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OK nerds, you win. Song of Ice and Fire is gud.

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Brian Fellows said:
The more people try to talk up Eriksons books the more retarded they sound.

The Erikson series is worth reading for basically the same reasons as ASoIaF. While the fanboyism on either side can be annoying, I'd urge you not to let it stop you from reading Erikson. I've enjoyed both, though I prefer Malazan to ASoIaF due to many reasons, most of which QVT has already listed. I don't feel nearly as strongly about the matter as he does, though, and think that both are great series.


Wraith said:
The Erikson series is worth reading for basically the same reasons as ASoIaF. While the fanboyism on either side can be annoying, I'd urge you not to let it stop you from reading Erikson. I've enjoyed both, though I prefer Malazan to ASoIaF due to many reasons, most of which QVT has already listed. I don't feel nearly as strongly about the matter as he does, though, and think that both are great series.

What series is this? After ASoIaF I might keep giving these epic fantasy novels a shot, at least to hold me over for the long years of waiting I have ahead of me when I catch up...


Thaedolus said:
What series is this? After ASoIaF I might keep giving these epic fantasy novels a shot, at least to hold me over for the long years of waiting I have ahead of me when I catch up...

The Malazan Book of the Fallen by Steven Erikson. 6 have been released so far in the US, though apparently the 7th is apparently out in the UK already. The 7th will be released here Mar. 4.


Question about Jon to everyone who's finished the book only:

Do you guys agree that Jon is probably Rhaegon and Lyanna's son? I know that hasn't been discussed around here but if you don't know about the theory, I can describe it further. I actually inferred this theory when I finished reading the 3rd book whenever it came out (4-5? years ago).

I know who you are talking about and yes, this is wildly rumored. It would be incredible if true, and fit in perfectly with how this series can potentially end. I always knew John Snow would have the biggest role of all to play. :)

I am pretty sure that that plotwist about Jon´s blood will be used in order to kill Jon on a pyre in honour to R´lor, in order to awake the dragons for Stannis. Him being the ZOMG promised king to rule all Ponientis with Daenerys is far too stereotypical for R.R.Martin


Later Book 3 spoilers:

Hah! I had a strong feeling Arya would be back, though I don't know how I missed her chapters when I skimmed ahead to look for them. Too much potential there with her training and the list of people she wants to kill to just have the hound butcher her without and ceremony. I admit I wasn't a big fan of Robb or Catelyn, and it seems like the Starks that are most like Ned are going to play bigger roles (Jon and Arya), but they way they treated the bodies and stuff...brutal man. Martin pulls no punches, I love it.

Joffrey got was was coming too, and Jon Snow kicking wildling ass (so far, at least) is awesome. I can't wait to see what HBO potentially does with this.
My legs shook after reading this folks. Storm of Swords spoilers ahead (pg 583)

I had to go to Buffalo Wild Wings and eat my sorrow away (while watching some awesome UFC)


The Frey betrayal was one of the most painful chapters I've ever read in a fantasy book. I'm SHOCKED, upset, sad, and utterly speechless. I totally didn't see that coming. But the thing that really made me mad is how extravagent and heartless it was carried out. When Ned died it was a bit jarring, but at the same time it was somewhat expected; as a prisoner I figured he'd be executed. But Robb's assassination was just disgusting to every detail (twisting the sword in his fucking heart, COME ON).

Before this I couldn't really see how the Starks would be victorious in anything - now it seems like they're finished. His generals are dead now for the most part - there's no way Greatjon made it out alive. Catelyn is probably done; she's alive, but I don't see how she can mentally carry on. She's been one of the strongest characters in the entire series. After suffering Ned's death and seeing Robb destroyed before her eyes - not to mention her thinking the rest of her children are dead except Sansa - total mind fuck. I'm in PAIN too.

So now Winterfall passes on to Tyrion for the moment; no one knows Bran is alive. Many of the people who saw Robb decree Jon Snow as his successor are dead or in the battlefield, and even if Jon got the news would he leave the Night Watch? omg omg omg

The next POV is Arya's, and I don't even want to continue reading but I will. oh god.

Once again Martin proves this isn't the typical run of the mill fantasy series. The eagles are not coming. Yet I had still hoped for something - Grey Wolf to jump out of nowhere and save Robb, or maybe the Greatjon pulling some epic feat of heroism. No.


Looky looky bitches:

I finished the book around 1AM. Storm of Swords is the best fantasy book I've ever read, bar none. The previous two books introduced a wide variety of characters, plots, themes, etc - and all these things come together in harmony here. Needless to say I was blown away, and the last 2 chapters (and the epilogue also, especially) made my jaw drop. Holy shit


Tyrion: WOW. I had wondered if he would exact some type of revenge on Cersei but I would have never guessed he'd kill his father. Granted the man tormented Tyrion yes, but still...wow. Such a tragic set of events. Tyrion essentially saved King's Landing and did his best to help the common people yet in the end everyone betrayed him. Bronn, Shae, Littlefinger, everyone. So...now what? Is he done with revenge, or will he join with the Lannister's enemies and continue what he started? And where will he go. Dorne perhaps, I dunno.

Jon: Jon has slowly become one of my favorite characters. The entire book was a test by fire for him and he passed at every turn. From saving the Wall to doing the honorable thing by refusing Stannis' offer he proved that he was just as brave as Robb, and wiser. But with winter on the horizon tougher tasks await. The Wall may have defeated the wildings with the help of the king, but how will they defeat the Others? Damn

Samwell: Easily the best new POV imo. I love how his transformation wasn't particularly "magical" in the sense that he didn't suddenly become this brave warrior and protector. He simply stepped up to the challenge and earned his Night Watch position. Also I'm dying for more details on the Bran situation. WHO THE FUCK IS COLDHANDS. Benjin seems like too much of an obvious guess to me. And when will Bran return to the north to reclaim what's rightfully his? omg

Catelyn: The last 3 chapters of the book felt like 24 lol, especially the epilogue. I'm guessing Thoros brought her back to life...but why? And what role will she play next, with her family in ruins, her army scattered. The epilogue seemed to suggested the Greatjon was still alive, imprisoned in the Twins. Hm, I wonder if Catelyn, Beric, and his band of brothers could free Greatjon. ALSO I wonder if Catelyn will be able to feel that Bran is still alive...

Arya: Badass badass badass. Her final chapter ended soo awesome. The prospect of her training in Braavos makes me salivate.

Davos: Stannis mentioned Davos in present tense at the wall so clearly he survived after the Edric Storm thing. But in what condition? Is he ruling Dragonstone as the Hand of the King while Stannis is in the north, or is he being attacked by Florent and the other queen's men who probably stayed?

Lannisters/Jamie: I must say that I was a bit disappointed by Joffrey's death. I wanted something more extravagant, preferably not done during another wedding. Tommen seems like a likable character but we'll see. But I'm more interested in what happens to the family after Tywin's death. Tommen isn't old enough to rule, the Hand is dead...so who will rule in his place? Jamie? With his father dead I imagine he could officially marry Cersei and take command of the realm. Or will he continue to serve as leader of the kings guard. Honor or greed? Jon faced a similar choice and chose honor. How will Jamie choose?

Also with the prince of Dorne dead, what happens with the alliance? The Red Viper seemed to hint that they'd crown Joffery's sister, which would throw things to chaos. Damn I can't wait to see what happens. And also, what role to the Tyrells play in this. The revelation that the Lady of Thorns poisoned Joffery shocked me; I guessed it was Varys, or even Tywin. If the Lannisters go to war with Dorne I'd imagine the Tyrells will stay loyal, but who knows.

Sansa: OMG. The end was fucking awesome. As I've said before, I used to roll my eyes whenever her POVs came up, but that changed with the second book. When Littlefinger arranged for her to leave King's Landing I knew he wanted her for himself, but I didn't expect him to fucking kill Lysa lol. So now will he reveal who Sansa really is, and perhaps declare Winterfell as his? With Lysa dead I think he could get her forces to declare for the north; they wanted to help anyway. Could they...retake Riverrun and then deal with the Freys?
Glad you enjoyed it, PD. Are you going to wait for A Dance with Dragons (#5) to come out before you read A Feast for Crows (#4)?


PhoenixDark said:
Jon: Jon has slowly become one of my favorite characters. The entire book was a test by fire for him and he passed at every turn. From saving the Wall to doing the honorable thing by refusing Stannis' offer he proved that he was just as brave as Robb, and wiser. But with winter on the horizon tougher tasks await. The Wall may have defeated the wildings with the help of the king, but how will they defeat the Others? Damn

I'm in the same spot as you right now - finished Swords, haven't started AFFC yet. Discussion on Jon:
It seems like he's going to end up being the key character, along with Daenarys (spelling?). I think one of D's visions in that eastern elder house referred to Jon - he is the "child that was promised," the Song of Ice And Fire. It seems pretty clear that he wasn't actually Ned's bastard son, but was instead borne of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark (Fire and Ice). Not of rape, but of love, and "hidden" as Ned's bastard to prevent him from being killed by Robert et al. I think this is the truth that Ned told Varys to get to Jon during his imprisonment in the first book. The Ice & Fire bit implies that he has some destiny to unite north and south against the threat beyond the Wall. Is he also destined to eventually marry daenarys? I think he's linked to her in some way (hence her vision of Rhaegar, Lyanna, and baby Jon). Certainly if it's revealed to her at some point that he's Rhaegar's heir, there's a natural alliance there. What do you think?
Cornballer said:
Glad you enjoyed it, PD. Are you going to wait for A Dance with Dragons (#5) to come out before you read A Feast for Crows (#4)?

I've heard lots of bad stuff about AFFC but I'll start it next week. I'm guessing that since I got into the series late my disappointment won't be as grave as those who waited years for AFFC to come out; plus BlueTsunami liked it and we have similar taste lol.

I read the short Amazon product description of the book, and while it doesn't spoil anything it also says many of the favorite characters barely show up. Hm

I'm tempted to look and see who the POVs are but I'll wait until I get the book instead
I still really enjoyed AFFC, even though it doesn't have a few of my favorite characters and probably doesn't pack the same punch as a Storm of Swords. There's still a lot of cool stuff in it, and it was nice to be caught up so I don't have to worry about spoilers. (I spent some time on Wikipedia once I finished to try and work out a bunch of details that didn't make sense to me.) I guess your wait for ADWD won't be very long, too.
gkrykewy said:
I'm in the same spot as you right now - finished Swords, haven't started AFFC yet. Discussion on Jon:
It seems like he's going to end up being the key character, along with Daenarys (spelling?). I think one of D's visions in that eastern elder house referred to Jon - he is the "child that was promised," the Song of Ice And Fire. It seems pretty clear that he wasn't actually Ned's bastard son, but was instead borne of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark (Fire and Ice). Not of rape, but of love, and "hidden" as Ned's bastard to prevent him from being killed by Robert et al. I think this is the truth that Ned told Varys to get to Jon during his imprisonment in the first book. The Ice & Fire bit implies that he has some destiny to unite north and south against the threat beyond the Wall. Is he also destined to eventually marry daenarys? I think he's linked to her in some way (hence her vision of Rhaegar, Lyanna, and baby Jon). Certainly if it's revealed to her at some point that he's Rhaegar's heir, there's a natural alliance there. What do you think?

*head explodes*

That's very interesting. I'm going to go back and read her visions again from ACOK, as well as what Ned said to Varys in the first book (I don't remember). I'm going to have to think more about this


PhoenixDark said:
*head explodes*

That's very interesting. I'm going to go back and read her visions again from ACOK, as well as what Ned said to Varys in the first book (I don't remember). I'm going to have to think more about this

Was it in ACOK? I guess you'd know, since you just finished SOS. It's the part where she's passing all the open doors in the long hallway. Report back and let me know what you think! For all I know, the joke's on me, since everyone else has finished AFFC.
gkrykewy said:
Was it in ACOK? I guess you'd know, since you just finished SOS. It's the part where she's passing all the open doors in the long hallway. Report back and let me know what you think! For all I know, the joke's on me, since everyone else has finished AFFC.

Yup ACOK, pg 526-527. You're right, that does sound like Rhaegar; it even mentions him playing a harp, singing a song to the baby. He also says "there must be one more...the dragon has three heads." Very interesting.


gkrykewy said:
I'm in the same spot as you right now - finished Swords, haven't started AFFC yet. Discussion on Jon:
It seems like he's going to end up being the key character, along with Daenarys (spelling?). I think one of D's visions in that eastern elder house referred to Jon - he is the "child that was promised," the Song of Ice And Fire. It seems pretty clear that he wasn't actually Ned's bastard son, but was instead borne of Rhaegar Targaryen and Lyanna Stark (Fire and Ice). Not of rape, but of love, and "hidden" as Ned's bastard to prevent him from being killed by Robert et al. I think this is the truth that Ned told Varys to get to Jon during his imprisonment in the first book. The Ice & Fire bit implies that he has some destiny to unite north and south against the threat beyond the Wall. Is he also destined to eventually marry daenarys? I think he's linked to her in some way (hence her vision of Rhaegar, Lyanna, and baby Jon). Certainly if it's revealed to her at some point that he's Rhaegar's heir, there's a natural alliance there. What do you think?

I don't see Jon abandoning his vows to marry Daenarys. The offer of Winterfell should have been his greatest temptation, but he chose to turn that down.


tokkun said:
I don't see Jon abandoning his vows to marry Daenarys. The offer of Winterfell should have been his greatest temptation, but he chose to turn that down.

Doesn't have to marry her for there to be a linkage/alliance. Hell, she might cede her entire "kingdom" to him as Rhaegar's heir. Something like that. For all we know, the wall will come down and the night watch could be dissolved. I'm pretty sure of Jon's true history, but where Martin goes with it is much more speculative on my part.
Discussion on this subject at another forum. It's from 2002 so there are no AFFC spoilers

It makes perfect sense, especially the detail about Lyanna being in a bed of blood. And speaking of blood...how will Jon react to this news? Dany was told that she'll be betrayed three times, once for love (Mormont) one for gold and once for blood. Is Jon going to "betray" Dany by refusing to join her quest to take over the Seven Kingdoms, killing off anyone (including Starks...) that get in her way?


PhoenixDark said:
Discussion on this subject at another forum. It's from 2002 so there are no AFFC spoilers

It makes perfect sense, especially the detail about Lyanna being in a bed of blood. And speaking of blood...how will Jon react to this news? Dany was told that she'll be betrayed three times, once for love (Mormont) one for gold and once for blood. Is Jon going to "betray" Dany by refusing to join her quest to take over the Seven Kingdoms, killing off anyone (including Starks...) that get in her way?

Cool - I'm still not sure about Dany's betrayals. Mormont didn't really betray her for love, did he? On the contrary, he began to end his betrayal for love. I'm not sure she has that properly interpreted herself. Also, a refusal isn't really a betrayal, is it? And Dany seems pure of character - not out for bloody revenge at her core, just retaking her kingdom.

I'll take a look at that linked thread later. Thanks!
PhoenixDark said:
Discussion on this subject at another forum. It's from 2002 so there are no AFFC spoilers

It makes perfect sense, especially the detail about Lyanna being in a bed of blood. And speaking of blood...how will Jon react to this news? Dany was told that she'll be betrayed three times, once for love (Mormont) one for gold and once for blood. Is Jon going to "betray" Dany by refusing to join her quest to take over the Seven Kingdoms, killing off anyone (including Starks...) that get in her way?
Yup, there's a ton of speculation about this (Jon = Rhaegar + Lyanna) in a lot of different places. One quick point - gkrykewy mentions Dany and Jon getting married, but wouldn't they be closely related since Rhaegar is her brother? Not sure if my genealogy is correct....


Cornballer said:
Yup, there's a ton of speculation about this (Jon = Rhaegar + Lyanna) in a lot of different places. One quick point - gkrykewy mentions Dany and Jon getting married, but wouldn't they be closely related since Rhaegar is her brother? Not sure if my genealogy is correct....

Yeah, that's a good point. I suppose it just occurred to me as a possibility since they both seem semi-permanently single. But I'm being swayed into anticipating some other sort of alliance or linkage.


Cornballer said:
Yup, there's a ton of speculation about this (Jon = Rhaegar + Lyanna) in a lot of different places. One quick point - gkrykewy mentions Dany and Jon getting married, but wouldn't they be closely related since Rhaegar is her brother? Not sure if my genealogy is correct....

The Targaryens have always married their siblings, to keep their blood pure.


Clipjoint said:
The Targaryens have always married their siblings, to keep their blood pure.

But I'm not at all sure Jon Snow would be down with that. ASSUMING HE KNEW. Dun dun dun....


gkrykewy said:
But I'm not at all sure Jon Snow would be down with that. ASSUMING HE KNEW. Dun dun dun....

When Jon Snow sees the full extent of the threat from the North and realizes that he needs Dany's dragons to fight it off, he's going to do whatever it takes to win her support. I don't think he's the type to let the world be destroyed just because he doesn't want to partake in a little incest.
I couldn't resist: I bought AFFC earlier today after school and read a bit.

The prologue was a nice cliff hanger as usual; it was also interesting reading how news/rumors of the dragons and Dany is slowly making its way to Westernos.

The first POV (the prophet) was good as well. I always wanted some more insight into the Iron Islands, as well as Dorne for that matter, and apparently this book will dwell on both areas a lot. Originally I thought Theon died at Winterfell at the end of CoK, but it's revealed that he's alive in SoS. Should be interesting to see what happens with him, if anything.

Also with respect to the HBO show in the works: anyone else kinda befuddled on how it'll work? The books seem so huge that a faithful adaption would have to be LOTR scale or something, but considering it'll be a TV show there will be more restrictions right? I don't want to see an ugly greenscreen CGI backdrop of the Wall, or Sci Fi channe-esque CGI for the more mythical aspects of the books :/


there is joy in sucking dick
If the HBO show does pan out, it would have to be fucking LONG. I'm wondering how each episode will be handled though...maybe pull closely from the book and base each episode on each respective perspective how they play out in the book itself.
BlueTsunami said:
If the HBO show does pan out, it would have to be fucking LONG. I'm wondering how each episode will be handled though...maybe pull closely from the book and base each episode on each respective perspective how they play out in the book itself.

I wonder how they'd handle the pedo sex :lol
Didn't they say if it goes through they were planning to do a 1 season = 1 book type deal?

For a good adaptation that would suffice. You could have about 3-5 POV's for each 1 hour episode ranging from 10-20 minutes.

Certainly better than a single 3 hour movie. :lol

Chairman Yang

if he talks about books, you better damn well listen
PhoenixDark said:
Also with respect to the HBO show in the works: anyone else kinda befuddled on how it'll work? The books seem so huge that a faithful adaption would have to be LOTR scale or something, but considering it'll be a TV show there will be more restrictions right? I don't want to see an ugly greenscreen CGI backdrop of the Wall, or Sci Fi channe-esque CGI for the more mythical aspects of the books :/

Yep, Outdoor Miner's right. The plan is to have a season per book.

I think HBO is the best possible venue for ASOIAF to be put on film. There won't be any real content restrictions, the acting will be top-notch, and I'm sure the production values will be good. If you think about it, aside from the need for good CG exteriors (for each of the castles and locations) and a few supernatural creatures, most of the scenes are basically just people talking.

If you want to get a taste of how the TV series might turn out, watch HBO's Rome. It has a definite ASOIAF flavour, and George R. R. Martin claimed to be inspired by it when trying to get his series done by HBO. It also happens to be one of the greatest TV shows of all time. Seriously, do whatever it takes to watch it.


I finished A Storm of Swords last night and it was awesome. I'll start book 4 real soon.

But am I the only one who missed

Rickon? I'm dying to know what has happened to him and Osha (sp?) since the fight at Winterfell (the end of book 2). Will he be a POV character in the future books or in the fourth volume?

I also love how gradually the magic returns in the world. So awesome.
Question regarding the Red Witch and Stannis (don't read unless you've finished the first 3 books)

It's accepted that she's following the wrong person, right? She talked of a ruler that can turn stones into dragons, but first a person of royal blood must go through the fire. In other words, she was looking for Daenerys Targaryen all along, correct, but mistakingly sided with Stannis?


Aliens ate my babysitter
NintendosBooger said:
Question regarding the Red Witch and Stannis (don't read unless you've finished the first 3 books)

It's accepted that she's following the wrong person, right? She talked of a ruler that can turn stones into dragons, but first a person of royal blood must go through the fire. In other words, she was looking for Daenerys Targaryen all along, correct, but mistakingly sided with Stannis?

I think it's pretty much accepted that Stannis is the wrong person. The question is whether she knowingly sided with him even though she knows he's not Azor ahai, or if she made a mistake. We know far too little of her motivations to say for sure.

Minor potential spoiler for book 5 (mystery POV)
Hopefully we'll get her POV in the 5th book. It's either her, Sandor Clegane or Loras Tyrell.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Saya said:
I finished A Storm of Swords last night and it was awesome. I'll start book 4 real soon.

But am I the only one who missed

Rickon? I'm dying to know what has happened to him and Osha (sp?) since the fight at Winterfell (the end of book 2). Will he be a POV character in the future books or in the fourth volume?

I also love how gradually the magic returns in the world. So awesome.

Rickon is pretty worthless and without the 5 year gap he'll probably continue to be worthless. So no I did not miss him.


What do you mean by the 5 year gap?

Obviously, I disagree about Rickon and Osha being worthless and all.

Book 3 spoilers:
In fact, to me they are becoming more important characters especialy after Robb was killed. Rickon is now the rightful heir of Winterfell after Bran.

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
Saya said:
What do you mean by the 5 year gap?

Obviously, I disagree about Rickon and Osha being worthless and all.

Book 3 spoilers:
In fact, to me they are becoming more important characters especialy after Robb was killed. Rickon is now the rightful heir of Winterfell after Bran.

There was originally supposed to be a 5 year gap between books 3 and 4. But Martin couldnt make it work so now the kids are all gonna end up being younger at the end than he originally planned.

I dont think being the heir to Winterfell means much anymore. The North has no strength at all after whats happened in the South and what Ramsey and the Iron Born have done.


there is joy in sucking dick
Brian Fellows said:
I dont think being the heir to Winterfell means much anymore. The North has no strength at all after whats happened in the South and what Ramsey and the Iron Born have done.

Seeing as how
the series seems to be transitioning to the greater war, I agree

I always wondered how any age gaps will be handled. All the original Winterfell children still feel too young to be waging any kind of war (except for Jon).


On a similar note, does anyone here know of another good fantasy multi-book series besides GRRM, Erikson and Robin Hobb? I want some new stuff to read, and I'd like it to be some "classic" fantasy, but well-written, complex and not corny.


Munin said:
On a similar note, does anyone here know of another good fantasy multi-book series besides GRRM, Erikson and Robin Hobb? I want some new stuff to read, and I'd like it to be some "classic" fantasy, but well-written, complex and not corny.

Prince of Nothing by R. Scott Bakker and The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson.


Aliens ate my babysitter
Uncle said:
Prince of Nothing by R. Scott Bakker and The Chronicles of Thomas Covenant, the Unbeliever by Stephen R. Donaldson.

Adding to that:
First Law trilogy by Joe Abercrombie (The Blade Itself, Before They Are Hanged, Last Argument of Kings)
Locke Lamora books by Scott Lynch (Lies of Locke Lamora, Red Seas under Red Skies).
Memory, Sorrow and Thorn series by Tad Williams.


Read Game of Thrones a few years back and purchased Clash of Swords shortly afterwards but have yet to even open the cover. Once I finish my current book I think I'll go back and re-read the first book and get a move on with the series now. Always annoyed me that the whole series wasn't out, hate stopping something like this to wait on the next part!

Brian Fellows

Pete Carroll Owns Me
GasMan said:
Read Game of Thrones a few years back and purchased Clash of Swords shortly afterwards but have yet to even open the cover. Once I finish my current book I think I'll go back and re-read the first book and get a move on with the series now. Always annoyed me that the whole series wasn't out, hate stopping something like this to wait on the next part!

Thats why you just keep re-reading them over and over like I do. :D I just started A Game of Thrones for the 5th time. I've moved on to audio books on my Ipod now. I mainly listen to it while walking my dog or in the car.
I finished A Feast for Crows last night, and I must ask: why the hate? I thought it was great. Considering I got into the series back in January I can understand why the older, hardcore fans didn't like the book (I guess): they waited 5 years for the next book to come out only to realize none of their favorite characters were represented; I bought AFFC the day after I finished SoS. While I was also disappointed that there were no Tyrion chapters I went into the book knowing about how the book was split. I went in with low expectations and came out very impressed.

-Everything involving King's Landing was great imo. Cersei's fall from grace was especially interesting. Some have complained it was too cliche, but the end fit the character. Cersei has demanded respect and power throughout all the books, never realizing that those things are earned. This is ironic considering she's been surrounded by men who could have taught her this - Tywin and Robert both commanded respect through their actions. One thing I didn't like was how quick her downfall came with respect to Kettleblack's admission. The deaths of the most likable characters in the series were dramatic affairs (Red Wedding), whereas the downfalls of the most dislikable characters often don't satisfy my calls for revenge (Joffrey especially). One minute she was on top the Tyrell/adultery situation, the next minute she's in a cell. I expected her world to slowly crumble before her eyes. Instead the sand castle fell down all around her at the same time lol.

Jaime's transformation has been interesting. Some would say he's turning into a "good guy" but that seems too simple to me. The Kingslayer we know seemed to die with his hand. His sword hand is what made him who he was. And now he seems to be more interested in regaining his lost honor than slavishly serving the wishes of his family. I can't fucking wait to see how Cersei reacts when she finds out Jaime ignored her plea for help lol

-I thought Arya's POV was less interesting this go around. But it was still forgivable considering she's building up into a badass. Her blindness seems to be the first sign of her transformation into a Faceless Woman; remember the blind acolyte she first saw in the temple who was lighting the candles? And another thing: anyone else think Arya is in a very good position to kill Dany? I get the impression that she's being trained to eventually face Dany.

-Brienne's POV was boring overall, but there were a couple great parts, mainly the stuff with Nimble Dick and Catelyn. I'm not convinced she's dead, how about you guys? Whatever she yelled ("Arya"?) might have stopped Cat's hand. On a side note it was great seeing Gendry make an appearance

-All the Dorne stuff was great, especially the end (amazing). I thought it was perfectly paced. The particular POV characters weren't especially endearing, but I loved the political insight they gave. The Prince of Dorne clearly understands the game of thrones better than Cersei and is posed to make a huge move by aligning with Dany. I can't wait to see where that goes.

-Sansa...eh. Her cliff hanger was cool but like Arya the process of watching her develop isn't that amazing; don't don't get it wrong, Arya was way more interesting lol. Sansa is being trained to be just as badass as Arya, but differently - while Arya is going to be powerful with the sword, Sansa is mastering the game of thrones. What better teacher than Littlefinger?

-I loved Samwell's POV in SoS. While it wasn't as amazing this time around, I still liked it. And I'm really wondering about that last sequence with him being introduced to Pate...who seemed to have died in the prologue to me right?

-I also really liked all the ironmen POVs; reading about the events from three separate perspectives was great. And like the Dorne POVs this one is set up to collide with Dany's in the future. Too bad we won't find out about this in the next book right? :(

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