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On Era, being critical of Microsoft is a bannable offence

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Wow....so a dev sharing their perspective of the mass layoffs was banned on that shithole, and this dev here went off...good on him or her!

I hope Era implodes. They deserve that.


Gold Member
Many users on Era are pissed about Winderunner's banning and are calling out the mods in that thread. Still no response from them lol.


Can anyone pls explain what kind of values the people on RE have? I know they are left-leaning and VERY LGBT+-welcoming to a fault (from what I've heard), but anything more specific? Their behaviour seems extremely arbitrary and dare I say, actually toxic..?
Its a freaking cesspool over there


Gold Member
Can anyone pls explain what kind of values the people on RE have? I know they are left-leaning and VERY LGBT+-welcoming to a fault (from what I've heard), but anything more specific? Their behaviour seems extremely arbitrary and dare I say, actually toxic..?
Emotional logic.
if words_make_people_feel_uncomfortable:


I´m just baffled that some of you guys are still acting surprised over this.
Era is and always was concentrated woke twitter crowd territory. Those dudes with 4 haircolors wearing a dress looking forward to their first period after their transition, that´s them!
Any attempt to understand their thinking patterns as a normal human being will at the very best result in a migraine....
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I have never been on Era so I.am curious if they have the same threads there, like "gaf banned me because....". Or they talk about Gaf the same way I see here, I mean basically all the weeks there are threads that involve that forum..like a fixtation.

People that are on both sides , what do they think about Gaf?
They ban anyone they know that posts on gaf. That's how I got banned from there when they banned any discussion of cyberpunk and I came here to talk about it. My life legit got a little better.


Things I've seen on Era:
* The Soviet Union was "working just fine" until it collapsed
* The concept of private property is inherently racist and pro-slavery
* Children who wear Trump clothes should go to adult prison
* Actors who attend church should be cancelled
* If someone breaks into your house/apt, you should help them rob you of your stuff because they obviously need it more than you do
* America "did nothing at all" to prevent the spread of Covid

All of these posts went un-moderated on a site where moderation is based on political leaning, not the TOS.
Someone in Resetera said Cyberpunk 2077 was created by white supremacists. I told them that the Cyberpunk creator, writer and designer of the game doesn't look like a white supremacist, and posted a photo of him:


I got permabanned xDD


It has been this way since the beginning which is why I left a long time ago.

Gaf is different in that they ban you for saying nice things about MS and being critical about Sony. (only half joking)
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Hype Train conductor. Works harder than it steams.
Can anyone pls explain what kind of values the people on RE have? I know they are left-leaning and VERY LGBT+-welcoming to a fault (from what I've heard), but anything more specific? Their behaviour seems extremely arbitrary and dare I say, actually toxic..?
They are the rotting core of Neogaf Circa 2017
Everything bad thing you ever heard about Neogaf being toxic, a Hive mind, the mass bannings etc, etc
That was the founding members of Era
And people & the media thought the members of Era was escaping the Evil NeoGaf.
But It was them all along, shame some innocent folks & the media followed and learnt the hard way.


It has been this way since the beginning which is why I left a long time ago.

Gaf is different in the they ban you for saying nice things about MS and being critical about Sony. (only half joking)

I think Gaf bans obnoxious warriors and, unsurprisingly, those affected lack the self-awareness to see that. No offence to you meant, but this recurring sentiment that Xbox fans are being victimized is getting a little old.


Gold Member
I remember getting thread banned for giving criticism to the moderation team for how they allow people to wish people death for people they don't like. Mentally deranged forum.


I was only banned once on era... for pedophilia lol. It was a week so I guess just a little pedophilia. My wife got a month for racism lol. That would have hurt her feelings a lot but luckily there were people protesting her ban in the thread and that made her feel better.

I left because I was checking myself on enough stuff that it was time. The place had been getting more annoying but I knew that it was not my site and I could leave whenever I wanted. I about had it when I saw their resoundingly positive reaction to the excellent post below. When I read it, I thought the poster would be banned but instead, it was celebrated without a hint of irony as it describes the dynamic that has rotted that forum.

Chinese working in creative fields here. I didn't want to post in this thread because it's gaming forum and I didn't want to get too political, so earlier I just left the Chinese news source then left. But since this thread is still going on and it filled with bad faith responses and trolling, I'm feeling like I'm compelled to say something.

For those who thought "This might be censorship but the re-design is not bad, so it might not be a bad thing after all", I get you. It's just a game made by Chinese, enjoyed by you. They just changed some pixels and polygons on your screen and it might even enhanced your enjoyment. And even for us Chinese, it seems like it won't effect us that much either, right? It is just a Gacha.

Yes - these design changes are just minor scars for the game's creators.

But they are minor scars between thousands of cuts Chinese creators endured everyday.

You witnessed this censorship because this game hit the jackpot. It's a cash cow, the most important Chinese game in the global market ever, but it still need to bend its knees. Imaging what happen to countless smaller creators in China and the area under China's influence. You know what happen to Devotion, right? And they are not even Chinese citizens.

Chinese creators have been put in jail for: producing LGBTQ+ content, self-publishing, voicing political opinions...every "petty" things.

The horrible power that torture these creators, and the power that made MiHoyo changing some pixels, is the SAME THING. Genshi have it easy, because it's making money, and it earns reputation for China around the world.

About what's "an actual censorship", I can tell you how Chinese censorship works. I knew Gaming Era debated about Chinese censorship many times. It usually went like this:

A:"Chinese game can't have blood and bones in it!"

B:"Well, here's a,b,c...many Chinese games I found that have blood and bones in it. What you heard is rumor. Chinese government isn't really that bad."

I facepalmed every time when I read discussion like this. It's based on the wrong assumption that censorship is "law". But no, it's wrong. Law is: you can't do such and such things, they are against the law, so you'd be fine if you don't do those bad things. It's not how censorship works.

Yes, there some elements we Absolutely can't put in our works. You know those stuff. Like talking about certain square, Taiwan,Uighur, some dear leaders...

If these are "rules" all there is, then things would be far easier. But we have more complex things to deal with.

In reality, It is more like:

1.Absolute power abusers hold the red line.
2.They won't tell you where the red line ends.
3.They will punish you if you cross the red line but won't tell you what is exactly wrong.
4. And they can and they will move the red line however they want.

So, low-cut collar is allow or not? How much skins can we show? No no, THERE ARE NO RULES. Only rules are their orders are ABSOLUTE. You need to self-censored to fit their demand.

As a creator we always got vague "order" from bureaucracy like these:

"Have more patriotism!" "Not positive enough!"

OK. Then how to do it? Well you better figured yourself, otherwise you are in big trouble. It leads to horrible overly self-censored.

Last but not least: if you think Chinese government do this to lessen the objectification of woman, you are delusional. Woman's living condition in China is dire. The government official declared feminism is "corrupted western value". This is a recent pivotal example.

So. If you're enjoying Genshi Impact, please continuing doing it, it's good for the developers. If you think these costume changes are visual appealing, it's still fine, you can enjoy it whatever you want.

But PLEASE remember you're witness a tiny display of absolute corrupted power and people are suffering for it. Just don't be like "well, sometimes censorship do some good things then", because it's insulting too those who suffer.

Sorry for the long rant.


Yup. On GAF, you can say some retarded shit and people will just call you out on it.

On Era, any even remotely sensitive topic or discussion is immediately met with a warning or ban.

Only topics approved by the bubble overlords is allowed. Smile and agree only. Virtue signal! Good job.
But the thing is far left is normally pro employee and not pro one of the richest corporations in the world.

That’s not left, that’s proper capitalist shills. I mean it’s fine to get paid and all but then stop the virtue signaling.


Has Cerium woke up from his nap yet and started posting again?
Do not shy brother! What is that? You have been seen? You have been seen!! Yes, Manabyte has been seen!!! He will make us feared once yet! The prophecy is true my brothers!


Rage Bait Youtuber
I was a silent reader here during the pre-breakup moment during Thuway,Bish etc

Then i joined Era becaue i thought they were the "right" one.

As time goes by for some reason i had the "waiddaminute" moment where i started realised theyre kinda fucked up lol


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
We don’t even need to discuss that shit hole. I don’t go there at all anymore unless GAF won’t load lmao.

I don’t think they can even discuss GAF without a ban/lock etc.

Don’t give those retards attention. Using that site should be a war crime with how ads are done. Unusable bloat ware.


I got perma banned from there because I was talking shit about them here.

They were like, we have seen your comments on other sites.

I shit you not. I wouldn't even pretend to be sad if these people there melt in an acid barrel.

Sick metal mutants freaks needs to be locked in a mental hospital forever with no way out.
I guess that means my ban will come eventually !

I'm not trying to hide, I have the exact same username and profile pic.

Yeah I post on both... I was on Gaf before the... I'm not sure what really happened really.


Era is an absolute shithole of a website.

How to survive there:

•ensure you understand the proper narrative when entering any thread, and don’t dare diverge from it with any semblance of original thought or disagreement
•if you risk to diverge in even the slightest, preface your post by profusely apologizing for your ignorance, and be prepared to be immediately dogpiled
•make your contempt and hatred for white people known, and realize that it’s impossible to be racist against them due to historical circumstances and power dynamics
•if you are white, make sure to flagellate yourself in front of everyone for the sins of your forefathers, the more the better, and understand that your opinion is worthless, simply by virtue of your skin color
•become intimately familiar and abide the victim hierarchy at all costs in consideration of everything you post
•agree that socialism is the best solution to everything, and capitalism is evil
•hate Republicans and Trump
•agree that violence is a viable alternative, but only for whatever self-righteous cause they deem appropriate

Probably missing a lot more. Follow these rules, and MAYBE you can manage to survive past the first few days. Find one of the racist mods to suck up to (Nephenite-sp?), and you’ll improve your chances. Era isn’t a forum in any sense of the word. It’s a pathetic echo chamber for leftist snowflakes who want to wallow in their hate and intolerance while posturing themselves as morally superior in their self-righteous indignation.


What is there to be critical of? They just had a massive merger with another massive company. Some jobs were double and triple filled. Layoffs were inevitable. Does it suck for those people? Yep. Does life go on? Also yep. Maybe, just maybe if some of the people I’ve seen on Twitter saying they were laid off would stop relying on made up disabilities, have a normal hair color, and commit to working in an office, they(/them) will land back on their feet.

Game developers lately have been some of the whiniest work forces I’ve seen.

*also, my opinions are my own. Don’t ban me please.
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I was a silent reader here during the pre-breakup moment during Thuway,Bish etc

Then i joined Era becaue i thought they were the "right" one.

As time goes by for some reason i had the "waiddaminute" moment where i started realised theyre kinda fucked up lol

Era is an absolute shithole of a website.

How to survive there:

•ensure you understand the proper narrative when entering any thread, and don’t dare diverge from it with any semblance of original thought or disagreement
•if you risk to diverge in even the slightest, preface your post by profusely apologizing for your ignorance, and be prepared to be immediately dogpiled
•make your contempt and hatred for white people known, and realize that it’s impossible to be racist against them due to historical circumstances and power dynamics
•if you are white, make sure to flagellate yourself in front of everyone for the sins of your forefathers, the more the better, and understand that your opinion is worthless, simply by virtue of your skin color
•become intimately familiar and abide the victim hierarchy at all costs in consideration of everything you post
•agree that socialism is the best solution to everything, and capitalism is evil
•hate Republicans and Trump
•agree that violence is a viable alternative, but only for whatever self-righteous cause they deem appropriate

Probably missing a lot more. Follow these rules, and MAYBE you can manage to survive past the first few days. Find one of the racist mods to suck up to (Nephenite-sp?), and you’ll improve your chances. Era isn’t a forum in any sense of the word. It’s a pathetic echo chamber for leftist snowflakes who want to wallow in their hate and intolerance while posturing themselves as morally superior in their self-righteous indignation.
Thank you both for putting into words exactly how I feel and summarizing not just what’s going on online, but what seems to be happening/taught on school campuses now too in the real world. For a while I thought there was a new sensibility or taste for “woke” entertainment and that maybe my own sensibility was outdated or there actually was a “modern audience” that liked neutered character designs or messaging that put down certain groups. But the slew of failed movies and games last year, and the sight of leftists actually siding with the people that are allied with the terrorists who kidnapped and murdered followed by the debacle with Harvard University, I think allowed a pressure release to finally begin to happen and more moderate people have data points and words to express themselves now and validate their criticism and dislike of the leftists’ behavior.
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I would pay good money to see someone punch that Transistor cunt repeatedly in the face.

The very definition of what I hate in today's society... That prick will be wrapped in a Palestinian flag sat in a road blocking traffic with his face painted 🌈 shouting death to the west and Allahu Ahkbar.


It's the Soviet Union of forums, only there is also this weird intense corporate shilling going on and most threads read like ads more than discussions. I don't go there anymore. It barely feels like human interacting. It's all so controlled and monitored in favor of a pro-corporate, pro-woke agenda. I wouldn't even call them leftists. They're more the result of this weird American new age abomination of trend chasing, safe spaced, corporate fanboying drones.
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