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OK nerds, you win. Song of Ice and Fire is gud.

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I'm about 3/4 of the way through Storm of Swords and there's something I still don't get from Clash of Kings.
Why do people think they saw Renly's ghost at the battle? Did they just expect to see him leading his army?

someone was wearing Renly's armor and leading the troops into battle. Highlight the spoiler below if you want to find out who it was

it was loras's older brother whose name escapes me right now


I'm about 3/4 of the way through Storm of Swords and there's something I still don't get from Clash of Kings.
Why do people think they saw Renly's ghost at the battle? Did they just expect to see him leading his army?

That was
Garlan Tyrell (Loras' bro) dressed up in Renly's armor. He's apparently one of the best swords in the series and slew countless men during the battle, emboldening allies and scaring enemies.


Worst characters? Not in terms of morals, but in terms of sucking the most.

I'd go with:

5) Rickon Stark
4) Grandmaester Pycelle
3) Walder Frey
2) Balon Greyjoy
1) Edmure Tully


I just finished AFFC so I spent some time reading this thread since I don't have ADWD yet (I avoided spoilers for that book from this thread).

Just something that is bothering me about a lot of posters. I've seen countless posters write (ASOS)
"I just read the Red Wedding and it was shocking/awesome/whatever!"
. The posters then proceed to say that it was a surprise or that they predicted it or that they were glad they avoided spoilers for the book. All that is fine so far, but...

What bothers me is this event wasn't referred to as
The Red Wedding
until AFFC as far as I know. So if these people are saying they just read it then they shouldn't know it is called that. Either I missed something or a lot of people are reading spoilers and then acting like it was still a surprise.



Rickon = useless. Pycelle = a joke. Walder = a horrible, horrible human being. Balon = the guy who ruined everything for the North. Edmure = worst tactician on Robb's side, ruined Robb's plans to crush Tywin's army, indirectly ruined Stannis's attack on King's Landing.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
I just finished AFFC so I spent some time reading this thread since I don't have ADWD yet (I avoided spoilers for that book from this thread).

Just something that is bothering me about a lot of posters. I've seen countless posters write (ASOS)
"I just read the Red Wedding and it was shocking/awesome/whatever!"
. The posters then proceed to say that it was a surprise or that they predicted it or that they were glad they avoided spoilers for the book. All that is fine so far, but...

What bothers me is this event wasn't referred to as
The Red Wedding
until AFFC as far as I know. So if these people are saying they just read it then they shouldn't know it is called that. Either I missed something or a lot of people are reading spoilers and then acting like it was still a surprise.
Merret Frey refers to it by that name in the ASOS epilogue. But if the poster literally meant they just read the chapter then yeah, no way to know the name that soon unless they were spoiled about it somehow.


Merret Frey refers to it by that name in the ASOS epilogue.

So you would at least have to finish the book. I know it's not a big deal but I just find it funny when people write that they just read that part and they know more about it then they let on.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
So you would at least have to finish the book. I know it's not a big deal but I just find it funny when people write that they just read that part and they know more about it then they let on.
Haha yep, I reread your post and added more to my reply but I wasn't quick enough. :p


That's not the case.

Excerpt from a Davos chapter about 2/3rds of the way through ASOS:

For a moment it seemed as though the king had not heard. Stannis showed no pleasure at the news, no anger, no disbelief, not even relief. He stared at his Painted Table with teeth clenched hard. “You are certain?” he asked.

“I am not seeing the body, no, Your Kingliness,” said Salladhor Saan. “Yet in the city, the lions prance and dance. The Red Wedding, the smallfolk are calling it. They swear Lord Frey had the boy’s head hacked off, sewed the head of his direwolf in its place, and nailed a crown about his ears. His lady mother was slain as well, and thrown naked in the river.”

This is three chapters after the event in question.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Ah thanks for pointing that, I couldn't recall if other characters used the name sooner in the third book. I thought
Tyrion said it while talking with Tywin
about the event but turns out he didn't. Totally forgot to check the moment where
Stannis was informed


The Onion Knight is definitely one of the best characters in the series.

The Blackfish being no.1 of course.

Blackfish can go fuck himself.

Davos is one of the three or four characters in the series that I genuinely like and wish the best for.
Worst characters? Not in terms of morals, but in terms of sucking the most.

I'd go with:

5) Rickon Stark
4) Grandmaester Pycelle
3) Walder Frey
2) Balon Greyjoy
1) Edmure Tully

Nah top 5 worst characters:

These cover the entire series so far

5. Dany - maybe an exaggeration but ADWD made me hate her so much
4. Any Frey
3. Damphair
2. Daario
1. Darkstar

Top 5 Best Characters, again this covers the entire series

5. Jaime
4. Littlefinger - he's played everyone, of course he's probably going to get got by Sansa in the end)
3. Tyrion (was at #1 until ADWD)
2. Jon (was lower but ADWD raised him up, he had the best chapter in the book)
1. Arya
I'm about 3/4 of the way through Storm of Swords and there's something I still don't get from Clash of Kings.
Why do people think they saw Renly's ghost at the battle? Did they just expect to see him leading his army?

Should've read the whole book, just got to part that explains it.
54% Feast For Crows!!

So I haven't checked in for a while,
mostly because nothing totally crazy has happened. I've really enjoyed the Westeros Team Up though. Arya & Sam! "Illin" Ilyn & Jamie!

Cersei just had the series' requisite Cerebus scene with the new High Septon (shit was Church & State and Women and Minds all ROLLED INTO ONE)

And that's that!


A minor thing: I'd like a small change to the thread title, mostly adding some sort of "TAGGED SPOILERS DISCUSSION" disclaimer.

Also, (ADWD/future books spoiler or speculation)
I'd like Bowen Marsh as the prologue POV character for TWOW, especially after et-tu-bruting Jon. It'd be nice to know what he thinks about it, if the guilt's overwhelming, etc... and, also, because of the commotion the event has surely caused. I imagine there would be lots of NW fighting wildlings and maybe, some loyal NW fighting hte traitors. Dunno.
That's just a stupid dream, though, and I don't think it'll happen :lol
A minor thing: I'd like a small change to the thread title, mostly adding some sort of "TAGGED SPOILERS DISCUSSION" disclaimer.

Also, (ADWD/future books spoiler or speculation)
I'd like Bowen Marsh as the prologue POV character for TWOW, especially after et-tu-bruting Jon. It'd be nice to know what he thinks about it, if the guilt's overwhelming, etc... and, also, because of the commotion the event has surely caused. I imagine there would be lots of NW fighting wildlings and maybe, some loyal NW fighting hte traitors. Dunno.
That's just a stupid dream, though, and I don't think it'll happen :lol

ADWD Spoiler and future maybes
Only if he's killed by Wun Wun at the end.
Why do people hate Darkstar? I read the entire series in a rush over the summer and felt his character was minor and didn't affect me either way.

Quentyn Martell was much more annoying to me.
Why do people hate Darkstar? I read the entire series in a rush over the summer and felt his character was minor and didn't affect me either way.

I think people felt like the author was trying too hard to make him seem like a badass, but he just came off as a lame dude
who cut a girl's face.


The problem with ADWD steams from a horrible editing, IMHO, which goes far beyond the now infamous decision of dividing the POVs between different sides of the narrow sea. It has some really good chapters on it (some of them can rank among the best of the series), but it was poorly put together.

Several arcs which badly needed a conclussion in this book were left out like
the whole Stannis northern offensive or how after so much Meerense - knot cut touting it was left off without a decisive conclussion
while several filler chapters were included for no reason, for they did not advance the plot one bit
how many chapters do we need in order to get that Daenerys sucks bollocks as a ruler? one was more than enough
, not to mention that there are some chapters that clearly belonged to AFFC, period, like
Cersei's walk of shame

Which is a pity, because as I have said before, ADWD has some really good pieces of literature on it, they just feel off when trying to work together. While I am not in the "the old man is loosing it" boat since by the end of the book you can see where everything is going and some twists that were planned with tomes of anticipation (Lost, this is not) I really hope that Martin takes a different editor next time.
ADWD Spoilers
All of the stuff in the north was great. Jon maybe could have used a couple less chapters though. Still he has my favorite chapter in the book where does away with Janos Slynt's head. Theon's story was great. And loved the Davos and Bran chapters, but we needed more from them, especially Davos. I wanted to see his journey on Skagos and thought it would be there considering his last chapter is before the halfway mark in the book (if I recall correctly.)

The stuff on Essos, which I'm too lazy to go into, did nothing for me for the most part.
Seeing Rob in the show is so depressing. I loved that guy a lot. I'm going to have to get very drunk the night I watch the red wedding.


Formerly Alaluef (not Aladuf)
Seeing Rob in the show is so depressing. I loved that guy a lot. I'm going to have to get very drunk the night I watch the red wedding.
Seriously. Every scene in the show where he's hopeful throws my mind to that part of ASOS. Wish I could delete it from my mind while I watch.


Seeing Rob in the show is so depressing. I loved that guy a lot. I'm going to have to get very drunk the night I watch the red wedding.

I'm kind of a masochist (ASOS SPOILERS!!!)
I want them to do the RW as bloody and heartbreaking as possible... on the other hand, I think I'm developing a man-crush on Richard Madden and I'm liking TV-Catelyn a bit more than book-Catelyn, so I know I'm gonna be devastated by the time it happens. But I want it to be as foreboding and oppresive and soul-crushing as it was in the book. Argh.
[ASoS]Just finished it...
HOLY SHIT. Robb Dies, Catelyn Dies, Jaime looses his hand, Joffrey Dies, Petyr saves Sansa, Stannis stops the Wildlings, Tysha wasn't a whore, Tyrion kills Tywin, Jon is Lord Commander, Petyr and Lysa plotted Jons death and started the war, Petyr kills Lysa.....CATELYN IS A RING WRAITH OF VENGEANCE!!! HOOOOLLLLLY SHIIIIITTTTT!
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