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NPD September 2011 Sales Results [Update 3: FIFA 12, Madden 12, Dead Island]

DatBreh said:
Getting an exclusive from Epic wasnt just lucky, it was smart. I mean this wasnt a developer that was new to the scene.

Correct, it was also noted that Microsoft went to EPIC when designing the 360's hardware and that has turned out to be a brilliant move.


ThisWreckage said:
Little Big Planet, for example, has sold over 4.5 million copies worldwide.

A greater example would be GT5. I remember people labeling the game as a failure and it has moved 6.3 million units as of March 2011.

People called GT5's sales in the U.S. as a 'failure', though I'm pretty sure that was hyperbole and they just meant disappointment. I don't understand why worldwide sales are even coming up in this thread...unless you're saying GT5 has sold 6.3 in the U.S. which I call BS on.


Truth101 said:

I'll give you battery life

Hyberbole, the games look fine on the 3DS

Nope, DS games do indeed look like shit on the 3DS (Moreso than usual! Ba-dum, tish!). You can try to convince yourself that the washed out blurfest is OK, but personally I returned my 3DS and used the cash to nab an overpriced XL instead, and it's one of the better dedicated hardware choices I've made.

I greatly hope whatever revision they do with the 3DS handles the upscaling of DS games in a better manner, it'll never be perfect but one can hope for some improvement. It would be nice, especially since having the slidepad for DS games IS actually pretty darn neat.

Now if only for the revision they would also make a 3DS XL in Bronze...
ThisWreckage said:
Little Big Planet, for example, has sold over 4.5 million copies worldwide.

A greater example would be GT5. I remember people labeling the game as a failure and it has moved 6.3 million units as of March 2011.

GT5 shipped over 5 million copies in 12 days and those numbers you listed are the shipped numbers from the end of December. The only failure was the way the US launch was handled which we saw the results of from NPD. If that's a great example of something, I guess I completely misunderstood what you were talking about.

ThisWreckage said:
Not really. They got exceedingly lucky that Gears took off like it did and they're even luckier that the 360 is essentially the casual gaming Call of Duty machine. Sony priced themselves out of any competition in North America.

They had a massive ad campaign for Gears including one of the most well known commercials this gen. Had it's own 30 minute show on MTV. There was nothing lucky about the success of that game. Also nothing lucky about their success with 3rd parties, smartest move Microsoft made with the 360 was featuring 3rd party games like CODMW and Madden08 at E32007 and making sure they had the definitive versions of those games.
ThisWreckage said:
Not really. They got exceedingly lucky that Gears took off like it did and they're even luckier that the 360 is essentially the casual gaming Call of Duty machine. Sony priced themselves out of any competition in North America.

Lucky? I'm sure strategy, resources, dev effort, marketing, and Epic's vision are all just luck to you? The massive investment in Xbox Live, 3rd party marketing, and a well supported developer environment and a great controller for 1st person shooters is all luck as well?
Deadly Joker said:
I wouldn't really call 54k, "dominance".

A month with Gears of War and it only outsells the PS3 by 54k?

That is not dominance.

It has also been over 3 years since the 360 has seen a price cut.

ThisWreckage said:
A greater example would be GT5. I remember people labeling the game as a failure and it has moved 6.3 million units as of March 2011.

No way GT5 sold 6.3 million in the US. Link?
Last year DS: 403k
This year DS+3DS: 405k

Guess handheld gaming ain't deader than last year at least. PSP should have done better than last year as well, I believe.




Alex said:
Nope, DS games do indeed look like shit on the 3DS (Moreso than usual! Ba-dum, tish!). You can try to convince yourself that the washed out blurfest is OK, but personally I returned my 3DS and used the cash to nab an overpriced XL instead, and it's one of the better dedicated hardware choices I've made.

I greatly hope whatever revision they do with the 3DS handles the upscaling of DS games in a better manner, it'll never be perfect but one can hope for some improvement. It would be nice, especially since having the slidepad for DS games IS actually pretty darn neat.

Now if only for the revision they would also make a 3DS XL in Bronze...
*high five*
I chose to get a bronze DS XL on clearance ($120) at Radio Shack instead of getting a 3DS. Don't regret that decision one bit.


Alex said:
Nope, DS games do indeed look like shit on the 3DS (Moreso than usual! Ba-dum, tish!). You can try to convince yourself that the washed out blurfest is OK, but personally I returned my 3DS and used the cash to nab an overpriced XL instead, and it's one of the better dedicated hardware choices I've made.

I greatly hope whatever revision they do with the 3DS handles the upscaling of DS games in a better manner, it'll never be perfect but one can hope for some improvement. It would be nice, especially since having the slidepad for DS games IS actually pretty darn neat.

Now if only for the revision they would also make a 3DS XL in Bronze...
Not that they look great stretched (they don't)..
But by pressing/holding Select, you make the games run at their native resolution.
Yeah, that adds black space around it (and obviously smaller size of the game-screen); but looks great. Some people even report less ghosting and better colors thanks to the better screen/resolution that way; but I'm no techie. :p
StoppedInTracks said:
Anyone else surprised and happy as fuck because of Deus Ex charting once again?
I don't expect the numbers to be really encouraging though, and notice that its price dropped very quick.

Not that they look great stretched (they don't)..
it's off topic, but every video and picture I have seen, they didn't look bad at all, not perfect, but over all good, and I belive 3DS has a better screen than DSi and Lite at least?
You know, I used to care about NPD numbers. I can't really bring myself to anymore though... still haven't adjusted to the new format...


walking fiend said:
Last year DS: 403k
This year DS+3DS: 405k

Guess handheld gaming ain't deader than last year at least. PSP should have done better than last year as well, I believe.

Wait you have just posted the sales of two consoles just surpassing the one from last year as proof handheld gaming isnt dieing?.


walking fiend said:
it's off topic, but every video and picture I have seen, they didn't look bad at all, not perfect, but over all good, and I belive 3DS has a better screen than DSi and Lite at least?
Yeah, it's also kind of an "acquired taste".
Same way some people can't stand playing retro games with smooth filters; kinda the same applies in this case. Is not bad in person, some games do look better than others. If anything, the ones mostly affected are 2D/sprite ones, as the pixels are stretched.

The screens are better...from what I've been told at least. :p
Of course the size is smaller, even smaller compared to a DSiXL; but still great. I'm currently playing Pokémon White Version and Solatorobo (sometimes :p) with no complaints. prefer native because it looks sharper; but if I forget to press Select I don't mind.

Random/home-made example found online; that kinda shows a comparison:

madmackem said:
Wait you have just posted the sales of two consoles just surpassing the one from last year as proof handheld gaming isnt dieing?.
I have posted sales of a handheld in its 7th year that has gotten not a single charting for several months* + a handheld that has only one game charting for last several months staying as much as the last year as a proof that it is not 'deader' than last year.

However, the numbers for December and November should be interesting to judge it is not deader than exactly what year, last year or maybe the year before that or maybe not deader than past several year.

*Edit: sorry, I forgot NSMB did chart actually once in the recent months.

I believe the bottom screen shouldn't be scaled? But maybe it was the game, but in the comparisons I asked people to post, it was scaled better than this, which probably proves your point that it is game and whether 2d/3d dependent.


Kusagari said:
People called GT5's sales in the U.S. as a 'failure', though I'm pretty sure that was hyperbole and they just meant disappointment. I don't understand why worldwide sales are even coming up in this thread...unless you're saying GT5 has sold 6.3 in the U.S. which I call BS on.


People want to discuss things in the broader scope, and it's most suited to the mecha of sales age threads that is the monthly NPD. It's not off topic to a degree than any other thread on Neogaf endures. Also, there is no monthly, weekly, what have you, excuse to have a dedicated thread for WW sales discussions like there are for the individual regions. It would be one thing if we had worldwide reporting on the level of media crate, but we don't. WW discussion makes up a relatively small amount of the NPD threads anyway.


walking fiend said:
I have posted sales of a handheld in its 7th year that has gotten not a single charting for several months* + a handheld that has only one game charting for last several months staying as much as the last year as a proof that it is not 'deader' than last year.

However, the numbers for December and November should be interesting to judge it is not deader than exactly what year, last year or maybe the year before that or maybe not deader than past several year.

*Edit: sorry, I forgot NSMB did chart actually once in the recent months.

I believe the bottom screen shouldn't be scaled? But maybe it was the game, but in the comparisons I asked people to post, it was scaled better than this, which probably proves your point that it is game and whether 2d/3d dependent.

I think it shows there is a dip in that market, i agree though i also expect a few good months in the holiday months coming up. I mean if it doesnt do well then with all the heavy hitters out and a price drop and no real rival handheld console on the market yet then its time to worry for nintendo.
madmackem said:
I think it shows there is a dip in that market, i agree though i also expect a few good months in the holiday months coming up. I mean if it doesnt do well then with all the heavy hitters out and a price drop and no real rival handheld console on the market yet then its time to worry for nintendo.

How does it show that there's a dip?

DS has hold too well for a console being in its 7th year that doesn't get any game either, and it wouldn't have dropped this much at all if Nintendo didn't forcefully replaced it with 3DS (by dropping 3DS price and not dropping DSi); 3DS has no right to sell 260K either when it barely has any game. To me, it shows that the demand for a DS handheld has remained constant since last year, despite software being terrible, which is a very good sign.

DS isn't doing bad now selling 400K at all as a Nintendo brand, it is not good or amazing, but expected for the reasons I brought up; and don't forget than 3DS didn't reach 50m solely by heavy hitters being released, but by DS Lite and DSi and DSi XL making it boom. What we can do, is comparing the numbers of this december and november with those of 2005.

And there's a rival handheld on the market, lots of them actually, they are called smartphones; the question is whether they are how much of a rival they are to begin with.

Also, if jvm can provide us with PSP numbers, I believe it is selling better than last year as well.
LOCK said:
And that's probably not going to happen. The 360 after this year is going to be on the decline, and while both consoles will continue to sell units, the 360 won't be able to overcome that 7.6million gap plus the continuing sales of the Wii. Plus we don't know if Microsoft will kill off the 360 when the next console launches, they might to spur their next consoles sales numbers.

Worldwide the 360 will end up in third place.

Disagree. 360 hasn't shown many signs of decline, and it hasn't had even a $50 price cut in ages. I feel sure one is coming eventually, possibly Nov, and that will rearrange whatever current trends we are on.

It's fun to talk about and it's not a SURE thing that's what makes it fun, the outcome is unknown. However when Wii just did 240k in a 5 week September at 149...well it's hard to be too optimistic.

We do know Wii U is coming in 2012, and Xbox 720 almost certainly isn't. So there should be at least one year in there (and possibly more) where 360, Wii U, and Wii overlap. Going by what 3DS has done to DS sales, Wii is likely going to be halved or worse. In the meantime 360 could be hitting mass market price points at $149 4GB SKU. After Xbox 720 comes on the market, I feel pretty confident 360 will have years of much better legs than Wii, too.

Honestly if you put a gun to my head and told me to guess whether 360 will in the end outsell Wii in the USA, I'd put the probability at greater than 99%. I really see almost no chance it wont happen.

As for WW third, that's unlikely too. People have been predicting PS3 to overtake 360 WW for years, it's October 14 2011 and it still hasn't. WW first is also still in play for the same reasons the USA is, it's just a bigger hill to climb. But if Wii sales go to zero, 360 sales were 13.7m last fiscal year. You can make up 30m pretty fast like that. This is just to show it's possible. The more likely outcome is 360 sells millions in year 8, 9, 10, 11, like PS2 does, while Wii is long gone.


walking fiend said:
I believe the bottom screen shouldn't be scaled? But maybe it was the game, but in the comparisons I asked people to post, it was scaled better than this, which probably proves your point that it is game and whether 2d/3d dependent.
I think there's a slight scale, because the resolution of the bottom one is also slightly higher (320 × 240 vs. 256 × 192). Checked on mine and fits the entire bottom screen scaled. (Pictures were too bad to post :p)


On topic... :p
If anything one "good news" is that every game in the top 10 did over 100k, and the top 2 did over 2 million. Way better than last NPD were game #1 did 244k combined (Deus EX) and #9 did 84k in one platform (Ocarina of Time 3D).


Is there any reason why no Nintendo system is for sale by Amazon? Or am I just crazy. This is just weird, maybe if they are sold out but all at one time.

Looking at the other consoles most are sold through third parties. Is there that big of a supply issue over at amazon?
specialguy said:
We do know Wii U is coming in 2012, and Xbox 720 almost certainly isn't. So there should be at least one year in there (and possibly more) where 360, Wii U, and Wii overlap. Going by what 3DS has done to DS sales, Wii is likely going to be halved or worse. In the meantime 360 could be hitting mass market price points at $149 4GB SKU. After Xbox 720 comes on the market, I feel pretty confident 360 will have years of much better legs than Wii, too.

Honestly if you put a gun to my head and told me to guess whether 360 will in the end outsell Wii in the USA, I'd put the probability at greater than 99%. I really see almost no chance it wont happen.
Unless Wii U is released as a $100-$150 console, Wii U - Wii overlap will be nothing similar to 3DS - DS overlap.

As we reach the end of year, Wii sales will become closer to what it did last year without considering possitive effects of new bundles or game releases, while 360 will drop compared to the last year, unless Microsoft does a price drop.

Also the flaw with price drop, as long as business sense and not sales-age wars is concerned, is that Microsoft has to do this with their current hardware bundle, which will effect their profit a lot: if 360 sells 10m for the next year, it means that their profit will drop by 500m. While Nintendo will do the price drop because they are just totally getting rid of useless feature of the device (GC BC), and that unlike Microsoft, they have a lot of space to make profit out of their software.

Wii U won't just effect Wii sales either, it'll effect the rest of the consoles as well.

In a nutshell, outselling Wii is only short of impossible for 360, unless Microsoft decides to incur very heavy profit losses, and even that would be very unlikely to fill a gap of 5m
Xbox 360: 438K (PR) [-9.5%]
Playstation 3: 364K-374K (Calculations deduced from Sony and MS PR percentages) [+16.7-19.8%]
Wii: 240K (PR) [-5.5%]
Wow. Remember when the Wii would wildly outsell the xbox 360 and PS3 combined?

HDTV penetration made a big difference.


Heh, NPD+media create YTD for PS3 and X360 are almost equal by the end of September:

X360 3.095.381
PS3 3.084.123
Wii 2.643.536

Interesting generation. :)
walking fiend said:
Also the flaw with price drop, as long as business sense and not sales-age wars is concerned, is that Microsoft has to do this with their current hardware bundle, which will effect their profit a lot: if 360 sells 10m for the next year, it means that their profit will drop by 500m. While Nintendo will do the price drop because they are just totally getting rid of useless feature of the device (GC BC), and that unlike Microsoft, they have a lot of space to make profit out of their software.

They would only lose that much profit if the price drop doesn't change the demand. If they sell more consoles, the per console profit would drop but the total profit could still rise if console sales rise enough.

You think Nintendo can make profit on their software but Microsoft won't?


walking fiend said:
Unless Wii U is released as a $100-$150 console, Wii U - Wii overlap will be nothing similar to 3DS - DS overlap.

As we reach the end of year, Wii sales will become closer to what it did last year without considering possitive effects of new bundles or game releases, while 360 will drop compared to the last year, unless Microsoft does a price drop.

Also the flaw with price drop, as long as business sense and not sales-age wars is concerned, is that Microsoft has to do this with their current hardware bundle, which will effect their profit a lot: if 360 sells 10m for the next year, it means that their profit will drop by 500m. While Nintendo will do the price drop because they are just totally getting rid of useless feature of the device (GC BC), and that unlike Microsoft, they have a lot of space to make profit out of their software.

Wii U won't just effect Wii sales either, it'll effect the rest of the consoles as well.

In a nutshell, outselling Wii is only short of impossible for 360, unless Microsoft decides to incur very heavy profit losses, and even that would be very unlikely to fill a gap of 5m

Gc support useless? If I was going to buy a wii again I still would have more gc games to play than wii games. I know I'm in the minority but useless? madness
speculawyer said:
Wow. Remember when the Wii would wildly outsell the xbox 360 and PS3 combined?

HDTV penetration made a big difference.

Well, considering that the Wii has had absolutely nothing of significance released this year outside of Mario Sports Mix, its no wonder that sales have dropped. Plus you have to remember that Nintendo consoles get a larger boost from the Christmas holidays than MS and Sony consoles do, so that'll go some way towards closing that gap.

Kinan said:
Heh, NPD+media create YTD for PS3 and X360 are almost equal by the end of September:

X360 3.095.381
PS3 3.084.123
Wii 2.643.536

Interesting generation. :)

Huh, that's less of a difference between the 3 than I thought it would be!

I wonder if Wii can bounce back and end up coming out first in terms of YTD sales.


erotic butter maelstrom
Speedymanic said:
So how many of those 360 sales can be attributed to people buying a new console after their old console was wrongly banned?

Not enough to make a difference.
LuchaShaq said:
Gc support useless? If I was going to buy a wii again I still would have more gc games to play than wii games. I know I'm in the minority but useless? madness
As long as business sense is concerned (and honestly I myself was concerned), it is totally useless. I am sure they could add a coffee maker to Wii and some would use it more than playing games on it.

They would only lose that much profit if the price drop doesn't change the demand. If they sell more consoles, the per console profit would drop but the total profit could still rise if console sales rise enough.

You think Nintendo can make profit on their software but Microsoft won't?
Nintendo is not only the biggest hardware maker, but also game publisher; Microsoft is nothing alike when it comes to games.

I am not telling that they won't make any profit out of a hardware outside if its physical device, if solely through licensing they will; but that $50 isn't something for people to so casually speak of, specially when they have been mostly incurring loss, specially as we near the end of the life-cycle of a console and tie ratio decreases.


specialguy said:
Disagree. 360 hasn't shown many signs of decline, and it hasn't had even a $50 price cut in ages. I feel sure one is coming eventually, possibly Nov, and that will rearrange whatever current trends we are on.

It's fun to talk about and it's not a SURE thing that's what makes it fun, the outcome is unknown. However when Wii just did 240k in a 5 week September at 149...well it's hard to be too optimistic.

We do know Wii U is coming in 2012, and Xbox 720 almost certainly isn't. So there should be at least one year in there (and possibly more) where 360, Wii U, and Wii overlap. Going by what 3DS has done to DS sales, Wii is likely going to be halved or worse. In the meantime 360 could be hitting mass market price points at $149 4GB SKU. After Xbox 720 comes on the market, I feel pretty confident 360 will have years of much better legs than Wii, too.

Honestly if you put a gun to my head and told me to guess whether 360 will in the end outsell Wii in the USA, I'd put the probability at greater than 99%. I really see almost no chance it wont happen.

As for WW third, that's unlikely too. People have been predicting PS3 to overtake 360 WW for years, it's October 14 2011 and it still hasn't. WW first is also still in play for the same reasons the USA is, it's just a bigger hill to climb. But if Wii sales go to zero, 360 sales were 13.7m last fiscal year. You can make up 30m pretty fast like that. This is just to show it's possible. The more likely outcome is 360 sells millions in year 8, 9, 10, 11, like PS2 does, while Wii is long gone.

Indeed i dont see any sign of 360 sales decline too, they keep selling big even with no price drop in years

I am sure they are saving the price drop for 2012 and WiiU release though, i doubt will waste it in this holiday, since they have Halo CE and Kinect to drive their sales
The chances of the 360 beating the Wii in the USA is a possibility, but that depends on how next-gen plays out, when it comes out and how much the Wii drops, I certainly wouldn't put the chances at 99% though, 5 Million gap in 1 territory is very hard to make up, especially when your up against a console like the Wii. Consider that the PS3 was expected to pass the 360 WW for ages, even with the Japan free pass it still hasn't managed to.

I've always felt the 360 will have PS2-like legs even after the generation is over, but it feels like the market is just too different for consoles to have long legs after the generation is gone, and there's alot of competition now. DS and Wii is getting killed pretty fast, even if its done prematurely, it shows that people are moving on to the next big thing much quicker if the conditions are right. Then you have the 360's larger than usual price tag, its selling amazingly well and its going to get even better once it gets cheaper. Price cuts will do much better for it than they do for the Wii.


Deadly Joker said:
I wouldn't really call 54k, "dominance".

A month with Gears of War and it only outsells the PS3 by 54k?

That is not dominance.

And the high end model for the 360 is now more expensive than the PS3.

Yes exclusive software does help, but why do people forget a price cut is much more valuable to increasing sales than just a piece of software in a single month.


Nutter said:
And the high end model for the 360 is now more expensive than the PS3.

Yes exclusive software does help, but why do people forget a price cut is much more valuable to increasing sales than just a piece of software in a single month.

Wasnt Gears 3 available for only 10 days in September anyway ?

It was released in 20 Septemeber i think

I suppose will affect October sales a lot more
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