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Oscar Isaac to play solid snake in metal gear solid movie

Ewan perhaps



Great pic. Interested to see this. I also hope it breathes new life into the franchise and we get more games. Said it before, I’ll say it again: I don’t care if kojima isn’t attached. It will be fine.


David Hayter getting screwed out of being snake again

David is way too old and probably doesn't have the acting chops to play him.

We just got to wait and see how it plays out. A lot of people didn't think Heath Ledger could play a good joker until he did. Same thing with Ben Affleck Batman.


David is way too old and probably doesn't have the acting chops to play him.

We just got to wait and see how it plays out. A lot of people didn't think Heath Ledger could play a good joker until he did. Same thing with Ben Affleck Batman.

Went right over your head huh?
David is way too old and probably doesn't have the acting chops to play him.

We just got to wait and see how it plays out. A lot of people didn't think Heath Ledger could play a good joker until he did. Same thing with Ben Affleck Batman.

I hate the Affleck Batman.


You fucking dopes posting scott eastwood are being such dorks right now. Get some taste, you nerds. Fucking watch a movie and pay attention - just because he looks a little more like snake doesn’t save the fact that he’s a fucking bad actor and will drown this movie. Oscar Isaac is a way better actor and looks the part more than enough, which is way, way more important if you actually want a good movie and not just a fucking cosplay showcase. Sure, you can stray too far from the source, but Oscar Isaac is totally fine visually.


I just realized Jordan Vogt-Roberts is directing. Only thing he's really done is Kong: Skull Island. Luckily, I actually enjoyed that film. The set pieces with the monsters were great. It bodes well for scenes with Snake versus the mechs. How well he'll handle the CQC and dialogue is another story. Kong wasn't known for its great character development. Characters pretty much stayed who they were for the duration of the film. Then again, Snake is Snake. I'm not exactly expecting him to have a character arc, just want to see him saving the world.


Represent(ative) of bad opinions
I loved Kong Skull Island.

Issac was dope in Triple Fronteir

the script in a MGS game is already FUCKED anyhow so who cares.



Wait wait wait

I just realised they're going straight to MGS, I mean for alot of us, myself included, it was the first MG game I played, but surely some of the story won't make sense without the context?
It was mentioned in an interview that the movie won't be an adaptation of a certain game - like MGS1, for instance - but something that spans across the whole timeline of the series, showing "the repetition [of war] and the cycle of pain throughout time."


It was mentioned in an interview that the movie won't be an adaptation of a certain game - like MGS1, for instance - but something that spans across the whole timeline of the series, showing "the repetition [of war] and the cycle of pain throughout time."
I expect an amalgamation of MGS1 and MGS2. Enough history in there, with a major setpiece, which should be required to make the film memorable. There has to be a giant Metal Gear in there. REX and RAY could provide Act1/2 and Act3 setpieces, while also establishing Liquid and Ocelot as major players. That's my hope, anyway. The storylines of those 2 games are compact enough to merge into a single film, while cutting out the excessive padding they both had.


that is actually a great get for the studio. suprise casting. oscar isaac is one fine actor and him being involved with this alone hints to a good script (maybe)


One of the green rats
Why do people think he is a great actor?
X-men and Star Wars he was pretty bad. Maybe a little better in ex machina , wasn’t that Jurassic park movie. Lol


Gold Member
Not as bad as feared it could be. It could be worse, they are getting people of color to play Leon and Jill in the upcoming resident evil film. Jill is black now, and Leon is spanish/Hispanic?
Why does a race change matter? Who gives a shit, what matters is nailing the character, if they manage that then I don't give a fuck what shade of crayon they resemble.


It was mentioned in an interview that the movie won't be an adaptation of a certain game - like MGS1, for instance - but something that spans across the whole timeline of the series, showing "the repetition [of war] and the cycle of pain throughout time."

I watched that interview you're referring to and what you're saying here is only half true. He made it clear that he is basically directly adapting MGS1 but with some remixed elements (an example was he showed some concept art that had Gray Fox with some Gekkos from MGS4 + Snake using the Octocamo also from MGS4) combined with adding in some flashback moments from Snake Eater to give it the context it needs to land. Which makes sense, since so much of the big plot moments of MGS1 hinges on your understanding of who Big Boss is and why he matters.
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