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Ono: Street Fighter 5 trying to attract more young players, have excellent netcode


People think the execution of the problem when of the spent more time learning matchups and footsie, theyd do better in matches.

i agree.

execution is the lowest hanging fruit. and sfiv is (without any doubt in my mind) the easiest sf game to play at a low-to-mid level.

i have very little faith in capcom to do this right, but i think attracting new players to play and stick around really just revolves around three issues:

1. characters you actually want to play
2. really robust online netcode and features
3. actually TEACHING people how to play the game in digestible chunks

capcom only ever seems to nail #1.


SF4 is execution heavy? There is always going to be high-risk/high rewards in every competitive game. Unless you want a noob tube in every fighting game, adjusting execution is not going to benefit as much as you think.

they did not abandon it.

The proof is in the pudding every time I play, but if you say so.


Can somebody explain to me what rollback netcode is? Thanks a bundle!!!!!!!

Short and sweet with GGPO aka Rollback saves a game state during play and reloads it if it finds discrepancies between predicted inputs and your actual inputs.

The proof is in the pudding every time I play, but if you say so.

the problem is not as simple as you think.

I wonder how often you would win if you went for an easier combo instead of a link.

he's referring to steam version online.

Why do people quote posts after their own? I don't get this at all. You go through the same process as you would to make a new reply but it disrupts the flow of discussion.

Like what benefit was there for you to do this instead of just replying and posting further down?

you want me to answer that seriously?


Short and sweet with GGPO aka Rollback saves a game state during play and reloads it if it finds discrepancies between predicted inputs and your actual inputs.

the problem is not as simple as you think.

Not my problem, though, is it. Doesn't change the fact it's fucked. The complaints were numerous concerning GFWL, but one area they didn't screw up anywhere near as much was the net code of that game. It played way smoother than Steam's version ever does.


Capcom ... if you want to attrack new players go the Pocket Fighter/Power Stone/Capcom vs Nintendo route. Simple to learn but complex enoght to have fun


Short and sweet with GGPO aka Rollback saves a game state during play and reloads it if it finds discrepancies between predicted inputs and your actual inputs.

the problem is not as simple as you think.

he's referring to steam version online.

Why do people quote posts after their own? I don't get this at all. You go through the same process as you would to make a new reply but it disrupts the flow of discussion.

Like what benefit was there for you to do this instead of just replying and posting further down?


Not my problem, though, is it. Doesn't change the fact it's fucked. The complaints were numerous concerning GFWL, but one area they didn't screw up anywhere near as much was the net code of that game. It played way smoother than Steam's version ever does.

you are right its not your problem, but they know the game's online is not great and never stopped working with steam engineers to fix it. you can have a prerogative attitude towards it but its not going to make them fix it faster.


you are right its not your problem, but they know the game's online is not great and never stopped working with steam engineers to fix it. you can have a prerogative attitude towards it but its not going to make them fix it faster.

I'm unclear here. Do you have some inside knowledge, or are you just supposing this is the case? Any patch or update so far hasn't improved the net code one iota. I don't follow a Capcom feed or anything, so I'm unsure if they are constantly putting out "we're still working on it" posts somewhere or not. I just wish my 360's ethernet port didn't fry. I'd still be playing on that and would have abandoned Steam's version a long time ago. It's a shit show and a shame.


If that's all he means then I'm okay. Ya it's stupid, but it's harmless.

I agree. Reading the article I did automatically go to the worst case scenario, but the noodles would be an example we saw in the game. Lets hope it is harmless stuff, I'd hate for the game to alienate the fan base.

Wasn't personally a fan of 4, couldn't take another disappointment since its always either the last SF we are getting, or there will be 2-3 more revisions over 5 years!
MOAR boob physics and every female character gets a Cammy outfit.
If anything they seem to have cut down the boob physics. Chun's...um...particulars, let's say...they got less jiggly between the initial reveal and the CC live demo.

Must've tightened up her outfit some I suppose. Can't wait for crotch physics!


I'm unclear here. Do you have some inside knowledge, or are you just supposing this is the case? Any patch or update so far hasn't improved the net code one iota. I don't follow a Capcom feed or anything, so I'm unsure if they are constantly putting out "we're still working on it" posts somewhere or not. I just wish my 360's ethernet port didn't fry. I'd still be playing on that and would have abandoned Steam's version a long time ago. It's a shit show and a shame.

Hello SSFIV: AE & USFIV players,

We’ve received a lot of feedback from the Steam fighting game community regarding network connectivity and performance since SSFIV: AE’s migration to Steam. Unfortunately, the 'netcode issue' is a rather complex matter that cannot be exclusively pinned down to the game code or the Steam client.

As some of you have noted, Valve recently made some tweaks to the network API that should help improve matters. However, it’s not a fundamental fix since Valve cannot make drastic changes to the core P2P network design when there are thousands of other games that depend on it. The development team will continue following up with Steam engineers to identify other solutions that don’t require a complete redesign of USFIV's matchmaking/lobby system. We'll keep you posted on our progress.

In the meantime, we recommend Street Fighter players update their Steam client to the latest beta version with the improved P2P netcode. You can opt in to Beta by selecting Settings --> Account --> Beta participation --> Change… --> Steam Beta Update. Another tweak that may also help reduce the stalling effect is to reduce the “Max pings / minute” settings to 1500 or less in the Steam Settings Menu. The option can be found under Settings --> In-Game --> In-Game server browser: Max pings / minute.

Once again, we’ll do our best to keep everyone updated as soon as additional progress is made.

Thank you all for your continued support and patience.

-Capcom Fighting Team


don't feel like finding the other ones.


Uhhhhh, Dee-Jay's ToD combo is a huge part of his play. As a Dee-Jay main who still plays ST, I'm always looking for a good cross-up opportunity after the knock down. Just watch how many times Afro Legends or Hazi land the ToD. Better yet, watch a high level Dictator matchup. I've probably spent at least 100 hours playing with GGPO's best Dictator, I can't even tell you how many times he's gotten me and other high level players with that ToD.

Eh, the game is everything that happens before the ToD.

The ToD is just the O.G. cinematic finisher.

But with a pleasant dexerity barrier... they already lost if the cross up connects, more like than not.
Watch this video here; I can't remember if the commentator brings it up or not, but there is footage from the CC match (obviously) and you can see a frame where Ryu does a Shoryuken and cancels the recovery by going into his "charge" or V-trigger state. Chun-Li is still falling down some during his charge stance.

I mean, like you said it could be anything. But if I were a betting man, I'd say it's some kind of cancel feature (in addition to whatever else V-trigger enables)

The game is 10% complete at the moment of this video. Everything can change at a moments notice. 2nd, v-trigger affects everyone differently. Which was stated by Ono. So sorry you are incorrect. Thirdly, this is a theory craft video. At one point I thought gaurd crush was in the game but it's not. It's just an affect that Ryu's v-trigger does and that can be different by the time the game is finished.


i agree.

execution is the lowest hanging fruit. and sfiv is (without any doubt in my mind) the easiest sf game to play at a low-to-mid level.

i have very little faith in capcom to do this right, but i think attracting new players to play and stick around really just revolves around three issues:

1. characters you actually want to play
2. really robust online netcode and features
3. actually TEACHING people how to play the game in digestible chunks

capcom only ever seems to nail #1.

No. They fail at #1 too. All of the characters that appear at the top of every popularity poll keep getting snubbed. People want Karin, Alex, R.Mika, Q, Oro, Urien, etc. No one wanted Oni or Evil Ryu. Nor did they ask for Yun and Yang. Pulling over all of the SFxT crew was a no brainer, but no one really asked for them either. Except Poison and Elena. Capcom just throws in whoever is easiest for them.
If I had to place a bet, I'd bank on that younger player quote speaking on different modes and whatnot, and has nothing to do with making Street Fighter play like shit.


It's a rollback netcode unlike SF4. It's no GGPO but it's a very good start.

I wouldn't be surprised if the consoles bottlenecked the amount of rollback they could do, which should be less of a problem with SF5.

SF5 is a tough job, if Ono makes it do as well as SF4, he deserves a ton of credit.

My only with for SF5 is for the game's high-level stuff to be more accessible and less input-sensitive.


I'm confused! Is this game being funded by SCE or is it a moneyhat? It doesn't matter to me either way since I have a PS4, but the details keep changing regarding the development of the game.


Does that make alarms go off in anyone else's head besides mine?

Yup, they are going off in my head too. I read that as meaning making it more accessible or, in other words, easier. Hopefully it just means having a more robust tutorial, which I don't recall in previous SF games.

The focus on netcode is a good thing; proof will be in the pudding though.
what character in sfiv requires DOZENS of hours to learn a bnb.

for real even the hardest BnBs in the game (viper fierce feint fierce, makoto s.hp HC s.mp, honda lp->hands. etc) you can learn in like a day.

the strongest meterless punish MOST characters have is like fierce xx special.

you got to admit that all 4 (6) new SF4 characters were quite unorthodox compared to old cast SF returning characters. Juri could be sworn out of an SNK game.

Viper is perfect example of being non Street Fighter in a Street Fighter game, she is so damn weird to play


No. They fail at #1 too. All of the characters that appear at the top of every popularity poll keep getting snubbed. People want Karin, Alex, R.Mika, Q, Oro, Urien, etc. No one wanted Oni or Evil Ryu. Nor did they ask for Yun and Yang. Pulling over all of the SFxT crew was a no brainer, but no one really asked for them either. Except Poison and Elena. Capcom just throws in whoever is easiest for them.
That's pure bull. Just because you are not a fan, doesn't mean Rolento and Hugo weren't asked for.

Plus there were people asking for the SFxT characters in SFIV since SFxT released.

You also forget that "attracting a new audience with characters people want to play" != "putting in characters old fans want to play". I don't see Karin, Q or Oro being popular with new folks.


Pewdiepie announcer



People think the execution of the problem when of the spent more time learning matchups and footsie, theyd do better in matches.

This times 100 to the Nth degree. I don't care how many times you can nail a BnB in the training room if I catch you pressing buttons.

I'm scared that this game is going to reignite the passion, which is scary. I spent a large amount of time in college playing and competing in Street Fighter tournies. I ended up putting the game down for awhile and going back to single-player experiences with my work, but...


Game looks cool but gotta agree that it looks slow as molasses. Daigo even mentioned that ideally the game should have a 40 seconds timer and each round be done before that.

When SFxT was announced, I was hype precisely for that reason. While never a Tekken player, I remember watching TTT on arcades, and something that was great was how quick each round could end. I hoped SFxT would bring that speed to street fighter, but alas, SFxT is one of the slowest games around. The walk speeds are just sluggish.
I'm confused! Is this game being funded by SCE or is it a moneyhat? It doesn't matter to me either way since I have a PS4, but the details keep changing regarding the development of the game.

SFV was going to happen regardless if Sony paid for this exclusive or not. What this deal with Sony does is make SFV come out sooner rather than later.


You really don't think so?

Footsies kinda sorta somewhat majorly does require good execution.

No. You might argue that hit confirming a quick poke on the fly into a combo (say ryu l.mk xx ex fireball fadc ultra) is execution but i wouldn't lump in reaction times with all of that.


Matchup knowledge, leads into mind games, leads into footsies, leads into control of the screen/loss of control of the screen, leads into damage/taking damage, leads into win/loss.

Is it not?

Or have I been doing it wrong all this time?


No. You might argue that hit confirming a quick poke on the fly into a combo (say ryu l.mk xx ex fireball fadc ultra) is execution but i wouldn't lump in reaction times with all of that.


I WOULD, as you say, lump reaction times in with all of that. So that is a point where we differ in terms. But footsies is not simply reaction times.


Matchup knowledge, leads into mind games, leads into footsies, leads into control of the screen/loss of control of the screen, leads into damage/taking damage, leads into win/loss.

It's not a black and white flowchart like this. All of these elements can affect each other.

as for footsies, it's all about space control, with timing playing into it regarding punishing whiffed moves. it's not execution based though, no one needs to practice their execution on a low forward.
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