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Penn State trustee low on sympathy for 'so-called victims'

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The Chronicle of Higher Education, following up on former university president Graham Spanier's child endangerment conviction, reported Thursday (http://bit.ly/2nooEuK) that former bank executive Al Lord had told the publication in an email that he was "running out of sympathy for 35 yr old, so-called victims with 7 digit net worth."

Don't give me sympathy if old.

I mean, clearly this dude is an assface. But, can Penn State just NOT FIND a good PR department? Like, god damn folks.

"I am tired of victims' getting in the way of clearer thinking and a reasoned approach to who knew what and who did what," he told The Chronicle.

Those damn victims, always getting in the way...
Remember the Simpsons' episode where Homer has the choice of sticking with Bart's harsh punishment, teaching him limits and allowing him to grow up into a judge, vs reneging on the punishment, and Bart eventually becomes a stripper?

The NCAA chose stripper Penn State. The alum and higher ups are consistently showing their asses because they were taught there are no consequences for their actions.


Remember the Simpsons' episode where Homer has the choice of sticking with Bart's harsh punishment, teaching him limits and allowing him to grow up into a judge, vs reneging on the punishment, and Bart eventually becomes a stripper?

The NCAA chose stripper Penn State. The alum and higher ups are consistently showing their asses because they were taught there are no consequences for their actions.

"Well their football team is good again so I mean ¯_(ツ)_/¯"



Don't give me sympathy if old.

I mean, clearly this dude is an assface. But, can Penn State just NOT FIND a good PR department? Like, god damn folks.
Didn't the athletic department decide it was a good idea to honor Paterno at a game last year?

I think the actual administration at the university wants to improve their image but it's hard when your alumni can't disown someone that won a title for them ~30 years ago. Since the NCAA failed at taking away the program to teach them a lesson, am I a bit optimistic in thinking the best solution is if James Franklin is successful and then they can move on from titles won 30 years ago because they have something modern to celebrate?

Of course the fact that they can't separate the importance of covering up child sex abuse and winning football is disgusting. I'm glad Bobby Bowden's biggest stain on his legacy is some improper benefits and kids cheating in class, because that's nothing at the end of the day in comparison to covering this shit up.


Yep! I think it was maybe at their last home game? Can't remember.
Absolutely disgusting. And remember, USC got similar (were they worse? I don't remember) sanctions as them because Reggie Bush got paid nothing, won a heisman, and decided to cash in on his fame and provide a house for his parents. And they took his trophy away years later because he's such a bad dude! Didn't Paterno get wins restored last year?

Fox Mulder


Don't give me sympathy if old.

I mean, clearly this dude is an assface. But, can Penn State just NOT FIND a good PR department? Like, god damn folks.



Those damn victims, always getting in the way...

They just don't care. They got a slap on the wrist for everything and football is more important to them.



Penn State are a bunch of whack jobs

My theoretical kids aren't ever setting foot on that campus

Oh and fuck Joe Paterno. Hope there's a hell and he's in it along with that POS statue


Their football program deserved the death penalty, or at the very least the NCAA should have stuck with the sanctions they originally placed on the program. Fuck Penn St.


Penn State are a bunch of whack jobs

My theoretical kids aren't ever setting foot on that campus

Oh and fuck Joe Paterno. Hope there's a hell and he's in it along with that POS statue
One day Art Briles will meet Joe and they'll have a nice chat.


Just awful. As if doing well later in life neglects the abuse you've suffered. What is wrong with Penn State?
Their football program deserved the death penalty, or at the very least the NCAA should have stuck with the sanctions they originally placed on the program. Fuck Penn St.

If Penn State has any shame left whatsoever (and that's a big if), they would cut off ties with Al Lord completely. I don't care if someone goes on to be a billionaire, if your university was complicit in allowing a pedophile to abuse that person as a child, you better have fuck tons of sympathy and feel ashamed.



If Penn State has any shame left whatsoever (and that's a big if), they would cut off ties with Al Lord completely. I don't care if someone goes on to be a billionaire, if your university was complicit in allowing a pedophile to abuse that person as a child, you better have fuck tons of sympathy and feel ashamed.

Is he related to Jeffrey Lord at CNN? Cause they sure as shit say similarly stupid things.
Their football program deserved the death penalty, or at the very least the NCAA should have stuck with the sanctions they originally placed on the program. Fuck Penn St.
Problem was Penn St + The Paterno family we're going to sue the NCAA and probably win because technically legal matters aren't their jurisdiction. So they had to reverse them.

Penn St and Baylor are now my two most hated teams.


I work at Penn State, lots of employees aren't like this. It's never good to generalize.

My friend is a PhD student (also an employee) at Penn State. He said protocol for reporting sexual abuse is important part of employee orientation now.


I work at Penn State, lots of employees aren't like this. It's never good to generalize.


But as long as the school continues to pull this bullshit, you're fighting an uphill battle trying to get people not to generalize.

Of course plenty of Penn State people find what Paterno did abhorrent. But a ton of people don't (or deny that he did anything wrong). And for that reason, from the outside looking in the whole place looks like a cult.
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