development of the game, and it bombed on critic and user reviews, the same can be said about that SF4 port. They are messing with the image of an iconic franchise here, and from a third-party partner, no less!

I mean, SO5 is coming out later this year, it's going to bomb, and nobody will give a fuck. But SFV? It's not just a regular bomba, it's an important title, and Sony was behind it.

SE and FF7R might be the next victim.

Nah man, Im pretty sure you can try harder than that


But it's shocking really.

PS4 is slaying worldwide and SFV was very anticipated.

Sure, the game lacks content, but the same can be said for Splatoon, Pokken and many other games that came out recently.

Something else went wrong here, and I wonder how this is going to affect some of the third-party PS4 exclusives, especially coming from Capcom.

Sony clearly didn't do their marketing job right, they also paid for the development of the game, and it bombed on critic and user reviews, the same can be said about that SF4 port. They are messing with the image of an iconic franchise here, and from a third-party partner, no less!

I mean, SO5 is coming out later this year, it's going to bomb, and nobody will give a fuck. But SFV? It's not just a regular bomba, it's an important title, and Sony was behind it.

SE and FF7R might be the next victim.

A couple of points. You can't compare Splatoon to SFV. Not only was the WiiU staved for new games - something that isn't the case on PS4 - but Splatoon had a full single player mode. It was light on online content, but was still enough meat on the bone for tons of people to enjoy as-is. SFV was, and still is, a gloried demo. It will be months and months until it's in a state that you'd expect from a full retail game.

Sony part-funded development of the game, but it's published by Capcom. Capcom decided when the launch the game and were solely responsible for marketing it, both on PS4 and PC. Something they have done a spectacularly bad job at. The post-launch PR has been awful. They have been silent on many of the legitimate complains. The closest to a mea culpa around the state of the game is the recent statement from Ono saying they were taken by surprised that people wanted single player modes. Which was bullshit, as in interviews before the game releases, Ono said the the most amount of feedback and requests he'd gotten was around single player modes and content.

Capcom dun goofed and only have themselves to blame.


I can imagine Cream wearing an eyepatch sitting in front of his oven now as he watches the pies bake. He then turns to the camera and with a smirk, he says "Kept you waiting, huh?"


An exclusive fighting game for the console with the weakest install base outsells an exclusive fighting game (in a well-known series, no less) for the console that has the largest install base.

Street Fighter V, you are already dead. And not EVO, not the Capcom Cup, not Story Mode... nothing is going to bring you back from the dead.

Repairing negative word of mouth and weak launch reviews is an improbable (if not impossible) thing to accomplish-- and Capcom isn't a regular achiever of the improbable.


I can imagine Cream wearing an eyepatch sitting in front of his oven now as he watches the pies bake. He then turns to the camera and with a smirk, he says "Kept you waiting, huh?"
Kept ya waiting, HUH?
I think Sony pretty much wanted SFV to get their hands into the competitive scene. Which is fine. THe game is a huge draw and is fun to watch. That said Capcom and Sony I'm sure want this to start making some money. Get a F2P version out soon and just hedge your bets.

Yeah, possibly. Could be good for Sony in the long run.

Just digging up some old numbers from 2009, yeah I know, while it sold over 800k in it's first month, the second month it didn't even chart. That's with the buzz of fighting games coming back and all.

Who is going to hear about a March update, seriously.


Yeah, possibly. Could be good for Sony in the long run.

Just digging up some old numbers from 2009, yeah I know, while it sold over 800k in it's first month, the second month it didn't even chart. That's with the buzz of fighting games coming back and all.

Yup. SF4 had 10 years of hype and anticipation. This game didn't have that. SO while if it launched with what it should have had. I still doubt it would see the sales similar to 4. I think it would be in a better position though.

That said. I think A F2P version or even putting this up for PS+ while pushing the season pass could help. Basically it needs to turn into a service.


How well do you guys think SFV would have sold if it had the inital content of a Street Fighter mainline title? No backlash or bad word of mouth? Their projections were 2 million. Would it have hit that?

In this day and age word of mouth seems to be more important than ever, but does it carry so much weight to result in sales like these, for such a longstanding and recognizable brand?
Easily. Especially given the anticipation and success of SF4. But it seems common sense wasn't part of SFV's development, and no one could have anticipated that to be honest.
GTAV is an anomaly that generates money out of thin air!

"Xbox Live engagement was driven by the greatest games lineup, including new titles released in March like ‘Killer Instinct: Season 3’ and ‘Tom Clancy’s The Division.’"

Love MS PR as always! :D



Honestly, I thought Capcom's target of 2 million worldwide this quarter seemed reasonable; perhaps optimistic, but not crazy. It's in line with their other fighting game sales (vanilla SFIV sold 3.4, vanilla MvC3 sold 2.2, and SFxT sold 1.7 mil). And while the lack of XBO release was going to hurt somewhat, I kinda felt there was more anticipation for SFV than those aforementioned titles, which I thought would help make up for it. But what do I know :lol. Really did not expect SFV to be such a steaming pile of shit upon release.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
any word on what sf5 sold in march?

5 copies to Combofiend to run his tournament/Capcom Cup.

Primethius said:
Yea, SFV pretty much had no legs on PC.

At all.

Word of mouth travels fast on PC.

It's been going up and down over the past two months. People are refunding it due to the lack of content. And Capcom isn't doing shit about that until the summer. #RIP any hope of it catching on.
Yup. SF4 had 10 years of hype and anticipation. This game didn't have that. SO while if it launched with what it should have had. I still doubt it would see the sales similar to 4. I think it would be in a better position though.

That said. I think A F2P version or even putting this up for PS+ while pushing the season pass could help. Basically it needs to turn into a service.

Yes, that's my instinct no pun intended, go F2P. I think it would bring SF into a new era and help create a new fanbase. It's a super well known game that is very steady. Even the SF fan base likes to stick with SF2, Third Strike and IV. F2P could inject a lot of excitement.

Not that I'm championing digital but if there's one game I want digital it's fighting game these days. Perhaps it's done a bit better ~20%.
How well do you guys think SFV would have sold if it had the inital content of a Street Fighter mainline title? No backlash or bad word of mouth? Their projections were 2 million. Would it have hit that?

In this day and age word of mouth seems to be more important than ever, but does it carry so much weight to result in sales like these, for such a longstanding and recognizable brand?

I think so.

The negative word of mouth has mainly focused on the lack of content. Capcom badly misread how important that was to casual gamers--especially when Ono himself kept selling the game as a "reset" meant to lower the barrier of entry and bring in a new crop of more casual players.

The actual game and it's release schedule don't line up with Capcom's stated goals of broadening the player base at all--and with other fighters doing more on that score they really don't have any excuse for that. Small wonder it's gone over so poorly in light of that.


“In March, global hours spent gaming on Xbox One increased 89 percent compared to last year.
I mean seriously? Are xbone sales so terrible to start to count the hours spent in gaming? It's one of the most absurd PR I have read in a NPD.


I would love to see the overall net revenue from GTA V for Rockstar. I mean it must be astronomical at this point.


With the exception of Street Fighter V, excellent software month! Portable software is in trouble (and has been for a while), but console software seems to be alive and kicking.

The failure of SFV is interesting in every sense of the word. The negative word of mouth and scorching user reviews have made matters much worse for the game's long-term performance. Clearly, Capcom needed significantly more foresight and resources (e.g. Time) to prevent the terrible sales performance. It makes you wonder if Sony (as the financier and platform holder) will look at the sales performance of the title and create some distance between themselves and upcoming games that they're also supporting, e.g. FF7R. Square's announcement that they'll be selling the game in slices is definitely looking like it could backfire. Big time. If the slice is big then people will be less hesitant to jump in, but I can see how a smaller slice -- especially for a single-player driven experience -- can lead to another SFV scenario, where a number of people choose to not buy the game until the whole 'pie' is complete , by which time the interest from consumers and the price of the game at retail will more than likely be significantly less than it initially was. It's obviously not a good thing for PlayStation to become the console brand known for incomplete software experiences, so I wonder if Sony are going to pay extra attention to the development and content plans for FF7R. Interested to see how it all shakes out.


I mean seriously? Are xbone sales so terrible to start to count the hours spent in gaming? It's one of the most absurd PR I have read in a NPD.

As someone who has only been reading these threads for a few months. I was PC gaming most of last gen so I don't know what it was like then as well.

What exactly is expected of "the loser's" PR response?

qcf x2

I feel sorry for Capcom. They release a great product in Street Fighter V and people didn't appreciate it.

As a hardcore SF fan who has spent over $1,000 in buying the games and the sticks: fuck outta here with that nonsense. Anybody with an ounce of common sense knew by launch that they were on stupid sauce and the game would bomb because of it. The only question I had by that point is how badly and if they would get their shit together ASAP, which they have not. They outsourced everything to everywhere and very little outside of the actual combat makes any kind of sense from a design or business standpoint. It really looks like they have a team of like 8, where the sound design guy is also in charge of the menus or something indie-budget like that.

The good news is they have paved the way for anybody who ever wants to release a fighting game to see what NOT to do.
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