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NPD Sales Results For November 2016


I fully expected skyrim to beast mode it's way to top 5. but i guess lot of the sales were front loaded in october

still impressive for a 5 year old game though


Sorry for the title mistake.

Was talking to some Sr friends at 2K not too long ago, and while there was a bit of a select resurgence a couple years back - there's seems to be a big overall question about the future of big single player games as a whole in the industry these days. The "resurgence" didn't seem to last into this generation as games move more toward services, and for all the reasons you mention

I feel it was actually a really weird decision for publishers to back out of having multiplayer in their games heading into this generation.

Like, I get that the logic was "Well, having this bad deathmatch mode or this bad horde mode isn't getting us any sales, so let's just dump all we have into trying to make the singleplayer better.", but it felt like it was ignoring the actual trend that was going on, which was a polarization around the biggest and best games, some of which happened to only have singleplayer. If you just project this same scenario a few years down the road to the point where everyone is delivering a pretty high quality singleplayer experience, suddenly multiplayer becomes a major differentiating factor again.

Then, late last generation, and especially with this generation, we had a variety of really ambitious online games that heavily incentivized you to play with friends. Even beyond the service model that sees these titles constantly updated, I feel publishers missed a really important impact that these would have: If you're frequently playing games with your friends online, you're more and more likely to keep doing that. Suddenly, someone that might have played two or three singleplayer games a month now finds it very hard to find gaming time in which to play them, because they want to be playing games with their friends instead. You basically have to offer an incredibly good and unique looking game to get them to part with $60 and sit there for 20-80+ hours ignoring their friends during their gaming time to play your singleplayer title instead.

I think we saw Dying Light take advantage of this scenario very well. It offers a cinematic, singleplayer-style, Ubisoft-esque open world game, but you can basically play the entire game in four player co-op. It also made sure to make the core gameplay feel very good so that it worked well in co-op, it didn't eschew any of the story, set pieces, or production values you'd expect out of a singleplayer campaign game, and gave you a wide variety of options in terms of what to do when playing. The game ended up with over 8 million players according to Techland, and to have an incredibly good reception from both multiplayer and singleplayer gamers.

I feel there are a ton of games missing out on the opportunity of making a similar product, where it's a lot like and maintains the quality of the singleplayer games people enjoy, but can be played co-operatively to attract multiplayer gamers. I'm actually very bullish on Ghost Recon, assuming it delivers on quality, since it delivers the Ubisoft and/or GTA-esque game experience, but with full campaign co-op. Watch Dogs 2 and Assassin's Creed Unity offer co-op, but only in special content, which is a much less compelling proposition.

That said, the amount of job postings I see at major studios that were making singleplayer only games that now list requests for multiplayer experience, suggests to me that publishers are realizing the issue facing them.

For my own personal gaming tastes, I can get behind this. In the rush to attract the "core" I think a lot of games are trying to have systems in order to cover being an action game with RPG elements, stealth mechanics and crafting systems. Personally, I'd like to see more games like DOOM. Pick what you are, and be really good at that one thing.

On the note of Doom, I think the other thing Bethesda really nailed is the pricing promotion structure. The game went on sale for $30 very early in its lifecycle (I believe month 2?) and, at least on Steam, saw an astronomical uptick in sales. I think it made way more sense to do that early when people were still excited than when people weren't excited anymore and only selling to them for $15 instead.

I think they recognized that they had a high quality product that targeted its audience really well, but that it was also somewhat of a hard pitch at $60, and aggressively chased their market at a price point they would be more comfortable with to great success.

Given that Titanfall 2 seems to have had some good recovery this month, I suspect EA's similarly aggressive pricing strategy ended up helping that title out a lot as well.

There's probably a lesson to be learned here, and some questions around business model to be raised. Though, one difference between Doom and Titanfall 2 is that Titanfall 2 has a notable multiplayer mode, so the service model around selling extra content to make more money on the back end is a lot easier than for Doom, which certainly has made a valiant effort to be a service game, but is a harder pitch due to the multiplayer mode being relatively unattractive. I did notice they added the ability to make co-op campaigns in the map editor though, so I'm curious if they're also considering co-operative content in the future to play more to their strengths in future multiplayer components.

Good article. This tidbit:

Furthermore, by offering multiple configurations that still adhere to the same architecture (Xbox One, One S, Scorpio), there's an opportunity for "price/benefit ratios appealing to both enthusiast and mass market audiences. Marketing approaches no longer have to take a one-size-fits-all approach," Piscatella said.

Helps to contextualize the Pro/Scorpio. MS and Sony had to address the growing number of consumers investing in new HD televisions (which was a large part of their target demographic in 2006 with the PS360), or allow those consumers the chance to spend their money on other set top boxes, PCs, and dedicated BD players for the next 3+ years before the next full hardware iteration.

The Scorpio and Pro are no-brainers in that reality. The fact that they may also make some vanilla games run better is just an added bonus, and VR is a total wildcard.
This is another thing that made Dishonored 2 and WD2's release date whacky to me. If you are not participating in Black Friday mayhem, you are hurting your chances at moving copies.

I'm not sure I understand- Both D2 and WD2 released before Black Friday (except for the PC version in the latter's case).

Or is the argument that they released too close to Black Friday so people weren't willing to buy at full price under the assumption it would be heavily discounted within weeks?


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
I'm not sure I understand- Both D2 and WD2 released before Black Friday (except for the PC version in the latter's case).

Or is the argument that they released too close to Black Friday so people weren't willing to buy at full price under the assumption it would be heavily discounted within weeks?
Yeah, I think they were released too close to bf for not having the GTA or Elder Scrolls degree of guaranteed success. And I do not think anyone really expected WD2 to have substantial price drops so soon after release. I think they just decided to put their money elsewhere. If you do not have the time to keep up with new releases all year, BF becomes a great opportunity to catch up on what you have missed. I got Farcry Primal and Dark Souls III for $15 each. Unless it is a game that people are compelled to experience early or want to play with their friends, that is very hard to compete with.


At the end of the day, Deus Ex isn't going to meet its sales expectations, RotTR didn't, Dishonored 2 won't, Mafia 3 probably won't, Watch Dogs 2 won't, Titanfall 2 won't - most to all had a successful entry last gen or early this gen. It's not like they are spending any less money making these games..

And your #1 game is 50% down YOY and your #2 is probably meeting the publisher's safer estimations but probably won't be topping the last numbered entry.
I mean it's going to be over 700k more than likely. 1 million is not impossible either. I would be pretty damn shocked to see it come in under Witcher 3

I think FFXV sales are gonna be big, personally. I'm not sure how much this means, but it became the 3rd highest selling game on Amazon for the entire year less than a week after it released.

Anecdotally, there were over 2500 people streaming it on PS4 when it came out (WAAAAAY more than CoD), and I've seen a TON of FFXV mentions all over twitter.


I know it doesn't explain sales but I didn't like mankind divided or dishonored 2. Clearly I am the barometer.

People need to stop making their games so goddamn annoying. Playability is down across the board this gen for me. Mechanics seem needlessly complex.

They play at least as well as the first games.

Going non-lethal is much more viable in D2 thanks to being able to knock out guards in fights.


Why? Witcher 3 is much more interesting for the west audience than FF XV.

That game did a lot of its sales on legs, and for the console audience, was largely an unknown property.

Final Fantasy XV on the other hand is like the 100th entry in a series that's astonishingly frontloaded.

Like, FF15 isn't going to be even remotely competitive to The Witcher 3 in terms of LTD sales, but it has a reasonable shot at a first month victory, especially when Month 1 for FF15 is five whole weeks of holiday sales.


You have been able to get great deals for a while now. In the past few years I have been able to get Battlefield 3 for $28, Dishonored for $25, etc. All not long after release. This is another thing that made Dishonored 2 and WD2's release date whacky to me. If you are not participating in Black Friday mayhem, you are hurting your chances at moving copies.

This why I am interested to see what happens with FFXV, TLG, and DR4. Maybe the long term anticipation factor on the first two overcome people having bought a bunch of games days earlier, but I am not so sure.

Dishonored 2 participated quite heavily in Black Friday though. It was $35 at most stores and with GCU at Best Buy was down to $28. Over 50% off on a game that was barely 2 weeks old at that point.


That game did a lot of its sales on legs, and for the console audience, was largely an unknown property.

Final Fantasy XV on the other hand is like the 100th entry in a series that's astonishingly frontloaded.

Like, FF15 isn't going to be even remotely competitive to The Witcher 3 in terms of LTD sales, but it has a reasonable shot at a first month victory, especially when Month 1 for FF15 is five whole weeks of holiday sales.

Let's see. FF XIII sold 1.3m first month. Now we have digital sales diminishing retail and a franchise hurt after the terrible trilogy.


is sharpening a shovel and digging a ditch
Dishonored 2 participated quite heavily in Black Friday though. It was $35 at most stores and with GCU at Best Buy was down to $28. Over 50% off on a game that was barely 2 weeks old at that point.
You are right, I forgot about that. Kinda hard to guage how much that did for them with it being out of the top ten. Either way, still does not look like great timing on the release.


I believe (my prediction) FFXV will do less than 1 million first month NPD... it is will be over 700k of Witcher 3 but it won't be that much over (800-900k?).

And I think I'm being pretty optimistic.
For XV to have a worse launch than Witcher 3 it will have to decline by nearly 50%. That didn't happen in the UK and it won't happen here

I believe (my prediction) FFXV will do less than 1 million first month NPD... it is will be over 700k of Witcher 3 but it won't be that much over (800-900k?).

800k - 900k sounds spot on imo


Pokemon will win December.

If FFXV follows the UK sales pattern, what would that give us in the US? 900k? The holidays may boost subsequent week legs vs FFXIII I guess.
Black Ops 3 current gen and last gen were grouped together and the last gen version didn't have a campaign mode and was online only. I don't think ingame features have anything to do with it.

Last-gen Black Ops III was missing a mode.

Smash 3DS and Wii U have different modes. Not to mention quite a few other differences beyond that.

To say Sun and Moon are different games but Smash 3DS and Wii U are the same.....is nonsense.
Exactly how much are you expecting it to debut with, 2 million copies?

It takes a big number to win December.

I want XV to win but i dont see how it will beat Pokemon or COD. XV was scheduled for September for a reason, so it wouldnt have to go up against juggernauts like that.

The PSN november sales are a good sign though, so im cautiously optimistic that it will do well even if its behind the bigger games.


You are right, I forgot about that. Kinda hard to guage how much that did for them with it being out of the top ten. Either way, still does not look like great timing on the release.

Yeah the other factor in this the lack of pre-release review scores for Dishonored 2. Watch Dogs 2 did have pre-release reviews and at the very least was able to get on the Top 10 NPD. I'm not saying that was the differerence maker, especially since Dishonored 2 had plenty of reviews by the time Black Friday hit, but hard to gauge the true impact.
Welp, Ubisoft finally makes a great open world game again (best since AC:B) that's positive and socially progressive and it completely bombs. This why we can't have nice things and all that.

Much like movies, the initial sales of a game are more of a referendum of the first game than a reflection of the current game's quality.

Plus, AC remains better than Watch Dogs simply for fact that it takes place in a setting other than modern urban America.
What number would you consider to be a successful launch?

Hmmm bit of a tough question really. We know its going to be down from XIII, and pretty hefty drop as well, as we've seen in Japan and the UK. I don't think the drop will be near as severe as Japan's was, but still pretty big.

I would have to think that SE would take that 800k-900k opening pretty ok. Its not a fantastic number for the series but its still a large launch and not catastrophic. If they could somehow hit 1 million which I don't expect them to I think that would be a huge win.

If they come in the 700k or less range that would be a pretty much disaster imo, as the game isn't going to have legs anything like The Witcher Wild Hunt. They need to get through that 5 million shipment for the game to be seen as anywhere near a success.


Yeah the other factor in this the lack of pre-release review scores for Dishonored 2. Watch Dogs 2 did have pre-release reviews and at the very least was able to get on the Top 10 NPD. I'm not saying that was the differerence maker, especially since Dishonored 2 had plenty of reviews by the time Black Friday hit, but hard to gauge the true impact.

DOOM is another game that did not have pre-release reviews and by all accounts sold well.
Hmmm bit of a tough question really. We know its going to be down from XIII, and pretty hefty drop as well, as we've seen in Japan and the UK. I don't think the drop will be near as severe as Japan's was, but still pretty big.

I would have to think that SE would take that 800k-900k opening pretty ok. Its not a fantastic number for the series but its still a large launch and not catastrophic. If they could somehow hit 1 million which I don't expect them to I think that would be a huge win.

If they come in the 700k or less range that would be a pretty much disaster imo, as the game isn't going to have legs anything like The Witcher Wild Hunt. They need to get through that 5 million shipment for the game to be seen as anywhere near a success.

Interesting analysis. What are your personal predictions? Zhuge says it appears to be selling WW, so that's something, I suppose. Can it hit a million?
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