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Oscar Isaac to play solid snake in metal gear solid movie


I just realized that I might be over MGS. Maybe this movie and the rumoured remake will pull me back in?

Airbus Jr

In my opinion Scot Eastwood should be the perfect choice for Solid Snake but im ok with this decision


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Isaac seems to be a fan of the series. He said this last year:

Him pitching himself sounds good - because it then suggests he doesn't need the entire backstory explained to him which is massive - as he's probably played all the games; especially as he made the distinction of which snake he wanted to play.

I guess this how Sony sign off on getting 8K cinema grade assets for UE5 nanite/Atom view tech for a PS5 game, cinema picks up the tab for the background stuff, and gaming does the extras to make stunning game/s.

Great Hair

He needs to gain muscle asap. I only know him from Star Worse (dont watch many movies) and don´t see him as Solid Snake. He is way too small, weak.

Mila Yoyowitch is Eve? Why not use the (improved) game assets and render a CGI movie instead? This sounds bad (on paper).


Scott Eastwood should portray Solid Snake. He's the right height and is of Northern/ Western European descent, as Snake appears to be; his facial features are very similar to Snake's. Check out his eyes: their deep-set, have epicanthic folds, and are blue like Snake's. Also, he has a narrow, pointed nose like Snake, as well as similarly shaped and proportioned lips. He's perfect for the role...at least in terms of looks.



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He’s an incredible actor and I can see the resemblance with the right make up/costume.

If y’all haven’t seen Ex Machina yet, get it watched. It’s a tour de force for the guy and a cracking little movie to boot. It’s like a super tense, really tight stage play.


In my opinion Scot Eastwood should be the perfect choice for Solid Snake but im ok with this decision


Scott Eastwood is a fucking shit actor. People get so hung up on how accurately an actor looks like a particular character, and forget that you need to read lines of dialogue convincingly, and pull off tense non-speaking parts, through pure visual flair. I can't name a single film Scott Eastwood has been a part of (and he's unfortunately been in a lot of films) that he made better. Jai Courtney is like 10 times the actor Scott Eastwood is, and Jai Courtney fucking sucks.

If I wanted someone who could pull off the look of Snake, I'd honestly go with Chris Hemsworth, and just have him die his hair. He could pull off a glorious mullet easily, and as we've seen in Extraction, he could definitely pull off the CQC fight scenes. However, Oscar Isaac is simply a better actor than Chris Hemsworth, and as we all know, a shitton of MGS is spent on the codec. Who would you rather see reading reams of dialogue, Hemsworth or Isaac? I'd say Isaac. Isaac or (lmao) fucking Scott "I'm not my daddy" Eastwood? Isaac by the diameter of the observable universe. Literally fuck Scott Eastwood for fucking up everything he touches.


I can see it working. Looking forward to it. I hope no one is expecting a masterpiece. Look for the next remake of the game for that.


Scott Eastwood is a fucking shit actor. People get so hung up on how accurately an actor looks like a particular character, and forget that you need to read lines of dialogue convincingly, and pull off tense non-speaking parts, through pure visual flair. I can't name a single film Scott Eastwood has been a part of (and he's unfortunately been in a lot of films) that he made better. Jai Courtney is like 10 times the actor Scott Eastwood is, and Jai Courtney fucking sucks.

If I wanted someone who could pull off the look of Snake, I'd honestly go with Chris Hemsworth, and just have him die his hair. He could pull off a glorious mullet easily, and as we've seen in Extraction, he could definitely pull off the CQC fight scenes. However, Oscar Isaac is simply a better actor than Chris Hemsworth, and as we all know, a shitton of MGS is spent on the codec. Who would you rather see reading reams of dialogue, Hemsworth or Isaac? I'd say Isaac. Isaac or (lmao) fucking Scott "I'm not my daddy" Eastwood? Isaac by the diameter of the observable universe. Literally fuck Scott Eastwood for fucking up everything he touches.
dude y u hate scott so much?


eric bana could have been good but i guess hes old for the part
Eric Bana makes Keanu Reeves look charismatic. I'm probably coming off as a real jerk in this thread, but I seriously wonder how many movies some gamers actually watch. I have the fortune/misfortune of having watched more than I can count, and some of these suggestions just seem ill-advised, to put it politely. Has anyone come away from an Eric Bana performance and felt that he contributed to the movie in a positive way? I certainly can't mention a single Bana role that was even decent. Nero in Star Trek was probably his best, and he was extremely limited in speaking parts in that movie. For very good reasons too.


Eric Bana makes Keanu Reeves look charismatic. I'm probably coming off as a real jerk in this thread, but I seriously wonder how many movies some gamers actually watch. I have the fortune/misfortune of having watched more than I can count, and some of these suggestions just seem ill-advised, to put it politely. Has anyone come away from an Eric Bana performance and felt that he contributed to the movie in a positive way? I certainly can't mention a single Bana role that was even decent. Nero in Star Trek was probably his best, and he was extremely limited in speaking parts in that movie. For very good reasons too.
ok fine , u hate every one
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ok fine , u hate every one
I actually don't. There are a lot of great actors. And I love Chris Hemsworth in a lot of movies. Like I said, he could be great as Snake. I just think they gave the role to a better actor here. Extraction was an awesome flick. I love that movie, and Hemsworth is a badass as Rake. Not far off what would be required for Snake, IMO. However, Isaac has acting chops that can't be denied. Scott Eastwood, OTOH, is a fucking trainwreck.


Scott Eastwood is a fucking shit actor. People get so hung up on how accurately an actor looks like a particular character, and forget that you need to read lines of dialogue convincingly, and pull off tense non-speaking parts, through pure visual flair. I can't name a single film Scott Eastwood has been a part of (and he's unfortunately been in a lot of films) that he made better. Jai Courtney is like 10 times the actor Scott Eastwood is, and Jai Courtney fucking sucks.

If I wanted someone who could pull off the look of Snake, I'd honestly go with Chris Hemsworth, and just have him die his hair. He could pull off a glorious mullet easily, and as we've seen in Extraction, he could definitely pull off the CQC fight scenes. However, Oscar Isaac is simply a better actor than Chris Hemsworth, and as we all know, a shitton of MGS is spent on the codec. Who would you rather see reading reams of dialogue, Hemsworth or Isaac? I'd say Isaac. Isaac or (lmao) fucking Scott "I'm not my daddy" Eastwood? Isaac by the diameter of the observable universe. Literally fuck Scott Eastwood for fucking up everything he touches.

Chris Evans also has the right look, but he's also a great actor.



Terrible choice, does'nt fit the character. But totally expected since hollywood nowadays only does woke bullcrap with adaptations, just like netflix did with the witcher.


TBH, If an actor is genuinely interested in a role for a genre movie beyond "it pays the bills" I'm much more inclined to be excited. People poo-poo'd Cavill as Geralt until they saw how much he actually brought to the role in the netflix series.

I love this casting, and I love that Isaac was interested in the role before it was even really "a thing".


Gold Member
Eric Bana makes Keanu Reeves look charismatic. I'm probably coming off as a real jerk in this thread, but I seriously wonder how many movies some gamers actually watch. I have the fortune/misfortune of having watched more than I can count, and some of these suggestions just seem ill-advised, to put it politely. Has anyone come away from an Eric Bana performance and felt that he contributed to the movie in a positive way? I certainly can't mention a single Bana role that was even decent. Nero in Star Trek was probably his best, and he was extremely limited in speaking parts in that movie. For very good reasons too.
Go watch Chopper. Eric Bana is incredible in the right part

Eric Bana makes Keanu Reeves look charismatic. I'm probably coming off as a real jerk in this thread, but I seriously wonder how many movies some gamers actually watch. I have the fortune/misfortune of having watched more than I can count, and some of these suggestions just seem ill-advised, to put it politely. Has anyone come away from an Eric Bana performance and felt that he contributed to the movie in a positive way? I certainly can't mention a single Bana role that was even decent. Nero in Star Trek was probably his best, and he was extremely limited in speaking parts in that movie. For very good reasons too.

Eric came from a sketch comedy background. The first time he was cast in a serious role blew all our heads off



Good casting, sure he doesn't look the part (and I say this as a massive MGS fan, probably my favorite franchise) but as others have pointed out, looks are secondary to acting ability.


Go watch Chopper. Eric Bana is incredible in the right part

Eric came from a sketch comedy background. The first time he was cast in a serious role blew all our heads off

I very much appreciate the suggestions. I intentionally didn't call Bana an outright bad actor, just that he wasn't charismatic. I don't get any energy from the guy, but maybe he needs the right role. I'm not sure Snake is the right role for him. I'll give these a look this weekend.


Now that I think about it, Chris Evans is the only rational choice. He has the right facial features, the right build, and the acting ability.
That was a terrible script, as evidenced by the Phoenix film that followed it. There's not much anyone could have done to save that film. Fassbender was also in Apolcalypse, as were McAvoy and Lawrence. The film stunk for reasons other than the acting.

I know I wasn't being totally serious, I just think outside the atrocious design/make-up, he was wrongly cast. Main issue is he's way too short. Again here, playing SS is not a good fit either. You need someone athletic and rugged looking at least.

Airbus Jr

Now that I think about it, Chris Evans is the only rational choice. He has the right facial features, the right build, and the acting ability.

Chris Evans might fit the race profile but doesnt have the same charm to be snake

Scott Eastwood is much closer ( when it comes to appearance)

Its in the eyes man...
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The important question is, how will they handle Psycho Mantis breaking the fourth wall. Somehow fucking with the audience? Talk to Snake about the making of the movie?

Also regarding Scott Eastwood, dude is a fucking plank of wood in any role. People should stop just trying to cast on appearance alone.
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Chris Evans might fit the race profile but doesnt have the same charm to be snake

Scott Eastwood is much closer ( when it comes to appearance)

Its in the eyes man...
Chris Evans has the acting chops to convey charm. Don't you remember his performance as Johnny Storm in the first two Fantastic 4 movies?

"This is Dolce...ugh."

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