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Official Jan 2008 NPD Thread - HW Shortages + Spectacular SW


Ynos Yrros said:
Well, I did a little check, and 360 is available at Gamestop, Walmart, TRU, amazon and bestbuy.

Err, I'm not commenting on shortages either way, but isn't today Feb. 14th? People are talking about shortages in January as being reflected in January's NPD...
sonycowboy said:
Obviously we can't pull too much out of the DS/Wi/360 HW. There was stock (or else there wouldn't be sales0, but there were shortages abundant.

PS3 is more interesting. It seems to show a new level of support for a non-holiday level. PS2 is still kicking strong with little SW and a price point it's held forever. PSP holding steady.

And for SW:

Holy shit! The numbers are spectacular. Burnout is a bit of a disappointment, and Super Mario Galaxy fell hard. But COD 4, GH3, Wii Play, and Rockband just keep going. Don't forget that GH3 is pretty well spread across the 2 skus. With and without the guitar.

Would it be possible for you to give us No More Heroes numbers? We just need some confirmation.
i hope that nmh number is real but it seems high. like someone else said maybe it is over 100k now. if i was to guess i was thinking around 75k
Snaku said:
One of those PS3's is mine btw. :D

Same here. Bluray, the price drop, and getting a HDTV with 1080p made it inevitable. Guess we weren't the only ones.

So heres hoping Sony manages to kick some ass, prompting MS to make xbox live free, prompting Sony to release in-game XMB ASAP, prompting MS to ... do something else. Yeah.


Pai Pai Master said:
It's "HD-DUD" noobs.



WinFonda said:


360 woulda outsold everything if it wasn't supplied.

wii did good but you know it ain't not supplied much either.

sony shit ain't no body want it and that why it's on the shelv and yet people only buy it becuz they have to spend money they want sumthin even though they cant get wat they want.

tis is really a pathetic NPD.



Supply constrainned. Really?

Xbox numbers are consistent when compared to last year same time period. A small drop from 290k to 230k, WII sales also dropped on same proportion. Previous january was a 5 week month compared to 4 weeks this one. Xbox always sells about 70% to 80% WII numbers, which is also consistent with this NPD report.

Was there a shortage? Maybe. The point is, was that a real Shortage? I don't think so. If there wasnt any problem at all, maybe it whould sold a couple thousands more, not enough to change the big picture here.
Ynos Yrros said:
I asked specifically about Premium (yeah, I know it's clled Pro now).

do you swear on the holy bible that you're telling the truth? 'cause i wanna believe you, but something is holding me back...

The Hermit

Oh the Gifs, how I missed thee!! :D
Wow at No More Heroes! :O
Lol@ Sony fans :lol

This is what makes a great NPD day...cheers!! :D

EDIT: Some friends from my University are in Harvard since December and aparently they helped the PS3 numbers. As soon as they get back they will be my best friends! :D

Lord Error

Insane For Sony
Come on GAF NPD overlords, give us the plebs some Uncharted numbers!

Isn't it weird that DS didn't sell more? Was it in low supply?


CassidyIzABeast said:
wow, going by all this shortage talk you'd swear the wii and 360 were supposed to sell 400,000 each and destroy the ps3.
Well the Wii would sell all of its stock, so if there were 400,000 Wiis, it would sell 400,000. I can't say the same for the 360 though. Regardless, these are some very impressive PS3(and PS2) numbers. Good job Sony.
WinFonda said:


360 woulda outsold everything if it wasn't supplied.

wii did good but you know it ain't not supplied much either.

sony shit ain't no body want it and that why it's on the shelv and yet people only buy it becuz they have to spend money they want sumthin even though they cant get wat they want.

tis is really a pathetic NPD.
If you don't mind me asking. Are you fucking retarded?


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Reggie speaks:

"We had effectively had no stock into market in that time period because we pulled all the stops to move production into the peak holiday time period," Nintendo of America President Reggie Fils-Aime told Reuters.

Nintendo planned to increase Wii shipments to support the launches of big games like "Super Smash Bros" and "Wii Fit" coming out over the next couple months, Fils-Aime said.

Jack speaks:

As for the latest PlayStation, Jack Tretton, head of Sony Computer Entertainment America, said in a statement: "Coming off a great holiday sales season we see strong momentum behind PS3 in 2008, and feel confident about the year ahead."

Interesting with Reggie- stealth confirmation that Wii Fit is coming soon?


Tmac said:
Supply constrainned. Really?

Xbox numbers are consistent when compared to last year same time period. A small drop from 290k to 230k, WII sales also dropped on same proportion. Previous january was a 5 week month compared to 4 weeks this one. Xbox always sells about 70% to 80% WII numbers, which is also consistent with this NPD report.

Was there a shortage? Maybe. The point is, was that a real Shortage? I don't think so. If there wasnt any problem at all, maybe it whould sold a couple thousands more, not enough to change the big picture here.

Of course there wasn't a shortage. People are insane, Sony fans know the score.

The big picture, the big picture man!!!


burnout paradise bombed. btw is it just me or are americans not that big on racing games. seems like forza and pgr4 sold better in europe than america. pobably the same for burnout.
Tmac said:
Supply constrainned. Really?

Xbox numbers are consistent when compared to last year same time period. A small drop from 290k to 230k, WII sales also dropped on same proportion. Previous january was a 5 week month compared to 4 weeks this one. Xbox always sells about 70% to 80% WII numbers, which is also consistent with this NPD report.

Was there a shortage? Maybe. The point is, was that a real Shortage? I don't think so. If there wasnt any problem at all, maybe it whould sold a couple thousands more, not enough to change the big picture here.

I can ABSOLUTEY CONFIRM that every brick and mortar retailer is having issues with 360 HW inventory. It's not a cop out. However, there were regular shipments, just not big enough. If there were stock, I could easily see it going above 300k, but how much higher we'll never know.
pgtl_10 said:
NMH sales should make third parties understand that if you put out a game that is different from most of the library the game will sell. Ubi Soft did everything to make sure this game fails and it turns out to be Suda's best selling game ever.:D :lol

You should see the statement I got from Ubisoft about why NMH had release issues in Canada...it wasn't even in stores in some places, yet they assured me it was "selling out at those stores" and that is why it wasn't available.

I'm not gonna hide it, of all the PR people I've worked with, just saying "hi" to Ubisoft and I was interested in PR contact garnered the most egotistical response I've ever seen from a company. Not to mention they use GameSpot's "Trax" service to tell if your site is "worthwhile" or not.


Serious question here. Would the majority of people set on purchasing a 360 actually settle for a PS3 because of supply constraints? I admit I'm hopelessly out of touch with the mainstream gamer.
Tmac said:
Supply constrainned. Really?

Xbox numbers are consistent when compared to last year same time period. A small drop from 290k to 230k, WII sales also dropped on same proportion. Previous january was a 5 week month compared to 4 weeks this one. Xbox always sells about 70% to 80% WII numbers, which is also consistent with this NPD report.

Was there a shortage? Maybe. The point is, was that a real Shortage? I don't think so. If there wasnt any problem at all, maybe it whould sold a couple thousands more, not enough to change the big picture here.

Guess we'll just have to wait until next month, huh?

My guess is most of the people in this thread won't be posting here next month.


schuelma said:
Interesting with Reggie- stealth confirmation that Wii Fit is coming soon?

Wasnt it rumored to hit in April?

The Shortages also explain the Smash delay

burnout paradise bombed. btw is it just me or are americans not that big on racing games. seems like forza and pgr4 sold better in europe than america. pobably the same for burnout.

Blame a ho hum demo on the ho hum sales


I'm still waiting for GetCubed to give me his source for NMH numbers.

IGN Boards said:
According to some GAF posters, No More Heroes sold over 100k. Hopefully we get confirmation of that, and if it's true that's awesome grin

I found that funny.:lol


Why does Nintendo struggle to meet DS demand? Is that system really that hard to manufacture? It's demand is so high they should be getting more manufacturers onboard.

Same for Wii.

Unless this is part of a strategy.


Tmac said:
Supply constrainned. Really?

Xbox numbers are consistent when compared to last year same time period. A small drop from 290k to 230k, WII sales also dropped on same proportion. Previous january was a 5 week month compared to 4 weeks this one. Xbox always sells about 70% to 80% WII numbers, which is also consistent with this NPD report.

Was there a shortage? Maybe. The point is, was that a real Shortage? I don't think so. If there wasnt any problem at all, maybe it whould sold a couple thousands more, not enough to change the big picture here.

i havent seen Xbox 360 premiums or elites anywhere in my area for the past two months. have seen Xbox 360 arcades though, i bought one myself.

anyway, still no PS3 games in top 10 software huh?


(more a nerd than a geek)
WinFonda said:
360 woulda outsold everything if it wasn't supplied.

I'd be willing to bet that there is at least one system out there that would outsell the 360 if both it and the 360 were readily available...
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