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NPD Sales Results for May 2007

Omnicent said:


OH WOW. :lol :lol :lol


sonycowboy said:
If you saw the full software, you wouldn't be saying that...

Can you give us percentages of total software by platform? (home consoles and handhelds seperately if possible)
Empty_One said:
This has probably been addressed, but hell, I'll say it anyway.

If a piece of shit like Red Steel can sell a million copies, how much do you think a GOOD title would sell.

It really comes down to marketing. Red Steel had some pretty good marketing, but few other Wii games have.
This is something third parties really need to get into on the Wii, is marketing their games right.


Revelations said:
Like I said before why name a multiple million selling title on the 360 when you have different types of third party software selling over a million. Damn the multiple million sellers if a breakout shitty franchise like Lost Planet can sell over 1 million. Or a Crackdown. This isn't concentrated into 2 particular third party software titles. This is spread out over multiple titles. On one hand you have crappy titles and great titles selling well on the 360 system.

In the other you have the wii in almost the same position. Well etablished userbase. "Potential" software selling rates. Phenomenal hardware sales. But yet joe schmuck cantmake a buck on the system. You have 2 big third party titles on the system that isn't selling in a perpetual momentum to the hardware momentum. Something is wrong there.

I just don't see third party software being a driving force for this system. 7 months it's been on the shlves with third party titles ranging from awesome to dead crappy. But yet only 2 or 3 titles comes pout just over 1 million with a 7.5 million userbase. It's no adding up for third parties.

Gee, I wonder why Crackdown sold so well. Maybe because there were packed in invitations to a beta version of Microsoft's flagship franchise?

And where the hell are you getting the awesome third party titles for the Wii? The only third party title I'd describe as awesome is Trauma Center. Elebits is the next best third party offering. The best third party offerings on the Wii don't remotely compare to those on the 360, and consequently cannot be expected to sell as well.


*drowns in jizz*
If it wasnt for the gifs, this thread would be complete shit. Never seen so many assinine comments. Wii selling only to Nintendo fans? Anyone who is saying this now will staill be saying it when the system is at 50 million.


JodwayJJ said:
I'm curious to see how well Tiger Woods has done so far for the Wii versus the 360 and PS3 versions. Even if it did worse, the fact that Wii development costs are lower on average has to be making these third parties tickle with joy.

It's also a pretty late port. There's going to be only five months between the 07 and 08 Wii versions.


Fredescu said:
If it was brand recognition that mattered, EA wouldn't bother paying guys like Tiger Woods or Madden to use their names. As for Nintendo brand recognition, even third party games have the Nintendo logo on the box.
I meant brand recognition more as IP recognition, and your post just illustrated my point. Even still, I think most people would be willing to try out a new IP from Nintendo before they would most other companies.


Odysseus said:
sony and microsoft overshot the market big time and nintendo came in with what looks to be the right idea at the right time.

it's a shame we have no idea of knowing how much of wii's early success is due to waggle and how much is due to price. either way, it doesn't matter. 360 and ps3 are still screwed in the near term.

I think it was both. The price and waggle fed off each other. If the price were too much, waggle would've been a non-issue. If the price stayed low and it was basically Gamecube Turbo at a cheap price, it wouldve done shit.

Nintendo had a very specific plan and they executed it pretty much flawlessly. From a business perspective this is pretty amazing.


Junior Member
legend166 said:
So, now that the Wii will certainly pass the 360 worldwide in the coming months, we should figure out how long it will take for it to pass the 360 and PS3 combined, worldwide.

March next year?

It depends if the 360 has a pricedrop. Either way the 360 is going to sell more in November and December then the Wii just because the Wii will not have enough inventory to compete. Unless Nintendo somehow manages to have a couple million extra units in hiding during those months, the 360 should beat it quite easily. I would not get to cocky there.
Odysseus said:
sony and microsoft overshot the market big time and nintendo came in with what looks to be the right idea at the right time.

it's a shame we have no idea of knowing how much of wii's early success is due to waggle and how much is due to price. either way, it doesn't matter. 360 and ps3 are still screwed in the near term.

I'd say it's about 65-35. Nintendo's biggest problem never was price ... they always have an affordable product, their biggest problem was mindshare + finding a new way to reinvent their brand to consumers after they got stuck with that "uncool" stigma somewhere during the early/mid 1990s. They've done both, otherwise that price wouldn't mean anything (see: GameCube).

I don't think the 360 is screwed in the near term too much. September is not that far off and Madden is also coming before that. Really though the Wii + 360 should prosper in North America, and neither company really is in absolute direct cometetion.

Both really don't venture too much into each other's territory. Sony as a (competent) competitior would cause a lot more headaches for MS and Nintendo, whereas the Wii + 360 I feel can co-exist just fine in North America.


Mawio Gawaxy iz da Wheeson hee pways games
Odysseus said:
sony and microsoft overshot the market big time and nintendo came in with what looks to be the right idea at the right time.

it's a shame we have no idea of knowing how much of wii's early success is due to waggle and how much is due to price. either way, it doesn't matter. 360 and ps3 are still screwed in the near term.

I really don't want to argue with people, but this is my viewpoint. I believe it's short term thinking on Nintendo's part. But we'll see.

Cheap = Wii check. If your kid wants a console, are you going to fork out $200 or $600?

Transition period = The most console out there is still the PS2. The Wii looks better than the PS2 games wise and it's got an original and unique control method. For larger consumer audience, it's not dated.

Software development time cycles = the DS and the Wii share the common factor that it doesn't take as long to develop a title as a PS3 or Xbox360 title (or PSP in the DS's case). It's also using the same base as last generation, so there's no adjustment time for developers. This equals more quality titles in the short-term. No getting used to new tools etc.

Nintendo has also developed a lot of games towards the non-gaming community like Nintendogs and Brain Age. Sony and MS needs to pick up in this area.

The real question is, what is going to happen when Xbox360 and PS3 drops in price? What's going to happen when HD sets become more and more common (steadily over the next few years)? How soon is the Wii going to show its age?

I mean I don't think these threads are for constructive discussion, it's merely for fanboys to rub it in each other faces whenever their numbers speak for their cause. This is my view, we'll see what happens.

My personal opinion is that I do hope MS and Sony do well because I do love graphics AND next-generation gameplay (not just controls). Does this skew my predictions of the future? Whatever you want to think, it's not like it's going to change the outcome.


Thunderbear said:
I really don't want to argue with people, but this is my viewpoint. I believe it's short term thinking on Nintendo's part. But we'll see.

Cheap = Wii check. If your kid wants a console, are you going to fork out $200 or $600?

Transition period = The most console out there is still the PS2. The Wii looks better than the PS2 games wise and it's got an original and unique control method. For larger consumer audience, it's not dated.

Software development time cycles = the DS and the Wii share the common factor that it doesn't take as long to develop a title as a PS3 or Xbox360 title (or PSP in the DS's case). It's also using the same base as last generation, so there's no adjustment time for developers. This equals more quality titles in the short-term. No getting used to new tools etc.

Nintendo has also developed a lot of games towards the non-gaming community like Nintendogs and Brain Age. Sony and MS needs to pick up in this area.

The real question is, what is going to happen when Xbox360 and PS3 drops in price? What's going to happen when HD sets become more and more common (steadily over the next few years)? How soon is the Wii going to show its age?

I mean I don't think these threads are for constructive discussion, it's merely for fanboys to rub it in each other faces whenever their numbers speak for their cause. This is my view, we'll see what happens.

My personal opinion is that I do hope MS and Sony do well because I do love graphics AND next-generation gameplay (not just controls). Does this skew my predictions of the future? Whatever you want to think, it's not like it's going to change the outcome.

In the next few years we'll already be looking forward to the next consoles by Nintendo, Sony, and Microsoft.

EDIT: I realized you pulled the "HDTV sets" card. Take a good, long look at Japan.
Between the 360-PS3-PC there will be more than enough userbase to keep all the Halo 3s, Bio Shocks, Devil May Crys, Metal Gear Solids, etc. etc. etc. coming out ad nauseum.

I really think people need to drop that paranoia. You may have to live with the fact that you lost some pissing matches on the internet, but it won't affect the games you play at all.

Hell, even on the DS, which by all rights should be knee deep in nothing but Brain Training 7 and Nintendogs Vol. 4 right now, the ratio of "regular game genres" to "non games" is probably like a 70-30 split.

If a platform like the DS can still get tons of traditional style games, I'd say you have nothing to worry about on the PS3 or 360.


Wii might be crap for third parties right now, but it's still a system that hasn't been out for long that has taken just about EVERYONE by surprise. The next wave of games will see more third party titles up there, I'm sure. Even so, third party Wii games don't have to sell as much to make money because they're so cheap to produce. Yeah, lots of 360 games are in the top 10, how much did they cost to make though?

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
Razoric said:
it is truly amazing to see how nintendo pulled the ****ing rug out from under two multibillion dollar corporations.

Iwata is smarter than the others


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
Thunderbear said:
Ugh, I guess people don't want Quality.

Pokemon? Brainwash your kids into consumers.

Mario Party 8? That's fantastic.

Spider Man 3? It's great to see amazing story telling awarded <sad sarcasm>.

No real surprises tho. Whatever platform does well in the holiday season, I hope that the quality games that are coming out for the three consoles are rewarded for their talents. (Bioshock, Mario Galaxy, Mass Effect, Ratchet and Clank, Uncharted, etc.).

Say whatever shit you want, but don't try to use the quality excuse on Pokemon. The real handheld iterations are always solid pieces of universally appealing softwares.


On this question of whether or not 3rd party games can sell on wii....

We should have a good measuring stick soon.. Manhunt 2 is getting lots of hype, it's been well marketed... It's a hardcore type of game. It's probably going to get good reviews based on the current journalist buzz.. It's being made to take full advantage of the wiimote.

That game has every advantage and should sell very nicley. If it doesn't then I would start to take some of the naysayers seriously on the subject of 3rd party's and the wii.


USD said:
I meant brand recognition more as IP recognition, and your post just illustrated my point.
Fair enough, you're right about that. It takes a history of popular high quality games to develop IP recognition as strong as Mario or Madden though. I don't think anyone is making the argument that only "Mario or Zelda games" sell on Nintendo consoles. The argument seems to always be only "First Party games" regardless of quality or IP, which is what I disagree with.
USD said:
Even still, I think most people would be willing to try out a new IP from Nintendo before they would most other companies.
This is where we disagree. "Most people" is the mass market who doesn't care about publisher name. Most people on GAF would probably be willing to try out a new IP from Nintendo before a no name. I think Boogie will be huge personally, because they will market the hell out of it, it will be aimed a large number of Wii users, and it is a singing and dancing party game. I said earlier in the thread that I think it will outsell Zelda, let alone other Nintendo new IPs like Disaster or whatever else. There's no IP recognition with that, just a good looking game at the right audience with (most likley) a buttload of marketing.


Wolves Evolve said:
With the cash Nintendo are making, they can afford to re-release the Virtual Boy. BELIEVE.

a new virtual boy would be sex with today's tech. I actually expect Sony to do it first, though


force push the doodoo rock
Looking at that worldwide graph, Nintendo could overtake Microsoft's nichibe in a month?
mclem said:
Wait for E3.

No, don't get me wrong, I don't think Sony or Microsoft have anything they can pull out of the bag to turn it around. Nintendo has it...

Except they *do* kinda have a habit of shooting themselves in the foot.

If Nintendo do a competent E3 presentation, they'll have it. If they screw up when the world's eyes are on them, then Sony and MS have hope. Not much, I must stress that, but hope:

The market is now Nintendo's to lose.
gross overstatement of the year. Sony is still a powerful force in the industry. Let's wait a little longer before going too crazy


Krowley said:
On this question of whether or not 3rd party games can sell on wii....

We should have a good measuring stick soon.. Manhunt 2 is getting lots of hype, it's been well marketed... It's a hardcore type of game. It's probably going to get good reviews based on the current journalist buzz.. It's being made to take full advantage of the wiimote.

That game has every advantage and should sell very nicley. If it doesn't then I would start to take some of the naysayers seriously on the subject of 3rd party's and the wii.

I would use a different measuring stick. I doubt even the PS2 version is going to sell as much as the original. There are too many factors contributing to the success of Manhunt 1 that we do not see for Manhunt Wii. Manhunt 1 in my opinion had better marketing and word of mouth. The title was riding off of recent Rockstar success, never before seen concept of gore and user-controlled violence on a mainstream system, and in all honesty, Rockstar went for the Shock factor to boost sales with Manhunt 1. And the same concept is never as shocking the second time around....
Attention Microsoft: You're being beaten by "Non-Competitors AND almost EVERY HANDHELD on the Market (Tiger says HI soon I figure).....time for Price drop, yes? Launch Halo 3 with Price drop & rule the world? yes?"

Or are you just going to sit there and still deny that Nintendo isn't a competitor? How many months in a row do you have to get beaten by them? How much "Public mindshare" losses in a row do you have to lose in order to before you "Get it?" Folks *WANT* to JUMP IN, but they won't JUMP IN, when the ticket to ride is 399$, but they sure as heck are at 249$

BTW, Microsoft, Reggie says notmyproblem.gif


Junior Member
sp0rsk said:
Looking at that worldwide graph, Nintendo could overtake Microsoft's nichibe in a month?

Looking at most of the numbers that people are throwing out there, the 360 lead should still be anywhere from 1.5 million to 2 million worldwide. Even if the 360 sells zero consoles next month, the Wii will not have enough supply out there to catch up. They could do it possibly by the end of July or August if the 360 does not do a pricedrop.
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