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Performance Analysis: Assassin's Creed Unity (Digital Foundry)


Wipe your tears off and ignore those posters. Why are you so invested in a multibillion company? Like someone should care what other people think of Microsoft or any other company, "somebody please think of Microsofts feelings!!"
I hope you realize how ridiculous your post sounds, but I know you will disregard mine but whatever, the majority on GAF hates Microsoft, You win, I guess.

And your post is more ridiculous because you are making assumptions and jumping to conclusions.
Check my post history, prove i'm a Microsoft fanboy. Post history is your friend on this forum, i found that out long ago.

I say again, its just getting so tedious and tiresome at this point, thats all i meant.


Worse on PS4. I can't believe this shit. Ubisoft really are shitty devs. 10 million people working on the game and they can't use the hardware properly :(


A pity Sony can't be bothered to send a few engineers to help out like MS does.

The results are clearly on display here.

Incompetence falls on both Ubisoft and Sony here for fucking up the PS4 version.

MS getting shit done.

Is that why Mordor runs better on PS4? Because Sony sent in engineers and MS didn't?
You gotta wonder how stupid these guys are if the amount of npcs is the problem. How about shaving a couple of them off?

Yeah its so stupid. Clearly the consoles cant cope with the game as released. If your game has a variable sub 30fps, it is going to be noticed by everyone playing it, and will obviously impact on the games review scores. They should have accepted that they were being over ambitious with their engine, and thinned out the NPC's. Releasing a game with fps in the low 20's is incredibly stupid, and unprofessional.


Worse on PS4. I can't believe this shit. Ubisoft really are shitty devs. 10 million people working on the game and they can't use the hardware properly :(

XB1 being a lead platform won't be a thing as the gen goes on.

The install base gap is ballooning.

Is that why Mordor runs better on PS4? Because Sony sent in engineers and MS didn't?

SoM is no where near as technically ambitious as AC:U is.
That's basically where I'm at with Ubisoft right now. They have been so disgusting for so long now that I don't even want anything to do with them. I've purchased every AC game from them in the past, so I was part of the problem leading to this shit. I encouraged them by accepting their past garbage and now I'm swallowing the crap that they think we're OK with.

No friggin' more. Yes, we're just talking about videogames and it's not like saving the environment, but I can save my money for more important things. Like videogames that aren't released in half finished states with microtransactions pouring out the ass and treasure chests that won't open unless you utilize the goddamn companion app.

Like companies that don't treat us like fucking morons pretending 30fps feels more cinematic. Like companies who don't insult entire fucking groups of gamers because of their pathetic laziness. Like companies which don't fucking spout PR vomit to appease their fucking marketing partners. Like companies which don't think gamers are so fucking pathetic that they'll believe any spewing ass diarrhea coming our way so we can play their shitty, buggy, barely functional repetitious grindwheel open world titles. Like companies that don't utilize grotesque DRM until the outcry forces them to change only to replace it with more DRM trash meant to squeeze more bucks out of consumers. Like companies who don't think they can fucking buy the media's silence with their threats or try to force unseemly day 1 embargoes so that consumers don't know what the hell they're getting. Where they now bathe in endless microtransaction nickle-and-diming in every fucking game they make.


No, enough is ENOUGH Ubisoft. You're a piece of shit publisher with no value in the community. You have taken advantage of consumers you know enjoy AAA values by misleading them, forcing them to not have complete pictures of products they buy, trying to buy off silence or threaten people into complacency. You fucks don't get another dime from me EVER AGAIN.

This post needs to be quoted more. A wonderfully succinct and argued compilation of every instance of Ubisoft shitting the bed this year.

Although for me I have elected to only give Ubisoft money for their smaller efforts, like Rayman, Child of Light and Valiant Hearts. I can safely reward them for those sort of games, but I'm about to treat their AAA efforts like cancerous items at least until they're safely on the pre-owned shelf for cheap.


And Vire's post well complements Amir0x's above:

The marketing and PR blitz for this game is one of the most shameful things I've ever seen.

The game is shown running at a perfect and smooth framerate in every big tradeshow because they are using some $3000 rig, then they set the review embargo to day of release at 12 PM so that consumers don't actually know the game runs at sub 20 FPS and is littered with technical problems until they have it in their home.

On top of that the game is littered with anti consumer practices, micro transactions and pleas to use an intrusive companion app.

Fuck you Ubisoft, I really mean that. I'm not buying your games ever again, hope it was worth it.


Haha. I always felt that way, hence why i never bought into the franchise. I was curious about this effort, but was turned off by the lack of French accents. Now this pops up and there is no doubt that I won't be jumping into this franchise.

The game set in the French Revolution, published by a French publisher, developed by a Montreal subsidiary couldn't spring for some French accents? WHAT IS THIS?


The best part is Ubisoft knew it was shit and tried very hard to hide it by showing off the PC version and putting that fuck all shit fuck fuck embargo in place.

Edit and Vire beat me to it!

The marketing and PR blitz for this game is one of the most shameful things I've ever seen.

The game is shown running at a perfect and smooth framerate in every big tradeshow because they are using some $3000 rig, then they set the review embargo to day of release at 12 PM so that consumers don't actually know the game runs at sub 20 FPS and is littered with technical problems until they have it in their home.

On top of that the game is littered with anti consumer practices, micro transactions and pleas to use an intrusive companion app.

Fuck you Ubisoft, I really mean that. I'm not buying your games ever again, hope it was worth it.
So when the game barely manages a steady 20 FPS are we honestly expected to swallow this bullshit about them limiting the game to 30 FPS out of choice? Complete lies.
Should have done same as they did to Watch_Dogs. Half year delay. I guess AC is too big franchise to get that kind of delay.

Yup. I would have to believe that more time in the oven to optimize it could of potentially went a long way, but with AC being such a cash cow for Ubisoft, I doubt that ever even considered a delay as a viable option. I would love for word of mouth to be spread and sales to suffer (At least until they release a series of patches to fix the issues somewhat) but i'm thinking too many will buy it at name value alone and Ubi will get out of this relatively unscathed.


The best part is Ubisoft knew it was shit and tried very hard to hide it by showing off the PC version and putting that fuck all shit fuck fuck embargo in place.

I hope they will somehow patch this shit. If not, I'll play through it and sell it ASAP.


What a monumental fuck up on Ubi's part.

Keep your game Ubisoft, GTA5 comes out next week anyway. I'll pick up Unity for $18 used from Gamefly at some point down the line.


Neo Member
Was actually thinking about getting this with Advanced Warfare... I don;t know if I'll ever play Ass Creed at this point. Maybe next year.


Yeah its so stupid. Clearly the consoles cant cope with the game as released. If your game has a variable sub 30fps, it is going to be noticed by everyone playing it, and will obviously impact on the games review scores. They should have accepted that they were being over ambitious with their engine, and thinned out the NPC's. Releasing a game with fps in the low 20's is incredibly stupid, and unprofessional.

And their massive crowd tech sucks because there's constant pop in and people changing clothes on the fly, it breaks the immersion and it's completely useless.


That's basically where I'm at with Ubisoft right now. They have been so disgusting for so long now that I don't even want anything to do with them. I've purchased every AC game from them in the past, so I was part of the problem leading to this shit. I encouraged them by accepting their past garbage and now I'm swallowing the crap that they think we're OK with.

No friggin' more. Yes, we're just talking about videogames and it's not like saving the environment, but I can save my money for more important things. Like videogames that aren't released in half finished states with microtransactions pouring out the ass and treasure chests that won't open unless you utilize the goddamn companion app.

Like companies that don't treat us like fucking morons pretending 30fps feels more cinematic. Like companies who don't insult entire fucking groups of gamers because of their pathetic laziness. Like companies which don't fucking spout PR vomit to appease their fucking marketing partners. Like companies which don't think gamers are so fucking pathetic that they'll believe any spewing ass diarrhea coming our way so we can play their shitty, buggy, barely functional repetitious grindwheel open world titles. Like companies that don't utilize grotesque DRM until the outcry forces them to change only to replace it with more DRM trash meant to squeeze more bucks out of consumers. Like companies who don't think they can fucking buy the media's silence with their threats or try to force unseemly day 1 embargoes so that consumers don't know what the hell they're getting. Where they now bathe in endless microtransaction nickle-and-diming in every fucking game they make.


No, enough is ENOUGH Ubisoft. You're a piece of shit publisher with no value in the community. You have taken advantage of consumers you know enjoy AAA values by misleading them, forcing them to not have complete pictures of products they buy, trying to buy off silence or threaten people into complacency. You fucks don't get another dime from me EVER AGAIN.


This means I'm done with all your games, even The Division next year.
A pity Sony can't be bothered to send a few engineers to help out like MS does.

The results are clearly on display here.

Incompetence falls on both Ubisoft and Sony here for fucking up the PS4 version.

MS getting shit done.

Shu should have personally flown to Ubisoft and fixed that shit.


XB1 version looks better and runs better.

Why didn't Sony bother upclocking the CPU for the PS4?

Or at least send some people over to help get shit done?

Already seeing the result of their incompetency in AC:U, COD campaign, Evolve and most likely TW3 as well.

Send that memo to Sony next time :/

My frustration regarding Sony these days is pretty real.

Someone confirm this is a joke post, along with his previous one.


XB1 version looks better and runs better.

Why didn't Sony bother upclocking the CPU for the PS4?

Or at least send some people over to help get shit done?

Already seeing the result of their incompetency in AC:U, COD campaign, Evolve and most likely TW3 as well.

Send that memo to Sony next time :/

My frustration regarding Sony these days is pretty real.

So why don't you sell your PS4 since you are so frustrated. You have a right to bitch or complain but if it is getting to you so bad and you are unhappy. Sell the thing and move. on.

Sell IT!


XB1 being a lead platform won't be a thing as the gen goes on.

The install base gap is ballooning.

XB1 being lead will stick I think. It's clear some devs are content to spruce up last gen engines, bang out the lowest common denominator and call it a day. Slap on Nvidia optimizations for PC and boom, go gold and ship that beeyatch.


That's basically where I'm at with Ubisoft right now. They have been so disgusting for so long now that I don't even want anything to do with them. I've purchased every AC game from them in the past, so I was part of the problem leading to this shit. I encouraged them by accepting their past garbage and now I'm swallowing the crap that they think we're OK with.

No friggin' more. Yes, we're just talking about videogames and it's not like saving the environment, but I can save my money for more important things. Like videogames that aren't released in half finished states with microtransactions pouring out the ass and treasure chests that won't open unless you utilize the goddamn companion app.

Like companies that don't treat us like fucking morons pretending 30fps feels more cinematic. Like companies who don't insult entire fucking groups of gamers because of their pathetic laziness. Like companies which don't fucking spout PR vomit to appease their fucking marketing partners. Like companies which don't think gamers are so fucking pathetic that they'll believe any spewing ass diarrhea coming our way so we can play their shitty, buggy, barely functional repetitious grindwheel open world titles. Like companies that don't utilize grotesque DRM until the outcry forces them to change only to replace it with more DRM trash meant to squeeze more bucks out of consumers. Like companies who don't think they can fucking buy the media's silence with their threats or try to force unseemly day 1 embargoes so that consumers don't know what the hell they're getting. Where they now bathe in endless microtransaction nickle-and-diming in every fucking game they make.


No, enough is ENOUGH Ubisoft. You're a piece of shit publisher with no value in the community. You have taken advantage of consumers you know enjoy AAA values by misleading them, forcing them to not have complete pictures of products they buy, trying to buy off silence or threaten people into complacency. You fucks don't get another dime from me EVER AGAIN.

Best post I've ever seen regarding Ubisoft. If I ever meet you, I will buy you a beer for this post alone. To many other games to play to settle for Ubisoft garbage.


And your post is more ridiculous because you are making assumptions and jumping to conclusions.
Check my post history, prove i'm a Microsoft fanboy. Post history is your friend on this forum, i found that out long ago.

I say again, its just getting so tedious and tiresome at this point, thats all i meant.
Looks like you're the one jumping to conclusions, did I call you a Microsoft fanboy? I try to CTRL + F those two words together but I can't seem to find them. I'm not the type of person that skims someone's post history just to win an internet discussion but also, I don't have anything to prove.
I can understand your frustration but I'll say it again, just ignore those posts and move on you can't and won't change the behaviour of certain members just by posting an angry message.
That's basically where I'm at with Ubisoft right now. They have been so disgusting for so long now that I don't even want anything to do with them. I've purchased every AC game from them in the past, so I was part of the problem leading to this shit. I encouraged them by accepting their past garbage and now I'm swallowing the crap that they think we're OK with.

No friggin' more. Yes, we're just talking about videogames and it's not like saving the environment, but I can save my money for more important things. Like videogames that aren't released in half finished states with microtransactions pouring out the ass and treasure chests that won't open unless you utilize the goddamn companion app.

Like companies that don't treat us like fucking morons pretending 30fps feels more cinematic. Like companies who don't insult entire fucking groups of gamers because of their pathetic laziness. Like companies which don't fucking spout PR vomit to appease their fucking marketing partners. Like companies which don't think gamers are so fucking pathetic that they'll believe any spewing ass diarrhea coming our way so we can play their shitty, buggy, barely functional repetitious grindwheel open world titles. Like companies that don't utilize grotesque DRM until the outcry forces them to change only to replace it with more DRM trash meant to squeeze more bucks out of consumers. Like companies who don't think they can fucking buy the media's silence with their threats or try to force unseemly day 1 embargoes so that consumers don't know what the hell they're getting. Where they now bathe in endless microtransaction nickle-and-diming in every fucking game they make.


No, enough is ENOUGH Ubisoft. You're a piece of shit publisher with no value in the community. You have taken advantage of consumers you know enjoy AAA values by misleading them, forcing them to not have complete pictures of products they buy, trying to buy off silence or threaten people into complacency. You fucks don't get another dime from me EVER AGAIN.

Well said :D


Rockefellers. Skull and Bones. Microsoft. Al Qaeda. A Cabal of Bankers. The melting point of steel. What do these things have in common? Wake up sheeple, the landfill wasn't even REAL!
A pity Sony can't be bothered to send a few engineers to help out like MS does.

The results are clearly on display here.

Incompetence falls on both Ubisoft and Sony here for fucking up the PS4 version.

MS getting shit done.

Why didn't Microsoft send their engineers to help out in most of the multi that are worst on xbone? uh?


My point exactly; I just don't agree with the guilt by association. Many companies go through poor management and nothing would get done if people kept cycling through various companies every time that ONE person shits the bed for the rest of them to smell.

It's a company. They are responsible for their actions and behavior. To use an extreme example, just because every employee of Enron wasn't a shady fuck doesn't mean the company wasn't garbage deserving of every consumer avoiding it.

It's unfortunate that there are good people tie to the engine that is shitting the bed, but the only way to stop it is to vote with our wallets.

That's -exactly- the right behavior from a consumer.


I think for me this proves the parity remarks was more of smoke screen because the deadline was approaching and ubi saw they had a technical mess on their hands and could not deliver on either platform. They were not going to delay an mess up their holiday gravy and piss off the investors so they took a note from activision and pushed out a technical turd.

Parity was just a red hearing for a mess of a game.


XB1 being lead will stick I think. It's clear some devs are content to spruce up last gen engines, bang out the lowest common denominator and call it a day. Slap on Nvidia optimizations for PC and boom, go gold and ship that beeyatch.

Can't see that happening if GPGPU compute becomes a thing.

PS4 will be the lead platform going forwards I believe.

So who's saltier? Nvidia or Sony fans?

Is this supposed to be some Pyrrhic victory for XB1 fans?


I like some of those UbiArt games too, but it's not worth supporting these corrupt company. They need to come forward, issue a PR apology for their nonsense and commit to a complete change of their behavior going forward.

Except it doesn't, because there are lots of things that go into how a game looks, including framerate, resolution, pop-in, etc. In all these ways, Black Flag demolishes Unity. What's more, these aspects impact gameplay as well.

There's NO VALUE to me to have a billion people crowd and lots of geometry with relatively detailed texture work if i'm swimming through it at 20fps and half the people in town pop in front of me two feet in.

& they really need to build in contingencies so they can take a six month delay on an asscreed game like rockstar and the gta delay. This game reeks of crunch and a hard and fast release date, two weeks is a joke.
A pity Sony can't be bothered to send a few engineers to help out like MS does.

The results are clearly on display here.

Incompetence falls on both Ubisoft and Sony here for fucking up the PS4 version.

MS getting shit done.

Why the fuck should Sony send engineers to help one of the biggest publishers in the industry work on the more powerful and easier to develop for system? This has to be a joke post.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
That's basically where I'm at with Ubisoft right now. They have been so disgusting for so long now that I don't even want anything to do with them. I've purchased every AC game from them in the past, so I was part of the problem leading to this shit. I encouraged them by accepting their past garbage and now I'm swallowing the crap that they think we're OK with.

No friggin' more. Yes, we're just talking about videogames and it's not like saving the environment, but I can save my money for more important things. Like videogames that aren't released in half finished states with microtransactions pouring out the ass and treasure chests that won't open unless you utilize the goddamn companion app.

Like companies that don't treat us like fucking morons pretending 30fps feels more cinematic. Like companies who don't insult entire fucking groups of gamers because of their pathetic laziness. Like companies which don't fucking spout PR vomit to appease their fucking marketing partners. Like companies which don't think gamers are so fucking pathetic that they'll believe any spewing ass diarrhea coming our way so we can play their shitty, buggy, barely functional repetitious grindwheel open world titles. Like companies that don't utilize grotesque DRM until the outcry forces them to change only to replace it with more DRM trash meant to squeeze more bucks out of consumers. Like companies who don't think they can fucking buy the media's silence with their threats or try to force unseemly day 1 embargoes so that consumers don't know what the hell they're getting. Where they now bathe in endless microtransaction nickle-and-diming in every fucking game they make.


No, enough is ENOUGH Ubisoft. You're a piece of shit publisher with no value in the community. You have taken advantage of consumers you know enjoy AAA values by misleading them, forcing them to not have complete pictures of products they buy, trying to buy off silence or threaten people into complacency. You fucks don't get another dime from me EVER AGAIN.



I'd be in the dick
Already seeing the result of their incompetency in AC:U, COD campaign, Evolve and most likely TW3 as well.
CoD runs at a higher res on PS4 and the few framedrops I noticed were rare and mostly in a single mission. Evolve was an alpha build that runs on an engine that hasn't shipped a game on PS4 before but has had an exclusive built for XBO and even that still had a resolution advantage. TW3 had a resolution advantage on PS4 confirmed back at E3.


That's basically where I'm at with Ubisoft right now. They have been so disgusting for so long now that I don't even want anything to do with them. I've purchased every AC game from them in the past, so I was part of the problem leading to this shit. I encouraged them by accepting their past garbage and now I'm swallowing the crap that they think we're OK with.

No friggin' more. Yes, we're just talking about videogames and it's not like saving the environment, but I can save my money for more important things. Like videogames that aren't released in half finished states with microtransactions pouring out the ass and treasure chests that won't open unless you utilize the goddamn companion app.

Like companies that don't treat us like fucking morons pretending 30fps feels more cinematic. Like companies who don't insult entire fucking groups of gamers because of their pathetic laziness. Like companies which don't fucking spout PR vomit to appease their fucking marketing partners. Like companies which don't think gamers are so fucking pathetic that they'll believe any spewing ass diarrhea coming our way so we can play their shitty, buggy, barely functional repetitious grindwheel open world titles. Like companies that don't utilize grotesque DRM until the outcry forces them to change only to replace it with more DRM trash meant to squeeze more bucks out of consumers. Like companies who don't think they can fucking buy the media's silence with their threats or try to force unseemly day 1 embargoes so that consumers don't know what the hell they're getting. Where they now bathe in endless microtransaction nickle-and-diming in every fucking game they make.


No, enough is ENOUGH Ubisoft. You're a piece of shit publisher with no value in the community. You have taken advantage of consumers you know enjoy AAA values by misleading them, forcing them to not have complete pictures of products they buy, trying to buy off silence or threaten people into complacency. You fucks don't get another dime from me EVER AGAIN.

Well said.

Ubi and EA haven't seen a dollar from me in years.

I plan on sticking to that resolve.


There really is no excuse for this game to run that badly on either console. ACU isn't Ubi's first game on current consoles. This is the type of performance I would expect for launch games.

Maybe Ubi's engine is too hardware intensive for Ps4/X1? I don't know. Sub 30fps simply isn't acceptable for either console.

Oh well. I'll probably still buy the game on PS4 next year when I can get it for $30 (or less). I'm still interested in the game, just no longer a must-play for this year.

Why do people always blame Microsoft for EVERYTHING on this forum?.

I'm sick of seeing constant "Microsoft money hatting" this and "developers don't want to upset Microsoft" that. Its like is Sony some tiny penniless company that developers don't care about or something?, or a company that wouldn't do something about this themselves if there were any truth to this?.

Jesus some of you never give up.

Are you new to GAF?
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