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Penny-Arcade: "Marketers of the Avenger Controller are thieves and liars".

Are the apologists retaining their position because they feel sympathy for Paul or they can relate to his lunacy?

I sometimes feel that when people defend behavior like this it is an indication that they themselves might act similarly.

Nobody in this entire fucking thread has even come close to defending his actions.

A few people have questioned if an internet mob sifting through a mans life is at all appropriate as a response to something the vast majority of participants are - at best - an audience to rather than directly involved in.

The only way you could portray that as being 'an apologist' or 'white knighting' is if you have the overly-simplistic ethical makeup of a 10 year old child, that the entire world is equally split into 'us' and 'them'.


Unconfirmed Member
Okay, so I just now read the original post. Fucking unbelievable. Have any new developments happened since the OP?


from reddit's AMA said:
In our conversations, he has compared himself to no less than Howard Stern and Charlie Sheen. He has proclaimed himself to be the biggest thing on the internet, and has repeatedly touted how much power he thinks he now has with the press. He told me tonight "if they fuck with me, I got all these websites all over me. Whatever I tell them to write, they write." He says that he has a TV interview with SPIKE TV next week. I look forward to him telling them what to do and what to edit into their coverage.

Tonight, he reiterated that in unmistakable, forceful terms. His abrupt swings in tone and mood were astoundingly rapid. He told me he would burn the company to the ground and destroy everyone associated with it, including me, he regretted to inform me. "I know you're just a guy doing a job and you don't know any better. I'm gonna ruin your life if I have to."

Most people would have the urge to destroy him after being told that. Of course, that would only need to be said if he hadn't already done such a capable job of that himself. That's the part of the press release I wrote that I think he really didn't get: he needs to stop hurting himself, and consequently his family. He's making everything worse every time he opens his mouth, and for his family's sake, I wish he would stop. I'd be amazed if he can make himself look any worse, but I don't put that past him.

I hope that people stop giving him attention, because they're just feeding the beast. As for me, I'm done speaking with him on the phone.

I was hoping that Paul wouldn't say he's like Charlie Sheen or Howard Stern or suggest that. This guy is seriously off the deep end.

If I were this Paul guy, I would use this noterity to try and get a professional counselor or get anger management and not make anymore comments or tweets. I don't have any sympathy whatsoever for him, I just want him to go away or find a line of work that he is best suited for (i.e. NOT in PR or marketing or customer service or anything having to deal with the public). I know that Moises Chiullan thinks what the guy is saying is 'typical bully behavior' (which it is) but if this guy decides to follow through, he could cause even more problems.

Of course, N-Control may be filling a restraining order against Paul Christoro and/or Ocean Marketting after the New Year.


I'll just leave this here with the bullying mob.


This is satire, right?

I can understand people thinking things escalated too far. However, if you're going to attack the situation and an entire group of people, at least research it thoroughly. Public contact information was posted. The steroids post was "dug up" through a simple Google search of an E-mail address tied to a message with Paul masquerading as someone else to try to squelch the issue since something was fishy. "Death threats", imaginary or otherwise, are not reflective of the Internet or "gaming culture" as a whole.


cool, thank guys.

uhh, anyone wanna actually fill me in?

Guy tries to cover it up by prentending to be someone he isn't. Then goes on podcast. Appolagizes while blaming Gabe from Penny arcade ultimately. Then when people start to relax the new PR guy does Reddit AMA. There he reveals that dumbass was refusing to give the emails, site, etc back and even threatened them. You know like the customer. YOU DON'T KNOW WHO YOU'RE FUCKING WITH type shit along with attempted blackmail. Asking for guaranteed money even for future sales cause he made them famous and would expose other shit. Then this guy reveals all this and dumbass finally starts working with them some while they bypass him and get control of the rest. Meanwhile dumbshit also compares himself to Charlie Sheen and Howard Stern.
cool, thank guys.

uhh, anyone wanna actually fill me in?

The Natural said:
Can't believe I read through all these pages, or at least scanned through most. Basically to sum up.

- Dude acts like a total prick to a customer, Penny Arcade gets involved, dude gets what he deserves

- Guy turns out to be a roid rager and all kinds of other shit

- Maker of control damage controls the situation before their whole company gets brought down

- Random white knighters want to complain that the guy faced consequences to his actions

And after all of this, apparently the guy isn't actually contrite or actually getting he was in the wrong, so he deserves anything he gets for acting like a dick.

Also another thought, for me and the rest of the 99%, it makes me sick that this guy somehow had a fairly lucrative (it appears) marketing position with basically no understanding of the English language. The former marketing company made it clear that it seems like the controller maker had delusions of grandeur about trying to make some money getting this supported in stores, and also in the past marketed it as a turbo controller for pros, and not the handicap. Sounds like they're as much to blame for the damage they've taken as well for bringing this guy on without due diligence and their head in the sand over promises.

Either way, the guy's 15 minutes of fame are about up, and he had to deal with his family now.

To add:

- Paul gives subsequent interviews, appears to be remoreless, gives half apologies, contradicts himself, and swings wildly between "I'm sorry I didn't know the guy I bullied was important" and "Fuck everyone, I'm awesome, I'm the victim!"
- New PR guy for Avenger comes on, does awesome job, sets up AMA Reddit
- New PR guy reveals that Paul is holding company domain, email, website hostage, tries to negotiate with Paul, Paul says "you're a nice guy, but fuck you" (basically)
- New PR guy shuts Paul's blackmail down

The Saga Continues


To add:

- Paul gives subsequent interviews, appears to be remoreless, gives half apologies, contradicts himself, and swings wildly between "I'm sorry I didn't know the guy I bullied was important" and "Fuck everyone, I'm awesome, I'm the victim!"
- New PR guy for Avenger comes on, does awesome job, sets up AMA Reddit
- New PR guy reveals that Paul is holding company domain, email, website hostage, tries to negotiate with Paul, Paul says "you're a nice guy, but fuck you" (basically)
- New PR guy shuts Paul's blackmail down

The Saga Continues

I really hope we hear about Paul's side to that. Not that I don't believe it, it's just that it's shocking that after his interview on the dead pixel podcast that he'd be a dick like that the very next day.
Nobody in this entire fucking thread has even come close to defending his actions.

A few people have questioned if an internet mob sifting through a mans life is at all appropriate as a response to something the vast majority of participants are - at best - an audience to rather than directly involved in.

The only way you could portray that as being 'an apologist' or 'white knighting' is if you have the overly-simplistic ethical makeup of a 10 year old child, that the entire world is equally split into 'us' and 'them'.

Quiet you. If you're not with us, you're against us. Black and white worldview for the win.

Moronic "white knight" accusation #20903 in 3....2....


I'm still waiting for one of you people to tell me what horrible thing anyone has actually done to him. Keep in mind that the alleged "death threats" apparently aren't a big enough deal to warrant a call to the police. Also keep in mind that absolutely nothing has been posted about him that he didn't put on the internet for the world to see himself or wasn't an official public record. His gamertag, 1-800 number, forum posts, and everything. None of this is private. I fail to see why Googling this guy is such a huge invasion of his private life.


Nobody in this entire fucking thread has even come close to defending his actions.

A few people have questioned if an internet mob sifting through a mans life is at all appropriate as a response to something the vast majority of participants are - at best - an audience to rather than directly involved in.

The only way you could portray that as being 'an apologist' or 'white knighting' is if you have the overly-simplistic ethical makeup of a 10 year old child, that the entire world is equally split into 'us' and 'them'.

I honestly don't expect much from a group who believes they can change someone's morality by trolling his twitter. The fact that people are now acting as if anyone who is pointing out the lunacy of this event is an apologist for bad customer service is a typical example of how the IQ of mobs plummet.

I'm still waiting for one of you people to tell me what horrible thing anyone has actually done to him. Keep in mind that the alleged "death threats" apparently aren't a big enough deal to warrant a call to the police. Also keep in mind that absolutely nothing has been posted about him that he didn't put on the internet for the world to see himself or wasn't an official public record. His gamertag, 1-800 number, forum posts, and everything. None of this is private. I fail to see why Googling this guy is such a huge invasion of his private life.
It's not. It's just a giant waste of time and embarrassing to watch. If you honestly believe trolling someone is the best use of your time, than god bless.


I really hope we hear about Paul's side to that. Not that I don't believe it, it's just that it's shocking that after his interview on the dead pixel podcast that he'd be a dick like that the very next day.

It is? Oh lol, you're being sarcastic, my bad.


I honestly don't expect much from a group who believes they can change someone's morality by trolling his twitter. The fact that people are now acting as if anyone who is pointing out the lunacy of this event is an apologist for bad customer service is a typical example of how the IQ of mobs plummet.

It's not. It's just a giant waste of time and embarrassing to watch. If you honestly believe trolling someone is the best use of your time, than god bless.

I don't think anyone in this thread is actively trolling him, either.

But hey, whatever makes you feel superior to the barbaric mobs.


One man's waste of time is another's entertainment.
I gotta admit it has been entertaining. Seeing people follow this guy like a miniature celebrity solely to to despise him and attack him in the name of doing good is fascinating. It's pathetic. Like watching charlie sheen all over again on a much smaller scale.


I gotta admit it has been entertaining. Seeing people follow this guy like a miniature celebrity solely to to despise him and attack him in the name of doing good is fascinating. It's pathetic. Like watching charlie sheen all over again on a much smaller scale.

Your opinion. Unless y'think you're superior.
I'm still waiting for one of you people to tell me what horrible thing anyone has actually done to him.

My first post in this thread was: "I have no sympathy for the guy but when people start digging up personal info on his fiancee I think Internet justice has gone too far." The fact that a lot of people read that as somehow a defense of Paul himself and leapt to the convenient-but-substanceless "white knight" charge is an embarrassing amount of reading comprehension fail.
someone link that site with all the "updates"


Lots of info at the link.

Edit: lol



My first post in this thread was: "I have no sympathy for the guy but when people start digging up personal info on his fiancee I think Internet justice has gone too far." The fact that a lot of people read that as somehow a defense of Paul himself and leapt to the convenient-but-substanceless "white knight" charge is an embarrassing amount of reading comprehension fail.

Yeah. Yes i do feel superior for not digging up all this guy's info like a stalker chick who just got dumped.
Yeah, you two are both trying to look down on people for doing things they're not doing. Way to go.


Excellent! A fresh spectacle for your entertainment. & you get to be a part of it! What do you say, bleachers of peers? Here's someone you'll love to hate! Are you going to vote him off the island? What's your read on The Situation? Express yourself on your electronic device!


What's really scary is that he seem to have no control whatsoever over his temper and mood swings. Any normal, sane person would be a lot more careful about how he interacts with others after being called out like this, and moreso with this. It's only a matter of time before the man does something that puts him in jail for a long time.


Yeah, you two are both trying to look down on people for doing things they're not doing. Way to go.

I'm pretty sure I'm seeing a screencap of his twitter page in this thread right now, and earlier conversations about a podcast he was on where he "apologized"(of course not satisfying anyone.) Yup you guys are totally not following him.
I'm pretty sure I'm seeing a screencap of his twitter page in this thread right now, and earlier conversations about a podcast he was on where he "apologized"(of course not satisfying anyone.) Yup you guys are totally not following him.

So following a twitter and listening to a podcast is stalking now? Why are you even posting in this thread if you think it's so pathetic?


I'm pretty sure I'm seeing a screencap of his twitter page in this thread right now, and earlier conversations about a podcast he was on where he "apologized"(of course not satisfying anyone.) Yup you guys are totally not following him.

"You're pathetic."

"No, you're pathetic."

"Well, your momma's a whore"


Well, as one of the stalkers, at least I assume I'm one since I've been actively participating in this thread since the start, all I have to say is ... it's entertaining. Lines haven't been crossed, outside of fictitious arguments brought up to make us into terrible people, so it's just in the name of entertainment.

Mind you, this is just an isolated topic on GAF. I'm not going around putting him on blast everywhere. Just talking about events as they transpire here. That's it. Paul does something dumb somewhere and it makes some kind of news; we read it and laugh. When he stops doing things, this topic will die. It's not like we're sifting through his life and seeing what we can find.

I can't speak for everyone here but, personally, I'm "invested" in the sense that I have a stupid amount of posts in this thread. It's been a good run. I check it when I see it come up. That's about it. And my current investment is in seeing how things turn around for the parties involved besides him. The new PR guy is doing a great job and he's been everywhere trying to fix the situation. It's rather admirable to see what he's done already in such a short amount of time.

And, well, I'm a horrible human being. That too.

So following a twitter and listening to a podcast is stalking now? Why are you even posting in this thread if you think it's so pathetic?

A podcast advertised in this thread at that.

And Paul's statements have gone full memetic so, really, it's not even a case of following him anymore. Just kind of seeing them pop up in places.

Paul was a purported social media expert. As such, his antics primarily took place through emails, twitter responses, and Facebook. People "dug up" information that was available through a Google search (page 1, to boot). Furthermore, when he masqueraded as someone else to take the heat off of him, people searched the email address used to verify that it came from who it purported to be from.

It didn't match up. Instead, it matched up with posts about steroids.

If you make your profession "social media" and engage in social activities on the web, expect to be examined.

I'm not quite sure that people understand that this isn't something that's a) hard to do or b) wrong. He put that information out there, willingly. The few bits he didn't were email exchanges from his victims, which they have every right to post. No one hacked his accounts and stole information.


People are interested in this case because it's PR and customer service gone horribly, terribly wrong. It relates to gaming (which this forum is about) in that the product involved is a gaming peripheral. Paul's antics continue to be followed because they defy all reason and create a spectacle; instead of learning from his mistakes and apologizing, he keeps upping the ante and making it worse. It's baffling, fascinating, and infuriating.

Hence the continued attention.

Are we all on the same page here?


Membero Americo
Is this guy seriously appearing on GTTV soon?

They gave him an interview and he accepted? Why do I feel this is not gonna end well?



Paul was a purported social media expert. As such, his antics primarily took place through emails, twitter responses, and Facebook. People "dug up" information that was available through a Google search (page 1, to boot). Furthermore, when he masqueraded as someone else to take the heat off of him, people searched the email address used to verify that it came from who it purported to be from.

It didn't match up. Instead, it matched up with posts about steroids.

If you make your profession "social media" and engage in social activities on the web, expect to be examined.

I'm not quite sure that people understand that this isn't something that's a) hard to do or b) wrong. He put that information out there, willingly. The few bits he didn't were email exchanges from his victims, which they have every right to post. No one hacked his accounts and stole information.


People are interested in this case because it's PR and customer service gone horribly, terribly wrong. It relates to gaming (which this forum is about) in that the product involved is a gaming peripheral. Paul's antics continue to be followed because they defy all reason and create a spectacle; instead of learning from his mistakes and apologizing, he keeps upping the ante and making it worse. It's baffling, fascinating, and infuriating.

Hence the continued attention.

Are we all on the same page here?

Have always been on that page :)

I wonder when Paul gets his Wikipedia page and edits it himself...
Are we all on the same page here?

not if you're 50ppp scum

100ppp 4 lyfe.

anyway, what a shit storm. nobody comes out of these messes clean. The internet is like a bad, boring version of the Maury Povich show. People destroying each other and making each other look bad, not using any logic or attempting any official methods of dealing with things (paypal refund, credit card chargeback, etc) and instead opting to "reason" with each other (i.e. a penis waving contest.) Penny arcade was bored that day, marketer dude is a meat head who is probably used to being able to say tough shit to people and has an "image image image" business model, kotaku is just the parasite tabloid, with the original customer being the woman they are all fighting over.
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