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OK nerds, you win. Song of Ice and Fire is gud.

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Draft said:
Don't fucking spoil yourself on Wikipedia! My God man!

I've never purposely looked up spoilers before but I really wanted to know whether Robb survived for some odd reason. I read a bit of a spoiler

something about him getting injured

But I didn't look up anything else. I'm going to binge read tonight :lol


Fafalada said:
And has there been a confirmation of
Hound being alive, or is that just people wishful thinking?

After recently re-reading AFFC, it is very heavily-hinted that the gravedigger at the monastery visited by Brienne is Clegane.

-The senior brother's account always says "The Hound" died, not Clegane. Whenever he uses Sandor's name directly he does not directly say he died, but uses vague phrases that could either be interpreted as death or simply as giving up the life he had. If you go back and read this part, I think you will be convinced that Sandor is not dead, but that he has given up his identity as the Hound.
-The gravedigger is heavily cowled, which would hide the Hound's scarred face.
-The gravedigger is very tall and strong, like the Hound.
-The gravedigger walks with a limp, consistent with the Hound's wounds.
-The senior brother is said to be a miraculous healer, so he would be capable of bringing the Hound back from near death.
-Stranger is there at the monastery. It's questionable if anyone but Clegane could have brought him, since he bit off the fingers of one of the brothers.


there is joy in sucking dick
Oh God PD, stay a virgin for this series plot. There are some really big things that happen throughout and the series wouldn't have as much impact if you knew about them beforehand.
NintendosBooger said:
I've read those Goodkind books, friend, and I know fist-hand about the scars you carry. Fortunately, I read those Sword of Truth books only after having finished Martin's first three novels in the Song of Ice and Fire series, so the former didn't have a chance to ruin the latter, in my case.

Do not -- I repeat, DO NOT -- let that experience deter you from giving A Game of Thrones a fair shot.

You and virtually everyone else. Whenever someone praises Erikson's novels, I get this image of a person standing in awe in front of an abstract, jumbled piece of art, pointing out emphatically at the brilliance of its design and patterns, while everyone else sees it as just colorful scribble.

eh, hardly, Ive read both ASOFI and Malazan books...

There are definitely weakneses in Eriksons books, but I can certainly understand most of the plot...Ive heard quite a few with that problem though.

Martins books are quality as well, but also have some weaknesses...mainly a great deal of bland characters... and a lack of depth in most of his primary characters. Also, on a personal level.

Personally, I definitely prefer Erikson's books... Ive read both series a few times


nelsonroyale said:
eh, hardly, Ive read both ASOFI and Malazan books...

There are definitely weakneses in Eriksons books, but I can certainly understand most of the plot...Ive heard quite a few with that problem though.

Martins books are quality as well, but also have some weaknessesmainly a great deal of bland characters... and a lack of depth in most of his primary characters. Also, on a personal level.

Personally, I definitely prefer Erikson's books... Ive read both series a few times

No. Just no. I have read these other books people are discussing, but as far as what you just now said, no. Do not pass go, do not collect $200, etc.


there is joy in sucking dick
nelsonroyale said:
Martins books are quality as well, but also have some weaknesses...mainly a great deal of bland characters... and a lack of depth in most of his primary characters. Also, on a personal level.

I agree with the bland characters in a sense, Martin likes to throw around lots of names and some make an appearance again but most are never seen again but I can't agree about the depth of the primary characters.

The only character that seems to be one dimensional is Cersei but every other character I think is built up nicely and you can emphasize with their motivations. The span of time that occurs in the book feels wonky to me though so its not as if huge changes will happen and then theres the juggling of 4 to 5 Perspectives.

And I like "A Feast for Crows" mainly because of Jaime. Hes becoming my second favorite character. Theres something about
thinking he really was a shameless, oathbreaking Kingslayer and seeing that he had a motivation for it that may have been just.


BlueTsunami said:
And I like "A Feast for Crows" mainly because of Jaime. Hes becoming my second favorite character. Theres something about
thinking he really was a shameless, oathbreaking Kingslayer and seeing that he had a motivation for it that may have been just.

That's why I love this book:
all the characters believe they are doing the right thing even when they aren't in the grand scheme of the world, and he gives damn good reasons why.

Question about Jon to everyone who's finished the book only:

Do you guys agree that Jon is probably Rhaegon and Lyanna's son? I know that hasn't been discussed around here but if you don't know about the theory, I can describe it further. I actually inferred this theory when I finished reading the 3rd book whenever it came out (4-5? years ago).


methodman said:
Do you guys agree that Jon is probably Rhaegon and Lyanna's son? I know that hasn't been discussed around here but if you don't know about the theory, I can describe it further. I actually inferred this theory when I finished reading the 3rd book whenever it came out (4-5? years ago).
I disagree.
I think it's extremely unlikely that Jon is an interspecies cross breed between Lyanna Stark and a dragon which, at the time of his birth, had itself not yet been born.


Gruco said:
I disagree.
I think it's extremely unlikely that Jon is an interspecies cross breed between Lyanna Stark and a dragon which, at the time of his birth, had itself not yet been born.

oops. you know who i meant dammit, i haven't read the damn books in a year plus

BTW, Joe Abercrombie's series, which starts with The Blade Itself is very good too.


Gruco said:
I disagree.
I think it's extremely unlikely that Jon is an interspecies cross breed between Lyanna Stark and a dragon which, at the time of his birth, had itself not yet been born.


there is joy in sucking dick
I finished "A Feast for Crows" this week and omg I loved it with the rest. I can't really say how I would rate the books with each other but I love "A Feast for Crows" if just because of
Jaime and Arya's perspectives
. I love the fish out of water scenario that
Arya is placed in while in Braavos, I also like the way The Faceless Men are portrayed in the training and the God(s) they believe in. I hope, hope, hope, hope, hope! that her perspective is in "A Dance with Dragons". If not, I'm going to fucking stab RR Martin.


BlueTsunami said:
I finished "A Feast for Crows" this week and omg I loved it with the rest. I can't really say how I would rate the books with each other but I love "A Feast for Crows" if just because of
Jaime and Arya's perspectives
. I love the fish out of water scenario that
Arya is placed in while in Braavos, I also like the way The Faceless Men are portrayed in the training and the God(s) they believe in. I hope, hope, hope, hope, hope! that her perspective is in "A Dance with Dragons". If not, I'm going to fucking stab RR Martin.
It's in there. Been confirmed FOR YEARS DUDER


methodman said:
That's why I love this book:
all the characters believe they are doing the right thing even when they aren't in the grand scheme of the world, and he gives damn good reasons why.

Question about Jon to everyone who's finished the book only:

Do you guys agree that Jon is probably Rhaegon and Lyanna's son? I know that hasn't been discussed around here but if you don't know about the theory, I can describe it further. I actually inferred this theory when I finished reading the 3rd book whenever it came out (4-5? years ago).

I know who you are talking about and yes, this is wildly rumored. It would be incredible if true, and fit in perfectly with how this series can potentially end.
I always knew John Snow would have the biggest role of all to play. :)
My friends (who are uber nerd-book geeks, ie: memorize every line of books and over-analyze) suggested this to me after I finished, and it blew my mind! I did more search on it, and just about every SoIaF forum talks about this too!

jon bones

hot hot hanuman-on-man action
OK I'm not staying here long because I'm retarded and will accidentally read a spoiler BUT I just ordered A Storm of Swords off Amazon (big book edition FTW!) for like 10 bucks. WOOO!


YakiSOBA said:
I know who you are talking about and yes, this is wildly rumored. It would be incredible if true, and fit in perfectly with how this series can potentially end.
I always knew John Snow would have the biggest role of all to play. :)
My friends (who are uber nerd-book geeks, ie: memorize every line of books and over-analyze) suggested this to me after I finished, and it blew my mind! I did more search on it, and just about every SoIaF forum talks about this too!
Pretty confident either Jon or Danny will die. And according to spoiler previews, the little baby targaryen supposedly murdered by Gregor was switched out at the last moment. He might still be out there. So that's about three targaryens running around with a possible chance at the crown


I've got about 300 pages left to go in A Clash of Kings, and I've gotta say that while I thoroughly enjoyed Game of Thrones, the second book has left me cold. I doubt I'll continue with the series right away.

These books (especially book two) could seriously be half their length and not lose any impact. I find myself reading and getting impatient for something to happen. These books are all plot plot plot, which is fine, but they move so damned slowly. If these were rich interesting characters we were following, or if the prose was better than workmanlike, I wouldn't mind all the tangents and digressions. But when it's plot plot plot, move the damned plot along. I swear 90 percent of Clash of Kings is characters plotting and planning. Ugh.

It pains me to bring this up, since everyone seems to love these books. GAFers and friends with great taste rave about them, and I was with them for a while. But reading book two has turned into a chore.
Just finished A Clash of Kings last night; absolutely amazing, on every level. While the first book was indeed great, this one really took things to a higher level in every regard. Every POV was captivating, and each ending made me salivate for moar. The first two thirds of the book really set things up for the final, more action oriented act.


-As I said, each POV was awesome, and there was much more variety this time. While some POVs seemed to overlap in the first book in terms of various characters having similar storylines, each POV here brought something new to the table - from Jon on the Wall to Sansa imprisoned in King's Landing to Bran's dreams.

-Theon: Perhaps the most haunting POV, Theon's story elicited emotions of revulsion and sympathy. It was obvious from the very first POV of Game of Thrones (Bran's) that there was something wrong with Theon. Yet despite his constant acts of inhumanity he is quite the tragic figure to me. He was truly never loved, not from his father or Eddard Stark, who took him as his ward. And despite admitting that Robb treated him as a brother, he still double crossed him as well as all those who once considered him an ally. I hated Theon for that. Yet as his POV progressed it seemed like he was struggling to claim love as much, if not more, as claim a crown. He didn't understand why the people turned against him, nor why his own people seemed to not respect him. And by the end of his POV he's dies at the hand of those who he once commanded. At first I wanted him to be killed in the worst fashion, but he isn't even granted a memorable death worthy of song or praise. He dies with nothing, and I couldn't help but feel sorry for him. On a side note: I had peeked at the POV names of the next few books, so I knew Bran survived.

-Arya is badass. I liked her the minute she was introduced, and her transformation as a character is going to be very interesting. Her POV also featured the most badass person in the book: Jaqen, the shape shifting assassin dude. DAMN! And lets not forget Gendry and Hot Pie, Arya's partners in crime. This POV reminds me most of Harry Potter, perhaps only due to the reliance on children characters and their interaction.

-Alongside Arya, Tyrion's POV is definitely a favorite of mine. The complexity of his character is fascinating to me. As I've said before the sheer politics of this battle grab my attention, and Tyrion is always in the middle of it. His various battles with his sister and the members of the king's council are like chess matches, move after move more important than the last. And the end of his POV is pretty shocking as well. It's hard for me to believe that Cersei wanted him to be killed, but if so it'll only set up a truly epic battle of wits in the next book.

-Jon and Dany's POVs both almost seem like separate stories from everything else, yet both are slowly building up to events that will effect everyone in the series. There are still unanswered questions from the prologue of the first book, mainly what happened to Royce, and what exactly are The Others; sure they're the living dead but how do they fit into the puzzle - are they working with Mance and the wildlings, or are they a separate, more dangerous entity? Seems like Jon will find out in the next book; the end of his POV had my jaw open lol. And while Dany's POV wasn't as solid as last time, it was still interesting.

-As I've said before, Catelyn has gone from a rather annoying, somewhat weak character to one of the strongest in the books. Her family is in ruins, she still thinks two of her children (at least) are dead, and soon she will be hit with news of Winterfell's sacking.

-And then there's Bran, who cannot fight to defend his family name, but instead seems poised to lead it while Robb defends all. Pretty impressive for a 9 year old cripple.

I'll head to Borders and get A Storm of Swords after class/Valentines Day antics
methodman said:
That's why I love this book:
all the characters believe they are doing the right thing even when they aren't in the grand scheme of the world, and he gives damn good reasons why.

Question about Jon to everyone who's finished the book only:

Do you guys agree that Jon is probably Rhaegon and Lyanna's son? I know that hasn't been discussed around here but if you don't know about the theory, I can describe it further. I actually inferred this theory when I finished reading the 3rd book whenever it came out (4-5? years ago).

I never thought of that! Makes sense that
Eddard never talks about Jon's mother. He was probably afraid Robert would come after Jon if he knew who his father was.

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
One of the great things about the series is how strong some of the really minor characters are. Syrio Forel, Jaqen H'ghar, Bronn the Sellsword, Lollys...I could go on and probably list at least 50 memorable minor characters.


Big Storm of Swords spoilers (up to around page 700):

OK, did he really just kill Robb, Catelyn and Arya over the course of like 5 pages? WHAT THE FUCK?! I saw Robb's death coming, that was obvious enough. Catelyn was sort of a surprise since we've had her perspective throughout, I thought she might be taken prisoner. But Arya?! Where the fuck did that come from? I keep thinking he might pull another switcharoo or something like with Bran and Rickon, but I scanned ahead looking for more Arya chapters and didn't see any...Jesus Christ nobody's sacred. It's incredible that the loss of Arya effected me so much, it feels like such wasted potential, just like when a real child dies. It was like 2AM when I read that chapter and after that I just had to put the book down and try to sleep, but I couldn't after that...

May god have mercy on your soul, or what's left of it, George R R Martin...


Thaedolus said:
Big Storm of Swords spoilers (up to around page 700):

OK, did he really just kill Robb, Catelyn and Arya over the course of like 5 pages? WHAT THE FUCK?! I saw Robb's death coming, that was obvious enough. Catelyn was sort of a surprise since we've had her perspective throughout, I thought she might be taken prisoner. But Arya?! Where the fuck did that come from? I keep thinking he might pull another switcharoo or something like with Bran and Rickon, but I scanned ahead looking for more Arya chapters and didn't see any...Jesus Christ nobody's sacred. It's incredible that the loss of Arya effected me so much, it feels like such wasted potential, just like when a real child dies. It was like 2AM when I read that chapter and after that I just had to put the book down and try to sleep, but I couldn't after that...

May god have mercy on your soul, or what's left of it, George R R Martin...
lol it's just beginning dude.


Thaedolus said:
Big Storm of Swords spoilers (up to around page 700):

OK, did he really just kill Robb, Catelyn and Arya over the course of like 5 pages? WHAT THE FUCK?! I saw Robb's death coming, that was obvious enough. Catelyn was sort of a surprise since we've had her perspective throughout, I thought she might be taken prisoner. But Arya?! Where the fuck did that come from? I keep thinking he might pull another switcharoo or something like with Bran and Rickon, but I scanned ahead looking for more Arya chapters and didn't see any...Jesus Christ nobody's sacred. It's incredible that the loss of Arya effected me so much, it feels like such wasted potential, just like when a real child dies. It was like 2AM when I read that chapter and after that I just had to put the book down and try to sleep, but I couldn't after that...

May god have mercy on your soul, or what's left of it, George R R Martin...

LOL dude, you ain't seen nothing yet. :lol :lol :lol


Azih said:
lol it's just beginning dude.

Well..what the hell else can he do?
I mean, he can't kill off the ENTIRE Stark clan, can he? And it strikes me at how unfortunate this particular family is...Rickard getting roasted alive, Brandon strangled, Ned decapitated, Robb get a sword through the heart, Catelyn her throat slit and Arya an axe to the dome. I'm guessing the dude that saved Sam was the missing Benjen, but sounds like he's pretty fucked up too...

Jesus...I hope there's some mighty retribution in store later on


Thaedolus said:
Well..what the hell else can he do?
I mean, he can't kill off the ENTIRE Stark clan, can he? And it strikes me at how unfortunate this particular family is...Rickard getting roasted alive, Brandon strangled, Ned decapitated, Robb get a sword through the heart, Catelyn her throat slit and Arya an axe to the dome. I'm guessing the dude that saved Sam was the missing Benjen, but sounds like he's pretty fucked up too...

Jesus...I hope there's some mighty retribution in store later on

Seriously, just beginning. Martin enjoys killing off his characters. I hate it and think he does it WAY too much, others love it.


Fair-weather, with pride!
Normally I'd talk about how that chapter is the beginning of the end of good characters(althoug he does get two bad ones) but you seem to feel bad that one of the bad ones is gone and I don't know what to say to that.
Thaedolus said:
Well..what the hell else can he do?
I mean, he can't kill off the ENTIRE Stark clan, can he? And it strikes me at how unfortunate this particular family is...Rickard getting roasted alive, Brandon strangled, Ned decapitated, Robb get a sword through the heart, Catelyn her throat slit and Arya an axe to the dome. I'm guessing the dude that saved Sam was the missing Benjen, but sounds like he's pretty fucked up too...

Jesus...I hope there's some mighty retribution in store later on
Just keep reading. That's all I can say without spoiling it.


Wraith said:
Seriously, just beginning. Martin enjoys killing off his characters. I hate it and think he does it WAY too much, others love it.

Whatever, out of the three he mentioned,
one of them is a fakeout death and one of the characters comes back later in a different form.


Fair-weather, with pride!
tokkun said:
Whatever, out of the three he mentioned,
one of them is a fakeout death and one of the characters comes back later in a different form.

Yeah, the
fucking annoying ones come back, what a surprise.


Fair-weather, with pride!
Prime crotch said:
Catelyn became one of the best characters midway the first book.

See, this has got to be one of the deeper reasons why I hate the books.


Fair-weather, with pride!
Prime crotch said:
Because a character improved through the course of it?

No, because that's one of the best characters. Throughout the entire books the only characters I've liked are:

before he goes pussy

That's it. Tyrion would have made the list but I went over this in the other thread.
QVT said:
No, because that's one of the best characters. Throughout the entire books the only characters I've liked are:

before he goes pussy

That's it. Tyrion would have made the list but I went over this in the other thread.
So you think Catelyn is one of the best characters but you don't like her. O...k...and how the heck Arya's not up there?!
I normally don't quote people's avatar even less my own but...
QVT said:
No, I think she's one of the worst. Next to Arya and Sansa.


Fair-weather, with pride!
They're the personification of "wahhhhhh".

That's the difference between Erikson and Martin. In Martin the girls are 12 years old and annoying, in Erikson the girls have like four souls inside of them and they battle with 20,000 year old wizards who have like 20 souls inside them.
QVT said:
They're the personification of "wahhhhhh".

That's the difference between Erikson and Martin. In Martin the girls are 12 years old and annoying, in Erikson the girls have like four souls inside of them and they battle with 20,000 year old wizards who have like 20 souls inside them.
yeah....let's just say I think you're insanely wrong and leave it at that

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
QVT said:
They're the personification of "wahhhhhh".

That's the difference between Erikson and Martin. In Martin the girls are 12 years old and annoying, in Erikson the girls have like four souls inside of them and they battle with 20,000 year old wizards who have like 20 souls inside them.

The more people try to talk up Eriksons books the more retarded they sound.

QVT said:
I've never bothered to watch Rome as it's on HBO.

Coming from you that does not suprise me.
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