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Penny-Arcade: "Marketers of the Avenger Controller are thieves and liars".

His site is down now but I got a decent capture from the wayback machine, I think.


I have seen this kind of behavior from other sites as well, but usually with HORI arcade sticks. I had to pay in advance for my HRAP EX, and it showed up, like, 7 months after the promised date or something.

They were just about as helpful too, but at least never condescended to me. I can't remember the site though...
About Us ....

2. Integrity and honesty are at the core of our business values. We expect our leaders and people to maintain high ethical standards in everything they do, both in their work for Ocean Marketing and in their personal lives.

A couple more developments:

- About a day after the new N-Control PR guy did a very informative Reddit AMA, Paul started his own. He gave generally douchey and idiotic responses to questions and then deleted his Reddit account.

- Paul lists his former employer prior to Ocean Marketing as Premier Healthcare Online. It has now been confirmed that this is a fake company Paul used to pad his resume.


A couple more developments:

- About a day after the new N-Control PR guy did a very informative Reddit AMA, Paul started his own. He gave generally douchey and idiotic responses to questions and then deleted his Reddit account.

- Paul lists his former employer prior to Ocean Marketing as Premier Healthcare Online. It has now been confirmed that this is a fake company Paul used to pad his resume.

First one made me laugh.


works for Gamestop (lol)
A couple more developments:

- About a day after the new N-Control PR guy did a very informative Reddit AMA, Paul started his own. He gave generally douchey and idiotic responses to questions and then deleted his Reddit account.

- Paul lists his former employer prior to Ocean Marketing as Premier Healthcare Online. It has now been confirmed that this is a fake company Paul used to pad his resume.

Holy shit wow (I havent entered this thread since new PR Avenger guy was on Reddit)

and lol @ smision
A couple more developments:

- About a day after the new N-Control PR guy did a very informative Reddit AMA, Paul started his own. He gave generally douchey and idiotic responses to questions and then deleted his Reddit account.

- Paul lists his former employer prior to Ocean Marketing as Premier Healthcare Online. It has now been confirmed that this is a fake company Paul used to pad his resume.

WTF. I would love to see a capture of that Reddit.


Are we still talking about this?

Dude tries to buy terrible third party accessory, meets incompetent and terrible support, 3rd grade insults are thrown at each other, support guy gets life ruined.

It's time to move on.


Are we still talking about this?

Dude tries to buy terrible third party accessory, meets incompetent and terrible support, 3rd grade insults are thrown at each other, support guy gets life ruined.

It's time to move on.

And yet, here you are.
Are we still talking about this?

Dude tries to buy terrible third party accessory, meets incompetent and terrible support, 3rd grade insults are thrown at each other, support guy gets life ruined.

It's time to move on.

defender bump, I have no idea why he did that but let's lay the blame at the appropriate table. Most are responding to his ill-considered post, which is justified, or actual new developments posted by parallax this afternoon. People who are still interested in talking about those things are not holding your head to the monitor every time they post.


And yet, here you are.

Only to insult and ridicule fellow GAFfers!

Seriously, I do not get the appeal of this story. People are obsessed with this and it's getting creepy. This thread has nearly 3,500 posts and there are OTs of quality video games that have less than that. Am I missing something?


Only to insult and ridicule fellow GAFfers!

Seriously, I do not get the appeal of this story. People are obsessed with this and it's getting creepy. This thread has nearly 3,500 posts and there are OTs of quality video games that have less than that. Am I missing something?

If you really don't like it feel free to PM a mod, asking them to close the thread and give them a couple reasons why they should. Otherwise I think it's considered thread whining.


A couple more developments:

- About a day after the new N-Control PR guy did a very informative Reddit AMA, Paul started his own. He gave generally douchey and idiotic responses to questions and then deleted his Reddit account.

- Paul lists his former employer prior to Ocean Marketing as Premier Healthcare Online. It has now been confirmed that this is a fake company Paul used to pad his resume.

Was Paul's AMA legit? Is there any chance it was a fake?

Did anyone archive this?

Shouldn't your avatar be on fire?
Only to insult and ridicule fellow GAFfers!

Seriously, I do not get the appeal of this story. People are obsessed with this and it's getting creepy. This thread has nearly 3,500 posts and there are OTs of quality video games that have less than that. Am I missing something?

Because there's a lot more to the story than that, and we were getting a near-constant stream of news of the dude digging himself deeper and deeper. From interviews which showed him to still have no actual idea of what he did wrong to figuring out most of his 'credentials' are a complete sham to the revelation that he held Avenger Controller's domain and e-mails hostage, Paul Christoforo is the gift that keeps on giving.


This exchange really is interesting

I did say that my initial interviews on print came out wrong I have stated I made a mistake multiple times there is only so many ways to say I am sorry I fudged up . 3 days later that's what print said I said I was sorry.

[–]watchingtrainwrecks 4 points 23 hours ago

your interviews came out "wrong"? Are you claiming that the journalists are lying about what you said? You are aware they document everything you actually say and that it can be easily checked? Are you saying they doctored what you said and they changed it? Those are very serious allegations and I am sure that Forbes at the least would love to hear that. They also have excellent lawyers.

[–][deleted] -1 points 23 hours ago

Not lying its the public that twists to words and reads between the line to spin the statement into whatever they want.

[–]watchingtrainwrecks 5 points 22 hours ago*

oh so it's the public that is making everyones think you held website hostage, lied to your boss about previous interactions and this one, lied about having personal and business relationship with everyone from the mayor of Boston to the editors of most major tech blogs. nope it wasn't Paul's fault, it's everyone else. first it was dave, then mike, then the blogs, then the journalist, now it's the public. Is there anyone else who you'd like to say is MORE responsible for the situation you are in other than yourself?


[–]HardRockZombies 9 points 1 day ago
Do you still abuse your wife, or did you stop after charges were filed?
[–][deleted] -11 points 1 day ago
was not my wife and get your facts straight you sound like an idiot



Only to insult and ridicule fellow GAFfers!

Seriously, I do not get the appeal of this story. People are obsessed with this and it's getting creepy. This thread has nearly 3,500 posts and there are OTs of quality video games that have less than that. Am I missing something?
Most videogames aren't worth discussing good or not. They are fun but have no real meat to interpret or analyze and are too braindead easy to require discussion of strategy.

This shit however DEMANDS discussion.



Yea some people certainly did cross a line there like that. It's sad too. Some of the shit some spewed was uncalled for. Another example being the guy that basically called him a pedophile when there hasn't been a damn shred of or even hint of him being one.


oh so it's the public that is making everyones think you held website hostage, lied to your boss about previous interactions and this one, lied about having personal and business relationship with everyone from the mayor of Boston to the editors of most major tech blogs. nope it wasn't Paul's fault, it's everyone else. first it was dave, then mike, then the blogs, then the journalist, now it's the public.
Let's not forget the Indian freelancers. Damn those Indian freelancers.
This thread has nearly 3,500 posts and there are OTs of quality video games that have less than that. Am I missing something?
This subject had a broader audience and I guess people are more inclined to post "wow this guy is a dick" than "wow this game looks cool." Probably because there are a lot of cool games, but this is the first instance of this situation.
[–]HardRockZombies 9 points 1 day ago
Do you still abuse your wife, or did you stop after charges were filed?
[–][deleted] -11 points 1 day ago
was not my wife and get your facts straight you sound like an idiot

Mind blown at the sheer stupidity of this guy.


The reason why this topic continues on and on is because Paul himself keeps screwing himself by doing more and more stupid things.

If he would have apologized from the beginning and kept a low profile after that, this would be a footnote by now.
This thread is huge...so what happened to the guy? Last post I read he went under and then tried to use different names on twitter or whatever.

What's the update?

To add:

- Paul gives subsequent interviews, appears to be remoreless, gives half apologies, contradicts himself, and swings wildly between "I'm sorry I didn't know the guy I bullied was important" and "Fuck everyone, I'm awesome, I'm the victim!"
- New PR guy for Avenger comes on, does awesome job, sets up AMA Reddit
- New PR guy reveals that Paul is holding company domain, email, website hostage, tries to negotiate with Paul, Paul says "you're a nice guy, but fuck you" (basically)
- New PR guy shuts Paul's blackmail down

The Saga Continues

Ta da~
It's like a bad joke.

'So, I heard you got arrested for beating your wife.'

'That's not true at all. The woman I beat was not my wife.'


Oh Paul. I've always thought that no matter how dumb one is, it's eventually apparent when they're in the wrong and just need to shut the hell up. I guess I was wrong on that.

Must be due to him being a tanned and built man.
Could've quietly and calmly fucked this guy with payment reversals and going through proper channels to cut off money, but nope, you saw a tanned, built man with an aggressive demeanor and decided to get revenge for all that childhood trauma.

The last bit is amusing because it's undeniably true.

This sorry affair says more about the pathetic crevices of the internet and those that inhibit them than it does about some bi-polar attention seeker.


Shouldn't your avatar be on fire?

It's real avatar month and I'm not allowed within five feet of open flames

This sorry affair says more about the pathetic crevices of the internet and those that inhibit them than it does about some bi-polar attention seeker.

You could learn about the internet in just about any topic about anything, but this guy's stupidity is amazing in its bull-headedness.
You could learn about the internet in just about any topic about anything, but this guy's stupidity is amazing in its bull-headedness.

Even this supposed quote relating to the DV charge has been offensively taken out of context and spun to suit the narrative.

This guy is a clown, but the audience are equally shameful.


Even this supposed quote relating to the DV charge has been offensively taken out of context and spun to suit the narrative.

This guy is a clown, but the audience are equally shameful.

I love the holier than thou attitude.

You're a party to it all too, with your Statler and Waldorf act.
The last bit is amusing because it's undeniably true.

This sorry affair says more about the pathetic crevices of the internet and those that inhibit them than it does about some bi-polar attention seeker.

No comment on his continued dickishness? On him continuing to bully people? On his continued lies?

Maybe the first time he poked the bear and didn't know. Maybe you can feel sorry for him then, but what does it say when he keeps repeatedly poking the bear?

You have blindly sided with a moron because you hate the internet attack dogs. This time they were unleashed on the right guy. I'd recommend you keep your feelings on them quiet until they are unleashed on someone that doesn't deserve it.

They were unleashed on a liar, a crook and a bully, not someone who just said one mean thing one day.
I haven't taken a side at all, I just used this Paul guy as a means to highlight the absurdity of this so called "attack dog" mentality.

If someone can explain how that "she wasn't my wife" quote is remotely inflammatory, beyond a naive choice of words given his rabid audience, I'm willing to listen.


I haven't taken a side at all, I just used this Paul guy as a means to highlight the absurdity of this so called "attack dog" mentality.

If someone can explain how that "she wasn't my wife" quote is remotely inflammatory, beyond a naive choice of words given his rabid audience, I'm willing to listen.

To be fair there is quite a bit 'internet attack dog' stuff going on when Paul speaks publicly (like the Reddit thing and that podcast interview in the chat) and while he is quite a douche and says the 'wrong' stuff a lot it is not really fair (the internet stuff).

I mean, I still think he should be called out and held accountable for what he's done (and all his past mistakes as they are coming to light, plagiarism, faking references, past rudeness etc) but some people (not here) are taking it too far in their rage or trolling.


I haven't taken a side at all, I just used this Paul guy as a means to highlight the absurdity of this so called "attack dog" mentality.

If someone can explain how that "she wasn't my wife" quote is remotely inflammatory, beyond a naive choice of words given his rabid audience, I'm willing to listen.

He thinks which woman he beat makes a key difference and he insulted the asker (perhaps fairly, since he was clearly trolling with the question) for not knowing which woman he assaulted.

It's like a woman getting on a soap box and squealing "For your information, I'm not a whore. I have sex with five different men a day for FREE. Bet you feel pretty silly now, huh?"
I asked before what it is that he has done that is illegal, and didnt get a reply.

What is it that he has done that makes him a crook?

From what we know, he willingly held the key accounts and domains of his client hostage for personal gain. The fact that it was resolved "amicably"* does not change the nature of his acts.

I haven't taken a side at all, I just used this Paul guy as a means to highlight the absurdity of this so called "attack dog" mentality.

If someone can explain how that "she wasn't my wife" quote is remotely inflammatory, beyond a naive choice of words given his rabid audience, I'm willing to listen.

Like the previous poster explained, he's drawing a distinction between "which" woman he beat. It's reprehensible all the same.

*After the new PR guy exposed his shenanigans Paul quickly backtracked in fear of retribution.
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