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NPD Sales Results for May 2010

Interesting sales this month.

The only thing that could damage Nintendo with the 3DS is too high of a price.

I doubt they are going to be that stupid.

Beth Cyra

vireland said:
Agreed. Alan Wake was an unexpectedly cool experience. Killed Heavy Rain, IMO. At least the acting was in the same universe as what was happening on-screen, unlike HR.

Really enjoyed, looking forward to the DLC as well.

Marketing for AW really fell down, though. My notion of what the game would be was almost completely wrong based on the PR I casually followed out there before it launched. It was WAY better than I expected.

Unexpectedly? I don't know about you but I have been reading thoughts and opinions for years that have been saying how excited they are for Alan Wake and how good the press was thought it was going to be.

I don't know, calling Alan Wake unexpected would be like calling Bioshock unexpected, which I also disagree with. The big difference is that Bioshock sold well and Alan Wake isn't.


Yeah..don't know why Microsoft dropped the ball with Alan Wake..and advertising...

They could've gotten that Bright Falls mini episodes; one every day leading to the release of the game on Fox or something (or once a week)...yet, is like they did nothing.

For such a "big game"..and if the game was bad..or average I could understand, but it's a really great game, reviews has been quite positive too, people overall enjoyed it...so don't know what happened on their part...is like they didn't wanted to piss off Rockstar which was releasing Red Dead Redemption on that same day; even weird considering that it was Microsoft the one that set the date for Alan Wake..first.
TruePrime said:
The big difference is that Bioshock sold well and Alan Wake isn't.

A lot of Bioshocks success was down to having a playable demo - that stirs up consumer interest more than references to art deco and randian philosophies did.

Most (I'd say all but there might be titles I've overlooked) of Microsoft published games this gen have been sold purely on hype and marketing, not on playable demos to get people interested.

I guess they figured after announcing Alan Wake so long ago they didn't need to hype it any more.


TruePrime said:
I don't know, calling Alan Wake unexpected would be like calling Bioshock unexpected, which I also disagree with. The big difference is that Bioshock sold well and Alan Wake isn't.
To be fair; Bioshock had a demo..which the same Microsoft has said multiple times that demos in general tend to improve sales of specific games.

Alan Wake, nearly 2 months after release..doesn't have any demo.

They could easily put the first episode of the game as a full demo..to get people interested into the overall world, narrative (and TV series-season like feel) and overall gameplay. (Mixed with good advertising like the whole putting Bright Falls on some network during a well-watched program; that I mentioned)

Yet, nothing.


It's not actually trolling if you don't admit it
TruePrime said:
Well it is clear they want it to get along and live happily with it's older brother, Wii Mote. Remember no need to bash each others tech.

Ouch. Why must you say such things.

Beth Cyra

fernoca said:
To be fair; Bioshock had a demo..which the same Microsoft has said multiple times that demos in general tend to improve sales of specific games.

Alan Wake, nearly 2 months after release..doesn't have any demo.

They could easily put the first episode of the game as a full demo..to get people interested into the overall world, narrative (and TV series-season like feel) and overall gameplay. (Mixed with good advertising like the whole putting Brigh tFalls on some network during a well-watched program; that I mentioned)

Yet, nothing.

Oh I am not trying to make any claims about why one sold and the other isn't in anyway. All I am saying is that Alan Wake being a quality experice is a surprise is a bit of a stretch. We have heard nothing but good things for a very long time, plus the company did well with Max Payne 1 and 2.


sparkle this bitch
a Master Ninja said:
I bought LP2, played through it with a friend (post patch), and enjoyed it for what it was. I can't help but think if they could have copied the drop-in drop-out structure of Left4Dead they would have had a shot at approaching the breakout success of LP1. L4D does not have a compelling singleplayer, but the "painless to get in and out of, play any level you want" multiplayer has kept the franchise in the Xbox Live top 10 since it debuted.
It definitely had a lot of stupid design decisions. That was one of them. 2nd one was having to restart entire stages, should have only of been that section if you failed. 3.3 was the perfect example where it should of had 2 checkpoints, When you board the train and when you start the boss. I do believe it should kill your score or something. Similar in shmups, but no reason not to let people continue. A smaller nitpick, but tips and a training mode would have done also.

They definitely had a fantastic coop experience going.

I noted it in the official thread. It seems like they made a title for that hardcore niche following LP1 had. While I absolutely loved it. I loved getting 20kills a game, had no problem clearing out stages alone in Coop, and so forth. I could tell most people weren't as well versed as me.

And my own personal one. Where the fuck was Akrid Hunter? Such a fun fucking mode in Colonies and they ditch it?
a Master Ninja said:
I bought LP2, played through it with a friend (post patch), and enjoyed it for what it was. I can't help but think if they could have copied the drop-in drop-out structure of Left4Dead they would have had a shot at approaching the breakout success of LP1. L4D does not have a compelling singleplayer, but the "painless to get in and out of, play any level you want" multiplayer has kept the franchise in the Xbox Live top 10 since it debuted.


There's no defending it, they just completely fucked that up so damn hard. I know first hand from friends and such that it turned ALOT of people away...


Isn't the average DS game priced at $30? Since budget cost for 3DS games will be higher shall we expect higher game prices? Let's hope not.

3DS may be the first portable I buy but if game prices are above $30 it would be a turn off.
Vizion28 said:
Isn't the average DS game priced at $30? Since budget cost for 3DS games will be higher shall we expect higher game prices? Let's hope not.

3DS may be the first portable I buy but if game prices are above $30 it would be a turn off.
Most Nintendo first-party games, or major third party, are $35.

Square-Enix are $40 (Square-Enix tax) but they seem to be easing on that.

Kid Icarus, MGS, RE, OoT, etc. I'd imagine would all be $35.
If you had even the tiniest sliver of interest in Alan Wake, and didn't buy it, I don't want to know you and there will be no "redemption" where you are going.


Aaron Strife said:
Most Nintendo first-party games, or major third party, are $35.

Square-Enix are $40 (Square-Enix tax) but they seem to be easing on that.

Kid Icarus, MGS, RE, OoT, etc. I'd imagine would all be $35.

touch gen games are $19 and they come out at that price and aren't discounted. Though a few titles like Hotel Dusk are released as regular titles get moved into that category.
I think ms did the right thing with alan wake, it was never ever going to do mega numbers its a new ip that has been in limbo for along time it seems. Having played and finished it it was enjoyable but i wouldnt say it was a mass market game at all they cut there losses on it really which i think was sensible given how it didnt even sell to core gamers.

Beth Cyra

supermackem said:
I think ms did the right thing with alan wake, it was never ever going to do mega numbers its a new ip that has been in limbo for along time it seems. Having played and finished it it was enjoyable but i wouldnt say it was a mass market game at all they cut there losses on it really which i think was sensible given how it didnt even sell to core gamers.

The same exact things could be said about Bioshock, in fact that would be even more outside the box from main stream FPS like Halo and CoD.

Granted I have no way of knowing how well Alan Would have done with good marketing and a demo, but it isn't because it is a new IP or had a long dev cycle that it would have done badly if those things had been there.

Beth Cyra

Shake Appeal said:
If you had even the tiniest sliver of interest in Alan Wake, and didn't buy it, I don't want to know you and there will be no "redemption" where you are going.
I have been waiting for it for years but couldn't pick it up till today, hopefully alot will be like me and pick it up when they are able to instead of looking past it to the next big thing.

Then again, I think Alan Wake fans are going through the same thing Silent Hill Shattered Memories fans went through, except Alan Wake did better then SM.
I still am convinced that the 360 is going to outsell the PS3 WW this year. The PS3 is only selling around 80K a month in Japan and it isn't going to get a boost from FFXIII and the slim this year. In fact i think in both Europe and the US the PS3 is going to struggle to match last years numbers without the slim bump.

I think the 360 is going to outsell the PS3 easily for the rest of this year in the US. I will wait to see the slim bump before i make a prediction on just how much suffice to say i think it will be a lot.

I think the 360 can also close the gap on the PS3 in Europe a little as well. This will depend on how much of a HW boost GT5 provides but this late in the generation i don't think it will have much impact outside of SW.

I know most people on here were predicting the PS3 to beat last years numbers and to outsell the 360 comfortably (maybe even overtake it). I personally think sony will struggle to match last years numbers without the massive slim bump they got WW last year.

I also expect the combination of a price drop, natal, halo and the slim to have a bigger impact that MS's efforts last year which consisted of basically nothing.

Of course the wii will still be outselling them both:lol

Truespeed said:
Definitely a contender for the silliest remark of the thread.

What are your expectations for GT5?

I am expecting it to fail to reach 10 million WW (possibly by a couple of million) and become comfortably the worst selling iteration in the franchise. This on top of it's huge budget and development time will absoltely be a disappointment.


Hmm..It seems people really took the Sub-HD res of Alan Wake to heart. Good news is that at this point PC sku is all but confirmed.

Alot of bombs this month, the Console gaming sphere isn't as shiny as they would have use believe.

The THQ guy did say UFC has already reached 800,000 units sold so it isn't that a big of a disaster but still a letdown. I wouldn't be quick to call it as a new trend for other full-priced,yearly sport games.


erotic butter maelstrom
Saty said:
Hmm..It seems people really took the Sub-HD res of Alan Wake to heart. Good news is that at this point PC sku is all but confirmed.

I could be wrong, but I don't think the sub-HD had any significant impact on sales. Really, most people don't care about that shit. I think that it's release date is part of the problem, even I (a big AW fan) went with Red Dead first. Also, I can't see the average person buying a game called ALAN WAKE about a writer in a small town cabin. I've told some friends about it but must just give me blank stares, they don't care about Remedy or the atmosphere, it just sounds unappealing to them.
As great as the game was, it didn't really have much potential to be a big seller.


Shake Appeal said:
If you had even the tiniest sliver of interest in Alan Wake, and didn't buy it, I don't want to know you and there will be no "redemption" where you are going.
I really tried to find the PC version, but couldn't... I assumed it was a huge seller and sold out everywhere.


Alan Wake was $69.99 in Canada for like no reason. I mean, aren't first party games supposed to be cheaper?

That same week (or week after?) Red Dead came out at $59.99 and everyone I know bought that. :lol
So instead of a pricedrop for PSP, Sony decides to use Marcus in a new advertising campaign. We'll see next month how that's working out for them....


MrNyarlathotep said:
Most (I'd say all but there might be titles I've overlooked) of Microsoft published games this gen have been sold purely on hype and marketing, not on playable demos to get people interested.

Crackdown sold on the back of its demo, but as a general rule, you're right.
Brashnir said:
Crackdown sold on the back of its demo, but as a general rule, you're right.

I thought Crackdown sold almost entirely thanks to a demo for a completely different game? Or was that your point?


AdventureRacing said:
I am expecting it to fail to reach 10 million WW (possibly by a couple of million) and become comfortably the worst selling iteration in the franchise. This on top of it's huge budget and development time will absoltely be a disappointment.

You do know the prologue of GT5 is nearing 5 million, right? If it misses 10 mil on the proper game, it will only be by a million or so. And being the worst selling iteration of a game that has failed to sell under 10 million units is hardly a disappointment when you understand that prologue more than likely paid for GT5 development in full. And the long development time argument, again, makes no sense when you see that PD has developed 3 other games and the GT HD demo while developing GT5. They have come out with four games in the last six years, more than most studios do.
Snuggler said:
I could be wrong, but I don't think the sub-HD had any significant impact on sales. Really, most people don't care about that shit. I think that it's release date is part of the problem, even I (a big AW fan) went with Red Dead first. Also, I can't see the average person buying a game called ALAN WAKE about a writer in a small town cabin. I've told some friends about it but must just give me blank stares, they don't care about Remedy or the atmosphere, it just sounds unappealing to them.
As great as the game was, it didn't really have much potential to be a big seller.

In Europe, Alan Wake was out a week before Red Dead Redemption, but it's near impossible to get accurate sales statistics from over here. I asked Remedy about sales at E3, but what else were they gonna say but "going good". RDR dominated in temrs of instore visibility and just pure marketing power.

I think, perhaps, this is one of the problems when you hold onto your own IP. Microsoft doesnt own Alan Wake, Remedy does, so I'm pretty that was one reason MS was not going to push the game that hard, because they down own it. Also, the Bright Falls episodes stuff was really good, that was a lot of marketing money right there, but only preaching to the converted via Xbox Live so, I dont know how effective that ended up being.


do we have any leak numbers for the titles from the 6 - 20?
and are we going to get top 20 or only top 10 now?


Good for RDR, rare these days that a game is released that is worth full price and it's one of them

pirate-based open world game next plz Mr. R*

Fuzz Rez

Alan Wake should easily sell one million and according to CEO of Remedy that would be great numbers. Also one million in sales would probably green light Alan Wake 2 !
DMeisterJ said:
You do know the prologue of GT5 is nearing 5 million, right? If it misses 10 mil on the proper game, it will only be by a million or so. And being the worst selling iteration of a game that has failed to sell under 10 million units is hardly a disappointment when you understand that prologue more than likely paid for GT5 development in full. And the long development time argument, again, makes no sense when you see that PD has developed 3 other games and the GT HD demo while developing GT5. They have come out with four games in the last six years, more than most studios do.

3 other games?

Weren't two of those the demo for GT5 (Prologue) and the PSP port of GT4?


Fuzz Rez said:
Alan Wake should easily sell one million and according to CEO of Remedy that would be great numbers. Also one million in sales would probably green light Alan Wake 2 !

I hope so,the game is amazing...and maybe not adding the 10 bucks Microsoft tax would help also...8 hour game with no online whatsoever(personnaly I don`t mind the no online part)might have had a lot of people waiting for a price drop.(69 bucks in Canada)


Fuzz Rez said:
Alan Wake should easily sell one million and according to CEO of Remedy that would be great numbers. Also one million in sales would probably green light Alan Wake 2 !

Easily sell one million?

It MAY get to one million eventually, but it will be ANYTYHING BUT easy. Also, from what I understand, the magic number to assure a sequel is 2 million units.
I'm going to add to the chorus of people deriding Microsoft's handling of Alan Wake; the game is this gen's RE4 level survival horror experience imo. It was a game that could have clicked with a broader audience if it had been marketed better and a demo was put up on Live. Remedy really deserved better and I hope that Microsoft or whoever handles their next project gives them more support; we don't have many developers who have such a strong grasp of both action gameplay and storytelling.


Reallink said:
Even though it's probably just the summer slumps, I wish the hardware manufacturers would take these apparently slowing numbers as a sign to fast track the next gen for 2011. It's getting 'bout time at this point.

I cannot imagine anything worse. Are you trying to bankrupt the industry? Is that what you want?!
DMeisterJ said:
You do know the prologue of GT5 is nearing 5 million, right?

I considered mentioning this in my post as i knew someone would reply by saying that.

Just a few things to consider. That 5 million number is shipped, includes download sales and includes bundles.

The only reason prologue got anywhere near 5 million is due to heavy bundling mostly in Europe. If you look at it's sale figures in NPD and media create they really aren't that high.

Using these sales numbers as a barometer for GT5 really doesn't work.

DMeisterJ said:
If it misses 10 mil on the proper game, it will only be by a million or so.

How did you come to that conclusion? Is there some calculation whereby the main game must double the sales of the prologue?

IMO the sales of the prologue are inflated by bundled sales and i think this will be reflected in the sales of GT5. I think GT5 will be bundled like prologue and will eventually stop at around 8 million.

DMeisterJ said:
And being the worst selling iteration of a game that has failed to sell under 10 million units is hardly a disappointment when you understand that prologue more than likely paid for GT5 development in full.

Are you serious? Do you honestly believe that sony made GT5 just to make a profit? GT is by far sony's biggest franchise, in a way it's their halo. If it performs way worse than the last 2 gens that isn't a good thing.

Different games have different expectations. Selling as much as 5 million less than the next worse selling installment in a series is not a good thing especially when this will be by far the most expensive game released in the series.

No matter how you spin it GT5 will be by far the least successful GT ever released.

DMeisterJ said:
And the long development time argument, again, makes no sense when you see that PD has developed 3 other games and the GT HD demo while developing GT5. They have come out with four games in the last six years, more than most studios do.

It makes perfect sense. Last gen Sony was able to get out 2 full GT games. This gen they most likely will only get 1. That has surely got to mean a lot of lost income.

Also GT5 is coming out to late in the HW cycle to have any real impact. Sony desperately needed a large title like this to propel their HW sales much like MS had halo. Now they have missed out.

GT5 has also cost a lot more to make than the other games which im sure only makes things worse.

As for your other points they are completely irrelevant. I am not arguing how they have been spending their time only how much money is being made. The fact is that sony isn't going to make anywhere near as much money off GT this gen despite spending a whole lot more.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
SholeSilbah ^_^

Quick! Someone list the sales of all the Pokemon games in the US to date for me!


LazerRanger said:
I'm going to add to the chorus of people deriding Microsoft's handling of Alan Wake; the game is this gen's RE4 level survival horror experience imo. It was a game that could have clicked with a broader audience if it had been marketed better and a demo was put up on Live. Remedy really deserved better and I hope that Microsoft or whoever handles their next project gives them more support; we don't have many developers who have such a strong grasp of both action gameplay and storytelling.

Alan Wake did not have Resident Evil-level cachet, and was always destined for Heavy Rain-caliber numbers. I don't understand the shock and surprise over this. I personally love the game and can't stop myself from "selling" the experience to friends, but anyone who thought the title was going to do RE-style numbers is living in delusionville.

I am super psyched for the DLC. I hope it gets treated better than Heavy Rain did.
Saty said:
Hmm..It seems people really took the Sub-HD res of Alan Wake to heart. Good news is that at this point PC sku is all but confirmed.

It's probably the whole Sub-HD thing that makes sales of MW2, Halo ODST et al so shitty.

Historicallly what late console->PC port has sold like gangbusters?
sflufan said:
Easily sell one million?

It MAY get to one million eventually, but it will be ANYTYHING BUT easy. Also, from what I understand, the magic number to assure a sequel is 2 million units.

Know something we don't?


Fuzz Rez said:
Alan Wake should easily sell one million and according to CEO of Remedy that would be great numbers. Also one million in sales would probably green light Alan Wake 2 !

What are the chances of a RDR sequel I wonder...?
Cheech said:
Alan Wake did not have Resident Evil-level cachet, and was always destined for Heavy Rain-caliber numbers. I don't understand the shock and surprise over this. I personally love the game and can't stop myself from "selling" the experience to friends, but anyone who thought the title was going to do RE-style numbers is living in delusionville.

I am super psyched for the DLC. I hope it gets treated better than Heavy Rain did.

I was talking more on a experience level then sales potential; I feel that Alan Wake was a truer Next Gen equivalent of the RE4 experience than RE5 was. I'm just hoping it does enough so that Remedy can survive and possibly do a sequel; Microsoft needs to consider bringing them inhouse as they sorely need an interesting non-FPS/Racing Game studio at the moment. They can't coast on Gears of War and Halo forever.


I think price is turning into an interesting theory in regards to low software sales.

I bought Blur for PC at $40. That is a fair price for an arcade racer. Alan Wake should have been a $40 game. It's not a popular genre on the console, and without a PC version to back it up now (which in hindsight looks like a huge blunder, any sales are better than none at all) sales are really going to suffer. There are too many cheaper entertainment options to justify dropping $60 on an unknown. For established mainstream hits, gouge away at $60. For everyone else, time to think about $50 or $40.
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