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NYPD kill a man after he breaks up a fight between others.

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Simple that white people aren't to blame for the slave trade like American blacks proclaim. There was no black holocaust.

Also since more whites were slaves why aren't whites disenfranchised and suffering other issues like the American blacks proclaim slavery did to them?


Did you... did you just deny the entire history of black slavery ANNNNNNNNND question why whiteys aren't allowed to boohoo over an illusionary disenfranchisement???


My eyes. I am having a hard time believing what I think I'm reading right now. JFC


justanotheruserofgaf is not racist, we must wait for the facts and the proper context to appear before making judgement, he is probably very angry right now just like all people that are caught using racist words right after being provoked off-camera by those thugs hoodied savages before making their out-of-context Obamaphone-taped videos that they later upload on Wordstar while waiting to buy an Xbox with the money from my taxes.

Also jews.
If you don't want to be arrested and put in jail don't commit the crime. Don't fight the police when they try to arrest you, meaning put out your hands for the cuffs and go to the station. Then get your lawyer. Guess what doing that tends you to get the drug possession charge for a few ounces or nonviolent crime such as selling untaxed cigs dismissed by the lawyer! Resist you get a beating and put in jail. Give the cops black crap and you get harsh treatment because the cops are treating you by way of the golden rule.

The only myths about African slavery are spread by African American historical revisionists.

The Africans sold the slaves to the Europeans. The African kings wanted slavery to continue when the Europeans were wanting the trade abolished. Look up the African slave empires. 40-60% of the populace in Africa for thousands of years were slaves. Slaves were not only used as cannon fodder soldiers, but also were sacrificed in voodoo rituals as well as funeral rituals.

Oh btw the majority of slaves in history were white not black. During the middle ages the Arabs took over a million Europeans as slaves. But guess what most history books don't mention that little fact nor that Arabs were still capturing slaves from African coastal villages at the start of the 20th century.



If you don't want to be arrested and put in jail don't commit the crime. Don't fight the police when they try to arrest you, meaning put out your hands for the cuffs and go to the station. Then get your lawyer. Guess what doing that tends you to get the drug possession charge for a few ounces or nonviolent crime such as selling untaxed cigs dismissed by the lawyer! Resist you get a beating and put in jail. Give the cops black crap and you get harsh treatment because the cops are treating you by way of the golden rule.

The only myths about African slavery are spread by African American historical revisionists.

The Africans sold the slaves to the Europeans. The African kings wanted slavery to continue when the Europeans were wanting the trade abolished. Look up the African slave empires. 40-60% of the populace in Africa for thousands of years were slaves. Slaves were not only used as cannon fodder soldiers, but also were sacrificed in voodoo rituals as well as funeral rituals.

Oh btw the majority of slaves in history were white not black. During the middle ages the Arabs took over a million Europeans as slaves. But guess what most history books don't mention that little fact nor that Arabs were still capturing slaves from African coastal villages at the start of the 20th century.

If you don't want to be arrested and put in jail don't commit the crime. Don't fight the police when they try to arrest you, meaning put out your hands for the cuffs and go to the station. Then get your lawyer. Guess what doing that tends you to get the drug possession charge for a few ounces or nonviolent crime such as selling untaxed cigs dismissed by the lawyer! Resist you get a beating and put in jail. Give the cops black crap and you get harsh treatment because the cops are treating you by way of the golden rule.

The only myths about African slavery are spread by African American historical revisionists.

The Africans sold the slaves to the Europeans. The African kings wanted slavery to continue when the Europeans were wanting the trade abolished. Look up the African slave empires. 40-60% of the populace in Africa for thousands of years were slaves. Slaves were not only used as cannon fodder soldiers, but also were sacrificed in voodoo rituals as well as funeral rituals.

Oh btw the majority of slaves in history were white not black. During the middle ages the Arabs took over a million Europeans as slaves. But guess what most history books don't mention that little fact nor that Arabs were still capturing slaves from African coastal villages at the start of the 20th century.



If you don't want to be arrested and put in jail don't commit the crime. Don't fight the police when they try to arrest you, meaning put out your hands for the cuffs and go to the station. Then get your lawyer. Guess what doing that tends you to get the drug possession charge for a few ounces or nonviolent crime such as selling untaxed cigs dismissed by the lawyer! Resist you get a beating and put in jail. Give the cops black crap and you get harsh treatment because the cops are treating you by way of the golden rule.

The only myths about African slavery are spread by African American historical revisionists.

The Africans sold the slaves to the Europeans. The African kings wanted slavery to continue when the Europeans were wanting the trade abolished. Look up the African slave empires. 40-60% of the populace in Africa for thousands of years were slaves. Slaves were not only used as cannon fodder soldiers, but also were sacrificed in voodoo rituals as well as funeral rituals.

Oh btw the majority of slaves in history were white not black. During the middle ages the Arabs took over a million Europeans as slaves. But guess what most history books don't mention that little fact nor that Arabs were still capturing slaves from African coastal villages at the start of the 20th century.

Where are the slave ships?


You know whats the worse part? Its probably another completely different user.

It's more than likely an alt and the first thought is that it's the alt of someone like Seanspeed or Jangocube but it's probably an alt of someone who has never posted anything racist under their normal account.


It is beyond obvious when someone is using an alt account to say things they otherwise would not on their everyday account.


The bad man is gone now. I'll have Cyan check for alts. Let's try to get back on topic and leave the racist crazies behind.
On the African slave thing... yes there was slavery in Africa (and in every other part of the world) prior to European enslavement of Africans. But that slavery was usually tied to the spoils of war, and slaves could easily be freed if their master so chose. The sons and daughters of those slaves were not slaves themselves. In the Roman Empire, conquered peoples were allowed to maintain their traditions, and slaves in most other places were of the same ethnic tradition of the enslaver. Most enslaving countries gave slaves what amounted to basic human rights at the time. Even the first African slaves in what is now the United States could sue their owners in court. The West African Slave Trade was a break from this more palatable condition of slavery perpetuated primarily by the emergance of the global capitalist system.

The West African Slave Trade was fundementally different. Slaves had no rights whatsoever, and were legally considered property. The children of these slaves were considered slaves. African women were often raped to produce more slaves. It was illegal for slaves to be educated in any way besides Christianity. When slaves arrived in America, their traditional practices were banned by the slave owner, destroying their culture often within a generation. When freedom came to the slaves in 1865, many were so unprepared for the experience that they chose to remain on the slaveholder's plantations as sharecroppers (basically a slightly better form of the slaverythey had just experienced)- this lasted until the 1970's, when the last states finally got around to banning the practice. All this left many (basicallythe majority of) African Americans poor, destitute, and without an education. Generations of poverty following their enslavement remains engrained in the mindset of the African American to this day. Meanwhile, an American power structure either ignores them (at best), or is either conciously or unconciously hostile toward them.

That is why the West African Slave Trade was truly more destructive than previous slave conditions prior (Romans, and many others) or post (Nazis, sex slavery, current slavery in Africa). In fact, it also has a great deal to do with why this gentleman died.


The police commissioner Bratton has ordered a review of NYPD training. He anticipates that all 35k officers will eventually be retained with state of the art training.

Apparently the FBI is now investigating the case. Bratton stated he "wouldn't be surprised" when asked if there would be a civil rights investigation by the U.S. Attorney.


Edit: There is a squad car stationed outside of officer Pantaleo's home due to threats.


If you don't want to be arrested and put in jail don't commit the crime. Don't fight the police when they try to arrest you, meaning put out your hands for the cuffs and go to the station. Then get your lawyer. Guess what doing that tends you to get the drug possession charge for a few ounces or nonviolent crime such as selling untaxed cigs dismissed by the lawyer! Resist you get a beating and put in jail. Give the cops black crap and you get harsh treatment because the cops are treating you by way of the golden rule.

The only myths about African slavery are spread by African American historical revisionists.

The Africans sold the slaves to the Europeans. The African kings wanted slavery to continue when the Europeans were wanting the trade abolished. Look up the African slave empires. 40-60% of the populace in Africa for thousands of years were slaves. Slaves were not only used as cannon fodder soldiers, but also were sacrificed in voodoo rituals as well as funeral rituals.

Oh btw the majority of slaves in history were white not black. During the middle ages the Arabs took over a million Europeans as slaves. But guess what most history books don't mention that little fact nor that Arabs were still capturing slaves from African coastal villages at the start of the 20th century.

I'm fairly sure justanotheruserofgaf and this guy are one and the same. Both use the phrase "African rulers" while also writing run-on sentences with no use of punctuation.


I posted about this after the Treyvon Martin verdict, but it's not really accurate to call it a fear anymore. Fear would imply an irrationality or even a dread. It's simply knowing at this point. I know, as an African American, that my life is statistically worth less than those of other races. I know that I'm more likely to be stopped, pulled over, searched, harassed, humiliated, slurred, beaten, or killed, even if I've done nothing wrong. The evidence is so overwhelming that dwelling on it constantly would drive you mad, almost like dwelling on the inevitability of death and taxes.

So I just live my life. If shit happens, it happens. I won't be surprised. I won't give them the satisfaction of begging, either.

Yes, I see what you mean. I really wish things were different, but it's so incredibly sad that one just has to live with an incredibly unjust state of affairs that specifically targets one's own existence. And it all seems so overwhelming to do something about, as it permeates so much of Western society.

The riots in LA were not simply because Rodney King got his ass beat. That was just what broke the camels back. There was plenty leading up to that. One of the major ones being the assassination of a 14 year old African American girl in a korean shop by racist store owners assuming she was trying to steal some milk(although she had the money to pay in her hand when they shot her). LA was boiling over long before Rodney King set off the storm.

Your last paragraph seems dramatic. As a brown person in America in the 21st century you are living in a state of revolution. You are occupied like any other occupied group on earth. With that in mind you must also think like an occupied person. That means the main objective should be conquering oppression. I feel that is where a lot of the older generation let kids down.

Many from my generation are sheltered so badly that they dont have the tools to protect themselves when the reality of their occupation smacks them in the face. This is what you see when some person is shocked and does the whole "Its 2014! THIS CANT BE HAPPENING" thing.That is where I feel revolutionary brothers and sisters need to come and educate people. You have the tools, and base, to deal with occupation when you know you are not in it alone. You have people out here suffering alone because the outreach has not been there for them. On the whole though I feel people dont want revolution. They want to be Americans. They want to embrace the title of their oppressors. They want to be him. They dont want to have to struggle, get that ass beating, ruffle those feathers, and to shake the core with which they stand to lose everything to gain true freedom. In the end though that is fine. True revolutionary brothers and sisters know not every person wants in. Some just want to live this illusion of life they have. The reality must be that if they accept this, then you must also be willing to be at the whim of your oppressor.

This is really interesting and I would like to hear more about what your idea about revolution and conquering oppression. Are you talking about armed revolution, "secession", or simply a non-violent revolution? And how do you think that the older generation has let their kids down?

I don't see what's self-defeatist about it. Me personally I thought things would be better by now. I'm in my 30s, there's just no way in hell white society will ever see blacks as equals (this trickles down to how other minorities view blacks as well). Society views me as a nigger and there's not much I can do about it but prove people that interact with me individually wrong. Black people unfortunately are living the Sixth Sense in America, we have a special kind of existence and live on a different plane than most americans.

Isn't it incredibly taxing to have to prove to people that interact with you that you do not conform to racist prejudices? Doesn't it wear you down? And couldn't something be done about changing this deplorable state of affairs??
On the African slave thing... yes there was slavery in Africa (and in every other part of the world) prior to European enslavement of Africans. But that slavery was usually tied to the spoils of war, and slaves could easily be freed if their master so chose. The sons and daughters of those slaves were not slaves themselves. In the Roman Empire, conquered peoples were allowed to maintain their traditions, and slaves in most other places were of the same ethnic tradition of the enslaver. Most enslaving countries gave slaves what amounted to basic human rights at the time. Even the first African slaves in what is now the United States could sue their owners in court. The West African Slave Trade was a break from this more palatable condition of slavery perpetuated primarily by the emergance of the global capitalist system.

The West African Slave Trade was fundementally different. Slaves had no rights whatsoever, and were legally considered property. The children of these slaves were considered slaves. African women were often raped to produce more slaves. It was illegal for slaves to be educated in any way besides Christianity. When slaves arrived in America, their traditional practices were banned by the slave owner, destroying their culture often within a generation. When freedom came to the slaves in 1865, many were so unprepared for the experience that they chose to remain on the slaveholder's plantations as sharecroppers (basically a slightly better form of the slaverythey had just experienced)- this lasted until the 1970's, when the last states finally got around to banning the practice. All this left many (basicallythe majority of) African Americans poor, destitute, and without an education. Generations of poverty following their enslavement remains engrained in the mindset of the African American to this day. Meanwhile, an American power structure either ignores them (at best), or is either conciously or unconciously hostile toward them.

That is why the West African Slave Trade was truly more destructive than previous slave conditions prior (Romans, and many others) or post (Nazis, sex slavery, current slavery in Africa). In fact, it also has a great deal to do with why this gentleman died.
This is true. In Africa, it was more of an indentured servitude and you became a part of the family over time. The best account we have of this was from Olaudah Equiano who experienced "slavery" in Africa and CHATTEL slavery in the Americas. The difference was night and day - I encourage folks to read up on it.

Obama, as cliche as this sounds, is proof things have somewhat got better.

There just needs to be revolutionary action to push it over the edge.
Nah, man. I think Obama is just prop. People hated Bush by the time his second term was up. Why not have a Black man (or subsequently, a woman) come into office and do exactly what Bush did while using populist rhetoric and exemplifying swag. Obama was the best thing for status quo and neutralized the faux left and especially large segments of the faux progressive Black community who only wanted to see a Black face in a high place and call that "success". Yeah, King's dream is realized alright... Obama isn't a sign of things getting better. In terms of institutional racism in many sectors - including criminal justice, education, you name it - nothing has changed.

When things really get desperate, perhaps we'll see a native American president. I dunno.

I posted about this after the Treyvon Martin verdict, but it's not really accurate to call it a fear anymore. Fear would imply an irrationality or even a dread. It's simply knowing at this point. I know, as an African American, that my life is statistically worth less than those of other races. I know that I'm more likely to be stopped, pulled over, searched, harassed, humiliated, slurred, beaten, or killed, even if I've done nothing wrong. The evidence is so overwhelming that dwelling on it constantly would drive you mad, almost like dwelling on the inevitability of death and taxes.

So I just live my life. If shit happens, it happens. I won't be surprised. I won't give them the satisfaction of begging, either.
Right on.

I don't see what's self-defeatist about it. Me personally I thought things would be better by now. I'm in my 30s, there's just no way in hell white society will ever see blacks as equals (this trickles down to how other minorities view blacks as well). Society views me as a nigger and there's not much I can do about it but prove people that interact with me individually wrong. Black people unfortunately are living the Sixth Sense in America, we have a special kind of existence and live on a different plane than most americans.
That phrase made me think of something... how Black people can't be individuals. By comparison, whenever we have a Anders Breivik, Jared Loughner, or Adam Lanza, they are individualized (and usually spoken of in the context of mental health issues or troubled childhoods) and spoke of as deviation from a norm - outliers. For Black people, anything one person does is a reflection of the race as a whole. There isn't that same individualism at all.

Trojan X

If you don't want to be arrested and put in jail don't commit the crime. Don't fight the police when they try to arrest you, meaning put out your hands for the cuffs and go to the station. Then get your lawyer. Guess what doing that tends you to get the drug possession charge for a few ounces or nonviolent crime such as selling untaxed cigs dismissed by the lawyer! Resist you get a beating and put in jail. Give the cops black crap and you get harsh treatment because the cops are treating you by way of the golden rule.

The only myths about African slavery are spread by African American historical revisionists.

The Africans sold the slaves to the Europeans. The African kings wanted slavery to continue when the Europeans were wanting the trade abolished. Look up the African slave empires. 40-60% of the populace in Africa for thousands of years were slaves. Slaves were not only used as cannon fodder soldiers, but also were sacrificed in voodoo rituals as well as funeral rituals.

Oh btw the majority of slaves in history were white not black. During the middle ages the Arabs took over a million Europeans as slaves. But guess what most history books don't mention that little fact nor that Arabs were still capturing slaves from African coastal villages at the start of the 20th century.

Nah, man. I think Obama is just prop. People hated Bush by the time his second term was up. Why not have a Black man (or subsequently, a woman) come into office and do exactly what Bush did while using populist rhetoric and exemplifying swag. Obama was the best thing for status quo and neutralized the faux left and especially large segments of the faux progressive Black community who only wanted to see a Black face in a high place and call that "success". Yeah, King's dream is realized alright... Obama isn't a sign of things getting better. In terms of institutional racism in many sectors - including criminal justice, education, you name it - nothing has changed.

This I agree with. In fact the position of President in this country means nothing anymore, it's equivalent to being a CEO. And if you know how corporations work, you know how easy it is to shift blame to CEOs and kick them out almost immediately (not that they feel any hardship from it financially, and indeed Bush and Obama do/will feel good and secure regards money after their terms were/are up).

The truth is there cannot be a real President in the current political environment and system, the entire system would have to be deconstructed and rebuilt almost from scratch. But no one wants to take the effort or risk in doing so, partly given the powerful hand of corporations and their influence on the state of affairs. The other reason being, most citizens in this country are just all talk but no action. They don't have the spirit to make real change.

That phrase made me think of something... how Black people can't be individuals. By comparison, whenever we have a Anders Breivik, Jared Loughner, or Adam Lanza, they are individualized (and usually spoken of in the context of mental health issues or troubled childhoods) and spoke of as deviation from a norm - outliers. For Black people, anything one person does is a reflection of the race as a whole. There isn't that same individualism at all.

Dunno, partly-agree partly-disagree. The problem in addressing this is people are afraid to go into the why of the matter, so let's be honest for a minute. If that's the reason, isn't it only logical to deduce that the onus falls on white (and asian, and latino, and even black) Americans who have been conditioned into attributing this sort of monolithic mentality to black Americans by the media (which has no incentive to deviate from this practice of subliminal thought conditioning, not when there's so much money to be had and they don't have to worry about black people in prominent positions that can affect their jobs by toting the same old road) ?

The political parties, both guilty of further monolithic-izing black Americans (Republicans in too-obvious ways, but Democrats as well in their designating of black groups under one umbrella, i.e "white working class/black vote" almost inferring there's not enough of a 'black working class' to denote its own category, or feeling "entitled" to the support of black voters during elections like with Gore, Obama and Hilary when she inevitably runs in 2016)?

Every time the subject is mentioned, there's an attempt of those bringing it up shy away from bringing attention to themselves, but they're also part of the problem. You don't solves problems by ignoring variables in the equation.

Then again imho you don't solve problems by just talking about them, either ;P


Obama, as cliche as this sounds, is proof things have somewhat got better.

There just needs to be revolutionary action to push it over the edge.

Why We Hire Women And Minorities To Clean Up Our Messes
What do President Barack Obama and General Motors CEO Mary Barra have in common? They’re both prominent examples of our tendency to push minorities into leadership positions in times of crisis.

This phenomenon, known as the “glass cliff,” is real, according to a study by Christy Glass and Alison Cook, professors at Utah State University, published in the most recent issue of the Strategic Management Journal.

Companies typically put women and minorities in the CEO job in times of poor performance, according to their review of CEO changes at Fortune 500 companies over the past 15 years. And minority CEOs promoted in times of trouble are typically replaced by white men, if they can't turn the company around -- a dynamic Glass and Cook describe as “the savior effect.”


Holyshit. I couldn't believe you until I saw their approval process for newbies.


Nothing but cops post there....

The net is full of democracy and freedom of speech

Some cops are pigs nothing new.

What is new is how comfortable these cops on the video on broad daylight feel to act brutally and merciless against a big man that provides weak resistance and even though "they choke him to death" (which then turns into reality), overpowering him both in numbers and in muscle, they still lock him down as if he is going to press a button and wipe the earth.

Wonder what the "justice" system will do to them.


I very much doubt a choke hold is allowed as a restraining technique.

Dont police receive extensive training in how to restrain someone in the safest and most efficient ways.

That stupid cop choke holding him must of got caught up in the moment and not realized the damage a choke hold can cause.

With such strong evidence I dont see how that cop cant receive the sentence for man slaughter or whatever law accidental killing comes under.


the gracies are saying this isn't a choke

I feel like they are missing the point

From the video's description:
Although the mainstream media has clung onto the idea that the "choke-hold" is what caused my Garner's death, Ryron and Rener offer their own opinions on the incident based on their experience as life-long jiu-jitsu practitioners and lead defensive tactics instructors of the Gracie Survival Tactics (GST) program for law enforcement.

Our hearts go out to the Garner Family and to the officers involved in this traumatic situation.

In the wake of this unfortunate incident, Ryron and Rener are formally inviting any NYPD Defensive Tactics Training Staff Coordinators to participate in any Gracie Survival Tactics 5-day Instructor Certification Course in 2014 for free.

They have a strong incentive to be biased and say they don't think it was a choke that eventually killed him (staying in good standing with LE and maintaining the reputation of their LE training programs). They also give the old, tired excuse of "we don't know the full story or what happened before the recording." Around 7:45, they also repeatedly refer to Eric as "the suspect" (they took the suspect down, the suspect rolled over, the suspect said he couldn't breathe, etc).
Nah, man. I think Obama is just prop. People hated Bush by the time his second term was up. Why not have a Black man (or subsequently, a woman) come into office and do exactly what Bush did while using populist rhetoric and exemplifying swag. Obama was the best thing for status quo and neutralized the faux left and especially large segments of the faux progressive Black community who only wanted to see a Black face in a high place and call that "success". Yeah, King's dream is realized alright... Obama isn't a sign of things getting better. In terms of institutional racism in many sectors - including criminal justice, education, you name it - nothing has changed.

When things really get desperate, perhaps we'll see a native American president. I dunno.

That phrase made me think of something... how Black people can't be individuals. By comparison, whenever we have a Anders Breivik, Jared Loughner, or Adam Lanza, they are individualized (and usually spoken of in the context of mental health issues or troubled childhoods) and spoke of as deviation from a norm - outliers. For Black people, anything one person does is a reflection of the race as a whole. There isn't that same individualism at all.

I was swept into the hoopla when President Obama was preaching "Hope and Dream" during his 1st Presidential run. Felt good to see him win. 4 years later, I felt he wasn't as bombastic as he promised and was more right of center on certain issues more than I felt. 2nd run, I voted Mitt because I felt his politics and proposals aligned with my personal politics. Color me surprised those same people I'm friends call me a traitor and a racist bigot for voting against "the party". I think that's what you're referring to when you say the faux progressive black community, I hope. A lot of democrats are liberal in name only and when pressed on certain issues, prove to be bigger bigots than the GOP. This is mainly anecdotal from my experiences in HS and college political circles, so take it with a grain of salt.

You have an interesting second point.
Stereotyping and social conditioning is a very powerful force.


EB said:
Conditioning is a form of learning in which either (1) a given stimulus (or signal) becomes increasingly effective in evoking a response or (2) a response occurs with increasing regularity in a well-specified and stable environment. The type of reinforcement used will determine the outcome. When two stimuli are presented in an appropriate time and intensity relationship, one of them will eventually induce a response resembling that of the other. The process can be described as one of stimulus substitution. This procedure is called classical (or respondent) conditioning.

If the life you lead reinforces certain social conditioning, you're inclined to believe and feel a certain way. I think that's where this idea of a "minority monolith" comes from. If you've grown up with others who are very similar to your circumstances, you'll share the same outlooks.
That phrase made me think of something... how Black people can't be individuals. By comparison, whenever we have a Anders Breivik, Jared Loughner, or Adam Lanza, they are individualized (and usually spoken of in the context of mental health issues or troubled childhoods) and spoke of as deviation from a norm - outliers. For Black people, anything one person does is a reflection of the race as a whole. There isn't that same individualism at all.

I've spoken about this in my personal life for a long time. Every African American is made to suffer for anything another African American does wrong but anytime a person of color is highlighted in the media for doing something right or heroic they're painted as being an anomaly.

It's basically what doomed Treyvon Martin and ultimately set his killer free. When the verdict in that case was read I wasn't surprised or angry, I was just disappointed. The anger came later when the first juror from the case went on TV and explained her reasoning for finding George Zimmerman not guilty, which basically boiled down to "well George must have been telling the truth because, you know... black people". It's close to the angriest I've ever been in my life.

Once you start automatically assigning behavior to the color of someone's skin where does it stop? I wonder sometimes if people even realize that they're doing it.
I've spoken about this in my personal life for a long time. Every African American is made to suffer for anything another African American does wrong but anytime a person of color is highlighted in the media for doing something right or heroic they're painted as being an anomaly.

I might get lambasted for saying this, but you can even see that at times here on these forums (and other forums on the internet). If they aren't a celebrity or sports star and they're black and there's a thread about it, chances are it's about racism/negativity. The instances when it's about something good, it's seen as an anomaly.

Of course in cases when racism is involved, then it makes sense to focus on that as a factor, but there are quite a few times when race is likely not a factor at all (or if so, it's only in a very superficial way based on pure optics) but everyone decides to suddenly make it an issue about race, and that tends to happen much more if it's just about normal black people. And honestly, everyone (regardless skin color) is kind of responsible for flipping to the other side of that coin too heavily.

I actually made a thread a while ago about a bunch of asshole police officers in Chicago who busted into an Asian beauty salon, physically tormented the victim, called her slurs, questioned her status as an American citizen, and threatened to kill her. In that instance the bits about racial slurs and the optics of race were skipped over in favor of focusing on the police brutality (which was brutal). But now take this example; there weren't any slurs thrown but unfortunately this innocent citizen is dead because of police brutality. And that has been a big focus here, but the optics of race and discussion of racism don't seem to have been ignored in this instance.

Not saying the two are 100% similar, but it's an interesting observation. Can't say it's a good one, but it's interesting.


I've spoken about this in my personal life for a long time. Every African American is made to suffer for anything another African American does wrong but anytime a person of color is highlighted in the media for doing something right or heroic they're painted as being an anomaly.

To take it one step further, any black person's positive achievement is often held in light of all the terrible shit assumed and expected of black people. I was watching a talent competition show last year and the narrative around every white person doing something is all about their commitment, remarkable talent and individual achievement, making family proud, etc.

I picked up subtly different language for black competitors along the lines of: doing good for your community, keeping kids off the street, setting a good example, doing the right thing in life, etc. The subtext is there that black people are USUALLY criminals and overall fuck-ups so good for you in somehow managing to be different.

On a few occasions, I've also heard UFC commentators talk about dudes like Jon Jones and Benson Henderson as being "good role models for any kids watching to look up to." Very bizarre because I've never heard them talk that way about young white fighters. The tone is too reminiscent of this bullshit:

To critics, Obama’s scolding tone with black audiences is getting old

Trevor Coleman thinks it’s time for President Obama to get a new speech for black audiences. The personal responsibility finger-wagging, delivered most recently Sunday at Morehouse College’s commencement, is getting old.

During the speech, Obama admonished black men to take care of their families and their communities and told the graduates that despite the lingering legacies of slavery and discrimination, “we’ve got no time for excuses.”


Coleman, a former speechwriter for former Michigan governor Jennifer Granholm, said that although parts of the talk were strong and lofty, including passages honoring Morehouse graduate Martin Luther King Jr., he was disappointed that Obama almost always defaults to the clean-up-your-act message when talking to predominantly black audiences. First lady Michelle Obama issued a similar tongue-lashing last week at Bowie State University’s commencement ceremony. She told graduates at the historically black Maryland school that too many young people are “fantasizing about being a baller or a rapper.”

“The first couple of times, it was okay, but I and a lot of other people are beginning to grow weary of it,” said Coleman, adding that the message was particularly galling at Sunday’s event at the historically black Georgia school. “What made it so gratuitous was this was Morehouse College! In the African American community, the very definition of a Morehouse man is someone who is a leader, who is taught to go out and make a difference in his community.”


I've spoken about this in my personal life for a long time. Every African American is made to suffer for anything another African American does wrong but anytime a person of color is highlighted in the media for doing something right or heroic they're painted as being an anomaly.

It's basically what doomed Treyvon Martin and ultimately set his killer free. When the verdict in that case was read I wasn't surprised or angry, I was just disappointed. The anger came later when the first juror from the case went on TV and explained her reasoning for finding George Zimmerman not guilty, which basically boiled down to "well George must have been telling the truth because, you know... black people". It's close to the angriest I've ever been in my life.

Once you start automatically assigning behavior to the color of someone's skin where does it stop? I wonder sometimes if people even realize that they're doing it.

Sadly they don't and they look at me for being pedantic for pointing out whether a person is black or white or hispanic or chinese (the most typical ones I have to deal with where I live) they are contributing to the problem by casual using it to describe the actions some people make. I've tried multiple approaches it never sticks in their minds.
There are a lot of really good observations in this thread and some of the other threads on the board about the issues racial biases and excessive force by police officers against African American men but I came to a really sad conclusion a long time ago. A big part of the reason why you find so many people willing to make excuses for the "accidents" that always seem to happen to black folks, black men in particular, is that in our society black men are the ultimate boogeymen. Therefore by definition, the untimely loss of a black man's life is more likely to be accepted without argument as something that was supposed to happen or likely to happen anyway.

I got an overwhelming sense from some of the posters that I was debating in the George Zimmerman threads that the reason they were so eager to defend him is that his actions made them feels safe while at the same time making black people feel unsafe. It's a self-defeating cycle of demonizing black men, making people who aren't black live in fear of them and then terrorizing black men so they can live in fear themselves. Basically fear reigns over all.


To imply that that is indicative of the behavior of most police officers in America is nonsense.

Are some police officers bad people? Sure.
Are most police officers bad people? No.

The problem isn't the number of incidents but that these officers are being shielded by their comrades in arms. Nothing happens. That's a serious issue even if it's only a few.
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