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NYPD kill a man after he breaks up a fight between others.

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I just read that myself. Unbelievable. This is a cop ladies and gentlemen. He's out there with a gun and a badge right now, as is the others that post on that board. It's scary.

I'm glad this was ruled a homicide, it's exactly what it was, coldblooded murder.

yep in my 15+ years on the internet I haven't see such fucking terrible thinking... .... they hold a JOB above human life..... I seen three people/civilians with guns on their sides today at work and I feel safer than if it was a cop.....

I hope the family sues the fuck out of them and the cop gets LIFE... of course that wont happen.... :*( I really hate living in the USA... shame I'm poor as fuck. I would leave in a heartbeat if I could....


Disgusting. I hope that officer is arrested and serves time.

He won't.

Was talking to some friends about this, they defended the police saying Gardner shouldn't have been committing any crimes nor should have he resisted, and while I agree resisting the police is a bad idea, pissed me off that they ignored the brutality (choke hold, being slammed into the ground and ignoring cries for help) on the police's part. I mean he had a history of selling cigarettes, but when he was approached he wasn't committing any crime, (to the best of my knowledge). I would have argued it more with them, but the venue we were in was not the place for it.

I keep hearing people talk about how he supposedly "resisted" arrest. I saw the video, where exactly was the resistance? Also since when was something like selling "loosies" become such a hardcore crime that a man needs to be tackled by Police and arrested? If anything it should be a fine and a court date. Other than that it's not like he's selling fucking Meth on the streets.

Even if he had been selling cigarettes when they decided to harass then murder him, it still wouldn't have been justification for his death.

I see the justification all the time. In my local paper in the section where people write in, there was one where they basically said "choke holds are bad and all but he was a pretty big/strong guy"

So naturally because he was "big and strong" killing him outright was the only recourse the officers had.


I just read that myself. Unbelievable. This is a cop ladies and gentlemen. He's out there with a gun and a badge right now, as is the others that post on that board. It's scary.

I'm glad this was ruled a homicide, it's exactly what it was, coldblooded murder.

Homicide does not mean murder. It just means the man was killed, but not murder.

The state will still have to investigate the circumstances and determine whether or not the homicide was justifiable or not. Then decide to press charges or not. Because legally not all killing equals murder. In the end, it could end up that the officer did kill the man (as already determined) but did not murder him (commit a crime in doing so).

And just to add. I really believe that NY will press charges, because of the media attention this case has gotten. But I find it likely that he will be let go by a jury.


Homicide does not mean murder. It just means the man was killed, but not murder.

The state will still have to investigate the circumstances and determine whether or not the homicide was justifiable or not. Then decide to press charges or not. Because legally not all killing equals murder. In the end, it could end up that the officer did kill the man (as already determined) but did not murder him (commit a crime in doing so).

And just to add. I really believe that NY will press charges, because of the media attention this case has gotten. But I find it likely that he will be let go by a jury.
Not like we got him on tape or anything ... Oh wait!


Not like we got him on tape or anything ... Oh wait!

There have been other clean cut cases and the jury have let the officers go. Why? Because the lawyers created enough doubt to make it seem that guilty would be to harsh of a punishment for the cop. So the jury feels sorry for the cop and either lets them go, or reduces charges. (Not guilty on murder, but guilty on manslaughter, or other charge...)

Or the State has botched up the prosecution so bad that the jury is filled with people on the side of the cops. (All white juries, relatives of other cops, etc.. on the jury)


Homicide is a nice way of preventing public outcry without major repercussion.
Cops like this are murderers imo but the whole system is corrupt. The blood lust and total disregard for humanity is appalling.


Sorry if this is a dumb question but when is the case going to trial, and will it be televised?


That cop forum is something else. Post number 9 is a real revelation.

my only beef is with the cop who had his back turned to the camera all he has to ddo was simply walk the animal across the street and say hey bud keep it across the street its to dangerous for u over here and now that mutt can video all he wants from the opp side of street and if he had flipped out yelling and scremaing at the cop OGA another under, keep these peple away from your scenes cops! cmon

And post number 19

Press, by using these incendiary words, is taking this down a one way road.........If this cop is arrested, by the time he is acquitted, a press educated public, be it in rain sleet or snow, will seek justice in every form by aquiring free flat screens!

If these are the thought processes of the normal beat officers, I would be scared as fuck to interact with any of them as from my point of view they're already coming at selected members of the public with certain thinking and with that thinking 'accidents' happen.


It's OK guys, the police have retaliated against the man that recorded the incident.

Man who filmed cop's fatal chokehold arrested on gun charges

Orta is being charged with criminal possession of an unloaded weapon because he did not have a permit to carry a concealed weapon, the source said.
Demonstrating a banned chokehold
Orta was arrested leaving the hotel after police said they saw him passing an object to his girlfriend, who placed it in her waistband, according to the source. Police stopped them both and recovered a gun from the girlfriend's waistband, the source said.
The girlfriend was also charged with possessing the gun, in addition to a marijuana charge, the official told CNN.
The gun, a .25 caliber Norton semiautomatic handgun, was reported stolen in Michigan in 2007, a second law enforcement official said.
Police were at the hotel because it's a known drug location, the source said.


Apparently the police union president Patrick Lynch has something to say:

In response to the arrest, police union president Patrick Lynch sought to discredit Orta’s video footage, saying, “It is criminals like Mr. Orta who carry illegal firearms who stand to benefit the most by demonizing the good work of police officers.” Lynch leads the largest contingent of New York City police officers as head of the Patrolmen’s Benevolent Association.


and fun fact regarding the recording of police behavior:

And research suggests that recording officers can lead to a dramatic reduction in the use of force. A 2013 study by the Police Foundation found that officers who wear body cameras are more than 50 percent less likely to use excessive force


Fuck the cops. Fuck all of them.

The guy who recorded the murder is gonna get punished more than the guys that actually murdered someone.

To protect and serve, ladies and gentlemen.


Meanwhile, NY Daily News analysis finds racial disparities in summons for minor violations in 'broken windows' policing

Summons for petty infractions are an element of 'broken windows' policing — and roughly 81% of the 7.3 million people hit with violations between 2001 and 2013 were black and Hispanic. Charges that the NYPD's execution of the policy is racially biased have intensified again since Eric Garner was killed July 17 during an attempted arrest for selling loose cigarettes.

It's a well-researched article with lots of data to back it up and nuance the problem.


It's OK guys, the police have retaliated against the man that recorded the incident.

Man who filmed cop's fatal chokehold arrested on gun charges

It's funny how hive-mind uninformed GAF rally against guns but then defends something like this public outcry that Al Sharpton jacks off to at night so he can sleep knowing he is the biggest racist in the US. Maybe try not to be involved with stolen weapons and acting like morons when the police catch you in an illegal act, is that too much to ask?
It's funny how hive-mind uninformed GAF rally against guns but then defends something like this public outcry that Al Sharpton jacks off to at night so he can sleep knowing he is the biggest racist in the US. Maybe try not to be involved with stolen weapons and acting like morons when the police catch you in an illegal act, is that too much to ask?

Go on, tell us how you REALLY feel.
It's funny how hive-mind uninformed GAF rally against guns but then defends something like this public outcry that Al Sharpton jacks off to at night so he can sleep knowing he is the biggest racist in the US. Maybe try not to be involved with stolen weapons and acting like morons when the police catch you in an illegal act, is that too much to ask?
this is a very interesting and well thought out opinion.


Any good cops care to do anything about this or help us put it into some sort of reasonable context? I heard there were a lot of them. Maybe some are here.

Not a cop myself but I know my fair share. I wouldn't expect any of them to comment online. The smart ones tend to avoid debating/bad mouthing fellow cops online.
It's funny how hive-mind uninformed GAF rally against guns but then defends something like this public outcry that Al Sharpton jacks off to at night so he can sleep knowing he is the biggest racist in the US. Maybe try not to be involved with stolen weapons and acting like morons when the police catch you in an illegal act, is that too much to ask?

This is so amazing, I almost refuse to believe it's real.

I'd like for you to humor me, and explain to me how Al Sharpton is "the biggest racist in the US" or is a racist at all, actually.

Also, another "don't resist" apologist. I'm looking forward to seeing what happens when it's not just people of color who are dominating police brutality stories. Maybe then some of these excuses will go away and people will realize there's a goddamned problem.
It's funny how hive-mind uninformed GAF rally against guns but then defends something like this public outcry that Al Sharpton jacks off to at night so he can sleep knowing he is the biggest racist in the US. Maybe try not to be involved with stolen weapons and acting like morons when the police catch you in an illegal act, is that too much to ask?

Do you feel like you are being discriminated against or someone is waging a war on you?


It's funny how hive-mind uninformed GAF rally against guns but then defends something like this public outcry that Al Sharpton jacks off to at night so he can sleep knowing he is the biggest racist in the US. Maybe try not to be involved with stolen weapons and acting like morons when the police catch you in an illegal act, is that too much to ask?

Please go on. Got any facts?


It's funny how hive-mind uninformed GAF rally against guns but then defends something like this public outcry that Al Sharpton jacks off to at night so he can sleep knowing he is the biggest racist in the US. Maybe try not to be involved with stolen weapons and acting like morons when the police catch you in an illegal act, is that too much to ask?

Al Sharpton and the rest of us blacks are real uppity aren't we? What is your criteria for racism and how is Sharpton the biggest racist in the US?

Camp Lo

It's funny how hive-mind uninformed GAF rally against guns but then defends something like this public outcry that Al Sharpton jacks off to at night so he can sleep knowing he is the biggest racist in the US. Maybe try not to be involved with stolen weapons and acting like morons when the police catch you in an illegal act, is that too much to ask?
Those are big words, my friend. You sure you want to stand by them?
Well to be fair, it was incredibly not smart for the person to mess with guns like that. I mean... really stupid.

It should not have any bearing on the murder the cops committed, though. But then again, this is New York, so as someone stated, the cameraman with the gun charge will probably get a stiffer sentence than the cop.


Well to be fair, it was incredibly not smart for the person to mess with guns like that. I mean... really stupid.

It should not have any bearing on the murder the cops committed, though. But then again, this is New York, so as someone stated, the cameraman with the gun charge will probably get a stiffer sentence than the cop.

Oh we're assuming he isn't going to get accidented or self defended or resisting arrested?


It's funny how hive-mind uninformed GAF rally against guns but then defends something like this public outcry that Al Sharpton jacks off to at night so he can sleep knowing he is the biggest racist in the US. Maybe try not to be involved with stolen weapons and acting like morons when the police catch you in an illegal act, is that too much to ask?

Ugh...hoo boy. It's a good thing that i didn't hit enter on what i originally typed , cause it would have gotten me banned. People like you though...really get under my fucking skin. I'll just leave it at that.

Dead Man

It's funny how hive-mind uninformed GAF rally against guns but then defends something like this public outcry that Al Sharpton jacks off to at night so he can sleep knowing he is the biggest racist in the US. Maybe try not to be involved with stolen weapons and acting like morons when the police catch you in an illegal act, is that too much to ask?

CTRL-F 'Hive mInd'

Yeah, pretty much going to ignore you now, sorry mate.

Apparently the police union president Patrick Lynch has something to say:


and fun fact regarding the recording of police behavior:

Fucking clowns. Jesus.


Gabriel Knight
Sorry for coming late to this thread - the cops that committed homicide should be punished and are in the wrong

But how is the arrest of the camera man in any way wrong even if retaliatory? The guy had a gun and was arrested over 20 times - guy should be locked up for good


Schattenjäger;124024106 said:
Sorry for coming late to this thread - the cops that committed homicide should be punished and are in the wrong

But how is the arrest of the camera man in any way wrong even if retaliatory? The guy had a gun and was arrested over 20 times - guy should be locked up for good

You should learn a bit about the NYPD. And arrest counts don't mean a gatdamn thing.

Aldo, how the fuck is retaliatory action by THE FUCKING POLICE okay with you? That shit is problematic as fuck. Are you serious?
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