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NX Controller Rumor [Up5: Original was fake, and thus this is too]

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Wants the largest console games publisher to avoid Nintendo's platforms.
Let's say this is real for a second, and it's a controller for the home console.

Are you expected to just memorize where the virtual buttons are, or do you only play the console on the controller?

Presumably they can move between games, so it's not always the same spot.

I guess you could try to hold your controller below the TV you're looking at so you can see both at once until you learn it?
Let me share my iOS experience - fast response games are best served with 'area' buttons - i.e. you just have to touch the screen in a loose area, a that registers as button 'a'. Naturally, button 'b' occupies a sufficiently-remote area. Not-so-fast response games can plot as many buttons as they like.

It's the best I could do on my iPad.

I can see this getting plenty of mileage for years to come.
I still dont understand the point of the controller. Is it suposed to be an evolution of the WiiU? Why is there a screen on the sides of where your hand will be blockign view.

It really doenst make sense to me.

Maybe the sides will have the virtual face button inputs.


...the leak is coming from inside the house


Hypothetical if true, then maybe not everyone shares NINTENDO's vision.

Either they are excited and want to share it, or they hate the design and hate how games play on it.

I'm betting this controller is also some form of hand held that syncs with the console for remote play, and on the go gaming for apps based games.
Looks good, tbh. As a controller it looks pretty good.

Though if it is meant to be a screen that presents anything beyond buttons to press - if you are meant to look down at it while playing, like a gamepad or DS or whatever - then I can't see myself getting it. That thing is just too small to be a legitimate playing screen.


There'd be at least four buttons: the two sticks will double as buttons, and the shoulder scroll wheels will likely be clickable like buttons. I'm guessing they imagine that "most games" can be more or less accommodated with just these inputs (letting them simplify the interface for those games), and for actions that can't be accommodated they've got a haptic touch button option that can mimic traditional controls.

I'd imagine they've overcome some of the major hurdles that have kept them from using touch technology to replace buttons in the past (in particular, that they've hit on a haptic technology that provides the right amount of feedback), or they wouldn't be bothering to try to implement it now.

I'll put it this way:

2D Mario games generally only use two buttons: jump and run/power-up. Those can both be mapped to clickable sticks on the face (we'll call them LS and RS). Done.

Left analog: Move
LS: Power-up
RS: Jump

Zelda games generally use buttons for performing actions (talk, pick up, etc.), attacking (sword), using items, targeting enemies, and using a shield. Actions are generally context-sensitive, and often aren't timing-sensitive. Those can be mapped to a tap on the screen. Players can press the right stick to swing their sword, and the left stick to use an item. The left trigger could still be target, and the right trigger could be shield. The scroll wheels would let people cycle through their inventory easily. And of course the second screen could be used for things like map display while playing on the TV.

Left analog: Move
Right analog: Camera
LS: Use equipped item
RS: Swing sword
L button: Target
R button: Shield
One of the two scroll wheels: Cycle items
Other scroll wheel: Cycle weapons (?)
Tap screen: Talk/pick up/throw/etc.

Not too bad, right?

Metroid (we'll say Prime)

Left analog: Move
Right analog: Aim
LS: Morph Ball
RS: Jump
L button: Target/Scan
R button: Fire
L scroll wheel: Select visor
R scroll wheel: Select weapon

It's really not hard to see how most traditional Nintendo franchises could easily adapt the interface we've seen.

You haven't been playing console games in the last 10 years or so?
You'll never find essential functions mapped to the clickable sticks...for good reasons.
I often had problems in Halo, because I accidently pressed the zoom button on the stick (BR). Sprinting on left stick works because you are moving the stick up while pressing the stick, but given the odd shape of this thing ...no way the clickable sticks will replace normal face buttons. How about games like Bayonetta?


Nintendo executives sitting around the coffee table:

"Tech Engineer 1: So I hear gamers don't like playing complex games on cellphones because there are no physical buttons.

Miyamoto: So let's create a game system with a controller with no physical buttons.

Room: YEAH!!!"
The haptic button idea isn't some farflung fantasy, it's literally built into this same rumor. Again, I can't say how well it'll work, but it's a real technology that could feasibly be an acceptable replacement, or even an improvement

Not sure how acceptable it would be on a console controller ala the Wii U where you are going to presumably spend a lot of your time looking up and away from the pad. One of the advantages of physical buttons from this regard is that you gain familiarity with where the buttons are and can "feel" for where they are without having to actually press them. This seems like it would be clumsy on a touch screen even with haptics.
Considering one of the main reasons i have given up all hope in ever playing mobile games (especially shooters ) was the terrible digital controls and lack of button feedback this is just really pissing me off if this is the direction Nintendo decide to go .

I mean seriously what is 1 advantage of a digital button versus a real one ? More screen real estate is not an answer as most of the so called screen is obstructed by your hands / fingers anyway .

I predict another flop if this is the direction Nintendo are going .


Not even current Nintendo could be delusional enough to continue the WiiU controller concept and make it even more idiotic. I can hardly think of anything dumber than sticks blocking significant portions right in the middle of the screen. And dropping physical buttons? Can't be happening.

what if the controller "screen" isn't meant to have game footage on it, but for haptic buttons?
Let me share my iOS experience - fast response games are best served with 'area' buttons - i.e. you just have to touch the screen in a loose area, a that registers as button 'a'. Naturally, button 'b' occupies a sufficiently-remote area. Not-so-fast response games can plot as many buttons as they like.

I imagine that if Nintendo is seriously chasing this route, that they've done extensive testing and are probably more concerned with high level of precision and making it viable for gaming than apple ever was
Maybe we should wait for Nintendo to present the platform before we doom say...

I'm as worried as you all, but come on. Saying that they're screwed due to this is horribly short sighted. People said the same of the Wii. If there's any company that can make crazy shit like this work, it's Nintendo.

And people said the same thing about the Wii U and were demonstrably right; and this - as little circumstantial info as we have - has more in common with the Wii U than the Wii.

At the end of the day, whether or not this spells doom for Nintendo is up for debate, especially since we have no actual facts to go with. However, it's not unfair to debate whether or not I or others like or want a controller with no physical buttons. I don't have to use it to know I definitely don't like like. Maybe Nintendo can make digital buttons with haptic feedback okay, but physical buttons are superior to me.

More than the odd shape, more than the entire face of the controller being a screen, more than odd analog sticks; the reason there is such a negative attitude towards this is because there are no physical buttons and that should be the one thing gamers shouldn't have to worry about, especially from Nintendo.


Junior Member
Nintendo executives sitting around the coffee table:

"Tech Engineer 1: So I hear gamers don't like playing complex games on cellphones because there are no physical buttons.

Miyamoto: So let's create a game system with a controller with no physical buttons.

Room: YEAH!!!"
Miyamoto isn't really involved with the NX Platform.


Good thing is that once one leaker starts leaking (assuming this is true), the flood gates should open and we'll probably get more info.
I can't think of anything less "nintendo" than replacing buttons, considering how their games are designed around consistent inputs. If this is real it means they basically have no idea what the fuck is going on.


More gimmicks. What if you want to play a fighting game or traditional games?

Nintendo just doesn't get it if this is true. It looks like they'll be competing with smart phone games based on the controller and guess what? Everyone already has a smart phone.

A powerful system with a good controller like the pro controller, first party Nintendo games and 3rd party support. Is it really that hard? Apparently it is.
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