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NPD Sales Results for May 2015


Made these earlier but forgot to post them:



It's not going to take off just like Sony could sell the Vita for 20 dollars and it's not going to take off but the point still stands. Make x money with pathetic sales. Make x-y money or even lose z money on sales that are not much better to mediocre.

Yeah. Overall, Nintendo are doing the smartest thing with the Wii U now, considering its position. If they just drop it as per Sony with the Vita, then it'd damage goodwill ahead of their next format. If they cut price, it'd damage their bottomline. Their current plan is the best of the horrific situation they're in.


Yeah. Overall, Nintendo are doing the smartest thing with the Wii U now, considering its position. If they just drop it as per Sony with the Vita, then it'd damage goodwill ahead of their next format. If they cut price, it'd damage their bottomline. Their current plan is the best of the horrific situation they're in.

Yeah dropping it is only a viable strategy if you plan to get out of the market. If there is no plan to get out dropping it only causes less of your userbase that bought the old system to be inclined to buy the new one. So unless your next system is a smash hit you are just damaging yourself in the long run for short term gain.

Which is why it's always hilarious to see people in console wars want a failing console cut to 2-3 years on the market so they can spend all that R&D all over again to restart their counter with less good will.


It still boggles my mind that people think NX is anything other than a portable/handheld, which is unlikely to be able to handle WiiU ports without significant downgrades, which isn't going to happen with ZeldaU. The WiiU successor will probably announce/launch a year or so afterwards, depending how much effort Nintendo needs to put into the NX to get it selling.

I can't be bothered to dig the figures out, again, but the release pattern of Nintendo handhelds is pretty regular, and if NX isn't a dedicated portable/handheld then we're due another 3DS revision to be announced fairly soon for Japan.

new 3ds is more like dsi than ds lite. the timeline puts the next handheld at around next november.

i think nx won't be a console or a handheld, but a shared platform that can be experienced through different kinds of hardware (kind of like steam). this lets nintendo sell their platform in different form factors that meet the demands of different regions around the world. it also unifies the third-party support they do have across their handheld and console divisions, as well as their first-party support. it also means less cannibalization and fewer retreads each generation. for example, nintendo would make mario 9 and 10 because enough time has passed between one and the next, not because they have to rush them out to promote new hardware.
Ever since Splatoon was announced, there's been this weird trend of GAF refusing to even consider that the game might sell well. First there were the ridiculous W101 level sales predictions, then when it charted people kept insisting that charting was meaningless without numbers and now that we have numbers, people are predicting it'll just disappear from the charts, never to be heard of again.

Reminds me of a few months with all the gnashing of teeth from people refusing to accept that Bloodborne/Souls had become a mainstream title.
sörine;167453999 said:
It's over 82k digital for the past two weeks if we go by the US eShop charts since it's above all the Humble Nindie Bundle titles.

So, we know that it has, at the very least, sold aboutz, 218 k copies in the US at least. Splatoon is easily above 500 k by then point then.


I think it will drop off the chart just like The Order did, Wii U kids were hungry for a new game.
The Order cratered due to WOM/reviews. Splatoon seems to be having the opposite results to that, so sales will probably go a bit differently too. More like Bloodborne month 2 than The Order month 2, okay in actual sales even if it misses the (combined) top 10.


Price cuts are iffy. What Nintendo as a company don't want, because they can't absorb it, is to price cut a console so that it's at a loss and then have it take off. It happened before and led to them having the first of 3 years of financial loss. The 3DS needed a price cut, but they lopped too much off and made it very enticing. It took off like mad, with 11 million units sold in the 6 months following the price cut, but with it all at a loss. That is quite damaging to a company that, unlike Microsoft and Sony, doesn't have any additional divisions to temporarily absorb any considerable loss.

Everything else though, I agree :)

To add to this, their last financials revealed that they don't appear to be manufacturing many if any Wii U units at the moment so it makes far more sense for them to sell their inventory slowly at the current price than to spur a revival and have to ramp production back up at a lower MSRP. No matter what they do now it's just not going to explode to a sales level to offset the losses.

This current hardware sales trickle suits them just fine. It's been pretty clear to everyone but the most deluded fans that Nintendo wrote this console off a long, long time ago.
sörine;167468023 said:
The Order cratered due to WOM/reviews. Splatoon seems to be having the opposite results to that, so sales will probably go a bit differently too. More like Bloodborne month 2 than The Order month 2, okay in actual sales even if it misses the (combined) top 10.

pfft, Bloodborne month 2 was a pretty big drop, in fact I bet Splatoon 2nd month>Bloodborne 2nd month

edit: by MoM % drops was Bloodborne even better than The Order 1886 by much? um....


new 3ds is more like dsi than ds lite. the timeline puts the next handheld at around next november.

i think nx won't be a console or a handheld, but a shared platform that can be experienced through different kinds of hardware (kind of like steam). this lets nintendo sell their platform in different form factors that meet the demands of different regions around the world. it also unifies the third-party support they do have across their handheld and console divisions, as well as their first-party support. it also means less cannibalization and fewer retreads each generation. for example, nintendo would make mario 9 and 10 because enough time has passed between one and the next, not because they have to rush them out to promote new hardware.
I'm not saying that the next Nintendo handheld and home console won't use the same OS, or whatever else is required to meet your 'shared platform' requirement, but that doesn't mean the NX hardware is that shared platform. Launching handheld and console together would be unlikely, so it'll be handheld first.

Bruno MB

sörine;167468023 said:
The Order cratered due to WOM/reviews. Splatoon seems to be having the opposite results to that, so sales will probably go a bit differently too. More like Bloodborne month 2 than The Order month 2, okay in actual sales even if it misses the (combined) top 10.

I will be disappointed if Splatoon doesn't match the next month what it sold in May.


pfft, Bloodborne month 2 was a pretty big drop, in fact I bet Splatoon 2nd month>Bloodborne 2nd month
It's possible, but a Bloodborne like chart positioning wouldn't surprise me; outside combined top 10, present in individual skus.

Either way it'll be nothing like The Order.


The constant downplaying of Splatoon's performance has been weird to say the least.

well it hasn't done enormously well as a raw number. i kinda get it. it's not an outright bomb like the wonderful 101 at least, and signs point to it having some legs.

i would be surprised if it wasn't over 400k before the end of the year.

Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
i'm gussing splatoon sales will be very front loaded,


probably 300k ltd,

Why? Based on what exactly? How much did it sell so far in the US for you to "predict" that it'll probably have sold 300k when all it's said and done?
hint: it's already >= 220k.

japan is a huge surprise though, but then again you just can't predict what's going to be a hit there.

Of course they just lucked out

without the witcher 3 and ps4 numbers this thread is pretty boring, i wonder how bad the wiiu bombed.

I'm sorry you'll have to just work you imagination to jerk off tonight
Its been that way ever since we were predicting sales for Splatoon after the game was announced. Something about that game is just making people refuse to even consider the possibility of it doing well.

That's the status quo when the Wii U has been so burdened with failure throughout its life at USA retail.

Untested new IPs for the Wii U are presumed bombs until proven otherwise. It's a horrible thought process, but it's not unreasonable.
sörine;167453999 said:
It's over 82k digital for the past two weeks if we go by the US eShop charts since it's above all the Humble Nindie Bundle titles.

that not bad for digital sales considering alot of people are afraid to go digital on Nintendo systems.
that not bad for digital sales considering alot of people are afraid to go digital on Nintendo systems.

With some titles, maybe, but with other titles Nintendo digital monthly shares can be pretty decent at times. Like 80% physical, 20% digital.

That digital number is a rather big assumption, to be honest.

I agree that, if it's true, 136K retail, >82K digital (aka. at least 38% for digital) seems quite high.

Maybe the Nintendo hardcore who purchased Splatoon day-one are more accustomed to digital? It's difficult to pinpoint because each title is unique.


I agree that, if it's true, 136K retail, >82K digital (aka. at least 38% for digital) seems quite high.

Maybe the Nintendo hardcore who purchased Splatoon day-one are more accustomed to digital? It's difficult to pinpoint because each title is unique.

it could also be that having the test runs may have encouraged players to download the title later.
it could also be that having the test runs may have encouraged players to download the title later.

If I recall, in some territories, people who downloaded the testfire were able to claim a discount if they purchased the full game on eshop.

Also, the game is designed to encourage players to log in daily to see what maps and items are available, which might encourage players to buy digital to avoid the hassle of constant disc swapping.
I don't usually keep up to date with sales charts, but does Fifa and Call of Duty ever not appear in the charts?

Or do they sell constantly and then get replaced by the new version?
Who ever said nobody in the USA cares about soccer is clearly not seeing these NPD numbers.

In a non-World Cup year, smack dab in the middle of the MLB season and the NBA playoffs, the game FIFA managed to be one step behind NBA 2K15 and one beyond MLB 15 with no Madden in sight (or NHLlol).

Keep it up, soccer. You're already a better sport because of America's involvement (Blatter, anyone?).
it could also be that having the test runs may have encouraged players to download the title later.

If I recall, in some territories, people who downloaded the testfire were able to claim a discount if they purchased the full game on eshop.

Also, the game is designed to encourage players to log in daily to see what maps and items are available, which might encourage players to buy digital to avoid the hassle of constant disc swapping.

All good points.

I remember Nintendo replacing the conventional eShop music with Splatoon music, advertising Splatoon front and center on the eShop, including Splatoon ads on the Wii U Gamepad, etc.

They've gone the extra mile to promote it digitally, so all that combined would indeed have a tangible effect on digital share.


Two copies sold? That's not a bomb guys, stop trolling!!!
That digital number is a rather big assumption, to be honest.

That's why I've asked earlier if anyone can post the Wii U only US All-time Chart, that's where we could see if Splatoon is really doing that well digitally.

Bruno MB

"Worldwide" Splatoon retail sales:

Japan - 238,374 (2 weeks of tracking)
US - 136,000 (1 week of tracking)
UK - Between 23,300 and 35,900 (2 week of tracking)
France - 24,000 (1 week of tracking)

Total > 421,674

If we include other European markets (Germany, Italy, Spain), Canada, Oceania and digital sales, then the current total number should be around 550,000 - 600,000. There is no doubt shipments will comfortably exceed 1 million units by June 30 which is when the first quarter of the fiscal year ends.


I agree that, if it's true, 136K retail, >82K digital (aka. at least 38% for digital) seems quite high.

Maybe the Nintendo hardcore who purchased Splatoon day-one are more accustomed to digital? It's difficult to pinpoint because each title is unique.

I don't doubt that Splatoon may have a moderately high digital attach-rate, but folks basing it on the Humble Bundle sales seem to be reaching. Not everyone who bought a bundle downloaded all the Wii U games. There is no good way to measure the eShop sales for the title at this point.

That's why I've asked earlier if anyone can post the Wii U only US All-time Chart, that's where we could see if Splatoon is really doing that well digitally.
Yeah, this would be helpful. Even if we can see how it ranks LTD to something like Shovel Knight, it'll give a general idea.

Deleted member 471617

Unconfirmed Member
Okay, so PS4 won by the same amount that Xbox One won last month so it evens out.
So in June we have this for PS4:

- 2/3 weeks of PS4 TLOU + Handsome Jack Collection (Amazon) (Still Going)
- 1 week Best Buy Trade-in deal for PS4
- 1 week GameStop Free 1 year PS Plus with PS4 Purchase deal
- (All Retailers) Arkham Knight Limited Edition Bundles
- (All Retailers) Regular Black Arkham PS4 Bundles


- LEGO Jurassic World
- Payday 2: Crimewave Edition
- Devil May Cry 4: Special Edition
- Arkham Knight
- Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
- J-Stars Victory Vs+
- Legend of Kay Anniversary
- Onechanbara Z2: Chaos

E3 PS4 Price Cut & 1TB PS4? :D


So in June we have this for PS4:

- 2/3 weeks of PS4 TLOU + Handsome Jack Collection (Amazon) (Still Going)
- 1 week Best Buy Trade-in deal for PS4
- 1 week GameStop Free 1 year PS Plus with PS4 Purchase deal
- (All Retailers) Arkham Knight Limited Edition Bundles
- (All Retailers) Regular Black Arkham PS4 Bundles


- Arkham Knight
- Final Fantasy XIV: Heavensward
- J-Stars Victory Vs+
- Legend of Kay Anniversary
- Onechanbara Z2: Chaos

Probably should add DMC4: SE to the game list and maybe PAYDAY 2.
Who ever said nobody in the USA cares about soccer is clearly not seeing these NPD numbers.

In a non-World Cup year, smack dab in the middle of the MLB season and the NBA playoffs, the game FIFA managed to be one step behind NBA 2K15 and one beyond MLB 15 with no Madden in sight (or NHLlol).

Keep it up, soccer. You're already a better sport because of America's involvement (Blatter, anyone?).

Most definitely true. Thank you for bringing up this point, as the performance of sports games often tend to be glossed over in these types of threads and beg for further discussion.

It's abundantly clear that Soccer is gaining prominence in the USA, most evident with FIFA 15's notable cumulative growth from its predecessor, a novelty in the yearly sports lineup.

Why? Based on what exactly? How much did it sell so far in the US for you to "predict" that it'll probably have sold 300k when all it's said and done?
hint: it's already >= 220k.

Of course they just lucked out

I'm sorry you'll have to just work you imagination to jerk off tonight
dude it's ninjablade, what did you expect

that being said we do know Wii U hardware and it's bad


GAF's Pleasant Genius

The problem with this retail numbers is that we keep being told that overall people are buying more and more content digitally, but it is never clear how much it is offsetting what seems to be a constant decline in retail software sales... We really need better tracking for digital sales.
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