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Official Jan 2008 NPD Thread - HW Shortages + Spectacular SW


Fry Daddy
typhonsentra said:
No clue about the controls... but are you calling NMH graphically intensive? :lol

That picture's from like a year old build of the game.


So um, why is no one bringing up the Warner exclusivity announcement? That could be the reason why the PS3 sold more than expected?


Oh and LOL at Criterion. So much bullcrap on how "whiners" were wrong about the Demo. Those numbers were underwhelming. :lol


formerly sane
Xavien said:
wow, i guess selling 1.3million (Wii) and 2.4million (DS) in December really cleaned out Nintendo's warehouses.

I know Nintendo is known for being cautious on shipments, but they really need to up their production by at-least twice to meet demand.

You can't just up production as it's been said many times as it's set in stone a few months in a advance. Nintendo even though it's going all out can't even keep up with demand they are producing more consoles than anyone ever has and still can't sell enough.
so basically, from what i learned so far:

pachter got owned;
other analists got owned;
everybody that posted in the predictions thread (including me) got owned;
*******.z got butt fucked;
every retail musing we heard of got owned.

that's got to be the first time such thing happens, hence the meltdowns and stuff. close numbers or not, nobody expected this.


typhonsentra said:
No clue about the controls... but are you calling NMH graphically intensive? :lol

the game would not be nearly as fun without the wiimote additions. Trust me on that. It adds a certain dimension to the gameplay that cant be replicated on Ps2. Ask Sporsk about it.


NMH sales should make third parties understand that if you put out a game that is different from most of the library the game will sell. Ubi Soft did everything to make sure this game fails and it turns out to be Suda's best selling game ever.:D :lol
dr3upmushroom said:
I just think Nintendo dropped the ball with the marketing on this one. It's one of their main franchises yet I don't remember any real advertisements for it. Another factor that might have had an effect on its launch sells was that it came out a week after Bioshock, not good when you're game is mostly targeted towards hardcore gamers.

I agree. It's disappointing when you know that Corruption really could've done so much better, had Nintendo probably advertised the game.

By the way, Endless Ocean numbers would be awesome!


Shortages can't be that bad, their is a shitload over here in the UK - then again when you have to rely on one market to keep you afloat ..... shit like this is going to kick you in the ass.

Much like 3rd world farmers relying on one cash crop.
I hope I'm wrong but it sounds like getcubed over at IGN got NMH's sales from the unnamable site. He says NMH sales are over 100k so far which sounds like he doesn't just mean January. Also the unnamable site has NMH at or near or somewhere in the vicinity of getcubes numbers as of last week.

Oh and good job Sony, at this rate the PS3 should overtake the 360 sometime around 2020. What the heck happened to SMG? Did the Brawl issues in Japan cause Nintendo to not produce as many copies of SMG or something.
lol gotta love the haters raggin on sony
according to them there only seems to be two possible explanations for ps3 sales figures:

1-sony sez numbers due to shortage "WAAAAH SONY FULL OF SHIT WHERES MY $1250 JACK TRETTON???"

2-sony sez ps3 outsells 360 "WAAAAH 360 SHORTAGE AND SONY IS STILL FULL OF SHIT"



Grecco said:
Oh and LOL at Criterion. So much bullcrap on how "whiners" were wrong about the Demo. Those numbers were underwhelming. :lol


PS. The game freaking rocks... frikkin' haters


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Someone who knows needs to confirm the NMH numbers. That would be amazing.


You know, I actually really for good for the person/team who writes Sony's PR statement after every NPD -- finially gets a break.


Amir0x said:
this has got to be the most even month for consoles sales ever

It's like everyone just said lets sell 250k and say fuck it

The actual numbers aren't important. What is important is the nation has spoken and they aren't happy with the way things are going and demand chang3. I am prepping my victory speech at the moment*.

*May or may not be true


pgtl_10 said:
NMH sales should make third parties understand that if you put out a game that is different from most of the library the game will sell. Ubi Soft did everything to make sure this game fails and it turns out to be Suda's best selling game ever.:D :lol

Seriously. I think Ubi was looking forward to the game bombing.
seattle6418 said:
so basically, from what i learned so far:

pachter got owned;
other analists got owned;
everybody that posted in the predictions thread (including me) got owned;
*******.z got butt fucked;
every retail musing we heard of got owned.

that's got to be the first time such thing happens, hence the meltdowns and stuff. close numbers or not, nobody expected this.

Actually, the retail musings seemed to be pretty spot on. We heard of pretty terrible shipments for the 360, Wii, and DS. I think the thing is that our interpretation of those musings was incorrect. We weren't thinking low enough for those consoles, because it just didn't seem possible.

spwolf said:
so much for all of us laughing at iSuppli numbers :lol

Oh please.
Draft said:
Shortages through February? Astounding. What happened? Did they get a shipment of fans that weren't loud enough?
Over the Sept-Dec period they sold 900k more consoles than the previous year. Given that this period included Halo 3 and what they touted as "the best holiday lineup in history", to not prepare for a bump of 250k per month was extremely shortsighted.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Bending_Unit_22 said:
I hope I'm wrong but it sounds like getcubed over at IGN got NMH's sales from the unnamable site. He says NMH sales are over 100k so far which sounds like he doesn't just mean January. Also the unnamable site has NMH at just over 100k as of last week.

That's what I'm guessing too. IF NMH had sold that well..I gotta imagine Matt C. would have mentioned it in his IGN write up.
Bending_Unit_22 said:
Oh and good job Sony, at this rate the PS3 should overtake the 360 sometime around 2020. What the heck happened to SMG? Did the Brawl issues in Japan cause Nintendo to not produce as many copies of SMG or something?

possibly sooner.....starting this year perhaps when the ps3 hyped games like MGS4/LBP/Killzone2/Resistance2 hits (and MAYBE FF13 if gets released this year)


deepbrown said:
This is funny.

I can see it in 2011 - "the Wii lost the console war because of shortages"

Oh man just priceless. I'm tagging this, one weird month, with shitty sales, and Sony fans just explode.

Why stop now? WE CAN RULE THE UNIVERSE!!!! :lol

Guy Legend

Supply issues for the XB360 aside, it's also extremely noteworthy to see the PS3 eclipse the PS2, PSP, and even the DS.

Make no mistake, PS3 sales are very robust for January. Well above expectations.


gofreak said:
I'd say more like 40-50k, if we scale for userbase sizes, no? (360 roughly 3x the userbase in the US at the moment?). Although maybe the it sold relatively better on PS3.
Using direct ratio arguments inheretly favors smaller bases though... if we used the same standard last gen, then Madden, GTA and basically every multiplatform game performed better on Xbox than PS2.

I agree for "fair" sales expectations we need to scale according to base and other factors, but a 1:1 userbase ratio isn't a "fair" analysis either. If Paradise PS3 moved just 40k, that's straight up bomba territorry, especially given all the positive PR, advertising and media coverage pushing the PS3 release specifically as the version to buy.

Mrbob said:
1) More people are buying music games on X360
True, but 360 has a larger selection to choose from. Still, the genre's been doing exceptionally well on Wii (not just Guitar Hero 3, but DDR Hottest Party and even stuff like High School Musical have been moving huge numbers).

Mrbob said:
2) GH3 Wii wouldn't have sold 239K in Jan if Rock Band Wii were out
Maybe, but if Rock Band Wii were out, the two games combined would've sold well more than 239k too.


Bending_Unit_22 said:
I hope I'm wrong but it sounds like getcubed over at IGN got NMH's sales from the unnamable site. He says NMH sales are over 100k so far which sounds like he doesn't just mean January. Also the unnamable site has NMH at just over 100k as of last week.

Oh and good job Sony, at this rate the PS3 should overtake the 360 sometime around 2020. What the heck happened to SMG? Did the Brawl issues in Japan cause Nintendo to not produce as many copies of SMG or something?

Huh? I'll check into that.
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