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Performance Analysis: Assassin's Creed Unity (Digital Foundry)


Yeah another funny gif response to my post, yet again no refute to what i actually said though.
Wipe your tears off and ignore those posters. Why are you so invested in a multibillion company? Like someone should care what other people think of Microsoft or any other company, "somebody please think of Microsofts feelings!!"
I hope you realize how ridiculous your post sounds, but I know you will disregard mine but whatever, the majority on GAF hates Microsoft, You win, I guess.


AC4 - 1080p, rock solid 30fps
ACU - built from the ground up to take advantage of next-gen hardware - 900p, variable 20-30fps, full of pop-up and glitches

So... this game has been a disaster. Ubisoft will probably acknowledge as much but only when it's time to hype up AC 2015.

Clearly the game could have done with at least another 6 months in the oven. I wish Ubisoft had the balls to delay an AC game.


And it's not like they wouldn't have had any games to sell this holiday, if they had delayed Unity.

They have Rogue, Far Cry 4 and The Crew.
They were not kidding about parity. No difference whatsoever between consoles.
The gap between them and PC at max settings is going to be significant.

So MS didn't have a hand at this? HA!! MS moneyz = Parity = more development time on there platform (make sure it runs the best as possible). I don't critique MS for this since they are paying for a co-marketing deal and/or sending help to allocate resources. Still doesn't mean u can't utilize the PS4 for its graphical overhead.
That's basically where I'm at with Ubisoft right now. They have been so disgusting for so long now that I don't even want anything to do with them. I've purchased every AC game from them in the past, so I was part of the problem leading to this shit. I encouraged them by accepting their past garbage and now I'm swallowing the crap that they think we're OK with.

No friggin' more. Yes, we're just talking about videogames and it's not like saving the environment, but I can save my money for more important things. Like videogames that aren't released in half finished states with microtransactions pouring out the ass and treasure chests that won't open unless you utilize the goddamn companion app.

Like companies that don't treat us like fucking morons pretending 30fps feels more cinematic. Like companies who don't insult entire fucking groups of gamers because of their pathetic laziness. Like companies which don't fucking spout PR vomit to appease their fucking marketing partners. Like companies which don't think gamers are so fucking pathetic that they'll believe any spewing ass diarrhea coming our way so we can play their shitty, buggy, barely functional repetitious grindwheel open world titles. Like companies that don't utilize grotesque DRM until the outcry forces them to change only to replace it with more DRM trash meant to squeeze more bucks out of consumers. Like companies who don't think they can fucking buy the media's silence with their threats or try to force unseemly day 1 embargoes so that consumers don't know what the hell they're getting. Where they now bathe in endless microtransaction nickle-and-diming in every fucking game they make.


No, enough is ENOUGH Ubisoft. You're a piece of shit publisher with no value in the community. You have taken advantage of consumers you know enjoy AAA values by misleading them, forcing them to not have complete pictures of products they buy, trying to buy off silence or threaten people into complacency. You fucks don't get another dime from me EVER AGAIN.

I pretty much stopped after Revelations, and I can't say I'm too bothered by not playing 3, Liberation, Black Flag, Rogue or Unity.
Their big budget efforts just don't interest me anymore, but stuff like Rayman Origins/Legends, Valiant Hearts and Child of Light still makes me believe there's still hope for a few of their studios.


Apparently what parity means to ubisoft is to dedicate 80% of their man-hours on the platform paying their marketing bills.

Excellent job ubi, you have somehow achieved the impossible.
In the thread about the Ubi CPU presentation he weighed in after a few of us speculated that the SDK updates have allowed for more wiggle room for MS and said something to the effect of "people have figured out what it is"

To be fair, prior to his stealth edit, Matt just popped into this thread 5 minutes ago an wrote:

Originally Posted by Matt

There is no excuse for this.

He then changed his post to, "Wow." I'm assuming he was implying that there is no reason why the PS4 version should be outperformed by the X1 version outside of incompetence on Ubi's part.


I pretty much stopped after Revelations, and I can't say I'm too bothered by not playing 3, Liberation, Black Flag, Rogue or Unity.
Their big budget efforts just don't interest me anymore, but stuff like Rayman Origins/Legends, Valiant Hearts and Child of Light still makes me believe there's still hope for a few of their studios.

I like some of those UbiArt games too, but it's not worth supporting these corrupt company. They need to come forward, issue a PR apology for their nonsense and commit to a complete change of their behavior going forward.

pixlexic said:
the lighting is very different. unity does look better.

Except it doesn't, because there are lots of things that go into how a game looks, including framerate, resolution, pop-in, etc. In all these ways, Black Flag demolishes Unity. What's more, these aspects impact gameplay as well.

There's NO VALUE to me to have a billion people crowd and lots of geometry with relatively detailed texture work if i'm swimming through it at 20fps and half the people in town pop in front of me two feet in.


anyone have a gif of Jamie Foxx's tooth gap closing in Amazing Spider-Man 2?



I like how we're looking at a game that is a technical mess and some people in here are talking about what Sony should have done. Like reserving 2 cores. You could give Ubisoft 50 cores and they'd still botch this disaster up.

All the other games that ran fine were meaningless. This is the benchmark by which the PS4 shall be judged....an Ubisoft game. These fuckers could make Hello World run like ass.


A pity Sony can't be bothered to send a few engineers to help out like MS does.

The results are clearly on display here.

Incompetence falls on both Ubisoft and Sony here for fucking up the PS4 version.

MS getting shit done.
So Microsoft was to blame for parity...and now their to blame for running better? (Not that better is saying much given how awful it seemingly runs for both consoles)

Some of you (Though by no means a majority in here) are too freaking lost in your hate of Microsoft to be rational, gosh darn.

This is just further reason to believe it's Ubi's poor handling of the game and not anything to do with MS.


A pity Sony can't be bothered to send a few engineers to help out like MS does.

The results are clearly on display here.

Incompetence falls on both Ubisoft and Sony here for fucking up the PS4 version.

MS getting shit done.

lol I dont understand this post.


That's basically where I'm at with Ubisoft right now. They have been so disgusting for so long now that I don't even want anything to do with them. I've purchased every AC game from them in the past, so I was part of the problem leading to this shit. I encouraged them by accepting their past garbage and now I'm swallowing the crap that they think we're OK with.

No friggin' more. Yes, we're just talking about videogames and it's not like saving the environment, but I can save my money for more important things. Like videogames that aren't released in half finished states with microtransactions pouring out the ass and treasure chests that won't open unless you utilize the goddamn companion app.

Like companies that don't treat us like fucking morons pretending 30fps feels more cinematic. Like companies who don't insult entire fucking groups of gamers because of their pathetic laziness. Like companies which don't fucking spout PR vomit to appease their fucking marketing partners. Like companies which don't think gamers are so fucking pathetic that they'll believe any spewing ass diarrhea coming our way so we can play their shitty, buggy, barely functional repetitious grindwheel open world titles. Like companies that don't utilize grotesque DRM until the outcry forces them to change only to replace it with more DRM trash meant to squeeze more bucks out of consumers. Like companies who don't think they can fucking buy the media's silence with their threats or try to force unseemly day 1 embargoes so that consumers don't know what the hell they're getting. Where they now bathe in endless microtransaction nickle-and-diming in every fucking game they make.


No, enough is ENOUGH Ubisoft. You're a piece of shit publisher with no value in the community. You have taken advantage of consumers you know enjoy AAA values by misleading them, forcing them to not have complete pictures of products they buy, trying to buy off silence or threaten people into complacency. You fucks don't get another dime from me EVER AGAIN.

Nice post!

This is how Ubisoft thinks!

Ubisoft wants you to pay $200



Skimming through this thread. So this is the new generation? People arguing, not about who got the better version, but who got the less gimped version? Never thought I would miss last gen console debates, at least there was a (albeit misplaced) pride there.


I'd be in the dick
To be fair, prior to his stealth edit, Matt just popped into this thread 5 minutes ago an wrote:

Originally Posted by Matt

There is no excuse for this.

He then changed his post to, "Wow." I'm assuming he was implying that there is no reason why the PS4 version should be outperformed by the X1 version outside of incompetence on Ubi's part.
Damn, I missed that. Thanks for pointing it out.


So Microsoft was to blame for parity...and now their to blame for running better? (Not that better is saying much given how awful it seemingly runs for both consoles)

Some of you are too freaking lost in your hate of Microsoft to be rational, jesus christ.


We're blaming Ubi for being such incompetent greedy devs.


I like some of those UbiArt games too, but it's not worth supporting these corrupt company. They need to come forward, issue a PR apology for their nonsense and commit to a complete change of their behavior going forward.

AND patch the game for those who actually bought it.


I'd be in the dick
A pity Sony can't be bothered to send a few engineers to help out like MS does.

The results are clearly on display here.

Incompetence falls on both Ubisoft and Sony here for fucking up the PS4 version.

MS getting shit done.
This post finally outed yourself as a joke poster instead of just a frustrated fan.


Suffering From Success
I don't particularly comprehend the pursuit of Best Graphics In The World.
You're gonna bullshit us with fake screenshots anyway.
It's like a living definition of jumping over your head. Or sticking your head too far up. Whichever you prefer.


The marketing and PR blitz for this game is one of the most shameful things I've ever seen.

The game is shown running at a perfect and smooth framerate in every big tradeshow because they are using some $3000 rig, then they set the review embargo to day of release at 12 PM so that consumers don't actually know the game runs at sub 20 FPS and is littered with technical problems until they have it in their home.

On top of that the game is littered with anti consumer practices, micro transactions and pleas to use an intrusive companion app.

Fuck you Ubisoft, I really mean that. I'm not buying your games ever again, hope it was worth it.

Pretty much my feelings towards all of this, as a longtime fan of the AC franchise. I really do enjoy their games (and I won't go as far as to say that I'll never buy their games again, depends if this changes) but this is so disappointing. You mostly covered everything awful about this and the post-release review embargo was just the cherry on top. I can't really recall much that has been positive about this game since the announcement trailer, it's been terrible from start to finish. The performance of this game is dreadful and I can't even fathom how Ubi thought it was in a good state to release. Really hope something changes for the next entry because I do enjoy them (even as simple, historical simulators if nothing else) but I'm not that optimistic.
I actually don't follow so please explain it like I'm 5. If the clock speed of a single core is increased 9% it seems reasonable that a parallel task across all available cores each get a 9% increase. In the case of a 6 core processor the total potential gain is 54% for any given parallel task?

So for example, if I have 120 tasks that can be performed in parallel (ignoring overhead of managing those tasks, memory contention and so on) each core/thread would get 20 tasks. It seems reasonable to me that if I click up the clock rate on each core by 9% the entire batch of 120 tasks would complete 54% faster. Why is that thinking wrong just because another system has the same number of cores?

% maths can be tricky :)

Let's say you have a 8 cores CPU and each core is able to process 1000 instructions per second. Overall, your CPU can process 8000 instructions per second.

Now, increase clock speed by 10%. Each core will run at the improved speed and will show a 10% increase in its instructions per second rate i.e. each core will now be capable to process 1100 instructions per second. 8 cores available makes it that our CPU is now able to process 8800 instructions per second.

What is the resulting improvement? Going from 8000 IPS to 8800 IPS results in a... 10% improvement.

Purest 78

That should free up some cash to buy some more tinfoil for your hats.

You explain to me how the lesser performing machine out performed the more powerful one? We've had enough games with differences To see a gap exist. So please I'm waiting for your reason for this.


XB1 version is fucked up as well, if you haven't noticed :D

XB1 version looks better and runs better.

Why didn't Sony bother upclocking the CPU for the PS4?

Or at least send some people over to help get shit done?

Already seeing the result of their incompetency in AC:U, COD campaign, Evolve and most likely TW3 as well.

Let me send some engineer$$ your way.

Send that memo to Sony next time :/

This post finally outed yourself as a joke poster instead of just a frustrated fan.

My frustration regarding Sony these days is pretty real.
Don't listen to him, they are all streamlined focus group tested boring garbage.

edit: goddamn at Amir0x post!

Haha. I always felt that way, hence why i never bought into the franchise. I was curious about this effort, but was turned off by the lack of French accents. Now this pops up and there is no doubt that I won't be jumping into this franchise.
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