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Penn State football pedophilia thread (UPDATE: NCAA sanctions handed down)

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I wish ESPN would report the report. You had to guess what he was accused of when listening to Mike and Mike. Dick slapping? Pissing on someone in the shower? I was expecting the less graphic sodomize term to be dropped due to the tone of the discussion but it was kept vague.

I get how the witnesses went with the flight over fight response. Complete shock. The janitor who served in war was an emotional mess.

What I don't get is the grad assistant after consulting with his dad goes to Joe Paterno to relate what he saw and not to the police. Is this due to some weird college atmosphere of Joe Pa being like a King? Get away from the campus and report it to real law authorities.
JoePa will be having his weekly conference today, but he's said that he will only be talking about football and will not address this situation. He might as well just cancel his conference.
SolidSnakex said:
JoePa will be having his weekly conference today, but he's said that he will only be talking about football and will not address this situation. He might as well just cancel his conference.
indeed. He's gonna give them the Herman Cain, "excuse me....EXCUSE ME." treatment.

Hari Seldon

This is some Law and Order shit going down. In 1998 Sandusky was investigated by the local DA. The DA decided not to pursue the case. This was when JoePa told Sandusky to retire and he did. The DA went missing in 2005 and his hard drive was found destroyed and internet searches revealed he was searching for things to figure out how to erase it.


Also, Jerry Sandusky wrote a book:



Hari Seldon said:
This is some Law and Order shit going down. In 1998 Sandusky was investigated by the local DA. The DA decided not to pursue the case. This was when JoePa told Sandusky to retire and he did. The DA went missing in 2005 and his hard drive was found destroyed and internet searches revealed he was searching for things to figure out how to erase it.


Also, Jerry Sandusky wrote a book:


Wow. Dude is fucking declared dead! What a twist to this story.
ViperVisor said:
What I don't get is the grad assistant after consulting with his dad goes to Joe Paterno to relate what he saw and not to the police. Is this due to some weird college atmosphere of Joe Pa being like a King? Get away from the campus and report it to real law authorities.


ViperVisor said:
What I don't get is the grad assistant after consulting with his dad goes to Joe Paterno to relate what he saw and not to the police. Is this due to some weird college atmosphere of Joe Pa being like a King? Get away from the campus and report it to real law authorities.

We really need to know the exact circumstances. Perhaps the grad assistant had been drinking that night and only caught a glance. Do you really trust what you saw? This stuff isn't supposed to happen in real life, maybe you just imagined something. Then what happens if you make an accusation and it's either false or nothing can be proved? You've effectively ruined your career for life.

That being said the other side of the coin is that having this info sure would insure you a comfy job the rest of your life at Penn. State. Good thing this guy doesn't still work for ....oh wait.


greepoman said:
We really need to know the exact circumstances. Perhaps the grad assistant had been drinking that night and only caught a glance. Do you really trust what you saw? This stuff isn't supposed to happen in real life, maybe you just imagined something. Then what happens if you make an accusation and it's either false or nothing can be proved? You've effectively ruined your career for life.

This is spelled out quite clearly in his grand jury testimony. Doesn't seem to be a lot of doubt in what he saw and heard.


ViperVisor said:
What I don't get is the grad assistant after consulting with his dad goes to Joe Paterno to relate what he saw and not to the police. Is this due to some weird college atmosphere of Joe Pa being like a King? Get away from the campus and report it to real law authorities.

I would assume he was just reporting up and assuming his bosses would figure out what to do. Hindsight is always 20/20 in these things, I imagine that he thought some actual consequences and repercussions would arise out of what he saw.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
One of my memories as a kid, after the Fiesta Bowl versus Miami, were throngs of people bowing before a Paterno cutout.

So yeah, kinda sorta a God.

Upon seeing the "Humpty Hump" video for the first time, I wondered, "Hey, why is that guy wearing a JoePa nose?"

That's life in the 16801.

Hari Seldon

The graduate assistant has been identified as McQueary, a former PSU QB, now the wide receivers coach. He can be identified on the PSU sideline as the dude with the bright red hair.

Conspiracy theorists may theorize that he got his coaching job as a quid-pro-quo of not pursuing the allegations.


ChiTownBuffalo said:
One of my memories as a kid, after the Fiesta Bowl versus Miami, were throngs of people bowing before a Paterno cutout.

So yeah, kinda sorta a God.

Upon seeing the "Humpty Hump" video for the first time, I wondered, "Hey, why is that guy wearing a JoePa nose?"

That's life in the 16801.
Did you hang around Sandusky and Paterno? Did you ever get a weird vibe from them like the persona wasn't real?


andycapps said:
Hindsight is always 20/20 in these things,

OK, sure. But he had 9 years of hindsight to see that nothing was done by reporting to his bosses. During that time, he could still go to the police but chose not to.
Hari Seldon said:
The graduate assistant has been identified as McQueary, a former PSU QB, now the wide receivers coach. He can be identified on the PSU sideline as the dude with the bright red hair.

Conspiracy theorists may theorize that he got his coaching job as a quid-pro-quo of not pursuing the allegations.

Another thing in the Kim Jones interview--she pointed out that in the report it's acknowledged that Sandusky and the boy both saw McQueary when he walked in on them, so they knew he knew, etc. So when Sandusky visited practice in 2007 with another boy in tow, McQueary and Sandusky clearly had to have seen each other again, both knowing what the other knew. Just so fucked up.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
JABEE said:
Did you hang around Sandusky and Paterno? Did you ever get a weird vibe from them like the persona wasn't real?

I was friends and classmates with Jeff Sandusky, one of Jerry's sons, whjen I lived in PA.. I had nothing but very positive memories and interactions with that family. I've met Joe Paterno, while in Boy Scouts. I would have killed Santa to meet JoePa.


Let me add this. Alot of the children at the elementary school and junior high I attended were children of Penn State faculty/admininstrators. It makes sense that neither myself, nor anyone of my friends were victimized by Jerry Sandusky (to my knowledge). He obviously preyed on those outside the Penn State community.


Hari Seldon said:
The graduate assistant has been identified as McQueary, a former PSU QB, now the wide receivers coach. He can be identified on the PSU sideline as the dude with the bright red hair.

Conspiracy theorists may theorize that he got his coaching job as a quid-pro-quo of not pursuing the allegations.
Yeah I'm pretty the bastard is on the take.


tokkun said:
OK, sure. But he had 9 years of hindsight to see that nothing was done by reporting to his bosses. During that time, he could still go to the police but chose not to.

And that female reporter in the linked radio interview discusses how Sandusky brought another kid to a closed practice where McQueary would presumably have seen them. Think about that; both guys knew what Sandusky did to kids, and there he is with another one. Fucked up.
Hari Seldon said:
No, Pennsylvania State schools have tuition that is determined by the PA state government and get a lot more funds because of this. PSU can raise/lower its own tuition.


Link #2. It's spelled out clearly right there. "Public Research University."

"Instrumentality of the state."

Any sort of private charter the university has is just a loophole. The same applies to Pitt/Temple as well.
I consider that graduate assistant to be just as culpable. How anyone could see anything like that and not respond immediately to save the kid honestly makes me sick. It's bad enough that people bought that "we were practicing wrestling moves" bullshit. I have a friend who is a PSU alum and he said this: "I'd like to think that if I were that graduate assistant, the news would be 'PSU assistant held for questioning in bloody beating of middle aged man.'"


It feels like a stretch to say that this is somehow related to Gricar. The only thing I can think of is that, after deciding to not press charges, he got wind of more shit that Sandusky was pulling and was going to actively pursue it until someone got rid of him.

andycapps said:
I would assume he was just reporting up and assuming his bosses would figure out what to do. Hindsight is always 20/20 in these things, I imagine that he thought some actual consequences and repercussions would arise out of what he saw.
Too many of the people involved had this outlook. Almost everyone in the grand jury testimony shared what they saw with someone else but decided not to do anything more for who knows what reason. It sounds like the primary reason was that they wanted to keep their jobs. I dont get it.


Salaadin said:
Too many of the people involved had this outlook. Almost everyone in the grand jury testimony shared what they saw with someone else but decided not to do anything more for who knows what reason. It sounds like the primary reason was that they wanted to keep their jobs. I dont get it.

I think this nails it. People wanted to report it and they did that part, so they could ease their conscience. But at the end of the day, they wanted to keep their jobs and there seems to be an underlying culture of ignorance as to what was going on with a very high profile person in their athletic department. Clearly, everyone knew what was going on, but he was more important than they were and could likely get them fired if they turned him in and nothing happened again.

From the outside looking in, it seems like State College is a very small town and that Sandusky is well known there. Seems like the community embraces him to some extent, and they would have probably sided with him over anyone else there other than Paterno.

And I don't agree with ignoring the situation. The Grand Jury report made my blood boil and I think the guy should have been prosecuted years ago, and that the Penn State athletic department should be nuked from existence at this point.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
andycapps said:
From the outside looking in, it seems like State College is a very small town and that Sandusky is well known there. Seems like the community embraces him to some extent, and they would have probably sided with him over anyone else there other than Paterno.

This. A million times this.
This would be a fascinating culture and mindset to read about if it didn't revolve around something so utterly unspeakable. I mean I didn't think I could separate degrees of gradation in child molestation cases, but apparently I can.
Hari Seldon said:
The graduate assistant has been identified as McQueary, a former PSU QB, now the wide receivers coach. He can be identified on the PSU sideline as the dude with the bright red hair.

Conspiracy theorists may theorize that he got his coaching job as a quid-pro-quo of not pursuing the allegations.
This pisses me off. This really pisses me off.
crowphoenix said:
This pisses me off. This really pisses me off.

What pisses you off? The idea that he got the job that way or that people are starting to speculate that something like that happened?


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
SolidSnakex said:
What pisses you off? The idea that he got the job that way or that people are starting to speculate that something like that happened?

That he's a ginger.
SolidSnakex said:
What pisses you off? The idea that he got the job that way or that people are starting to speculate that something like that happened?
The whole situation pisses me off, but the idea that he might have been bought off really pisses me off. It's an example of what the culture of the athletics department might be (or probably is) like.

I have accepted the culture of corruption in college football, but this is possibly something more vile than I thought could be possible.

ChiTownBuffalo said:
That he's a ginger.
Oh you. You know it's because he's a QB.


SolidSnakex said:
What pisses you off? The idea that he got the job that way or that people are starting to speculate that something like that happened?

I don't think it's much of a stretch at all to think he got his job in return for keeping the situation in house. It's obviously speculation, but not much of a stretch.

If it is true, it makes him every bit as guilty as Sandusky, allegedly.


SolidSnakex said:
JoePa will be having his weekly conference today, but he's said that he will only be talking about football and will not address this situation. He might as well just cancel his conference.
So basically he should be fired within the hour then. There is no way they can let him go out there...if they do...I don't even.
crowphoenix said:
The whole situation pisses me off, but the idea that he might have been bought off really pisses me off. It's an example of what the culture of the athletics department might be (or probably is) like.

I have accepted the culture of corruption in college football, but this is possibly something more vile than I thought could be possible.

I decided to see how fast he moved up the ranks

He spent the 2003 season as an administrative assistant with the football program and from 2000-02 was a graduate assistant coach.


He walked in on Sandusky raping that kid in 2002. His promotion to WR coach happened in 04. Things happened for him pretty fast after witnessing that rape.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
So basically he should be fired within the hour then. There is no way they can let him go out there...if they do...I don't even.

You forget JoePa's contract. They might have to keep him until the end of the season and not renew his current contracts which expires at the end of this current season. he might have a clause where he has to get a huge buyout.

If you want to fire him, not need to have him benefit, right?


ChiTownBuffalo said:
You forget JoePa's contract. They might have to keep him until the end of the season and not renew his current contracts which expires at the end of this current season. he might have a clause where he has to get a huge buyout.

If you want to fire him, not need to have him benefit, right?
...who gives damn about a contract?! Paterno needs to be gone, now. He should be facing jail time and/or legal action as well. He is a egotistical and disgusting human being along with Sandusky.


Hari Seldon said:
This is some Law and Order shit going down. In 1998 Sandusky was investigated by the local DA. The DA decided not to pursue the case. This was when JoePa told Sandusky to retire and he did. The DA went missing in 2005 and his hard drive was found destroyed and internet searches revealed he was searching for things to figure out how to erase it.


I read about this but didn't want to start the conspiracy stuff, but that's a little odd...


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
...who gives damn about a contract?! Paterno needs to be gone, now. He should be facing jail time and/or legal action as well. He is a egotistical and disgusting human being along with Sandusky.

So you would give someone an extra X million dollars by firing him now, as opposed to waiting 2 months and just letting him go then with no additional monetary expenditure?

I'm not saying either one is right/wrong, that's just the reality of the situation.


ChiTownBuffalo said:
So you would give someone an extra X million dollars by firing him now, as opposed to waiting 2 months and just letting him go then with no additional monetary expenditure?

I'm not saying either one is right/wrong, that's just the reality of the situation.
You don't have to say which one it is because it is simply wrong. What is Penn State going to say? "We don't want to payout, so let's have this monster who has knowingly harbored a child molester look over our youth."

They cancelled the press conference btw. Fucking cowards.


ChiTownBuffalo said:
So you would give someone an extra X million dollars by firing him now, as opposed to waiting 2 months and just letting him go then with no additional monetary expenditure?

I'm not saying either one is right/wrong, that's just the reality of the situation.
If you are worried about a guy who already has more money than he knows what to do with getting that severance, consider that he is probably in violation of his contract and would be owed nothing. What is preventing them from at least putting him on 'administrative leave' until this gets sorted?


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
They cancelled the press conference btw. Fucking cowards.
If Paterno isn't at least "on leave" by the end of the week, this will damage PSU's reputation way more than it already has.

Expecting reporters not to pursue questioning about perhaps the biggest college football scandal of all time was asinine, anyways.


KingGondo said:
If Paterno isn't at least "on leave" by the end of the week, this will damage PSU's reputation way more than it already has.

Expecting reporters not to pursue questioning about perhaps the biggest college football scandal of all time was asinine, anyways.
Paterno is a known dick as well. He would have responded to one of the reporters, no doubt about it. I can only imagine what embarrassing response would come out of his mouth and further agitate this situation.


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
Paterno is a known dick as well. He would have responded to one of the reporters, no doubt about it. I can only imagine what embarrassing response would come out of his mouth and further agitate this situation.
The press conference would have been nothing but questions like, "how will this past week's events affect the football game on Saturday?"

The President and Paterno need to go, PSU is just making it worse on themselves by dragging it out.

It's all good and well to have stability in your institutions, but not when corruption and a lack of accountability become entrenched.


andycapps said:
They're scared. That press conference would have been disastrous for them, press is out for blood now.
It's not just the press. I want blood. People want blood. I'm absolutely sickened by this shit.


Either I made up lies about the Boston Bomber or I fell for someone else's crap. Either way, I have absolutely no credibility and you should never pay any attention to anything I say, no matter what the context. Perm me if I claim to be an insider
Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
You don't have to say which one it is because it is simply wrong. What is Penn State going to say? "We don't want to payout, so let's have this monster who has knowingly harbored a child molester look over our youth."

They cancelled the press conference btw. Fucking cowards.

Because you are looking at it emotionally, and I, in my typical Oriental inscrutability, am looking at it pragmatically.

Suppose there is a contractual obligation if Paterno has a buyout clause for early termination. And did he do something wrong? Morally, yeah, he probably did. Legally? Maybe not, it appears he did the minimum to meet due care and currently the Attorney General's office isn't investigating him. Might it change down the road? Sure.

But as it stands right now. The Penn State attorneys are probably advising not paying him the additional money. As far as putting him on admin leave, it might be prudent to follow the lead of the AG's office in dealing with Paterno at the time.

You can't assume that he's in violation of his contract either. Because, like I said, he porbably met the bare minimum of duty by contact his boss and reporting it up the ladder.

As distasteful as it is to both of you, that's the way it's probably laid out.

What did they call it in law school? Moral vacuum.
KingGondo said:
If Paterno isn't at least "on leave" by the end of the week, this will damage PSU's reputation way more than it already has.

Expecting reporters not to pursue questioning about perhaps the biggest college football scandal of all time was asinine, anyways.

They should fire his ass. He's obviously done a lot of good for the school, but this siutation is going to damage the schools reputation more than he ever helped it. They should do as much as they can now to at least show that they want to do the right thing. Letting him walk away or retire would be foolish.
I knew there was a reason why I never went to Penn State after visiting there.

(Actually, I just wasn't a fan of the binge drinking & state school in the middle of nowhere culture that seems to exist there.)


Sanjuro Tsubaki said:
They cancelled the press conference btw. Fucking cowards.

They should keep the trend by canceling the rest of the PSU season, releasing the players to transfer without penalty and deepsixing the entire program for about five years. Self-imposed death penalty.


ChiTownBuffalo said:
Because you are looking at it emotionally, and I, in my typical Oriental inscrutability, am looking at it pragmatically.

There is a contractual obligation if Paterno has a buyout clause for early termination. And did he do something wrong? Morally, yeah, he porbably did? Legally? Maybe not, it appears he did the minimum to meet due care and currently the Attorny General's office isn't investigating him. Might it change down the road? Sure.

But as it stands right now. The Penn State attorneys are porbably advising not paying him the additional money. As far as putting him on admin leave, it might be prudent to follow the lead of the AG's office in dealing with Paterno at the time.

You can't assume that he's in violation of his contract either. Because, like I said, he porbably met the bare minimum of duty by contact his boss and reporting it up the ladder.

As distasteful as it is to both of you, that's the way it's probably laid out.

What did they call it in law school? Moral vacuum.
I'm looking at it properly I would say, which I don't believe you are at the moment. Say I was still the manager of a game store in a similar scenario as Paterno. They don't want to pay any sort of severance. Are you telling me that corporate is going to keep me working there while I allowed rape and sexual assault to happen in the back room?
andycapps said:
They're scared. That press conference would have been disastrous for them, press is out for blood now.
As the press should be. And the press are likely only going to be emboldened by this to start digging deeper.

SolidSnakex said:
I decided to see how fast he moved up the ranks


He walked in on Sandusky raping that kid in 2002. His promotion to WR coach happened in 04. Things happened for him pretty fast after witnessing that rape.
Boy howdy, did it ever. That's not a Joe Paterno signed letter, but that's pretty damning at least to public perception
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