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NYT: Trump admin knew Flynn was under investigation before inauguration

Holy shit, that Turkey news is definitely significant. Flynn had a direct impact on US Foreign Policy and WAS BEING INFLUENCED BY TURKEY. Not only that but the transition team KNEW HE WAS COMPROMISED AND DID NOTHING? PENCE should be jailed.



No no no, Flynn told the transition that he was under investigation for lobbying for Turkey. Flynn was then fired because he "lied" to Pence about his contacts with Russia.

These are two separate incidents.


I sincerely hope they all die in prison. But I hope Trump lives long enough to know that he's considered the worst president in history.

Hold on now, any President that supported slavery is instantly worse then Trump no matter what happens with Russia.

Don't be one of those white liberals.


I'm picturing Jarred and Ivanka fleeing across the south lawn with whatever they could hastily throw into a suitcase.

I hope this ends with them all fleeing to a country without an extradition treaty...

...only to discover they had been their usual lazy selves and flew to one that did.


Is this week really it? Is this the start of the failure cascade?

This week feels different because while it's a new scandal every day, they all branch off the same base. Trump and Russia is getting renewed daily, instead of smothered by other BS.


More fuel to the fire http://www.businessinsider.com/elij...mike-pence-about-flynn-turkey-lobbying-2017-3
But Rep. Elijah Cummings, the ranking member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, sent Pence a letter on November 18 requesting more information about the potential conflicts of interest posed by Flynn's lobbying work.

Cummings sent the letter four days after both The Daily Caller and Politico reported that Flynn's consulting firm, Flynn Intel Group Inc., had been hired to lobby for Turkish interests.

"Recent news reports have revealed that Lt. Gen. Flynn was receiving classified briefings during the presidential campaign while his consulting firm, Flynn Intel Group, Inc., was being paid to lobby the U.S. Government on behalf of a foreign government's interests," Cummings wrote.

"Lt. Gen. Flynn's General Counsel and Principal, Robert Kelley, confirmed that they were hired by a foreign company to lobby for Turkish interests, stating: 'They want to keep posted on what we all want to be informed of: the present situation, the transition between President Obama and President-Elect Trump.' When asked whether the firm had been hired because of Lt. Gen. Flynn's close ties to President-elect Trump, Mr. Kelley responded, 'I hope so.'"

Pence's office did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

Rep. Cummings told Business Insider through his office that he believes "the problems that have occurred with Lt. General Flynn" could have been avoided had Pence heeded his warnings.

”In addition to being in the press, I warned the Vice President directly three months ago about the conflicts created by Lt. General Flynn's company lobbying on behalf of Turkish interests," Cummings said.


Holy shit, that Turkey news is definitely significant. Flynn had a direct impact on US Foreign Policy and WAS BEING INFLUENCED BY TURKEY. Not only that but the transition team KNEW HE WAS COMPROMISED AND DID NOTHING? PENCE should be jailed.

I am sad, hurt, ashamed, and befuddled at the same time. How could the party of 'MURICA, the party of LOCK HER UP, the party of getting to the nitty gritty, the party of investigating corruption, the party of accountability, allow such heinous actions to occur without investigating them properly? This is a sad day for our country and a testament people's willingness to support Trump through thick and thin regardless of morality. Hold this administration to the same scrutiny the last one was held to.


We'll get President Hatch, he's 4th in line for succession and not obviously implicated. Unless Ryan comes out clean, but Pence is definitely compromised.
Holy shit, this Hatch guy is 83. Still better than Trump, but man, there are better people for the job.


I am sad, hurt, ashamed, and befuddled at the same time. How could the party of 'MURICA, the party of LOCK HER UP, the party of getting to the nitty gritty, the party of investigating corruption, the party of accountability, allow such heinous actions to occur without investigating them properly? This is a sad day for our country and a testament people's willingness to support Trump through thick and thin regardless of morality. Hold this administration to the same scrutiny the last one was held to.

People are blaming the media, and wholeheartedly believe that things would be worse with Hillary, we just wouldn't be hearing about it.


I knew the Trump regime would get hoisted by it's petard but I didn't think it would all happen this goddamn quick. It's not even June and this administration is already crumbling.
Trump is just going to say Flynn is a great man and that he didn't think he would be found guilty of anything meaningful.

And 39% of America will agree.


Also a nice coincidence that Trump just met with Erdogan yesterday... This all stinks to high heaven. And Trump said to Comey that Flynn was a good guy that didn't do anything wrong? HAHAHAHA


So down goes Pence right?

Reminder: Mike Pence was head of transition when the @nytimes says the Flynn notification happened.


Pence's only excuse to ever have been involved in the 2016 campaign was to be the normal side of the coin and the release valve for when Trump inevitably fucked up. The GOP safety net. And here we've discovered that he failed even before the inauguration. He has completely botched this and lost his golden ticket.
WaPo and NYT are in literal competition of outdoing each other.

I was thinking they were in cahoots, sharing sources and coordinating so they can keep ping ponging the hits back and forth.

I honestly wonder why Flynn took the job, knowing that he was under investigation, and weighed in on a decision where he could be viewed as having a conflict of interest? He should be smart enough to know that all of this was going to blow up in his face.


I honestly wonder why Flynn took the job, knowing that he was under investigation, and weighed in on a decision where he could be viewed as having a conflict of interest? He should be smart enough to know that all of this was going to blow up in his face.

Lust for power and thinking that weight of WH and Office of President would make it all go away?


remember me
Pence is fucked

Back in March:

On Thursday evening, in an interview with Pence, Fox News’s Bret Baier pressed the vice president on reports that Flynn had registered as a foreign agent lobbying, essentially, on behalf of the Turkish government.

“Well, let me say, hearing that story today was the first I heard of it, and I fully support the decision that President Trump made to ask for General Flynn's resignation,” Pence said. “The first I heard of it, and I think it is an affirmation of the President’s decision to ask General Flynn to resign.”


make sure the pudding isn't too soggy but that just ruins everything
The IC responding to the WH and GOP with a Shock and Awe campaign this week...
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