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|OT| topics will now go live on game launch date


I like anything that tries to cull the cult mentality in GAF. Hopefully this changes will make every thread more welcoming to people of differing point of view.


As others have said, I'm all in favor of moving from one week to 24 hours.

When you post the OT one week before release, there just isn't much to talk about. The only people with copies at that point are reviewers.

24 hours before release though... at that point, quite a few people already have the game. This always happens. There's more info out there as well. That said, it wouldn't be a disaster for me if mods keep the release day idea. I wouldn't mind _that_ much. I can see how others would though.


Well dammit, I thought this was a good idea till I thought about coming here a week before release and looking for all the Halo: MCC pre-order bonus details in a single, easy to find spot.

How about an OT a week before release, but it's locked (and stickied?) until release day?


I'm surprised everyone is so down on hype. For me personally, especially as someone who doesn't have any real friends that play games anymore? I really enjoy the aspect of having an outlet to discuss my hype for something, or even just watch other people experiencing what I'm experiencing pre-release. It's a big draw for me on this forum and the internet in general.

I think the "pre-OT" idea seems unnecessary and is just over complicating things. As others have suggested, it seems to me alike the OT going up 48 hours before seems reasonable.


Kills Photobucket
I would much prefer to see them continue to stay up a week in advance, as most OP include info on various pre-order promotions, and its a nice easy place to see what my different buying options are if I am to buy the game.


I would much prefer to see them continue to stay up a week in advance, as most OP include info on various pre-order promotions, and its a nice easy place to see what my different buying options are if I am to buy the game.

This is a good point that I hadn't considered. I dunno if it's meaningful enough on its own to overturn the decision to go to on-date or 24/48 hours before, but I'm glad it was mentioned since I didn't really think of it.


If they're gonna limit launches the I encourage folks to make separate topics prior to launch for said promotional deals or limited editions. Many folks really tend to miss out or are completely unaware such options exist. Waiting for launch day would make many folks miss the train on limited editions and whatnot IE NISA and IFI Les that sell out quick.

Ranger X

Me I like a thread with everything. I like the new rule and I would even go as far as putting all the news in the game's thread after release. As long as its a competent OP that udpates the opening post with the news.

Neogaf goes fast, having a one stop place thread is very useful when you don't want to check up 10 pages of threads with 100 000 posts each


Good idea I like it, however we should make a OT for pre-release of said game and lock that thread when the Main Original thread is up. (and have Pre thread link to OT?
Day of is a mistake. Needs a little more lead time than that. Where do people go to talk about early copies of the game? Who cares how many posts are in the OT the day of release. This is a solution for a non-existent problem.


Seems weird. Where will all the hype be stored?

But seriously, day of is kind of pointless, no? I purchased Shadow of Mordor because of the OT being filled with praise and such. Was also able to get information on it a few days in the advance as I had never even heard of it. Was able to see release dates and videos to further inform my purchase. Not saying I wouldn't have purchased anyway but the thread certainly helped since everything was there waiting to be read.

I don't know. This solves a problem that I'm not even sure exists.


I don't have a issue with it in the day of release but I think it's a terrible idea to put the gb thread or super best friends or anything like that into community. It should stay in the main section.


I don't have a issue with it in the day of release but I think it's a terrible idea to put the gb thread or super best friends or anything like that into community. It should stay in the main section.

Wait, what?

These threads thrive solely on the exposure they get on the frontpage. Moving anything to community is basically condeming it to just a handful of hardcore followers. No-one is interested in discussing Giantbomb when it's just the same six people in the thread all the time, having it on the frontpage continuously brings in people who are not that invested, but still like to occassionally discuss GB.

What a terrible idea. I'm fine with the OT rule, but the community section of the forum is a big cemetary of stifled conversations and non-moving threads.


Mecklemore Is My Favorite Wrapper
This is fantastic for the developers and publishers, not so much for anybody who uses NeoGAF for gaming discussion/news. Issues that we would know about beforehand are now going to come out after most people already have the game. Combine that with the recent trend of reviews being embargoed until release date and I'm just not seeing any side to this that benefits consumers, as it allows the developers absolute control over the flow of information on this site.

My two cents, for what its worth.


shouldn't we have a vote for this? Seems the majority of the community are actually not ok with this (and for very good reasons). Benefits are basically non-existent imo. We are seeing this with sunset overdrive now, we need a central place to dicuss all the goodness before it hits us ;)

A few weeks ago I was showing a friend the value of gaf, by presenting all the OT's and how can get informed before buying. This replaced waiting for reviews for me too + these threads really got my inner hype train going, and hype can be a very good thing. I want to be as excited as possible for new releases... Please don't do this gaf :/



Wait, what?

These threads thrive solely on the exposure they get on the frontpage. Moving anything to community is basically condeming it to just a handful of hardcore followers. No-one is interested in discussing Giantbomb when it's just the same six people in the thread all the time, having it on the frontpage continuously brings in people who are not that invested, but still like to occassionally discuss GB.

What a terrible idea. I'm fine with the OT rule, but the community section of the forum is a big cemetary of stifled conversations and non-moving threads.

There will still be Bombcast threads with a link to the Community thread which will get people who don't browse Gaming Community to post there.
I don't have a issue with it in the day of release but I think it's a terrible idea to put the gb thread or super best friends or anything like that into community. It should stay in the main section.

I don't particularly mind where it goes but I'm unsure why, say, Angry Joe or Jimquisiton get a new OT for everything they do while Giant Bomb is allowed to balloon into the megathread it is now. As someone who is not particularly invested in the communities around these commentators, it's hard to understand why that is.

As for the change to Gaming OTs, I don't see how the stated problem (difficulty to jump into a fast-moving thread for newcomers and redundancy of discussion because of many threads dedicated to same title) is solved by this.

The policy seems very focused on huge releases like Destiny that do generate rapidfire threads and lots of topics... but what about 'smaller' or less marketed AAA releases like Shadow of Mordor or The Sims 4, where prerelease hype and discussion go a long way to informing GAFfers? I think there are far more titles like that than those tentpole release that create the problems the moderators are trying to solve.


I do not really see a problem needing of this change, nor does it really bother me. but I look for OTs to talk about a game I want before its even released, where will I go now?

Seems weird. Where will all the hype be stored?

But seriously, day of is kind of pointless, no? I purchased Shadow of Mordor because of the OT being filled with praise and such. Was also able to get information on it a few days in the advance as I had never even heard of it. Was able to see release dates and videos to further inform my purchase. Not saying I wouldn't have purchased anyway but the thread certainly helped since everything was there waiting to be read.

I don't know. This solves a problem that I'm not even sure exists.

Day of is a mistake. Needs a little more lead time than that. Where do people go to talk about early copies of the game? Who cares how many posts are in the OT the day of release. This is a solution for a non-existent problem.

shouldn't we have a vote for this? Seems the majority of the community are actually not ok with this (and for very good reasons). Benefits are basically non-existent imo. We are seeing this with sunset overdrive now, we need a central place to dicuss all the goodness before it hits us ;)

A few weeks ago I was showing a friend the value of gaf, by presenting all the OT's and how can get informed before buying. This replaced waiting for reviews for me too + these threads really got my inner hype train going, and hype can be a very good thing. I want to be as excited as possible for new releases... Please don't do this gaf :/

But this is a new issue. A lot of us try to be informed buyers and like to discuss with all the info in one place. These days we are lucky to get a game that reviews before it's release date and waiting until the OP goes up on release day would just be a step backwards.

The idea is to have a thread clean and ready for release day posts... if we are going to do this we need a Pre-OT like thread to be created so people can share hype and interest in such game. when game is "released" a Main OT thread can be created or unlocked while the Pre-OT is Locked and links to the Released OT. Also the OT does not have to be opened day of, 2-3 day leanicy would be nice because of early copies existing.

Is this good no?
official threads are always good and the pre release discussion has always been cool to see. The OP of the |OTs| all have their information laid out nicely to anyone entering the thread, and i think that making a |OT| for the release day only wouldn't benefit the thread because people would enter it in droves and the discussions would be as fast as before.


Thursday is going to be interesting anyway. In all likelihood, UK people are going to get the game on the Thursday and there will be no OT. Hopefully we don't get a bunch of threads about it!

F(First)TTP: Bayonetta 2


I do not really see a problem needing of this change, nor does it really bother me. but I look for OTs to talk about a game I want before its even released, where will I go now?

The idea is to have a thread clean and ready for release day posts... if we are going to do this we need a Pre-OT like thread to be created so people can share hype and interest in such game. when game is "released" a Main OT thread can be created or unlocked while the Pre-OT is Locked and links to the Released OT. Also the OT does not have to be opened day of, 2-3 day leanicy would be nice because of early copies existing.

Is this good no?

I think the idea of a Pre-OT is still silly, if we're opening and closing a |pOT| every week before an OT, you might as well not change anything from how it already is. As for where to talk about the game before releasing, I assume that the idea is that every preview or piece of information would get its own thread, similar to how news is shared before the 7 days before release. So-and-so previews Witcher 3, details new [blank]. New Batman Arkham Knight Launch trailer, pre-order infomation. Etc.

Though I still think 48 hours would be nice, especially in the age of digital pre-loading and early streams (whether official streams or not >_> )
I just remembered that Geometry Wars 3 is out tomorrow. I don't know if there's an OT planned or going to be planned, but it just proves the fact that having an OT up the day of release is a bad idea. I almost forgot about the damned game.
I just remembered that Geometry Wars 3 is out tomorrow. I don't know if there's an OT planned or going to be planned, but it just proves the fact that having an OT up the day of release is a bad idea. I almost forgot about the damned game.

I thought it was coming out on the 25th of November.
I want to talk about Legend of Korra but there's no where to talk about it and I don't have topic making privileges. Please make OTs go up a day or two before release.


I though OTs for games over a month old go to the community forum.

That's still true, though sometimes they come out of community for a time if they had a delayed euro localisation (or such, maybe a new platform release) if a new OT isn't made for it.


I'm okay with the change if there's a sanctioned pre-release OT structure to combine known information and other things in advance of release. It's helpful to have aggregated information threads, even if some of them might be hype machines.


After much thinking, still not okay with this. I said this before: this rule hurts niche games. 48 or 24 hours for release would be much better and more conducive for discussion, speculation, and informing people who otherwise wouldn't buy or even know about certain games. I haven't seen a mod reply in a while, but in case any of them are still reading this, please change the rule and let OTs be posted one or two days in advance of release. This 'release day' rule does more harm than good, and from the looks of this thread, most of the community feels the same.

The Llama

After much thinking, still not okay with this. I said this before: this rule hurts niche games. 48 or 24 hours for release would be much better and more conducive for discussion, speculation, and informing people who otherwise wouldn't buy or even know about certain games. I haven't seen a mod reply in a while, but in case any of them are still reading this, please change the rule and let OTs be posted one or two days in advance of release. This 'release day' rule does more harm than good, and from the looks of this thread, most of the community feels the same.

Just wondering, because I've seen a few people say this, but why? People will still see the topics about the games, it'll just take a few extra days. Sure, I guess small niche games could use all the exposure they can get, but other than that, I don't really see the harm.
Just wondering, because I've seen a few people say this, but why? People will still see the topics about the games, it'll just take a few extra days. Sure, I guess small niche games could use all the exposure they can get, but other than that, I don't really see the harm.
But that in itself is harmful.


Just wondering, because I've seen a few people say this, but why? People will still see the topics about the games, it'll just take a few extra days. Sure, I guess small niche games could use all the exposure they can get, but other than that, I don't really see the harm.
That in itself is harmful. Add to that the fact that on launch, most who would contribute to the OT are probably going to be busy actually playing the game itself. The OT for a niche game may not have a chance to take off or be successful under this rule.

The Llama

But that in itself is harmful.

That in itself is harmful. Add to that the fact that on launch, most who would contribute to the OT are probably going to be busy actually playing the game itself. The OT for a niche game may not have a chance to take off or be successful under this rule.

Is it really that harmful though? Like, I agree, less exposure is definitely harmful. But are that many people going to miss out on them? Sure, some people won't see them. But enough to make any sort of difference? And I would imagine that with less previous discussion, the topics would stay active longer anyway, before falling back off the first page.

But maybe I'm wrong. Honestly, I could see you both being right on this, and it really will hurt the exposure of smaller games. But just IMO I don't think it will be. Impossible to say though.


Hate to bump this thread again but we are already seeing the effects of this with the Legend of Korra release today in this thread: http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=912974

The thread topic is about pre-loading on the XBO but in the past day or so has turned towards the usual pre-launch discussion... twitch streams, when the game unlocks, early impressions, review embargo discussion, etc. While I understand moving things back a week I really don't see the logic in holding OTs until game launch, especially when there is so much activity and a lot of questions in the 24 hours leading up to the release of a game.

Haven't checked this thread recently so maybe there's been an update but this is just my two cents.


I agree with the calls for 24-48 hours before release date to be when an OT could go live. Otherwise I think we'll end up with a lot of additional hype/impressions threads the day of release.
I agree with the calls for 24-48 hours before release date to be when an OT could go live. Otherwise I think we'll end up with a lot of additional hype/impressions threads the day of release.

Yes, this will be the byproduct - another thread will take the OT's place until the OT goes up or people will simply not talk about it...I don't think either are healthy.


I said it earlier, but the next 2 days will be fun, what with people in the UK at least getting Bayonetta 2 early from online retailers as we almost always do.
Upon consideration I don't think that this is a very good solution. Korra doesn't have an OT up yet and I want to find information about Civ:BE (which you can now proload, btw) but there's no place on this forum to do that before release anymore - at which point I will be playing the game and no longer wanting to read about it.

There has to be a better in-between solution than this. I can understand the desire to keep OTs free from impenetrable cult-mentality hype but maybe we could have a pre-release OT and then make a new thread when the game releases with pretty much the same OT content but a refresh of the discussion? Kind of how NPD threads are handled (prediction vs results threads). I understand pre-OT topics have been suggested with some criticism but I disagree that it just adds uncessary complexity. We've had huge hype threads and survived in the past.

I also agree this could be harmful to any small/niche games.
I think it's a pretty good idea to stick with OTs going up on release day. Sounds like most people who don't like the idea are desperate to get the game on release day but can't you just wait a day? OTs are supposed to be for discussing the game but when there's nothing to discuss as it's not out then what's the point?


I think it's a pretty good idea to stick with OTs going up on release day. Sounds like most people who don't like the idea are desperate to get the game on release day but can't you just wait a day? OTs are supposed to be for discussing the game but when there's nothing to discuss as it's not out then what's the point?

But if the OT claimer isn't available at midnight in the first region it comes out, then we just have split discussion where talk of the game is going into a temporary thread, which will then either go to the OT, or worse, be split over the two topics.

If you pre-order from online outlets over here, then you get the game at least a day early anyway. I think if you're already playing it, there's tons to discuss.
But if the OT claimer isn't available at midnight in the first region it comes out, then we just have split discussion where talk of the game is going into a temporary thread, which will then either go to the OT, or worse, be split over the two topics.

If you pre-order from online outlets over here, then you get the game at least a day early anyway. I think if you're already playing it, there's tons to discuss.

Wouldn't people just be playing the game instead of discussing it straight away though? Then when they are ready to start talking about it the OT would hopefully be up. Or maybe that 24-48 hour rule would be a better idea. I definitely think a week is too much.


Wouldn't people just be playing the game instead of discussing it straight away though? Then when they are ready to start talking about it the OT would hopefully be up. Or maybe that 24-48 hour rule would be a better idea. I definitely think a week is too much.

Yeah, agree with the week being too long. A lot of people do like to talk about it while they play though, or maybe even put up a post about what they're enjoying/not enjoying while taking a break. Probably makes sense rather than talk happening across multiple threads.


Me getting completely blindsided by the legend of korra and having no place to get any info about that game I didn't know much about is pretty bad. I had no idea it was gonna release now and there is nowhere to inform myself on it.

I wasn't realising what the change was doing, until now, and I don't like it much. Its hurting niche games, as only big publishers won't have issues getting known before release.

Deleted member 30609

Unconfirmed Member
so, there's nowhere to go to discuss Bayonetta on GAF at the moment?

that's... weird.


so, there's nowhere to go to discuss Bayonetta on GAF at the moment?

that's... weird.

In my opinion, if OTs arent posted until release day then the hype threads should stay open until then.

What we have now is a weird situation for a few days where there is nowhere to discuss certain games on GAF at all. Thats bad.

But then again in my opinion, OTs should go up the day before release. "Release day" is asking for trouble, even without taking EU launches into account. If a game comes out in EU before USA, we have to wait? Not fair.
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