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Paul Ryan, US's Highest Ranking Elected GOPer, Says He Cannot Support Trump For Now

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Clothed, sober, cooperative
Honestly yesterday I confidently stated to the Missus that the timing of Kasich and Cruz was related to some deal struck with GOP leadership to unify things, but now I'm not so sure, unless this is optics to make it look "above board."


"For now..."

lol, talk about a man with no courage. Just say no, its not that hard. You got lots of Republicans already saying they aren't voting for him, and some even saying they would rather vote for Hillary than Trump.


I'm glad Grandpa porked a Chinese Muslim
I know this would probably never happen, but how screwed up would it be if Trump offered Sanders a position as running mate, and Sanders accepted just to be spiteful?
"For now..."

lol, talk about a man with no courage. Just say no, its not that hard. You got lots of Republicans already saying they aren't voting for him, and some even saying they would rather vote for Hillary than Trump.

Remember that scandal about Cruz possibly having 5 mistresse a little while back? Even as Trump was clearly trying to smear his name, Cruz refused to give a definite answer as to whether or not he would support Trump if he ended up as the nominee.

These guys have no spine. Nobody should be surprised that Trump was able to to wipe the floor with his entire competition.


I know this would probably never happen, but how screwed up would it be if Trump offered Sanders a position as running mate, and Sanders accepted just to be spiteful?
All that would do is unleash Obama and Biden sooner than expected. GOP facing down them plus the Clintons is a one sided DBZ fight.


Trump responds!
"I am not ready to support Speaker Ryan's agenda."


I know this would probably never happen, but how screwed up would it be if Trump offered Sanders a position as running mate, and Sanders accepted just to be spiteful?

All those comments likening the US election to a WWE storyline would actually be more accurate than ever before.
All that would do is unleash Obama and Biden sooner than expected. GOP facing down them plus the Clintons is a one sided DBZ fight.
Trump is wounded on the ground defeated and when he extends his hand to Bernie for help he throws him in the air and kills him. Then Bernie summons Killer Mike and they fuse.


If/When Trump loses the chaos that results from everyone pointing fingers at each other is going to be great to watch.


God, I don't know if I'd want to be Hillary or not right now. They're going to throw so much shit at her. Her being the devil incarnate is the only thing they even remotely agree on. They'll rally around it at some point. I'll be surprised if she isn't shot by the time the election comes around.

Then again, I never thought Obama would manage to live through 2 terms without being assassinated either.


"Never said I wasn't a hypocrite."
God, I don't know if I'd want to be Hillary or not right now. They're going to throw so much shit at her. Her being the devil incarnate is the only thing they even remotely agree on. They'll rally around it at some point. I'll be surprised if she isn't shot by the time the election comes around.

Then again, I never thought Obama would manage to live through 2 terms without being assassinated either.

Doesn't matter. Say what you will about Sanders supporters claiming they're not going to vote, but facing a Drumpf presidency will drive many people to the polls.

Hillary Supporters + Bernie Supporters + Anti-Drumpf GOPers = Landslide Victory


Ryan has to be praying for Clinton to win. There is no way he is going to want to push Trumps agenda through.

Imagine being the Speaker of the House and having to oppose a President who is technically in your own party!


You can almost see the look of "What the fuck am I even still doing here? This should have been your problem" on W's face.
Dubya just looks confused and unsure where he is (as usual), it's H. W who's all "Fuck's sake, I'm too old for this shit."

That's why he's leading the pack.


So a good chunk of Republicans hate him, most women hate him, and a majority of minorities hate him. How is he going to win again? He can't.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Translation: this guy in gonna lose and I plan to run at some point


Unconfirmed Member
It's true.

First, people assumed he would flare out before the primaries started. Then they wondered if he would even win a primary or caucus. Then it was whether he could break 40% in voting, and win in a smaller field. Then it became whether or not he could crack 1237 delegates, and whether he could manage a contested convention if he didn't. In the end, none of that mattered, because he crushed it in state after state and drove all of his rivals out of the race entirely.

On paper, he would make a terrible general election candidate. But he also should've been an atrocious Republican primary candidate. He has supported and given money to the Clintons and other Democrats for years; supported abortion rights and even praised Planned Parenthood during a debate; shrugged off the whole transgender bathroom debate; attacked Bush outright for the Iraq debacle; and even offered support for the healthcare mandate before backtracking. Plus his bigotry flies right in the face of the Republican post-mortem after Romney lost, which emphasized bringing more people into the party.

If conventional wisdom held this year, he shouldn't have won a single primary. Instead, he's going to win the nomination on the first ballot after driving out a dozen other contenders.

On top of that, Hilary isn't exactly a flawless candidate either. The only reason her shitty approval ratings aren't a big story is because of how much more odious Trump is--and there is deep disdain for her across the political spectrum. Given that even Trump himself was surprised at how quickly he's sewn things up, I'm really starting to worry now.

People made two assumptions that never came to pass.

1. Trump will do something that will kill his polling numbers

2. When candidates drop out, other candidates will get the vast majority of the that candidate's voters

Without those assumptions, you would say Trump was by far the most likely candidate since September 2015.

Assuming trump will win the general election now is the same as the people assuming Trump was going to lose the republican nomination. Both require an assumption that something will drastically change the state of the race. Something drastic might change everything, but it's generally a safer bet to say nothing will change.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Trump might actually energize lazy voters out of fright.

I'm not naive enough to think he has no chance but there's an equally high chance of the worst Republican drubbing in history.
So you're going back to Lincoln now because Reagan is too liberal?

You guys do know that half of Texas thinks killing Lincoln was just, right?
For now, he says.

Watch: this is the beginning of the GOP's normalization of Trump. They'll wring their hands and tut-tut about him throughout the summer, but around October or so, when many voters finally make up their minds, they'll wax poetic about how Trump has "proven himself" to be a "capable leader" and he's "overcome their early doubts."
They're coming out of the woodwork now!



No Bushes for Trump either! (Honestly, that's probably an endorsement?)

Again, the Republican stance that they're against Trump because he's a bigot or "enflaming hatred" is just laughable in the extreme.

Whatever your reasons for hating Trump are, they're not the same reasons these assholes are anti-Trump.

It really is transparent. There's only one party in Washington and Trump's not a member. Clinton is.


Rodent Whores
I know this would probably never happen, but how screwed up would it be if Trump offered Sanders a position as running mate, and Sanders accepted just to be spiteful?

Sanders doesn't come across to me as a man who values spite over principle.


In another news, Rick Perry endorsed Trump today. The same man not a few months ago said Trump was a cancer to conservatism.
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