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On Era, being critical of Microsoft is a bannable offence

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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Can anyone pls explain what kind of values the people on RE have? I know they are left-leaning and VERY LGBT+-welcoming to a fault (from what I've heard), but anything more specific? Their behaviour seems extremely arbitrary and dare I say, actually toxic..?

They looooooove the feeling of power and wielding it over others!


Gold Member
Wow....so a dev sharing their perspective of the mass layoffs was banned on that shithole, and this dev here went off...good on him or her!



lol bunch of loosers.
good phill can't do no wrong

But is ND lays of 6 people? GODLESS BASTARDS !!!
Funny but also kind of sad to see the same thing happening over and over again. I haven't been back to REEE for a few years now, and I don't miss it one bit. Every thread turns into something political or non-game related and anyone can get banned for the dumbest shit. It doesn't need to make a lick of sense. But I suppose I should be thankful, they helped me find NeoGAF which has been awesome.


The only thing more annoying than console warring is the forum warring that goes on around here. At the end of the day I think a lot of the weirdo anti-woke sentiment around here is nonsense, but RE goes too far in locking down what people can say without being banned which is why I stay here. This forum would be a lot better if everyone just stopped acknowledging the other one entirely rather than renting out free headspace to it on a daily basis.

Honestly it's fun to make fun of them. But I'm also a regular Nelson Muntz.


aka IMurRIVAL69
I got banned on resetera for literally nothing. One day they said I was an alt of some banned poster I had never even seen post. I just wasn’t an over the top leftist and had the gall to post some mainstream middle of the road political takes.


Many of us visit both sites and until recently I was a member there before asking for a perm. My reasoning, seeing people get banned for having critical thought about XB's efforts in the gaming industry. Today, after mass layoffs at XB people are being banned. The offence... Thinking critically.

Groupthink is a bitch I SWEAR. Think outside of the box? GET THAT ASS BANNED.


Gold Member
Can't say that it surprises me at this point, none of it is shocking.

"Many of us visit both sites" Is that true? I was under the impression that wasn't the case for a lot of folks here. Why would you even bother going over there in the first place? There's no reason to, lol.

The only thing more annoying than console warring is the forum warring that goes on around here. At the end of the day I think a lot of the weirdo anti-woke sentiment around here is nonsense, but RE goes too far in locking down what people can say without being banned which is why I stay here. This forum would be a lot better if everyone just stopped acknowledging the other one entirely rather than renting out free headspace to it on a daily basis.
I couldn't agree more. I feel like folks that consistently bring it up are like those exes that just can't let go of yesterday. It's time to let go and move on at some point. I understand slow news days and all, but we know what goes on there, and little of what they do is a surprise especially nowadays. I mean, it's the biggest "water is wet" scenario with them.


We've been gaslighted by pro-acquisition people over the last two years that capitalism won't do the thing it always will. Been spun a tale about how this merger will result in improved job security and that regulators like the FTC should be defunded for daring to oppose it. Dissenters got dogpiled and thread banned in the only discussion thread permitted on the forum.

You can interpret this as "platform warring" if you want but I am livid that people are losing their jobs and having years of work amount to nothing, including those who worked for my favourite developer. Inevitably the thing that many of us feared came to pass.

I think there is a lot more to discuss here than posts about "thoughts and prayers", there needs to be some introspection among games players, that cheering on these mega mergers does not result in more competition and innovation nor does it benefit the workers. Phil Spencer with his 8 figure salary is not your friend, those gamer t-shirts he wears does not mean he's going to bring back fan favourites from the '90s and the promise of unionisation does not mean there won't be mass layoffs.

Or we can go back to fantasising about Xbox buying Sega because it totally won't happen again, the next time will be different.


Gold Member
We've been gaslighted by pro-acquisition people over the last two years that capitalism won't do the thing it always will. Been spun a tale about how this merger will result in improved job security and that regulators like the FTC should be defunded for daring to oppose it. Dissenters got dogpiled and thread banned in the only discussion thread permitted on the forum.

You can interpret this as "platform warring" if you want but I am livid that people are losing their jobs and having years of work amount to nothing, including those who worked for my favourite developer. Inevitably the thing that many of us feared came to pass.

I think there is a lot more to discuss here than posts about "thoughts and prayers", there needs to be some introspection among games players, that cheering on these mega mergers does not result in more competition and innovation nor does it benefit the workers. Phil Spencer with his 8 figure salary is not your friend, those gamer t-shirts he wears does not mean he's going to bring back fan favourites from the '90s and the promise of unionisation does not mean there won't be mass layoffs.

Or we can go back to fantasising about Xbox buying Sega because it totally won't happen again, the next time will be different.

Ban incoming in 3 ... 2 ... 1 ...

Oh, right, this forum isn't run by complete nutcases. Carry on!
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Many of us visit both sites and until recently I was a member there before asking for a perm. My reasoning, seeing people get banned for having critical thought about XB's efforts in the gaming industry. Today, after mass layoffs at XB people are being banned. The offence... Thinking critically.

It's because you go into a thread about anything remotely related to Microsoft and the same-olds derail it with their garbage tears, like they do here.

That is posted in the Xbox OT so there's at least one place you can talk about Xbox without feeling violated by incels.


I would imagine being critical of pedophilia is a bannable offense over there.....they are fucking lunatics.Don't give them traffic ffs.


For a while I didn't mind the mod powertrip over there, it seemed to improve the conversation and taught me to not post while inhebriated. Somewhere along the way it got less fun to play around those pieces of shit (shoutout to Transistor though, he's one of the more normal human beings over there).

When it got sold the new owners should have moved quickly to get rid of the more problematic mods. The board got more and more boring, cliquey and out of touch as time went on. I actually sent the owners an email around the time they banned talking about Hogwarts, that was some crazy shit. Even now you can't mention the name.
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I'm confused. I thought that side hated billionaires but now they defend massive corporations? No wonder they're attacking palworld too while defending Pokemon.


Can anyone pls explain what kind of values the people on RE have? I know they are left-leaning and VERY LGBT+-welcoming to a fault (from what I've heard), but anything more specific? Their behaviour seems extremely arbitrary and dare I say, actually toxic..?
I got banned for refusing to swear my allegiance to the ACAB movement after I asked what the hell it was.
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