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NPD September 2011 Sales Results [Update 3: FIFA 12, Madden 12, Dead Island]


OldJadedGamer said:
I don't. WiiSports was just a tech demo to show off what the new controller could do. That's why it was a forced pack in with the system. Consumers would have been lost on what to do with the Wii when they got it if it wasn't a pack in. Also, I was talking mostly about the HD systems as they are so close together in features and the main thing that separates them is first party games. The Wii's controller alone puts it in a different field than the HD twins IMO.

Worth noting that Wii Sports wasn't packed in in Japan, but still sold 3.6 million copies.

Wii Sports was a huge part of why the Wii did so well right off the bat. Not the only reason, but it's arguably one of the best-designed and most compelling system sellers of recent times.

Perfectly complimented the other two elements that made the Wii a success, namely price and motion controls.


OldJadedGamer said:
I don't. WiiSports was just a tech demo to show off what the new controller could do. That's why it was a forced pack in with the system. Consumers would have been lost on what to do with the Wii when they got it if it wasn't a pack in. Also, I was talking mostly about the HD systems as they are so close together in features and the main thing that separates them is first party games. The Wii's controller alone puts it in a different field than the HD twins IMO.

The Wii was sold out for years because causal gamers by the millions specifically wanted to play Wii Sports Tennis and Wii Sports Bowling. They specifically wanted to play a first party exclusive title.


I didn't expect Gears to be number 1 since it came out so late. I expect it to chart ridic numbers next month.


Duxxy3 said:
PS3, Wii and 3DS were big surprises to me.

I expected the 3DS to have a large drop off and, even though it dropped in weekly sales, it did better than i predicted.
The drop-off was as big as you expected post-pricecut. The weekly average for the last two weeks of August was 92.5k, while the average for September was 52k.


THE WORDS! They'll drift away without the _!
-PXG- said:
I didn't expect Gears to be number 1 since it came out so late. I expect it to chart ridic numbers next month.
If it follows the Halo trend, it will chart but nothing amazing.
OldJadedGamer said:
First party exclusives have never really mattered. If they did, the N64 would have beat the PS1. There are a ton of other factors that come into play. This gen, consumers have picked price of the unit over exclusive games.

Wait, how did the DS and Wii sell in America if first-party games don't matter? Was it MadWorld?
Nuclear Muffin said:
And that only goes to prove my point. It had stabilized at around 25k-30k...
25k-30k is actually good for a platform in Japan, you're not taking into account just how much smaller they are than us, I think a single platform has sold over 1 million in a single month maybe 2-3 times ever, meanwhile handhelds consistently do 2-3 million during December here.

The game market has also grown exponentially in Japan the last few years too.


Just a year prior to Monster Hunter Freedom the 30k you scoff at would place it as the market leader.
Erethian said:
Worth noting that Wii Sports wasn't packed in in Japan, but still sold 3.6 million copies.

Worth noting is that this thread isn't about Japanese sales. Again, my post about first party software was more in reference to the HD twins as they have pretty much feature parity.
OldJadedGamer said:
Worth noting is that this thread isn't about Japanese sales. Again, my post about first party software was more in reference to the HD twins as they have pretty much feature parity.

No, it was just a stupid statement. "First party software doesn't sell consoles that don't have system-seller first-party software." (That's even putting aside Halo, which is pretty clearly a system-seller first-party exclusive historically.) Just admit you were wrong and move on.
OldJadedGamer said:
Worth noting is that this thread isn't about Japanese sales. Again, my post about first party software was more in reference to the HD twins as they have pretty much feature parity.

Again, your post in general was stupid and wrong.

His example of Wii sports in Japan was completely valid because it showed the game wasn't just a "tech demo" and could sell not bundled. As someone else said previously....is it 2007 again?


OldJadedGamer said:
Worth noting is that this thread isn't about Japanese sales. Again, my post about first party software was more in reference to the HD twins as they have pretty much feature parity.

Consumers would have been lost on what to do with the Wii when they got it if it wasn't a pack in.

I don't know, seems a pretty relevant point to me despite it being for Japan.

And if you didn't want people to call you out then you should have qualified your original post better.


06nbarnhill said:
As someone else said previously....is it 2007 again?
NPD threads were filled with way more damage control and tears. That doesnt seem to be the case anymore. Maybe December will be different.


EagleEyes said:
He wouldn't have to if people stayed on topic. Once again NPD is the only sales thread where worldwide numbers get brought up. Why is that?

The answer isn't actually 'Sony fanboys' at all but something more obvious. The question isn't 'why are NPD threads the only sales age where worldwide numbers are brought up?', rather it's 'Why aren't worldwide numbers brought up nearly as often in the other sales age thread?' (they do occasionally come up in the media crate threads, but they certainly come up when we get reliable European data).

The Japanese Market is largely in its own bubble relative to the rest of the markets (aside from Nintendo that has unilateral success). What happens there doesn't really have much a bring on the larger part of the industry.

What the NPD reports are, are the largest and most complete single source of information that we get, Europe is much more vague, and when we do get numbers (via Nintendo's charts) the worldwide discussion happens there as well. The NDP threads are the defacto mecha of Sales age, and people want to try and form as complete an understanding as possible.

If we got reliable European data, and it represented the largest market (or does it now?) then we'd see frequent discussion there about how the sales in Euroland affect the industry.

And that's the thing, what we see happening in America has a big impact on the industry as whole, just like Europe.

I could say "Why do people get in a hissy fit when people relate the American market to the rest of the world" and have someone should back "Because 360 fanboys just want to bask in the 360 performing well in its strongest market" but at the end of the day fanboys this fanboys that aren't why worldwide sales get brought up here.

And there's nothing wrong with them being brought up here either, might as well seeing as bringing up the worldwide sales in a thread about the largest single market is hardly off topic, and certainly not a divergence that gets threads closed for a myriad of other topics that have tangents.

The people that are attacking worldwide discussion in these threads have just as much of a potential 'agenda' as those that bring them up. XXXXX hardly ever has a nice thing to say about Sony and he's always the one complaining when WW numbers get brought up in the monthly NPD threads. Why is that?

See what I mean.

Now what probably is one deviation too much is a tangent on a tangent that's discussing the discussion of bringing up WW numbers, so maybe we shouldn't get worked up over people discussing worldwide numbers in a thread that's reporting numbers from North America, a part of the world.
charlequin said:
No, it was just a stupid statement. "First party software doesn't sell consoles that don't have system-seller first-party software." (That's even putting aside Halo, which is pretty clearly a system-seller first-party exclusive historically.) Just admit you were wrong and move on.

I really think that people buying HD systems *now* aren't buying them for exclusives but are buying them based on total stable of games and price. First party exclusives have a lot of pull early in the gen but this deep in I don't think that is moving people's buying choice. Of course, that is just my opinion.

edit: I want to clarify that my thinking is current. I'm not looking in the past but commenting on my opinions of what is happening now.

Erethian said:
And if you didn't want people to call you out then you should have qualified your original post better.

Yes, I should have been clearer in my initial post to exclude the Wii as I don't see it competing feature for feature with the HD twins.
Deadbeat said:
NPD threads were filled with way more damage control and tears. That doesnt seem to be the case anymore. Maybe December will be different.

I still go back and read old NPD's for kicks. December 09 where Wii sold 3.81 million was quite possible the best NPD thread ever. Hopefully something else takes off and makes them fun again. Even 360's sales now are pretty meh compared to the Wii back in the day. Good times. April of 08 (or was it 09?) was fairly epic as well.


jett said:
PS3 will likely surpass the 360 worldwide though by the time the generation is over.



06nbarnhill said:
I still go back and read old NPD's for kicks. December 09 where Wii sold 3.81 million was quite possible the best NPD thread ever.
Yeah someone spammed porn in that one. Plus a whole bunch of other good gifs.
BKK said:
To expand on that;

438000 + 374000 + 240000 = 1052000

438000 / 1052000 = 41.63%
374000 / 1052000 = 35.55%
240000 / 1052000 = 22.81%

To expand further:

312k * 1.195 = 372.84k
312k * 1.2049 = 375.93k

So according to Sony's 20% PR it's between 373k and 376k, both of which fit the MS 42% rounded.


OldJadedGamer said:
Yes, I should have been clearer in my initial post to exclude the Wii as I don't see it competing feature for feature with the HD twins.

You're only excluding the Wii now after the fact because half a dozen people have pointed out that it invalidates your point about first party exclusives not mattering, a point you made by reference to the PS1 and N64 despite all your later talk of it only applying to the HD twins.
Wow, great to see Dead Island up so high. I figured it would sell really well from all the "sold out everywhere" posts I've seen across the net but this is great. Spent 60+ flawless, bug-free hours in Dead Island PC version and enjoyed every minute for the most part. Also surprised to see Space Marine at #10, but that might only be like 100-150k total.
Curufinwe said:
You're only excluding the Wii now after the fact because half a dozen people have pointed out that it invalidates your point about first party exclusives not mattering, a point you made by reference to the PS1 and N64 despite all your later talk of it only applying to the HD twins.

I was thinking of two systems competing with each other or I would have mentioned the Saturn in that original post. My original post was not clear to what exactly I was thinking and for that, I apologize.

Puddles said:
If the Xbox 360 keeps outselling the Wii, how long before the steams cross again?

Someone eariler posted the gap in NA was 6 million between the 360 and the Wii... so likely never.


Deadbeat said:
NPD threads were filled with way more damage control and tears. That doesnt seem to be the case anymore.
This gen is wrapping up. Everything has become well established a long time ago. Look at this thread. Three years ago, an NPD thread would be around 30 pages by now. Just give it until next year when 3DS/Vita/Wii U will all be on the market to see the fanboys start coming back in droves.


hm, i bet star fox has some legs and does at least 500k lifetime... probably closer to 1m thanks to its status as a might-as-well-have-been-a-launch-game game. same is true of oot 3d, except with even better numbers.


No longer boycotting the Wolfenstein franchise
Very nice to see Deus Ex have some legs and keep selling. Incredibly well deserved.


OldJadedGamer said:
edit: I want to clarify that my thinking is current. I'm not looking in the past but commenting on my opinions of what is happening now.

Oh, okay.

OldJadedGamer said:
First party exclusives have never really mattered. If they did, the N64 would have beat the PS1.



Strike said:
This gen is wrapping up. Everything has become well established a long time ago. Look at this thread. Three years ago, an NPD thread would be around 30 pages by now. Just give it until next year when 3DS/Vita/Wii U will all be on the market to see the fanboys start coming back in droves.

Assuming we get regular hardware numbers from Sony.
Puddles said:
If the Xbox 360 keeps outselling the Wii, how long before the steams cross again?
In the US?
May catch up in the US once Wii is dead and Wii-U is on the market (easy to catch up to a competitor who is no longer making sales). Will never catch up world wide.
Shurs said:

At the same point we are now in the gen... near the tail end.

06nbarnhill said:
In the US?
May catch up in the US once Wii is dead and Wii-U is on the market (easy to catch up to a competitor who is no longer making sales). Will never catch up world wide.

I don't think so as the Wii will go $99 or lower. Look at how well the PS2 continues to sell even today.


my name is Ted
GraveRobberX said:
Now show me the wold wide #'s for both the HD consoles

Oh you mean to tell me NA isn't the center of the gaming universe... Get the Fuck Outta Here lol, I thought it was -.-, I mean I didn't know that NA was the definitive and only head count
this is not about wold wide sells. this is about USA sells
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