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|OT| French Presidential Elect 2017 - La France est toujours insoumise; Le Pen loses

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So what actually happens in terms of actual governing in the five weeks between Macron taking office and the second round of the legislative elections? Macron is going to appoint his government, but they're not going to be able to work an anything because the outgoing parliament with the old majorities is still in session until the end of June? And if the legislative elections go badly for him he's going to have to start from scratch again, or what?

There was something about it in today's live edition of Le Monde:
Gérard Courtois : Emmanuel Macron va être amené à prendre toute une série de décisions essentielles pour le démarrage de son quinquennat. Dès cette semaine devrait être rendue publique la liste des 577 candidats que son mouvement présentera aux législatives des 11 et 18 juin. Ce "casting" est un des facteurs déterminants de sa capacité à conquérir, demain, une majorité à l'Assemblée.

A partir de son entrée en fonction dimanche 14 mai, il va nommer un premier ministre et un gouvernement dont la configuration symbolisera ou non sa volonté de renouvellement et de rassemblement puisque ce sont les deux objectifs qu'il s'est fixés.

Une fois le gouvernement nommé, et sans attendre les législatives, le pouvoir exécutif pourra prendre des initiatives hautement symboliques : en particulier Emmanuel Macron semble vouloir très rapidement présenter en conseil des ministres le projet de loi de moralisation de la vie politique qu'il a annoncé. Ce projet ne pourra pas être discuté avant la session extraordinaire du Parlement, en juillet. Mais il marquera une première étape dans la réalisation de ses engagements.

Par ailleurs, le nouveau président va être amené à faire ses premiers pas sur la scène internationale : il participera à un sommet de l'OTAN, le 25 mai, et à une réunion du G7, les 26 et 27 mai. Dans les deux cas, au-delà même des contacts qu'il prendra très rapidement avec ses homologues européens, et notamment avec la chancelière allemande, ce sera l'occasion pour lui de tracer les grandes lignes de son action européenne et internationale.

So basically: he can already push his international policies and what he wants for changing political rules/policies (to avoid other issues like Fillon had), but not much outside of that. Government and some ceremonies.
Not enough time to start implementing policies otherwise.
Ow and on the list of people that ought to leave: Schäuble.

Agree. Problem is, Schäuble is the most popular politician in Germany, beating even Merkel herself:


I have no doubt that Merkel is aware that Schäuble's hardline stance and his fiscal conservatism, while popular with the German electorate, is not really what Europe needs at the moment. However, it's pretty clear that voters wouldn't tolerate a shift in policy on that matter. Maybe after the elections. I mean, it's to be expected that this is going to be the last time that Merkel is running for office, so maybe she can go into "don't give a fuck" mode after that.
Agree. Problem is, Schäuble is the most popular politician in Germany, beating even Merkel herself:


I have no doubt that Merkel is aware that Schäuble's hardline stance and his fiscal conservatism, while popular with the German electorate, is not really what Europe needs at the moment. However, it's pretty clear that voters wouldn't tolerate a shift in policy on that matter. Maybe after the elections. I mean, it's to be expected that this is going to be the last time that Merkel is running for office, so maybe she can go into "don't give a fuck" mode after that.

I'm German, and this is blowing my mind. Schäuble is liked that much?!

On the other hand good to see Özdemir so high up.
I'm as pro-European as you can be, and yeah, we'll be in a better place when Juncker is gone.

Is anyone watching TF1 's documentary ?

There's some comedic gold in it.
Yeah. His press manager is really funny.

I had forgotten how much the bit of the first debate they showed foreshadowed last week's debate.


Is anyone watching TF1 's documentary ?


I was wondering how TF1 accepted to put a documentary without voiceover or any kind of comments on prime time because in cinéma it's a genre that is very confidential since the 1960s because it requires great attention from viewers.

But everything is well explained, everybody knows about the context/story, there is a very small group of advisers that have the focus on them so you don't lose track and the comedy approach (which Macorn uses at its best knowing he is filmed) is very good.

There are some gems and interesting moments about how a campaign is done but some moments are meaningless and a bit hagiographic because you need to have sympathy with the character. (for instance whenhe makes coffees "for everyone" or eat at the dinner like a normal person)

On a technical note, the color editing is too desaturated.


Is anyone watching TF1 's documentary ?

There's some comedic gold in it.

I only caught the end, starting at the whirlpool events. It's always interesting to hear people in real interactions, and not talking to the camera (even if the camera is still there of course). I hope I can watch it on replay.
The part about the debate was funny, his supporters really seemed to have a good time when he was scoring points.


Final thoughts : The editing is clearly centered around Macron's humanization and presidentialization so everything else has been put aside. It will do good for his image (as he's shown as both a normal guy who knows how to make fun of himself, be kind with people, have bad habits etc.) but for that kind of documentary there is a need for the director to show more the contradiction within the campaign.

It's "Les coulisses de la victoire / The backtages of the victory" but it's more about the success than the behind the scenes. It's The West Wing without enough political drama and understanding of how his image is built and how his team works (to build his image and run a campaign). That should have been the aim of the director who would position himself as a journalist-investigator-documentarist.

Not surprising since the guy did an hagiography of Teddy Riner. Not surprising that Macron gave him full access to the campaign too, he (or his team) knew he wouldn't do Something too controversial (and TF1 wouldn't have bought it anyway).


Lol, "youngest president ever", but it's time to grow up ! :D
I also saw a snippet where he was laughing at the video of him getting egged in the face... now I wish I had watched it from the beginning, I thought it would be just another boring documentary but it seems to have funny moments.
I agree with Coffinhal, it felt hagiographic. It was interesting, and there were some pretty revelatory moments (like seeing the Bayrou stuff backstage or generally seeing how they worked), but in the end, I'd be nauseous if the same thing had been made about Le Pen.

It's well worth a watch, and I don't doubt there's truth to it as it correlates with most reports I've seen, but it's really toothless.

Then again, it's an answer to the fallacious "we don't know him" when the truth is that all you know is a public persona anyway. Fillon was a shining example of that.


paid requisite penance
Dang, I know the thing only exists to build his image, but now I really want to see this documentary.

... And of course people are already shitposting in the comments section of the video I posted. They're acting like Brigitte is his mother, that he doesn't know what real life is like, and that he can't be a good president. Ugh.


Dang, I know the thing only exists to build his image, but now I really want to see this documentary.

Watch it with a critical mind knowing what he director wanted to portray and what he didn't want to show.

The documentary "Le Pouvoir" about Hollande's first year in office is a must-watch too
It stars Macron when he was Hollande's adviser (here at the bottom right of the screen), it was the first time he was seen on TV/cinema and in action. I remember reading his "portrait" in the press before, it was very positive with the same narrative/story that went on and on afterwards


what does it mean when they do (((((((((((((((that))))))))))))))))) ?
It's marginal, but symbolically, I'm very curious to see if Macron will keep his promise of giving Plenel a long interview like that once a year. I obviously hope he does. Speaking truth to power and all that.

what does it mean when they do (((((((((((((((that))))))))))))))))) ?
Originally it's alt-right signaling for Jews ("globalists"), but it's been taken back by people who voluntarily put it around their names or make fun of it.


It's marginal, but symbolically, I'm very curious to see if Macron will keep his promise of giving Plenel a long interview like that once a year. Iobviously hope he does. Speaking truth to power and all that.

Originally it's alt-right signaling for Jews ("globalists"), but it's been taken back by people who voluntarily put it around their names or make fun of it.

Good point about Mediapart. Hollande sait he would give a full press conference every six months and I don't remember when he did his last. 2015 I guess ?

It'll be a good test to see if he gets swallowed by the monarc...presidential machine.

What is? Macron?
Yes, even if you ask some people unhappy from the first round. The perfect candidate sadly doesn't exist.

It's not about being "perfect", it is just that he doesn't represent every ideology and therefore he can't represent everybody (nobody can).

It's good news for foreigners who feared another ethno-nationalist would get into power (even Sanders saw it that way in his tweet). But for French people it depends. For leftists like me that fight neoliberal agendas, and despite the moderate renewal he represents, it isn't good news.




For the record, when the pyramid was built under François Mitterrand, people already suspected it was a freemason symbol.

Just finished watching the "documentary", it was amusing indeed. The egg part was the best. ^^ ("vous croyez qu'ils vont en envoyer d'autres ?", genre "ho ben non je viens de me changer !")
His team seems dynamic and funny indeed, but also very generous on "shoe polish". Even when they're providing criticism, flattery isn't far behind.


paid requisite penance
Watch it with a critical mind knowing what he director wanted to portray and what he didn't want to show.

Just did. Very interesting, though obviously carefully directed. My biggest worry watching this and hearing him during his Mediapart interview is his seeming obsession with work. His philosophy reminds me of Sarkozy's "Le Travail rend libre". See the part where he brainstorms with Cohn Bendit et al and says something like "when you're young, 35 hours is nothing". He's obviously not as crazy as Fillon, but let's hope he doesn't think we all should be workaholics. I both loathe and like his "winner" attitude.

I need to sharpen my critical eye. What are your biggest takeaways from the video (both positive and negative)?

The documentary "Le Pouvoir" about Hollande's first year in office is a must-watch too
It stars Macron when he was Hollande's adviser (here at the bottom right of the screen), it was the first time he was seen on TV/cinema and in action. I remember reading his "portrait" in the press before, it was very positive with the same narrative/story that went on and on afterwards

Thanks, I'll watch it later. Should be very interesting indeed.


Watching the documentary right now, it's pretty interesting.
It's obviously some good communication work, and came out at a weird time (although after what we got from Hollande, guess there's no good timing anymore...), but it's still interesting both on a political view, for the backstage details, and a personal view. He feels more relatable, which is the point of every political documentary to be fair.


I haven't seen the documentary yet, but as a filmmaker myself, wow, they have a fucking documentary ready the next day?! It must have been a stressful final 24 hours for those guys :p


I was wondering how TF1 accepted to put a documentary without voiceover or any kind of comments on prime time because in cinéma it's a genre that is very confidential since the 1960s because it requires great attention from viewers.

But everything is well explained, everybody knows about the context/story, there is a very small group of advisers that have the focus on them so you don't lose track and the comedy approach (which Macorn uses at its best knowing he is filmed) is very good.

There are some gems and interesting moments about how a campaign is done but some moments are meaningless and a bit hagiographic because you need to have sympathy with the character. (for instance whenhe makes coffees "for everyone" or eat at the dinner like a normal person)

On a technical note, the color editing is too desaturated.

What do you mean with a genre that is very confidential? Anyway, I'm guessing part of the reason for no voice over is the short time they had to make it, same applies to the colour grading, it's probably straight from camera.


What are your biggest takeaways from the video (both positive and negative)?

Mine are :
- Macron knows people, as individuals or as groups : he saw the risk of Hamon ("faut se méfier de Benoit"), he guessed Fillon wouldn't drop the towel, he knew people would be impressed by "who wants it more" in the end, knew it would be a bad look to be in the CCI for Whirlpool...
- He's being too cuddled by his team ; although they seem competent, they're also spending too much time praising him (IMO). Not really yes-men, but courtesans.

Apart from that, nothing really new. He is indeed a workaholic, but the idea that work is the root of our society isn't shocking to me (after all everybody is focusing on unemployment right now, so it does mean that the lack of work is considered as a major issue).
Also I hope it can help people realize there's nothing wrong in being happy to "win" the first round, especially when they didn't expect to come first.


Mine are :
- Macron knows people, as individuals or as groups : he saw the risk of Hamon ("faut se méfier de Benoit"), he guessed Fillon wouldn't drop the towel, he knew people would be impressed by "who wants it more" in the end, knew it would be a bad look to be in the CCI for Whirlpool...

Just quoted this part because I think it's extremely accurate. Like every previous president before him (like them or not...), he really shows he genuinely understand people, both as a strategist and a humanist. It doesn't mean he uses this well for the latter, but for the former, he really understand what is happening around him and is capable to make quick decisions about that.
At least that's what has been shown from this campaign, this documentary and some other parts of his political life.

Not saying he's the only one capable of that from all the candidates that we've got obviously. But it feels similar to Chirac and Hollande (and more), both with the good and the bad.

edit: agreed also with the courtesans part btw. They're not yes men, and you can feel that Macron still decides of everything (and does quite a bit himself). Including his wife, that was reassuring to see she's more a moral/health coach (un peu mère poule...) than a political/strategical one.


paid requisite penance
Holy shit he just posted a video straight up telling American climate change researchers to come to France because Trump is a climate change skeptic and we will abide by the COP21.

I'm sensing a Trump Twitter meltdown very soon.

Sorry for not posting the vid, I saw this on FB and I don't think there's a way to share that on here, is there?

[EDIT] A brain drain from the US to France would feel like bizarro world, honestly.


I know this is going to be a controversial opinion on GAF. But I'm so disappointed in France as a country. They had a chance to show the rest of the world what a real leader is. France should be ashamed for voting for macaroni, only if the people would stop listening to fake news. Thor Deux could've have had this in the baguette.


I haven't seen the documentary yet, but as a filmmaker myself, wow, they have a fucking documentary ready the next day?! It must have been a stressful final 24 hours for those guys :p

What do you mean with a genre that is very confidential? Anyway, I'm guessing part of the reason for no voice over is the short time they had to make it, same applies to the colour grading, it's probably straight from camera.

Well not really 95% of the documentary has been shot (and edited, color corrected, mixed) before the election day. What he shot on Sunday is easily edited in a few hours.
The same happened for an Hollande documentary that aired the day after he was elected in 2012.

I was talking about the cinéma direct genre. Most of the documentaries politics (or most topics to be fair) you see on TV have voice overs and guests, lots of graphic and motion design etc.
Here he keeps the mise en scène to the minimum in order to portray what he believed he captured. It reinforces the backstages and "truth" of the moments he shot so it allows a great storytelling (he breaks the standard TV documentary codes for a Macron documentary knowing Macron wants to break the codes of politics/politicians). Very smart use of that old genre that was before used for ethnography and sociology, and isn't popular on TV : France TV likes documentaries with a lot of voice over, the director in the frame, guests*...except for "Un temps de président" in 2015 about François Hollande. Other are kept to cinémas and DVD : Depardon, Claire Simon, Wiseman... (but they inform you and share their analysis through the means of cinematography whereas the director here is portraying kind of a hero's campaign)

*see what they did with Macron (La stratégie du météore), Mélenchon (the film with Gérard Miller), Juppé (with FO Giesbert) etc, it's really the worst propaganda

I didn't see what he did with Teddy Riner but that must have been kind of the same.

I saw on the director's Twitter that he did color correction with a professionnal. Bizarre artistic choice.

Holy shit he just posted a video straight up telling American climate change researchers to come to France because Trump is a climate change skeptic and we will abide by the COP21.

I'm sensing a Trump Twitter meltdown very soon.

Sorry for not posting the vid, I saw this on FB and I don't think there's a way to share that on here, is there?

[EDIT] A brain drain from the US to France would feel like bizarro world, honestly.

No that's from back in February

Just did. Very interesting, though obviously carefully directed. My biggest worry watching this and hearing him during his Mediapart interview is his seeming obsession with work. His philosophy reminds me of Sarkozy's "Le Travail rend libre". See the part where he brainstorms with Cohn Bendit et al and says something like "when you're young, 35 hours is nothing". He's obviously not as crazy as Fillon, but let's hope he doesn't think we all should be workaholics. I both loathe and like his "winner" attitude.

I need to sharpen my critical eye. What are your biggest takeaways from the video (both positive and negative)?

Well I pretty much did everything I think about it in my previous posts. I would need to watch it a second time because I was focused on the hot things that were in there (the Bayrou moment especially is really mind blowing) and the details (because the lack of commentary means some things need to be explained : for instance when Griveaux (his spokesman) shakes Montebourg's hand with a big smile that's because they used to work together in the same maority at a Conseil général)

On the positive side :

In terms of pure cinematography, it's well edited since there's a good mix of moments (comedy, strategy, another angle at a public event to give contex, real backstage, reaction shots etc) and that gives a good pace, which is important. Sound design is pretty good too, minimalist in the music especially.
There are some really good moments on what is really interesting to me : how the campaign works around his closest staff. With good editing there too, for instance when the press secretary identifies a bad buzz and tries to do as much damage control as possible and we see how it goes to Macron.
Or the Whirlpool moment : kind of the same, you see the damage control and their struggle to have the momentum against Le Pen in the media and how the staff's work (on security measures for instance) can lead to bad buzz.

On the negative it's mostly that something different could have been done to really understand, analyze how a campaign is ran between Macron and his staff, basically doing sociology (hidden mechanism within a group) - but that doesn't fit the director's of the broadcaster's aims who basically want to tell an entertaining and humanizing story about a big character ("What is the real face of your new President? How is he backstage with the people he works with 20h a day?"
That's closer to a Paris Match paper than one for Le Monde or Mediapart.

It's great to have this on prime time on TF1 (great number of viewers) because few people know about how it works backstage. But it has many bias that you have to acknowledge and that the average viewer won't see because the storytelling is effective and entertaining (even if people know that images can be manipulated etc).

IIncluding his wife, that was reassuring to see she's more a moral/health coach (un peu mère poule...) than a political/strategical one.

Well she clearly says she doesn't give her opinion to her husband publicly but only when they are alone. She's not part of the political team but she must give her opinion in private including on strategy.
That's clearly something that can't be seen (or read in a paper)

Btw about his wife I'm sick of hearing calling her "Brigitte" as if they knew her. Misogyny at its finest once again and that's only the beginning.
Btw2 where were the women in her staff? It's only white males*. Mostly young but still.
*deputy press secretary aside


Now that election is over, should this thread become French PoliGAF*? Valls just announced he'd run as an EM candidate for the législatives lol.

*Was gonna invert GAF like we do for every other acronym (OTAN, UE, FMI, etc), but that would look bad >< PoliFAJ?


Luciferian? There can't pass a week now where the right-wingers won't coin a new term to desperately fit their narrative, huh?

All those code-words, dog-whistles and braces won't make their paranoid fever dreams reality.


the pro-trump people on twitter are really sad and awful, it was funny to read their reactions at first but it just make me feel sick so i'll stop


listen to the mad man
Now that election is over, should this thread become French PoliGAF*? Valls just announced he'd run as an EM candidate for the législatives lol.

*Was gonna invert GAF like we do for every other acronym (OTAN, UE, FMI, etc), but that would look bad >< PoliFAJ?

We'd want to reboot the OP, but yeah it'd be cool to have a French PoliGAF! :D

-Plasma Reus-

Service guarantees member status
Hey Frenchies,

Here's your daily reminder you guys have better voters than the UK or US. Good job on being a better country and living up to your ideals, despite all the shit you went through.
Now that election is over, should this thread become French PoliGAF*? Valls just announced he'd run as an EM candidate for the législatives lol.

*Was gonna invert GAF like we do for every other acronym (OTAN, UE, FMI, etc), but that would look bad >< PoliFAJ?

EM announced they didn't knew about that. lol.
This guy has just no shame. :")
I always have tirades ready about human dignity, but man, Valls is the left's Dupont-Aignan. I hope they tell him to fuck off.

(This is what I'm talking about: http://f24.my/1CQf.F )

At least, Dupont-Aignan asked the persons involved before announcing his support and bargained for something.
Valls on the other hand... he just said he wish to do that, before asking any parties involved :")
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