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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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bigtroyjon said:
Forget recruits, this is going to have a massive impact on enrollment for all students. Not many parents out there are going to want their kids going off to a school that covers up for and enables a guy to do this shit.

Between falling enrollment and the eventual lawsuits(look up how much the catholic church had to pay out) Pedo St. may not survive in it's current form.
As long as the university acts swiftly, I think the fallout on the academic/admissions side will be minimal. It's still an awesome school.

The board of trustees have to fire Graham Spanier. Immediately.
Hari Seldon said:
No, Pennsylvania State schools have tuition that is determined by the PA state government and get a lot more funds because of this. PSU can raise/lower its own tuition.
Penn State is a public state school - usually schools with state in the name means it is under the state government. Maybe you're thinking of Penn? And state schools in Florida have the ability to independently adjust tuition rates. Doesn't make them private.


Wastes hours checking old Famitsu software data, but that's why we love him.
Just gets more horrifying the more I read. Given the reports of kids at practice, kids going to bowl games, and the reported incidents we know about, there is NO WAY Joe Pa and probably a lot of other people around Happy Valley did not know what was going on or have their suspicions.

And then, after the eye witness account in 2002, PSU basically did nothing, and left Sandusky in a position to keep raping kids.

Just sick.
After being absolutely engrossed with FBS football for a long segment of my life I am coming to hate it. The last year or so has shown the game to be an out of control cesspit of corruption and greed. I'll probably always love football, but until things change I will be watching and attending a lot fewer games at the FBS level.
Anyone who knew and kept quiet should be charged as well for conspiracy, or whatever legal term used that means they were complicit in the crimes.
gray_fox224 said:
The title of this thread makes it seem like it was JoePa. Can a mod take out "legend" from the title?
From everythng I've read, Sandusky was absolutely considered a Penn State legend. So I don't think it's an inappropriate title.


I still cannot fathom how you see a guy raping a 10 year old boy in the shower and just walk away. How do you not beat that guy's ass then and there?


BertramCooper said:
From everythng I've read, Sandusky was absolutely considered a Penn State legend. So I don't think it's an inappropriate title.
i'd never even heard of the Sandusky guy and I'm a huge college football fan that has been following things since the late 90s... maybe among penn state fans he is a "legend" but the title is pretty misleading... is there any other consensus Penn St. legend than Joe Pa? NO. He made Penn St. what it is and there will be no other legends until he retires and someone else leads an incredible run...


Watched the report on PBS Nightly News. Holy shit, is Penn State the Vatican? This can only get worse before it gets better. Goddamn.
Alcibiades said:
i'd never even heard of the Sandusky guy and I'm a huge college football fan that has been following things since the late 90s... maybe among penn state fans he is a "legend" but the title is pretty misleading... is there any other consensus Penn St. legend than Joe Pa? NO. He made Penn St. what it is and there will be no other legends until he retires and someone else leads an incredible run...
Well, the title does say Penn St. football legend. So, it is accurate - as you just said. And considering the guy had been their defensive architect for 20-30 years, I don't see anything wrong with it.

Plus this was right under Paterno's nose anyway.... so he isn't absolved morally either considering he knew about it and all he did was tell his boss. Not even a follow up with something like this?
Alcibiades said:
i'd never even heard of the Sandusky guy and I'm a huge college football fan that has been following things since the late 90s... maybe among penn state fans he is a "legend" but the title is pretty misleading... is there any other consensus Penn St. legend than Joe Pa? NO. He made Penn St. what it is and there will be no other legends until he retires and someone else leads an incredible run...
Sandusky is the architect behind "Linebacker U." He's a legend.

In all honesty, I didn't mean to be misleading. JoePa is absolutely involved in this mess, but I definitely didn't mean to imply that he was a pedophile.

Just a pedophile enabler.


GoldenEye 007 said:
Plus this was right under Paterno's nose anyway.... so he isn't absolved morally either considering he knew about it and all he did was tell his boss. Not even a follow up with something like this?
We don't know whether or not Paterno followed up or not (informally at least). We also don't know whether Paterno ever caught Sundusky in the act. The graduate assistant told him he saw something, and Paterno reported it so that it could get investigated (i.e. determine whether the accusations were true and get law enforcement involved if a crime happened)... Paterno probably should have been more vigilant, and I'm not buying the "he is senile" excuse for him not following up more forcefully, but it is the graduate assistant who bears the responsibility for making sure law enforcement is informed - he was witness to the incident.

Could Paterno have done more? Yes. But he didn't try to cover it up and he did report what he knew (which is that a graduate assistant reported seeing something).

Now if Paterno had asked the graduate student to keep quiet and warned Sundusky not to come around anymore i could smell a coverup. But he told his boss - somehow I doubt Paterno wanted this pushed under the rug.


And yeah I can see this hurting recruiting and tarnishing Joe Pa and the Penn St. reputation. As it is Joe Pa's age is considered a liability. Throw this on top and it doesn't help matters. All that said, I don't think Joe Pa should be forced to retire - let him stay even if he is just a figurehead.

Also, is the graduate assistant ever gonna give details of his experience? Like why he talked to his father and Joe Pa rather go straight to the police. And whether he bothered to track down the mother and people in charge of the charity to inform them? There is also that other wrestling coach that apparently saw Sundusky on top of a kid in some locker room - why the heck didn't he go the police to at least report the suspicion. At least get the kids name and followup with the parents.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Kosmo said:
I still cannot fathom how you see a guy raping a 10 year old boy in the shower and just walk away. How do you not beat that guy's ass then and there?

This is the amazing part for me. I could walk away from two guys fighting, maybe call the cops. I could not walk away from someone being mugged. I could not walk away from a car prowl. HOW DO YOU SEE THIS HAPPENING AND NOT INTERFERE?

It is a disgusting old naked man. He doesn't even pose a threat to your personal safety. Go in there, pull him off the boy. Call the cops. Get a couple of kicks in too, for good goddamned measure.

Walk away fretting about the sports program? SCREW THE WHOLE GODDAMNED SCHOOL. ugh.
Alcibiades said:
Could Paterno have done more? Yes. But he didn't try to cover it up and he did report what he knew (which is that a graduate assistant reported seeing something).

Now if Paterno had asked the graduate student to keep quiet and warned Sundusky not to come around anymore i could smell a coverup. But he told his boss - somehow I doubt Paterno wanted this pushed under the rug.

This was the third incident that Joe Pa "heard something" about. Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me, fool me the third time and Joe Pa is a despicable piece of shit for not reporting child rape to the cops after forcing the guy to retire from the previous rapes/investigation.

East Lake

Kosmo said:
I still cannot fathom how you see a guy raping a 10 year old boy in the shower and just walk away. How do you not beat that guy's ass then and there?
I think if I saw that I'd probably try to kill the guy right there. Right or wrong I don't know that I could stop myself. I also don't know for certain that would be my reaction though. The report decribes a war vet who witnessed Sandusky assaulting one of the victims in the showers and he broke down and said it was worse than any of the violence he had seen. The other janitors said he was shaking and thought he might have a heart attack.

I've witnessed non-sexual abuse as a really young kid. This was well before I had any power to stop it and I honestly didn't even think about intervening or anything else. I went upstairs shaking and started to throw up. When some people see something so awful they just want to curl up and die. I'm not surprised that the janitor or GA did nothing. I wouldn't be surprised the GA called his father because he felt like a powerless kid. The witnesses are going to remember that image of sexual assault vividly until they are dead.


Neo Member
Regarding why the GA didn't come forward on his own I suspect he was told by Paterno that he would handle it. A GA is pretty much owned by the department he works for so going around the staff would have meant an end to his coaching aspirations. You don't earn the ire of the most famous coach in football and expect to have any career afterwards.
So how did Graham Spanier avoid getting charged with failure to report?

It appears that he didn't testify before the grand jury, so obviously, he never perjured himself in court. But couldn't he be charged in the same manner as Schultz and Curley for failure to report?


BertramCooper said:
So how did Graham Spanier avoid getting charged with failure to report?

It appears that he didn't testify before the grand jury, so obviously, he never perjured himself in court. But couldn't he be charged in the same manner as Schultz and Curley for failure to report?

My take is that the grand jury believed Spanier when he said that Shultz and Curley told him that the incident was just "horsing around" and there isn't any contradictory testimony to that effect.
For what it's worth I'm going to share my Graham Spanier story. Two of my friends were competing in the school's co-ed racquetball tournament during our Freshman year. My male friend was a good player (he and I later took racquetball class together to meet PSU's stupid physical education requirement, and he was easily class champion) but my female friend only had tennis experience. In the first round of the tournament, they were assigned to play G. Spanier and a female partner.

We all wondered if it was Graham Spanier they were playing and went to the match. Turned out it was him, and his partner was a former racquetball professional. The pro just kept hitting lobs to my female friend that she couldn't handle and they won the match easily. Spanier didn't do anything the whole game.

Apparently they'd been champions for the past how many years.

Silly story, but it always made me think Spanier was a dick.

Edit: this was back in 2001.


tokkun said:
My take is that the grand jury believed Spanier when he said that Shultz and Curley told him that the incident was just "horsing around" and there isn't any contradictory testimony to that effect.

Honestly, I think this is a believable story. Its also equally possible its bullshit, but if it is, its fairly understandable.
Bombshell interview

From a Pedo State insider who works on WFAN in NY, must listen for anyone paying attention to this.

Edit-Recruiting news unrelated to the above interview.
Noah Spence (Harrisburg, Pa./Bishop McDevitt), who is ranked No. 4 in the ESPNU 150.

A post on Spence's Twitter account Monday read: "Um psu might be a no no for me ewwww."

"i kind of just dnt want to be apart of that."


I got grudge sucked!
So I'm hearing rumblings from the 1998 case that the DA that was investigating it went missing and they never found his body. The DA that replaced him never pursued the investigation

Not sayin....just sayin.


truly101 said:
So I'm hearing rumblings from the 1998 case that the DA that was investigating it went missing and they never found his body. The DA that replaced him never pursued the investigation

Not sayin....just sayin.
What the... is this a movie?
I find this story even worse considering that the incidents seemingly coincide with the sex abuse crisis that rocked the Catholic Church in 2002. There is no way Paterno et al were oblivious to that scandal, and yet they chose to do exactly what Church administrators and police had done (or rather, didn't do). Paterno needs to resign immediately, and every school administrator and authority needs to be investigated and if suspected, prosecuted to the letter of the law.

East Lake

truly101 said:
So I'm hearing rumblings from the 1998 case that the DA that was investigating it went missing and they never found his body. The DA that replaced him never pursued the investigation

Not sayin....just sayin.
Yeah I think Kim mentions that at the end of the interview bigtroyjon posted (EDIT: 19 minutes or so in). Here's the guy. Hard to believe there's a connection though. The story is so insane already.

Ray Gricar –– who was elected Centre County District Attorney in 1984 and held that position until the day he disappeared –– was last heard from on the morning of April 15, 2005, according to the petition.

Ray Gricar had taken a vacation day on April 15, according to court documents. On that day, his longtime girlfriend, Fornicola, received a call from Ray Gricar to inform her he would not be home in time to take care of their dog.

But Ray Gricar never returned home.

The next day, Pennsylvania State Police found Ray Gricar’s vehicle in the Street of Shops antique mall parking lot in Lewisburg. It was parked just blocks away from the Susquehanna River and about 50 miles east of his home in Bellefonte, according to court documents.

Ray Gricar’s county-issued laptop was found without a hard drive by two fisherman on the Susquehanna River, only a short distance away from his abandoned car.

Months later, the hard drive was found about 100 yards away from where the laptop was located, but information on the hard drive was lost due to extensive water damage.

The FBI-assisted search for Gricar became national news.

After the diligent searches by the Sunbury Fire Department dive team, airborne searches and investigations by Penn State and Williamsport Civil Air Patrol and many other search efforts, Ray Gricar was never found.


Paterno is a piece of shit for not calling the cops, but nothing should happen to him since he did tell the higher ups. The higher ups, and who knows how far up it goes, need to be tried and have the book thrown at them for covering it up.


I joined for Erin Brockovich discussion
Antimatter said:
Yeah I think Kim mentions that at the end of the interview bigtroyjon posted. Here's the guy. Hard to believe there's a connection though. The story is so insane already.

Kusagari said:
Paterno is a piece of shit for not calling the cops, but nothing should happen to him since he did tell the higher ups. The higher ups, and who knows how far up it goes, need to be tried and have the book thrown at them for covering it up.
So as long as you tell your superiors (disregarding that Paterno is in reality the most powerful person at PSU) that a child was anal raped you've done your job? Don't you think he'd at least follow up on it?

I'm still struggling with whether the "he told his superiors" excuse is valid for someone as low on the totem pole as Mike McQueary. Sure he told Paterno, but I dount he got the image out of his head and forgot about it after telling Paterno.

There has to be personal accountability. Just passing it on to people who are higher on the org chart doesn't absolve you. And "fearing for your job" is no excuse either - turn the guy in and you'd not only do the right thing but on this stage you'd be some type of national hero.
truly101 said:
So I'm hearing rumblings from the 1998 case that the DA that was investigating it went missing and they never found his body. The DA that replaced him never pursued the investigation

Not sayin....just sayin.

I just got to that in the Kim Jones interview. Holy shit. Although she said that that DA declined to pursue the investigation. Her version:

The mother of the boy in the 1998 incident questioned Sandusky while police were listening in. Sandusky basically admitted to doing in appropriate things and apologized and said he "wished he were dead". The police went to the DA with that information and the DA did not prosecute, saying there wasn't enough evidence. Kim Jones said we will never know why he made such a decision because he disappeared seven years later, his laptop found in the river with his hard drive unrecoverable.

(In fairness, DAs probably make a lot of enemies.)
Top Plaintiffs attorney in Child sex abuse cases talks Penn St.

But he did discuss in great detail the unfurling scandal at Penn State and the potential fallout of any civil lawsuit. "This situation is perfectly analogous to all the Catholic church cases I've litigated," Anderson said. "People at the top protected the institution at the peril of children. Here the coaches and administrators of Penn State were acting just like the bishops, cardinals, and archbishops of these dioceses. The same moral and legal quagmire exists. Penn State protected the football program's reputation instead of the children."

He said that Sandusky's alleged acts, just like the Catholic priests, were both "cunning and careful." As a result, Anderson said, "They (Penn State) clearly face severe legal exposure for institutional failure. They are liable for these incidents."
Just finished listening to that Kim Jones interview.

It didn't really tell me any facts about the case I didn't know already, but it provided some really great insight into the culture of Happy Valley.

It was also good of Kim to point out that the Joe Paterno between 1998 and 2002 was a completely different person - physically and mentally - than he is now. So the idea that his inaction was the result of senility is complete bullshit.


Alma Mater said:
May no act of ours bring shame
To one heart that loves thy name,
May our lives but swell thy fame,
Dear old State, dear old State.

Also, Urban Meyer with the call this Saturday for PSU/Nebraska. Couldn't think of a better pick to handle this situation. Going to be a very interesting game.


One of the local Houston channels here talked a little about that DA thing. Apparently one of the morning hosts here stated he knew the daughter or son of the DA. Don't remember which.

They also referenced an old story that an ex Texan Kailee Wong told them on the air years ago...about Paterno, oddly enough, and weird behavior with some of this players. They glossed over it pretty quickly as one of the hosts was clearly uncomfortable hearing it, but the whole thing is just odd.

Terrible story.


Vyer said:
One of the local Houston channels here talked a little about that DA thing. Apparently one of the morning hosts here stated he knew the daughter or son of the DA. Don't remember which.

They also referenced an old story that an ex Texan Kailee Wong told them on the air years ago...about Paterno, oddly enough, and weird behavior with some of this players. They glossed over it pretty quickly as one of the hosts was clearly uncomfortable hearing it, but the whole thing is just odd.

Terrible story.
That's as stupidly vague as what the scumbags at Penn State claim the GA told them. What do you mean by "weird behavior"?


Branduil said:
That's as stupidly vague as what the scumbags at Penn State claim the GA told them. What do you mean by "weird behavior"?

Something about players uncomfortable in the showers. Don't know, wish I'd have heard it from the beginning but like I said they were already pushing away from it when I was listening. Whatever it was, the host must have laughed it off years ago when Wong told the story, but with everything going on I guess they wanted to not talk about it.


Trojita said:
You're being vague as hell Vyer.

ha, sorry, I don't mean to be. I was mostly commenting on the DA thing, the rest was just a minor blip I heard and I know there are some Houston guys here so I don't know if anyone else caught it.
Free despite 40 child sex crime charges, Sandusky spotted in home located 1,000 feet from elementary school http://t.co/Jl85iHRw

Sick how much power and influence this rapist still has in the area, he was let out on 100K no pay bail, meaning he doesn't have to pay unless he takes off. Almost always have to pay %20.


bigtroyjon said:
Free despite 40 child sex crime charges, Sandusky spotted in home located 1,000 feet from elementary school http://t.co/Jl85iHRw

Sick how much power and influence this rapist still has in the area, he was let out on 100K no pay bail, meaning he doesn't have to pay unless he takes off. Almost always have to pay %20.

Seriously, one of my relatives was held in county jail on 1 count that was minor compared to this because he did not have the 3k to pay. This dude anally violated kids and just walked out like it was nothing, 100k waived on 40 counts


Aren't Penn state campus police real police? As in they're real cops but just watch over the campus?
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